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Catalogues T-Z

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T.D.A. AG, Oberhasli, Switzerland

Auction: {Large general} 1989: no 1, 22 Apr – continued as DIETRICH ?


TA HAN COINS AND BANK NOTES (Chang Ming Chuen), Taipei

Auction: {Small general} 1988: no 4, 31 Jan

TAISEI, Singapore and Hong Kong

List: {Large} 2005: Nov

Auctions: {Large} 1977: 19 Nov; 1987: 16 Aug (with SINGAPORE NUMISMATIC ASSOCIATION)

-- series continued from SPINK and TAISEI Singapore no 15:
with BALDWIN�S and GILLIO                       complete 16-29  1994:  no 16, 24 Feb;   no 17, 11 Jun;   no 18,   8 Sep;  1995:  no 19, 23 Feb;   no 20, 23 Feb;   no 21, 31 Aug;  1996:  no 22,   7 Mar;   no 23,   5 Sep;  1997:  no 24, 27 Feb;   no 25,   4 Sep;  1998:  no 26, 12 Feb;   no 27,   3 Sep;  1999:  no 28,   4 Mar;   no 29,   2 Sep
-- series continued with BALDWIN�S et al. no 30

Auctions “Coin Challenger”: {Large} 2003: no 452, 24 Dec; 2004: no 457, 30 Apr; no 462, 30 Sep; no 464, 24 Dec; 2005: no 468, 3 Jun; no 473, 27 Oct

TAISEI-SPINK, Tokyo International Numismatics Auction, Tokyo � see SPINK-TAISEI, Tokyo International Numismatics Auction, Tokyo


Auctions: {Small general} have 9-12, 14-16 as AUCTION COMPANY, Ramat Gan, Israel 1975: no 9, 23 Mar

as TAMAR AUCTION COMPANY, Ramat Gan, Israel 1975: no 10, 14 Jul; 1976: no 11, 28 Jan; no 12, 22 Mar (Israel); no 12, 22 Mar (Judaica); no 14, 31 May; no 15, 2 Dec; 1978: no 16, 19 Mar


        Summer  kes�              Winter  talvi
        Autumn  syksy             Spring  kev�t

Jan tammikuu May toukokuu Sep syyskuu Feb helmikuu Jun kes�kuu Oct locakuu Mar maaliskuu Jul hein�kuu Nov marraskuu Apr huhtikuu Aug elokuu Dec joulukuu

Lists: {Small}

1999: no 2, Autumn 2000: no 5, Autumn; no 6, Dec; 2001: no 8, Summer; no 9, Autumn; 2002: no 10, Winter; no 11, Spring; no 13, Autumn; 2002/3: no 14, Winter; 2003: no 15, Spring; no 16, Summer; no 17, Autumn; 2003/4: no 18, Winter; 2005: no 25, Autumn; 2006: no 27, Spring; no 28, Summer; no 29, Autumn; 2006/7: no 30, Winter; 2007: no 31, Spring; no 32, Summer; 2008: no 35, Spring; no 36, Summer; no 37, Autumn; 2008/9: no 38, Winter; 2009: no 40, Summer; no 41, Autumn; 2010: no 43, Spring; no 44, Summer; no 45, Autumn; 2011: no 47, Spring-Summer; 2012: no 50, Spring-Summer

TANO, Ph, expert, for the Benzion estate auction, Cairo

Auction {Antiquities Dept.) 1947: 12 Mar * A catalogue largely of fine arts, but including 75 lots (438-513) of Ptolemaic and Roman Imperial gold coins. None is illustrated. The descriptions are stark: �Monnaie en or de l�Empereur Antonin�. Lot 490, the Egyptian hieroglyphic gold coin.
The catalogue itself is said to be exceedingly rare, three copies known: in Cairo, at the Brooklyn Museum, and this one, sent to the Museum directly from Cairo at the time.

TARKIS, Madrid

Lists: {Small} have lists/auctions 1-151, 153-160, 162-166, 195-196, 198

1979: no [1], Apr; 1980: no [2], Jun

Auctions: {Small} 1980: no 3, 3 Dec; 1981: no 4, 15 Oct; 1982: no 5, 11 Feb; no 6, 27 May; no 7, 21 Oct; 1983: no 8, 20 Jan; no 9, 7 Apr; no 10, 16 Jun; no 11, 27 Oct; no 12, 20 Dec; 1984: no 13, 16 Feb; no 14, 10 May; no 15, 19 Jun; no 16, 25 Oct; no 17, 6 Dec; 1985: no 18, 14 Feb; no 19, 28 Mar; no 20, 22 May; no 21, 9 Oct; no 22, 12 Dec; 1986: no 23, 13 Feb; no 24, 8 Apr; no 25, 6 May; no 26, 12 Jun (imperfect); no 27, 8 Oct; no 28, 25 Nov; no 29, 18 Dec; 1987: no 30, 26 Feb; no 31, 23 Apr; no 32, 11 Jun; no 33, 8 Oct; no 34, 3 Dec; 1988: no 35, 21 Jan; no 36, 10 Mar; no 37, 28 Apr; no 38, 31 May; no 39, 21 Jun; no 40, 13 Oct; no 41, 17 Nov; 1989: no 42, 26 Jan; no 43, 16 Mar; no 44, 27 Apr; no 45, 8 Jun; no 46, 29 Jun; no 47, 5 Oct; no 48, 23 Nov; 1990: no 49, 30 Jan; no 50, 27 Mar; no 51, 26 Apr; no 52, 12 Jun; no 53, 5 Jul; no 54, 9 Oct; no 55, 22 Nov; 1991: no 56, 24 Jan; no 57, 7 Mar; no 58, 11 Apr; no 59, 16 May; no 60, 4 Jul; no 61, 10 Oct; no 62, 21 Nov; 1992: no 63, 23 Jan; no 64, 27 Feb; no 65, 26 Mar; no 66, 7 May; no 67, 4 Jun; no 68, 9 Jul; no 69, 1 Oct; no 70, 26 Nov; 1993: no 71, 4 Feb; no 72, 4 Mar; no 73, 29 Apr; no 74, 27 May; no 75, 8 Jul; no 76, 7 Oct; no 77, 11 Nov; no 78, 16 Dec; 1994: no 79, 17 Feb; no 80, 24 Mar; no 81, 12 May; no 82, 9 Jun; no 83, 7 Jul; no 84, 6 Oct; no 85, 1 Dec; 1995: no 86, 26 Jan; no 87, 8 Mar; no 88, 4 May; no 89, 15 Jun; no 90, 13 Jul; no 91, 5 [“15”] Oct; no 92, 30 Nov; 1996: no 93, 8 Feb; no 94, 21 Mar; no 95, 23 May; no 96, 20 Jun; no 97, 18 Jul; no 98, 10 Oct; no 99, 5 Dec; 1997: no 100, 13 Feb; no 101, 20 Mar; no 102, 22 May; no 103, 19 Jun; no 104, 10 Jul; no 105, 9 Oct; no 106, 27 Nov; 1998: no 107, 15 Jan; no 108, 12 Mar; no 109, 23 Apr; no 110, 28 May; no 111, 9 Jul; no 112, 8 Oct; no 113, 19 Nov; no 114, 17 Dec; 1999: no 115, 28 Jan; no 116, 11 Mar; no 117, 22 Apr; no 118, 27 May; no 119, 8 Jul; no 120, 7 Oct; no 121, 8 Oct; no 122, 18 Nov; 2000: no 123, 13 Jan; no 124, 17 Feb; no 125, 27 Apr; no 126, 25 May; no 127, 6 Jul; no 128, 5 Oct; no 129, 16 Nov; no 130, 19 Dec; 2001: no 131, 8 Feb; no 132, 13 Mar; no 133, 26 Apr; no 134, 31 May; no 135, 12 Jul; no 136, 4 Oct; no 137, 15 Nov; no 138, 18 Dec; 2002: no 139, 14 Feb; no 140, 11 Apr; no 141, 30 May; no 142, 4 Jul; no 143, 17 Oct; no 144, 14 Nov; no 145, 19 Dec; 2003: no 146, 13 Feb; no 147, 20 Mar; no 148, 8 May; no 149, 26 Jun; no 150, 17 Jul; no 151, 2 Oct; no 153, 18 Dec; 2004: no 154, 26 Feb; no 155, 1 Apr; no 156, 29 Apr; no 157, 23 Jun; no 158, 15 Jul; no 159, 7 Oct; no 160, 18 Nov; 2005: no 162, 24 Feb; no 163, 14 Apr; no 164, 26 May; no 165, 7 Jul; no 166, 21 Jul; 2008: no 195, 18 Dec; 2009: no 196, 22 Jan; no 198, 16 Apr

TASKER, Kenaz, Prestwich, Scotland

List: {Small general} n.d.: Prestwich hoard of silver pennies

TATHAM STAMP & COIN, Springfield, MA

List: {Small general} 1968: no 33

Auction: {Small general} 1946: 15 Jan


Auctions: {Large general} 2001: no 2, 20 Nov; 2002: no 3, 14 May; 2003: no 5, 20 May; 2004: no 8, 23 Nov; 2005: no 10, 22 Nov; 2007: no 13, 22 May; 2008: no 15, 27 May; no 16, 10 Nov (photocopy); 2009: no 17, 18 May (photocopy); no 18, 23 Nov (photocopy); 2010: no 19, 17 May (photocopy); no 20, 22 Nov (photocopy); 2011: no 21, 23 May (photocopy);

TAYLOR, Louis & SONS, Hanley

Auction: {Large general} 1974: 25 Apr

TEAPARTY, J.J., Boston, MA

Lists: {Small general} 1966: adv. in Coin World, 23 Mar (with LOBEL, where boxed {Folio}); 1982: no 1, Winter

TELLMANN, Vienna; Vaduz; Vienna – continued from JANY no 16

Lists: {Small} 1954: no 13, Dec; 1955: no 15, Sep; no 16, 15 Dec; 1957: no 17, 1 Feb; no 18, 15 Dec; 1958: no 20, 15 May; no 21, 1 Nov; 1959: no 22, 1 Apr; no 23, 1 Jun; no 24, 1 Jul; no 25, 1 Aug; no 26, 1 Oct; no 27, 1 Dec; 1960: no 28, 1 Jan; no 29, 1 Feb; no 30, 1 Apr; no 31, 1 May; no 32, 1 Jun; no 33, 1 Jul; no 34, 1 Aug; no 35, 1 Sep; no 36, 1 Oct; no 37, 1 Nov; no 38, 1 Dec; 1961: no 39, 1 Jan; no 40, 1 Feb; no 41, 1 Mar; no 42, 1 Apr; no 43, 1 May; no 44, 1 Jun; no 45, 1 Jul; no 46, 1 Aug; no 47, 1 Sep; no 48, 1 Oct; no 49, 1 Nov; no 50, 1 Dec; 1962: no 51, 1 Jan; no 52, 1 Feb; no 53, 1 Mar; no 54, 1 Apr; no 55, 1 May; no 56, 1 Jun; no 57, 1 Jul; no 58, 1 Aug; no 59, 1 Sep; no 60, 1 Oct; no 61, 1 Nov; no 62, 1 Dec; 1963: no 63, 1 Jan; no 64, 1 Feb; no 65, 1 Mar; no 66, 1 Apr; no 67, 1 May; no 68, 1 Jun; no 69, 1 Jul; no 70, 1 Aug; no 71, 1 Sep; no 72, 1 Oct; no 73, 1 Nov; no 74, 1 Dec; 1964: no 75, 1 Jan; no 76, 1 Feb; no 77, 1 Mar; no 78, 1 Apr; no 79, 1 May; no 80, 1 Jun; no 81, 1 Jul; no 82, 1 Aug; no 83, 1 Sep; no 84, 1 Oct; no 85, 1 Nov; no 86, 1 Dec; 1965: no 87, 1 Jan; no 88, 1 Feb; no 89, 1 Mar; no 90, 1 Apr; no 91, 1 May; no 93 (wanting pl.9), 1 Jul; no 94, 1 Aug; no 95, 1 Sep; no 96, 1 Oct; no 97, 1 Nov; 1966: no 100, 1 Feb; no 101, 1 Mar; no 103, 2 May; no 104, 1 Jun; no 105, 1 Jul; no 106, 1 Aug; no 107, 1 Sep; no 108, 1 Oct; no 109, 1 Nov; no 110, 1 Dec; 1967: no 111, 1 Jan; no 112, 1 Feb; no 113, 1 Mar; no 114, 1 Apr; no 115, 1 Jun; no 116, 1 Jul; no 117, 1 Aug; no 118, 1 Sep; no 119, 1 Oct; no 120, 1 Nov; 1968: no 122, 1 Jan; no 123, 1 Feb; no 124, 1 Mar; no 125, 1 Apr; no 126, 2 May; no 127, 1 Jun; no 129, 1 Aug; no 130, 1 Sep; no 131, 1 Oct; no 132, 1 Nov; no 133, 1 Dec; 1969: no 134, 1 Jan; no 135, 1 Feb; no 136, 1 Mar; no 137, 1 Apr; no 138, 1 May; no 139, 1 Jun; no 140, 1 Jul; no 141, 1 Aug; no 142, 1 Sep; no 144, 1 Nov; no 145, 1 Dec; 1970: no 146, 1 Jan; no 147, 1 Feb; no 148, 1 Mar; no 149, 1 Apr; no 150, 1 May; no 151, 1 Jun; no 152, 1 Jul; no 153, 1 Aug; no 154, 1 Sep; no 155, 1 Oct; no 156, 1 Nov; no 157, 1 Dec; 1971: no 158, 1 Jan; no 159, 1 Feb; no 160, 1 Mar; no 161, 1 Apr; no 162, 1 May; no 163, 1 Jun; no 164, 1 Jul; no 165, 1 Aug; no 166, 1 Sep; no 167, 1 Oct; no 168, 1 Nov; no 169, 1 Dec; 1972: no 170, 1 Jan; no 171, 1 Feb; no 172, 1 Mar; no 173, 1 Apr; no 174, 1 May; no 175, 1 Jun; no 176, 1 Jul; no 177, 1 Aug; no 178, 1 Sep; no 179, 1 Oct; no 180, 1 Nov; no 181, 1 Dec

Auctions: {Large} 1973: no 182, 2 Jan; no 183, 2 Feb; no 184, 2 Mar; no 185, 2 Apr; no 186, 2 May; no 187, 2 Jun; no 189, 2 Aug; no 190, 3 Sep; no 191, 2 Oct; no 193, 3 Dec; 1974: no 194, 4 Jan; no 195, 4 Feb; no 196, 4 Mar; no 200, 4 Jul; no 201, 5 Aug; no 202, 4 Sep; no 203, 4 Oct; no 204, 4 Nov; no 205, 4 Dec; 1975: no 206, 3 Jan; no 207, 3 Feb; no 208, 3 Mar; no 209, 3 Apr; no 210, 3 May; no 211, 3 Jun; no 212, 3 Jul; no 213, 4 Aug; no 214, 3 Sep; no 215, 3 Oct; no 216, 3 Nov; no 217, 3 Dec; 1976: no 218, 3 Feb; no 219, 3 Mar; no 220, 2 Apr; no 221, 3 Jun; no 222, 2 Jul; no 223, 4 Aug; no 224, 3 Sep; no 225, 4 Oct (clipped)* ; no 226, 3 Dec; * a pencilled hand has altered to “16 Oct 1978”; 1977: no 227, 14 Mar; no 228; 3 Jun; no 229, 4 Aug; no 230, 15 Sep; no 231, 6 Dec; 1978: no 232, 14 Apr; no 233, 15 Jun; no 234, 14 Jul; n.d.: no 235; 1979: no 236, 10 Apr; no 237, 15 Jun; 1980: no 238, 5 May; 1981: no 239, 23 Nov – series ends with no 239

TEMPELHOFER M�NZENHAUS (Senger), Berlin have 1-88, 91-93, 100, 109-110, 117-118, 122-128, 132-134

Auctions 1-88 shelved at 20 Trumpington Street

Auctions: {Large general} 1978: no [1], 3 Feb; no 2, 9 Jun; no 3, 5 Oct; no 4, 29 Dec; 1979: no 5, 22 Mar; no 6, 29 Jun; no 7, 26 Oct; 1980: no 8, 31 Jan; no 9, 14 May; no 10, 15 Oct; no 10 Spezial, 17 Oct; 1981: no 11, 4 Feb; no 12, 14 May; no 13, 24 Sep; no 14, 22 Oct; 1982: no 15, 13 Jan; no 16, 18 Mar; no 17, 12 May; no 18, 3 Sep; no 19, 30 Sep; no 20, 3 Dec; 1983: no 21, 18 Feb; no 22, 15 Apr; no 23, 10 Jun; no 24, 29 Sep; no 25, 8 Dec; 1984: no 26, 9 Mar; no 27, 16 Mar; no 28, 21 Jun; no 29, 28 Sep; no 30, 7 Dec; no 31, 6 Dec [sic]; 1985: no 32, 22 Mar; no 33, 12 Sep; no 34, 2 Dec; 1986: no 35, 27 Feb; no 36, 5 Jun; no 37, 18 Sep; no 38, 11 Dec; 1987: no 39, 2 Apr; no 40 & no 41, 2 Jul & 3 Jul; no 42, 5 Nov; 1988: no 43, 3 Mar; no 44, 29 Jun; no 45, 2 Nov; 1989: no 46, 1 Mar; no 47, 3 Jul; no 48, 6 Nov; 1990: no 49, 13 Mar; no 50, 16 Mar; no 51, 14 Jun; no 52, 28 Sep; no 53, 22 Nov; 1991: no 54, 8 Feb; no 55, 6 Jun; no 56, 4 Oct; no 57, 5 Dec; 1992: no 58, 19 Mar; no 59, 9 May; no 60, 8 Jul; no 61, 11 Nov; 1993: no 62, 13 Mar; no 63, 10 Jun; no 64, 10 Nov; no 65, 13 Nov; 1994: no 66, 1 Mar; no 67, 10 Jun; no 68, 17 Nov; no 69, 19 Nov; 1995: no 70, 9 Mar; no 71, 16 Jun; no 72, 9 Nov; 1996: no 73, 22 Feb; no 74, 7 Jun; no 75, 24 Oct; no 76, 24 Oct; 1997: no 77, 6 Feb; no 78, 29 May; no 79, 23 Oct; 1998: no 80, 5 Feb; no 81, 6 Feb; no 82, 4 Jun; no 83, 9 Oct; no 84, 16 Dec; 1999: no 85, 8 Apr; no 86, 9 Apr; no 87, 1 Jul; no 88, 11 Nov;
2000: no 91, 1 Jul; no 92, 30 Nov; no 93, 30 Nov; 2003: no 100, 15 Mar; 2005: no 109, 18 Nov; no 110, 24 Nov; 2007: [no 117, philatelic, 11 Oct]; no 118, 12 Oct 2008: no 122, 13 Nov; no 123, 5 Mar; 2009: no 124, 17 Apr; no 125, 29 May; no 126, 12 Nov; 2010: [no 127, philatelic, 9 Jan]; no 128, 27 May 2011: no 132, 12 May; [no 133, philatelic, 10 Jun]; no 134, 10 Nov; 2012: no 135, 10 May

TENNANTS, Leyburn, North Yorkshire

Auctions: {Small general} 2008: 21 May; 2009: 14 Jan; 29 Apr; 5 Aug; 28 Oct; 2010: 15 Sep; 2011: 14 Sep; 2012: 18 Jan; 5 Dec; 2013: 20 Feb; 17 Apr; 31 Jul; 16 Oct; 2014: 15 Jan; 16 Apr; 6 Aug; 10 Dec 2015: 11 Feb; 29 Apr; 25 Aug; 8 Oct; 2016: 27 Jan; 13 Apr; 27 Jul; 9 Nov; 2017: 25 Jan; 12 Apr; 26 Jul; 1 Nov; 2018: 7 Feb; 9 May;


TEUTOBURGER M�NZAUKTION (V. Wolframm), Borgholzhausen, Germany

Auctions 1-72 shelved at 20 Trumpington Street

Auctions: {Large general} have 1-93, 104-107 1999: no 1, 27 Jan; no 2, 13 Sep; 2000: no 3, 15 Mar; no 4, 19 Oct; 2001: no 5, 26 Mar; no 6, 24 Oct; no 7, 26 Oct; 2002: no[ 8], 27 Feb; no 9, 23 May; no 10, 25 May; no 11, 14 Nov; 2003: no 12, 28 Feb; no 13, 23 May; no 14, 28 Jun; no 15, 12 Sep; [no 16, 25 Oct, posters]; no 17, 12 Dec; 2004: no 18, 19 Mar; no 19, 21 May; no 20, 22 May; no 21, 17 Sep; no 22, 10 Dec; 2005: no 23, 25 Feb; no 24, 27 May; no 25, 23 Sep; no 26, 9 Dec; no 27, 10 Dec Pt.1; 2006: no 28, 10 Mar; no 29/30, 7 Jun; no 31, 22 Sep; no 32, 8 Dec; 2007: no 33, 9 Mar; no 34, 9 Mar; no 35, 1 Jun; no 36, 27 Sep; no 37, 14 Dec; no 38, 14 Dec 2008: no 39, 29 Feb; no 40, 23 May; no 41, 12 Sep; no 42, 5 Dec; 2009: no 43, 27 Feb; no 44, 28 Feb; no 45, 5 Jun; no 46, 18 Sep; no 47, 11 Dec; 2010: no 48, 26 Feb; no 49, 28 May; no 50, 29 May; no 51, 10 Set; no 52, 10 Dec; 2011: no 53, 25 Feb; no 54, 26 Feb; [no 55, 14 May, philatelic];
no 56, 27 May; no 57, 8 Sep; no 58, 9 Sep; no 59, 28 Oct;
no 60, 8 Dec; no 61, 9 Dec; no 62, 9 Dec; 2012: no 63, 23 Feb; no 64, 25 Feb; no 65, 31 May; no 66, 1 Jun; no 67 5 Sep; no 68, 6 Sep; no 69, 7 Sep; no 70, 8 Sep; no 71, 7 Dec; 2013: no 72, 21 Feb;
no 73, 23 Feb; no 74, 23 May; no 75, 23 May; no 76, 5 Sep;
no 77, 6 Sep; no 78, 6 Sep; no 79, 29 Nov; 2014: no 80, 20 Feb; no 81, 21 Feb; no 82, 22 May; no 83, 23 May;
no 84, 24 May; no 85, 4 Sep; no 86, 5 Sep; no 87, 5 Dec;
no 88, 5 Dec; 2015: no 89, 26 Feb; no 90, 27 Feb; no 91, 28 May; no 92, 29 May;
no 93, 29 May; 2016: no 104, 8 Sep; no 105, 9 Sep; no 106, 2 Dec;
2017: no 107, 24 Feb

TEVERE, E., Erba, Italy

Lists: {Small} {* Large general} n.d.: no 1; 1977: Nov; 1984: no 184, [Jan]{*}; 1985: no 285, [Feb]; n.d.: Monete di Napoli e Sicilia; no 989; no 991; no 992; no 995; no 996; 1997: Sep; 1998: Mar; Sep (ancient, medieval, early modern); Sep (modern); 1999: Sep; n.d.: no S1088, Prezzi Informativi (modern gold); 2000: Mar; Apr; Sep (gold); Sep (Italian mints); Sep (banknotes); 2001: Sep (monete antiche); Sep (monete d’oro); 2002: Sep; 2003: Sep; Dec; 2004: Mar

THESAURUS, Domagnano, San Marino

Auctions: {Large} have 1-8, 10-12 2006: no 1, 9 Dec; 2007: no 2, 15 Dec; 2008: no 3, 6 Dec; 2009: no 4, 5 Dec; 2010: no 5, 6 Nov; 2011: no 6, 8 Oct; 2012: no 7, 10 Nov; no 8, 11 Nov; 2014: no 10, 8 Nov; 2015: no 11, 7 Nov; 2016: no 12, 5 Nov; 2017: no 13, 4 Nov; 2018: no 14, 9 Nov;

THIEME, C.G., Leipzig; Dresden, Germany – for Thieme as expert for others� auctions, see NUMISMATISCHE VEREIN ZU DRESDEN

Lists: {Small} {Large} 1872: no 7/8, Oct; 1883: no 1/2, Jan; no 7/8, Oct; 1884: no 1/2, Jan; no 3/4, Apr; no 5/6, Jul; no 7/8, Oct; 1885: no 1/2, Jan; no 3/4, Apr; no 5/6, Jul; no 7/8, Oct; 1886: no 1/2, Jan; no 3/4, Apr; no 5/6, Jul; no 7/8, Oct; 1887: no 1/2, Jan; no 3/4, Apr; no 5/6, Jul; no 7/8, Oct; 1888: no 1/2, Jan; no 3/4, Apr; no 5/6, Jul; no 7/8, Oct; 1889: no 1/2, Jan; no 3/4, Apr; no 5/6, Jul; no 7/8, Oct; 1890: no 1/2, Jan; no 3/4, Apr; no 7/8, Oct; 1891: no 3/4, Apr; no 5/6, Jul; no 7/8, Oct;

� 1899: no 3/4, Apr; no 5/6, Jul; no 7/8, Oct; � 1900: no 1/2, Jan; no 3/4, Apr; no 5/6, Jul; no 7/8, Oct; � 1901: no 1/2, Jan; no 3/4, Apr; no 7/8, Oct – these numbers bound into the volume of Bl�tter f�r M�nzfreunde for 1899-1901, �1901� on spine.

1901: no 3/4, Apr; 1908: no 3/183, Jul; no 4/184, Oct; 1909: no 1/185, Jan; no 2/186, Apr; no 3/187, Jul; no 4/188, Oct; 1910: no 1/189, Jan; no 2/190, Apr; no 3/191, Jul; no 4/192, Oct; 1911: no 1/193, Jan; no 2/194, Apr; no 3/195, Jul; no 4/196, Oct; 1912: no 1/197, Jan; no 2/198, Apr; no 3/199, Jul; no 200, Oct; 1913: no 1/201, Jan; no 2/202, Apr; no 3/203, Jul; no 4/204, Oct; 1914: no 1/205, Jan; no 2/206, Apr; no 3/207, Jul Undated: no 210

Auction: {Small} 1933: 26 Jan

THIES, Andreas, N�rtingen, Germany

Lists: {Small general} 1988: Spring; Summer; 1988/89: Winter; 1991: Spring; 1994: Winter

Auctions: {Small general} 1987: 4 Apr; 4 Apr (Russian); 4 Jul; 5 Dec; 1988: 16 Apr; 13 May 1989: 29 Apr; 1 Jul; 1991: 6 Jul;

THIMBLEBY�S, Pangbourne, Barks.

Auction: {Small general} 1970: 29 Jan

THIRION, D., Brussels

Lists: {Small} have numbered 1-43 1982: no [ 1], Autumn; 1982/83: no [ 2], Winter; 1983: no [ 3], Spring/Summer; no [ 4], Autumn; 1984: no [ 5], 1er trimestre; no [ 6], 2e trimestre; no [ 7], 3e trimestre; no [ 8], 4e trimestre; 1985: no [ 9], 1er trimestre; no [10], 2e trimestre; no [11], 3e trimestre; no [12], 4e trimestre; 1986: no [13], 1er trimestre; no [14], 2e trimestre; no [15], 3e trimestre; no [16], 4e trimestre; 1987: no [17], 1er trimestre; no [18], 2e trimestre; no [19], 3e trimestre; no [20], 4e trimestre; 1988: no [21], Spring; no [22], Summer; no [23], Autumn; 1988/89: no [24], Winter; 1989: Jan; no [25], Spring/Summer; no [26], Autumn; 1990: no [27], Spring; no [28], Summer; no [29], Autumn; 1991: no [30], Carnaval; no [31], Spring; no [32], Summer; no [33], Autumn; 1992: no [34], Carnaval; no [35], Summer; no [36], Autumn; 1992/93: no [37], Winter; 1993: no [38], Spring; no [39], Autumn; 1993/94: no [40], Winter; 1994: no [41], Autumn; 1995: no 42, Kalliop�'; 1996: no 43, Eurantica’

THIJSSEN, Fr. H., Haarlem, Netherlands

Auction: {Large general} 1949: 11 Jan

THOMPSON, Donald B., Reno, NV

Auction: {Small general} 1961, 13 Apr

THOMPSON, Peter & Ann – see P & D MEDALLIONS

THOMSEN, C.J., collector, Copenhagen – see DELBANCO; ERSLEV

Auction: {Small general} 1876, 22 Sep: “The buyers at the auction of C.J.Thomsen’s medieval coins” by M. E. Mortensen

THOMSEN, Ludvig, collector, Copenhagen

Auction: {Small general} 1781: 15 Jan (reprint 1976)


Auctions: {Large general} 2003: 4 Jul; 2004: 7 May; 2005: 6 Oct; 2006: 16 Mar; 2007: 29 Nov; 2008: 26 Jun; 16 Oct; 2009: 26 Feb; 11 Aug; 22 Oct; 26 Nov; 2010: 25 Feb; 17 Jun; 30 Sep; 2011: 27 Jan; 28 Jul; 29 Sep; 2012: 27 Jan; 27 Apr; 12 Oct; 2013: 14 Feb; 15 Nov; 2014: 24 Jul; 13 Nov; 2016: 2 Jun

3 X 3 COIN CLUBS, New Castle, PA

Auction: 1959: 14 June [bound in FEDERAL COIN EXCHANGE 15 May 1959, where boxed]

THUN, N. (Frankfurter Numismatik), Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Lists: {Large general} 1985: Mar; [Oct] (dated on order slip); Dec; 1986: Sep ;

Auctions: {Large general} have 1-5 1986: no 1, 14 Nov; 1987: no 2, 26 Mar; no 3, 1 Oct; 1988: no 4, 25 Mar; no 5, 7 Oct

TIEFENBRUNNEN, Z�rich, Switzerland

Auctions: {Small general} have 1, 10, 14-22 1985: no 1, 22 Jun; 1986: no 10, 30 Jun; 1987: no 14, 31 Jan; no 15, 31 Mar; no 16, 31 May; no 17, 31 Jul; no 18, 30 Sep; no 19, 30 Nov; 1988: no 20, 31 Jan; no 21, 31 Mar; no 22, 31 May;

Fernauktion  1985:  no 5, 30 Nov

TIETJEN, M�nster; Hamburg, Germany

Lists: {Small} have numbered 1-28 1974: no [ 1], Spring/Summer; 1977: no [ 2], Spring/Summer; no 3, Autumn; 1978: no 4, Autumn; 1981: no 5, Summer; 1982: no 6, Feb; no 7, Summer; no 8, Autumn; 1983: no 9, Spring; 1989: no 10, Summer; 1990: no 11, Jan; no 12, Summer; 1991: no 13, Spring; no 14, Autumn; 1994: no 15, Autumn/Winter; 1996: no 16, Spring; no 17, Autumn/Winter; 1997: no 18, Autumn/Winter; 1998: no 19, Autumn; 1999: no 20, Autumn; Sonderliste, Autumn/Winter; 1999/2000: no 21, Winter; 2000: no 22, Spring; no 23, Spring; 2001: no 24, Spring; no 25, Autumn; no 26, Autumn; 2003: no 27, Summer; 2004: no 28, Summer

Auctions: {Large} have 1-121 – seriation taken from Tietjen 98, 26 Jan 2007

1969: no [ 1], 4 Jul; no [ 2],16 Dec; 1970: no [ 3], 29 May; no [ 4],12 Dec; 1971: no [ 5] = mail bid 1, 1 Apr; no [ 6] = mail bid 2, 7 Jun; no [ 7], 22 Oct; 1972: no [ 8] = mail bid 3, 4 Feb; no [ 9] = mail bid 4, 19 Jun; no [10], 11 Nov; no [11], 9 Dec; 1973: no [12], 27 Apr; no [13], 9 Nov; 1974: no [14], 5 Jun; no [15],15 Nov; 1975: no [16], 23 May; no [17], 3 Dec; 1976: no 18, 4 May; no 19, 9 Nov; no 20, 10 Nov*; * + a photocopy of this issue for replication if needed

1977: no 21, 23 Mar; no 22, 24 Mar; no 23, 14 Nov; no 24, 15 Nov; 1978: no 25, 1 Mar; no 26, 28 Jun; no 27, 15 Sep; 1979: no 28, 18 Jan; no 29, 16 May; no 30, 17 May; no 31, 19 Nov; 1980: no 32, 18 Feb; no 33, 19 Feb; no 34, 10 Jun; no 35, 6 Nov; no 36, 7 Nov; no 37, 8 Nov; 1981: no 38, 10 Mar; no 39 4 Nov; 1982: no 40, 30 Mar; no 41, 31 Mar; no 42, 29 Nov; 1983: no 43, 2 May; no 44, 21 Nov []; no 45, 22 Nov []; * bound in one, + Eingang, 50 Goldm�nzen; 1984: no 46, 12 Jun; no 47, 12 Jun; no 48, 29 Nov; 1985: no 49, 18 Jun; no 50, 13 Dec; 1986: no 51, 21 May; no 52, 17 Nov; 1987: no 53, 4 Jun; no 54, 30 Nov; 1988: no 55, 14 Jun; no 56, 12 Dec; 1989: no 57, 9 Mar; no 58, 13 Sep; no [59] paper 14 Sep (with ROSENBERG, H no [1]); 1990: no 60, 6 Apr; no 61, 29 Oct; 1991: no 62, 19 Apr; no 63, 19 Oct; no 64, 18 Oct; 1992: no 65, 11 May; no 66, 2 Dec; 1993: no 67, 3 May; no 68, 27 Sep; 1994: no 69, 15 Mar; no 70, 16 Mar; no 71, 28 Nov; 1995: no 72, 15 Mar; no 73, 16 Mar; no 74, 9 Oct; 1996: no 75, 25 Apr; no 76, 9 Dec; 1997: no 77, 5 Jun; no 78, 12 Dec; 1998: no 79, 27 May; no 80, 8 Dec; 1999: no 81, 7 May; no 82, 20 Dec; 2000: no 83/84, 28 Jun; no 85, 6 Dec; 2001: no 86, 15 Jun; 2002: no 87, 6 Mar; no 88, 20 Sep; no 89, 26 Oct; 2003: no 90, 22 Apr; no 91/92, 7 Oct; 2004: no 93, 30 Mar; no 94, 8 Oct; 2005: no 95, 5 Apr;
no 96, 13 Oct imperfect plates; no [96B], rectified plates; 2006: no 97, 2 May;
2007: no 98, 26 Jan; no 100, 4 Oct 2008: no 99 [sic], 21 Feb; no 101, 16 Jun; no 102, 1 Dec 2009: no 103, 25 May; no 104, 17 Dec; 2010: no 105, 7 Jun; no 106, 16 Dec; 2011: no 107, 30 Jun; no 108, 16 Dec; 2012: no 109, 29 Jun; no 110, 17 Dec; 2013, no 111, 10 Jun; no 112, 13 Dec; 2014: no 113, 30 Jun; no 114, 19 Dec; 2015: no 115, 29 Jun; no 116, 14 Dec; 2016: no 117, 15 Apr; no 118, 24 Jun; no 119, 19 Dec; 2017: no 120, 16 Jun; no 121, 15 Dec;
2018: no 122, 15 Jun;

TIITUS, M., San Francisco, CA

Lists: {Small general} 1973: Jun/Jul; 1983: no P-10

TILKI, Marseilles, France – expert for Raynaud-Gamet, then Gamet; continued from ISAAC

Auctions: {Large general} 1977: 21 Jun; 22 Feb; no 5, 20 Jul; 1980: 4 Jun; 9 Jul; 1982: 28 Feb (prices realized only); 5 Jun; 9 Oct


Lists: {Large general} 1988: no 10 (incl. Auction of 20 Dec)

Auctions: {Large general} NB: before 1994 entitled “Lists”, but in fact all below were auctions.

1988: no 6, 22 Aug; no 7, 19 Sep; no 8, 20 Oct; no 9, 28 Nov; no 10, 20 Dec (incl. in List 10); 1989: 27 Feb; 3 Mar; no 9, 20 Sep; no 10, 24 Oct; no 11, 22 Nov; no 12, 19 Dec; 1990: no 1, 30 Jan; no 2, 22 Feb; no 3, 22 Mar; no 4, 24 Apr; no 5, 22 May; no 6, 26 Jun; no 9, 25 Sep; no 10, 25 Oct; no 11, 26 Nov; no 12, 27 Dec; 1991: no 1, 24 Jan; unnumbered, 26 Aug; 1992: no 4, 28 Apr; no 5, 28 May; no 6, 23 Jun; no 7, 27 Jul; no 8, 26 Aug; 1993: no 1, 28 Jan; no 2, 25 Feb; no 3, 25 Mar; no 4, 22 Apr; no 5, 31 May; no 6, 28 Jun; no 10, 28 Oct; no 11, 29 Nov; 1994: no 12 [sic], 3 Jan; no 1, 31 Jan; no 2, 28 Feb; no 3, 31 Mar; no 4-5A, 5 May; no 5B-6A, 6 Feb; no 6B, 30 Jun; no 7, 28 Jul; no 8, 31 Aug; no 9, 29 Sep; no 10, 31 Oct; no 11, 29 Nov; 1995: no 12 [sic], 2 Jan; no 1, 2 Feb; no 6, 13 Jul; no 7, 10 Aug; no 8, 7 Sep; no 9, 5 Oct; no 11, 28 Nov; 1996: no 12, 3 Jan; no 1, 7 Feb; no 2, 7 Mar; no 3, 8 Apr; no 7, 15 Aug; no 8, 12 Sep; no 9, 7 Oct; no 10, 7 Nov; no 11, 9 Dec; 1997: no 5, 6 Jun; no 6, 1 Jul; no 7, 5 Aug 1999: no 4, 11 May; no 6, 12 Jul; no 11, 14 Dec; 2000: no 12 [sic], 13 Jan; no 1, 10 Feb; no 5, 5 Jun; no 6, 10 Jul; no 7, 21 Aug; no 8, 13 Sep; no 9, 23 Oct; 2004: no 7/8, 24 Aug; no 9, 23 Sep; no 11, 30 Nov; 2005: no 1, 31 Jan {Ant.}; no 2, 16 Mar; no 3/4, 25 May; 22 Dec; 2006: 27 Apr; 31 Oct; 2007: 15 Jan; 22 May

TIMELINE AUCTIONS, London have numismatic 1-8, 10, 13, 16-17, 19-21, 23, 26, 28, 32, 35, 39, 43, 48, 53, 56, 60, 64, 71 - complete to no 71 77, 80&83, 86&89, 92&96, 100&103, 106&110, 117

Auctions: {Large general} 2010: no 1-2, 19 Mar; no 3-4, 9 Sep; no 5-6, 16 Dec; 2011: no 7-8, 18 Mar; no 9, 23 Jun [Ant.]; no 10, 30 Nov; no 11, 1 Dec [Ant]; no 12, 2 Dec [Ant.]; 2012: no 13, 14 Mar; no 14-15, 15 Mar [Ant]; no 16-17, 4 Oct
no 18, 5 Oct [Ant.]; no 19-20, 14 Dec; 2013: no 21, 14 Mar; no 22, 15 Mar [Ant]; no 23, 19 Jun;
no 24, 20 Jun [Ant]; no 25, 21 Jun [Ant]; no 26, 30 Oct;
no 27, 31 Oct [Ant]; 2014: no 28, 5 Feb: no 29, 6 Feb [Ant]; no 30, 29 May [Ant];
no 31, 30 May [Ant]; no 32, 31 May; no 33-34, 3 Sep [Ant]; no 35, 5 Sep; no 36-37-38, 3 Dec [Ant]; no 39, 5 Dec; 2015: no 40-41-42, 12 Feb [Ant]; no 43, 14 Feb;
no 44-45-46-47, 27 May [Ant]; no 48, 30 May;
no 49-50-51-52, 9 Sep [Ant]; no 53, 12 Sep; [no 54-55 non-numismatic]; no 56, 4 Dec;
[no 57-59 non-numismatic]; 2016: no 60, 27 Feb; [no 61-63 non-numismatic]; no 64, 27 May;
[no 65-70 non-numismatic]; no 71, 3 Sep; no 77, 10 Dec; 2017: no 80 & 83, 22 Feb; no 86 & 89, 24 May; no 92 & 96, 6 Sep;
no 100 & 103, 22 Nov; 2018: no 106 & 110, 21 Feb; no 117, 27 May; no 125 & 126, 9 Sep;

TIMMERMAN, G., Hamburg, Germany

Lists: {Large general} 1986: no 2, Feb; 1999/2000: Dec

TINCHANT, P., Brussels have …361-570 (apparently complete to 549 in alternate numbers)

Lists: {Large general} n.d.: lot 1, Tarente Pecten 1945: no 170, Dec; 1946: no 175, Mar; no 176, Apr; no 178, May; no 179, Jun; no 180, Jul; no 185, Dec; 1949: no 244, Feb; 1951: no 292, Dec; 1952: no 294, Jan; no 296, Feb; no 298, Mar; no 300, Apr; no 302, May;
no 304 [�204�], Jun; no 311, Sep; no 313, Oct; no 315, Nov;
no 317, Dec; 1953: no 319, Jan; no 321, Feb; no 325, Apr; no 327, May;
no 339 [sic], Jun; no 343, Aug; no 349, Nov; 1954: no 353, Jan; no 355, Feb; no 357, Mar; no 361, May; no 363, Jun; no 365, Jul; no 367 (�347�), Aug; no 369, Sep; no 371, Oct; no 373, Nov;
1955: no 375, Feb; no 377, Mar; no 379, Apr; no 381, May; no 383, Jun;
no 385, Jul; no 387, Aug; no 389, Sep; no 391, Oct;
no 393, Nov; no 395, Dec; 1956: no 397, Jan; no 399, Feb; no 401, Mar; no 402, Apr; no 404, May (Sabina); 404, May (Trebonien); no 406, Jun; no 408, Jul; no 410, Aug; no 412, Sep; no 414, Oct; no 415, Nov; no 417, Dec; 1957: no 419, Jan; no 421, Feb; no 423, Mar; no 425, Apr; no 427, May; no 429, Jun; no 431, Jul; no 433, Aug; no 435, Sep; no 437, Oct; no 439, Nov; no 441, Dec; 1958: no 443, Jan; no 445, Feb; no 447, Mar; no 449, Apr; no 451, May; no 453, Jun; no 455, Jul; no 457, Aug; unnumbered, autograph “25 Sep”; no 459, Oct; no 461, Nov; no 463, Dec; 1959: no 465, Jan; no 467, Feb; no 469, Mar; no 471, Apr; no 473, May; no 475, Jun; no 477, Jul; no 479, Aug; no 481, Sep; no 483, Oct; no 485, Nov; no 487, Dec; 1960: no 489, Jan; no [491] “CDLXLI”, Feb; no [493] “CDLXLIII”, Mar; no [495] “CDLXLV”, Apr; no [497] “CDLXLVII”, May; no [499] “CDLXLIX”, Jun; no 500, Jul; no 502, Aug; no 504, Sep; no 506, Nov; no 507, Dec; 1961: no 509, Jan; no 511, Feb; no 513, Mar; no 515, Apr; no 517, May; no 519, Jun; no 521, Jul; no 523, Aug; no 513 [sic], Sep; no 515 [sic], Oct; no 527, Nov; no 529, Dec; 1962: no CXIL [sic], Jan; no 527 [sic], Feb; no 535, Mar; no 537, Apr; no 539, May; no 541, Jun; no 543, Jul; no 545, Aug; no 547, Sep; no 549 (“DLIX”), Oct; no 550, Nov (“1942”); no 552, Dec (“1942”); 1963: no 554, Jan; no 556, Feb; no 558, Mar; no 560, Apr; no 562, May; no 564, Oct; no 566, Dec; 1964: no 568, Feb; no 570, Mar —–: plus fragments of price lists unassigned

Auction: {Large general} 1947: 21 Nov


TKALEC, Vienna; Z�rich, Switzerland

Auctions: 1984: no 1, 20 Apr (“Liste”, but a Mail Bid sale)

as EC & RAUCH, Z�rich 1985: 15 Apr; 1986: 14 Apr, pt 1; [* lacking 15 Apr, pt 2;] 1987: 16 Nov; 1989: 25 Apr

as TKALEC AG, Z�rich 1991: 26 Mar; 1992: 23 Oct; 1994: 28 Oct; 1996: 25 Oct; 1998: 23 Oct; 2000: 29 Feb (incl. CD); 2001: 19 Feb; 2002: 18 Feb; 2003: 24 Oct; 2005: 9 May; 2006: 7 May; 2007: 28 Feb; 22 Apr; 26 Oct; 26 Oct (Papal medals); 2008: 29 Feb; 8 Sep; 2009: 7 May; 2010: 17 May; 2011: 9 May; 27 Oct; 2012: 29 Feb; 2013: 28 Feb; 22 Oct; 2014: 26 Nov

TOAD HALL, Newton Ferrers, Devon

Lists: {Small general} 1981: Autumn; 1983: Sep; 1987: Jul/Aug; 1988: Jan/Feb; Mar/Apr; 1991: Autumn; 1996: Aug/Sep

TODERI, G., Florence, Italy

Lists: {Small} complete 1969: no [1], May; no [2], Sep; no [3], Dec; 1970: no [1], Feb; no [2], Apr; no 3, Jun; no 4, Sep; no 5, Nov; 1971: no 1, Feb; no 2, May; no 3, Sep; no 4, Dec; 1972: no 1, Mar

a] with heading illustration: Etruria and Florence [1972]: no [2], Siculo-Punic stater /895; no [3], Siracuse obol /846; no 4, Nero aureus /871; [1973]: no 1, Philip II stater /894; no 2, Rhescuporis III stater /857; no 3, Caesar aureus /858; [1974]: no 1, Siracuse 25 litrai /850; no 2, Justinian I tremissis /817; no 3, Mytilene hekte /817; [1975]: no 1, Carthage stater /824; no 2, Tarentum half-stater /825; no 3, Siracuse 25 litrai /831; no 4, Valens solidus /787; [1976]: no 1, Florence doppia /651; no [1] supplement, Honorius solidus /99; no 2, Amalfi tari /660; no [2] supplement, Siracuse 25 litrai /106; [1977]: no 1, Florence florin /663; no [1] supplement, Lesbos hekte /117; no 2, Florence ruspone /630; no [2] supplement, Amalfi tari /117; [1978]: no 1, Tarentum half-stater /734; no 2, Constans II solidus /710; [1979]: no 1, Rhescuporis III stater /733; [1980]: no 1, John II Comnenus solidus /744; no 2, Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine solidus /688

b] with heading illustration: the IAPN logo [1981]: no 1, Carthage stater /872; 1982: no 1, Justinian I solidus /851; no 2, Justinian I tremissis /802; no 3, Tiberius Constantine solidus /798; [1983]: no 1, Leo III and Constantine V tremissis /767; no 2, Theodosius II solidus /795; [1984]: no 1, Honorius solidus /744; no 2, John Tyrannus tremissis /790


Auctions: {Large general} have 5-21, 39, 65, 67, 77-79 2003: no 5, 19 Apr; no 6, 24 Aug; 2004: no 7, 17 Apr; no 8, 4 Sep; no 9, 29 Dec; 2005: no 10, 23 Apr; no 11, 24 Sep; no 12, 25 Dec; 2006: no 13, 11 Feb; no 14, 22 Apr; no 15, 9 Sep; no 16, 9 Dec; no 17, 9 Dec; no 18, 18 Dec; 2007: no 19, 24 Feb; no 20, 21 Apr; no 21, 1 Sep; 2009: no 39, 12 Sep; 2012: no 65, 7 Sep; no 67, 2 Dec; 2013: no 77, 20 Jul; no 78, 30 Aug; no 79, 31 Aug


Auction: {Large general} 2006: lot 1, bust of Edward VII


List: {Small general} 2012/13:


Auction: {Large general} 1996: no 1, 4 Nov (with NIHON COIN AUCTION)

TOKYO INTERNATIONAL NUMISMATICS AUCTION, Tokyo � see SPINK-TAISEI, Tokyo International Numismatics Auction

TOM, A.A., San Bruno, CA

Lists: {Small general} 1976: no 20; no 21; no 22; 1979: no 30; 1980: no 35; 1981: no 37; no 38; 1982: no 44; 1983: no 46; 1984: no 51; n.d.: no 56; no 72


List: {Small general} 1982: Summer-Autumn


Auction: {Small general} 1990: 3 Feb

TOOVEY�S, Washington, West Sussex

Auctions: {Small general} 2010: 9 Nov

TOP 3, Salzburg, Austria

Auction: (Large general) 2016: no 1, 25 Jun 2017: Saalauktion, 23 Sep

TORCOLI, B., Motta Visconti, Italy

Lists: {Small general} 1983: 1984:



List: {Small general} [1976]: lot 1 1959 St Lawrence Seaway



List: 1967: “15 Oct - 1 Feb 1968” [TVB]

Auction: {Large general} 1969: 1 Oct


Flier: {Large general} [2011]


Auction: {Large general} 1954: 4 May

TOWNE COIN CO., North Providence, RI

Auction: {Small general} 1958: no 1, 18 Jan

TRADART, Geneva, Switzerland; Brussels – continued from THE NUMISMATIC AUCTION

Auctions: {Large general} 1991: 12 Dec; 1992: 8 Nov; 1993: 18 Nov; 1994: 17 Nov; 1995: 16 Nov;

2013: 18 Nov (with NUMISMATICA ARS CLASSICA, q.v.); 2014: 18 Dec {Folio}

TRANS-WORLD COINS (experts Robert W. Hendricks, Erma C. Stevens), San Diego, CA

Auctions: {Small general} 1965: 29 Aug; 19 Nov


List: {Large general} [1993]: [May] lot 1 Mark Anthony BC 32


List: {Small general} 1989/90: no A, Winter


Lists: {Small} n.d.: 18th Century Tokens, ET1-EF23; Bargain Box, R1-R27; Celtic silver units; [Crowns], B1-B6; [Half-crowns], D1-D9; House of Constantine the Great; List of English Hammered Coins offered for Sale; List of Roman Coins offered for sale; Special Offer of the Classical and Hellinistic [sic] Period of Greece

1980: Feb; Apr; May/Jun; Summer discount list; Mid-summer supplement; Late Summer supplement; Late Sep; Nov/Dec; Christmas; 1981: Jan/Feb; Feb/Mar; Spring supplement; May/Jun; Jul/Aug; Autumn Supplement; Sep/Oct; Dec; 1982: Jan/Feb; Mar/Apr; May/Jun; Jul/Aug; Late Summer supplement; Autumn supplement; 1982/83: Dec/Jan; 1983: Feb; Mar/Apr; May/Jun; Jul/Aug; Sep/Oct; Summer supplement; Autumn (Roman); Nov; 1984: New Year supplement; Jan/Feb; Mar; May/Jun; Summer sale; Summer supplement; Jul/Aug; Sep/Oct; Nov/Dec; 1985: New Year supplement; Jan/Feb; Mar/Apr; May/Jun; Spring; Spring sale; Summer; Jul/Aug; Autumn; Nov/Dec; Christmas; 1986: New Year, Bargain Box; Jan/Feb; Spring; Mar/Apr; May/Jun; Summer clearance; Summer supplement; Jul/Aug; Sep/Oct; Nov/Dec; Christmas, B2-; Christmas, SS1- ; 1987: Jan/Feb; Spring; May/Jun; Summer supplement; Jul/Aug; Sep/Oct; Nov/Dec; Christmas; 1988: Jan/Feb; Mar/Apr; Whitsun; Spring; Lammas; May/Jun; Jul/Aug; Sep/Oct; Nov/Dec; Christmas; 1989: Jan/Feb; Mar/Apr; Spring; May/Jun; Litha; Jul/Aug; Sep; Oct; Nov/Dec; Christmas; 1990: Jan/Feb; Mar/Apr; Spring; May/Jun (damaged); Jul/Aug; Sep/Oct; Nov/Dec; 1991: Jan/Feb; Mar/Apr; Oct + insert 17th cent. Trade Tokens; 1992: Mar/Apr; May/Jun; Summer; Jul/Aug; Oct/Nov; Dec; Christmas; Token list no 2; 1993: Oct; 1994: Mar/Apr; Oct; Christmas; 1995: Mar/Apr; May/Jun; Jul/Aug; Summer; Nov; Christmas; 1996: Jan; Mar/Apr; May/Jun; Jul/Aug; Sep/Oct; Nov/Dec; 1997: Jan/Feb; Midwinter supplement; Mar/Apr; May/Jun; Summer supplement; Jul/Aug; Sep/Oct; Nov/Dec; Christmas; 1998: Feb; Apr; Jun; Jul/Aug; Oct; Dec; 1999: New Year Supplement; Mar/Apr; Jul/Aug; Sep; Nov; Dec; 2000: Jan/Feb; Early Summer; Jul/Aug; Sep/Oct; 2001: Jan/Feb; Mar/Apr; 2003: Mar 2004: New Year supplement; Jan/Feb; Mar; May; Jul; Sep; Oct; Dec; 2005: Feb/Mar; May; Jul; Oct; Dec; 2006: Jan; Mar; May; Jul/Aug; Oct/Nov: 2006/7: Dec/Jan; 2007: Apr/May; 2008: Jan/Feb; Summer; Nov; 2008/9: Dec/Jan; 2009: Mar; Jun/Jul; Sep; Nov/Dec; 2010: Mar; Jun; Sep; Nov 2011: Jan; Mar/Apr; Jun; Aug+insert; Oct; Dec; 2012: Feb; May + Long-Cross penny insert; Jul; Sep; Oct/Nov; Dec; 2013: Feb/Mar; Apr/May; Jul/Aug; Sep + Selection Antoniniani; Dec; 2014: Feb/Mar; Apr/May; Jul/Aug; Sep/Oct; Nov/Dec; 2015: Mar/Apr; Jun/Jul; Sep; Nov/Dec; 2016: Feb/Mar; Jun; Summer; Nov/Dec; 2017: Mar/Apr; Jun/Jul; Sep/Oct; Nov/Dec; 2018: Mar/Apr; Jun/Jul;

Lists: The Bargain Box 1981: no 1, Autumn; n.d.: no 3; no 6, Summer; 1983: no 7, Autumn

TRESORUM, Baden-Baden, Germany

List: {Large general} n.d.: no 1


Lists: {Small general} 1994: no 1, Aug/Sep; no 2, Dec [one page clipped to a copy of no 1] 1995: no 6; n.d.: no 7; 1997: no 10, Nov/Dec


Lists: {Small general} have 15-19 1973: no 15, Oct; 1974: no 16, Feb; no 17, Oct; 1975: no 18, Feb; no 19, May

TRIGT, Van, G.-A., Brussels

Auction: {Small general} 1865: 26 Dec

TRITON  --  see  ENGLAND, V.

TRUSCOTT, T.R., Greenville, SC

Lists: {Folio} have 91-102, 104-105 1984: no 91, Oct; no 92, Nov; no 93, Dec; 1985: no 94, Jan; no 95, Feb; no 96, Apr; no 97, May; no 98, Jun; no 99, Jul; no 100, Aug; no 101; no 102, Sep; no 104, Nov; no 105, Dec

TSCH�PE, Reinhild, Kaarst, Germany

Auction: {Large general} 2002: no 50, 30 Nov

TUCKER, Warren E., Atlanta, GA

Lists: {Small general} 1977: vol 1 no 1, 1 Apr; no 2, 1 Jul

TURGAT, P., Montpellier, France

Auction: {Small general} 1977: 15 Dec

TURICUM (H. Brand), Z�rich, Switzerland

Lists: {Small general} 1981: Spring; Autumn

TURNER, David, Scunthorpe

Lists: {Small general} 1986: no 5, Feb; no 7, Jul/Aug

TURNER, Keith R., Hornchurch, Essex

Auctions: {Small general} 1996: Winter; 1997: Spring; 12 Jul; 10 Oct; 1998: 23 Jan; 27 Mar > 24 Apr; 31 Jul; 23 Oct; 1999: 22 Jan; 21 Apr; 23 Jul; 8 Oct; 2000: 28 Jan; 28 Apr; 21 Jul; 13 Oct; 2001: 26 Jan; 19 Apr; 20 Jul; 12 Oct; 2002: 18 Jan

TURNER, W.W., Nashville, TE

List: {Large general} n.d.: no 1165

TURNER, EVANS, STEVENS, Skegness, Lincs.

Auctions: {Small general} 2011: 17 Sep; 20 Oct (photocopy)


Auctions: {Small general} 1986: no 1, 12 Feb; 1987: no 2, 13 May; 15 Oct; 2000: no 2, 13 Dec

TURUN RAHA KY, Turku, Finland

Auction: {Small general} 1982: 22 Jun

TYE, Monica, South Uist, Western Isles

Lists: {Small} have 1, 3-15 1987: no 1, Jan; n.d.: no 3; no 4; no 5; no 6; no 7; no 8; no 9; no 10; no 11; no 12; [1997]: no 13; [2000]: no 14; [2002]: no 15

TYE, Robert, South Uist, Western Isles

Lists: {Small}
nd: Narbeth Mini-Collections of Chinese and Allied Cash Coins 1983: Summer, interim list; 1984: no 9, Winter 1986: Feb; Sep; 1991: Summer (lit.); 1992: May; 1993: Jan

– thereafter mostly numbered: have numbered 1-38 [199-]: no [1] Archaic India; no [2], Ancient India;
no [3], Ancient and Medieval World Coins, lot 2 Alexandria;
no [4], Ancient and Medieval World Coins, lot 2 Syracuse;
no [5], Early India; no [6], Medieval Indian Copper; 7-24; [1995]: nos 25-28; [1996]: nos 29-30; 1997: no [31], Jan; no 32; [1998]: no 33; [unnumbered], [Jul] (Vema Takho); no 34; 1999: S1 (20 years, 1979-99); [2000]: no 35; [2001]: no 36; no 37 [2002]: S2; [2003]: no 38` – continued as EARLY WORLD COINS no 39



Lists – continued from SCHWEIZERISCHER BANKVEREIN, no 70 1999: no 71 (incl. CD); no 72 (incl. CD)

Auctions: {Large} have complete 45-85

-- continued from SCHWEIZERISCHER BANKVEREIN, no 44  1998:  no 45, 15 Sep;  1999:  no 46, 26 Jan;    no 47, 14 Sep (incl. CD);

-- with FRANKFURTER M�NZHANDLUNG taken into the firm  2000:  no 48, 25 Jan (incl. CD);            no 49, 11 Sep (incl. CD)  2001:  no 50, 30 Jan;   no 51, 30 Jan;    no 52, 11 Sep;  2002:  no 53, 29 Jan;   no 54, 16 Sep;    no 55, 16 Sep;  2003:  no 56, 28 Jan;   no 57, 15 Sep;  2004:  no 58, 27 Jan;   no 59, 29 Jan;    no 60, 14 Sep;
        no 61, 14 Sep;  2005:  no 62, 25 Jan;   no 63,   6 Sep;  2006:  no 64, 24 Jan;   no 65,   5 Sep;    no 66,   6 Sep;
        no 67,   6 Sep;  2007:  no 68, 23 Jan;    no 69, 23 Jan;    no 70, 21 Mar;
        no 71,   5 Sep;    no 72,  5 Sep;    no 73,   5 Sep;  2008:  no 74, 22 Jan;    no 75, 22 Jan;    no 76, 22 Jan;
        no 77,   9 Sep;    no 78,  9 Sep;    no 79, 10 Sep;
        no 80,   4 Nov;  2009:  no 81, 20 Jan;    no 82, 20 Jan;    no 83,   8 Sep;  2010:  no 84, 19 Jan;    no 85,   7 Sep
* numismatic business taken over by Sincona

Speed Auction 2004: no 26, 31 Jan

UHL, Ted, Auburndale, FL

Lists: {Large general} 1972: Fall; 1973: Spring; 1974/5: 1980: banknotes; 1981: 1984: no 1; 1985: – includes a one-page mailbid sale

Auctions: {Large general} 1981: 9 Dec (with BIRKLER & WADDELL); 1985: a one-page mailbid sale included in the 1985 list

ULICH, August Theodor, Dresden, Germany

Auction: {Small general} 1809, 6 Sep



Lists: {Small general} 1976: Jul; 1977: Spring; 1978: Spring; 1989: no 7, Autumn; 1990: no 8, Spring; no 9, Autumn; 1991: n.d.: half-page texts with plates, incomplete

Auction: {Small general} 1976: no 1, 1 Apr

UNION STAR COIN CO (Tom Cederlind), Oregon City, OR

Lists: {Large general} 1981: Jan; Feb; Mar; n.d.: no 12; no 14; no 15; no 16; 1982: no 20 – continued as CEDERLIND


Lists: 1983: Olympic Dollar 2001: American Eagle Gold

UNIVERSAL COIN COMPANY, Melbourne, Australia

List: {Large general} nd: The Banknote Designers Collection


List: {Large general} 1993: Summer (lit.) 1994: Spring (lit.) 1995: Winter

URGNANI, E., Milan, Italy

List: {Large general} 1973: Oct

URSUAL, E.G., Ottawa, ON, Canada

Lists: {Large general} 1992: no 82; no 83; no 84


Lists: {Small general} 1980: 1980 �RS; Citius; The Last Issue of Olympic Coins


VALDENEBRO, Jaime, Madrid

Auctions: {Small general} n.d.: 2 Jul

VALE, London

List: {Small general} n.d.: lot 1 William 1


List: {Small general} 1927: Feb (lit.)

V�LIM�KI, Kari, Turku, Finland

Auctions: {Small general} 1975: 8 Feb; 1993: 16 Sep




Van DAEL – see DAEL, Van



Van DER MOOLEN – see MOOLEN, Van Der

Van HENGEL – see HENGEL, Van

Van HERCK, Z. – see HERCK, Van

Van MARLE – see MARLE, Van


VAN ROSS, Richardson, TX

List: {Small general} 1973: Oct



Van TRIGT – see TRIGT, Van

VANGELISTI, Bruno, Lucca, Italy

Auction: {Small general} 1971: 18 Mar

VAN HORNE, Montreal, P.Q., Canada

List: {Small general} NEW! n.d.:

VANNIER, J.-P., Bordeaux, France – see also ALBUQUERQUE

Lists: {Large} – unnumbered: numbers in brackets derive from manuscript notes on our examples from the Lafaurie collection

1975: Jan; 1976: Nov; 1977: Nov; 1978: Mar; Oct; 1979: Mar; Oct; 1980: Mar; Oct; 1981: Mar; 1982: Mar; Sep; 1983: Oct; 1984: no [19], Mar; no [20], Oct; 1985: no [21], Apr; no [22], Oct; 1986: no [23], Apr; no [24], Oct; 1987: no [25], Apr; 1988: Mar; 1990: no 9, Easter

VANZO, Gino, Florence, Italy

Lists: {Large general} 2005: Jun/Jul; Nov/Dec

VARESI, C., Pavia, Italy [related to NUMISMATICA VISCONTEA]

Lists: {Small} n.d.: lot 1 Genova 48 Lire 1793; 1971: no 1; 1974: no 1; 1977: Dec; 1983: no 1; no 2; Sep/Oct; Nov/Dec; 1984: no 1; 1985: Feb/Mar; [1985]: no 7, lot 1 Marciano /177; no 8, lot 1 Agrigento /245; 1986: no 1; no 2; no 3; no 4; 1987: no 1; no 2; no 3; 1988: no 1; no 2 [missing 19 Dec 2004]; 1989: no 1; no 2; 1991: Jul-Dec; 1992: Jul-Dec; [1993]: Jul-Dec, “Medaglia”; “Flora”; 1994: no [1] “Seneca”; no 2 1995: no 1; no 2; no 3; 1996: no 1; 1998: no 1; no 2; no 3 1999: 2000:

Auctions: {Large} have numbered 1-15, 16.2-17-70 1984: no 1, 26 Apr; no 2, 15 Nov; 1985: no 3, 23 Apr; no 4, 8 Nov; 1986: no 5, 10 Apr; no 6, 11 Nov; 1987: no 7, 23 Apr; no 8, 12 Nov; 1988: no 9, 21 Apr; 1989: Mail Bid 20 Feb (“II 1988” on cover);
no 10, 10 Feb; no 11, 16 Nov; 1990: no 12, 15 Mar; Mail bid 5 May; 1991: no 13, 16 May; no 14, 21 Nov; 1992: no 15, 2 Apr; Mail bid 3 Jun; no 16 pt. 2, 22 Oct;
* lacking no 16 pt 1;
1993: Mail Bid 4 Jun; no 17, 19 Nov; 1994: no 18, 19 May; no 19, 2 Dec; 1995: no 20, 27 Apr; no 21, 4 Dec; 1996: no 22, 9 May; no 23, 21 Oct; [unnumbered], 21 Oct (Baccalaro, B- numbers); 1997: Mail Bid 21 Mar; no 24, 3 Jun; no 25, 15 Oct; no 26, 20 Nov; 1998: no 27, 21 Apr; no 28, 10 Nov; 1999: no 29, 16 Mar; no 30, 21 May; no 31, 26 Oct; 2000: no 32, 20 Apr; no 33, 30 May (general); no 33, 30 May (Utriusque Siciliae); no 34 pt 2 (sic), 17 Oct; no 34 pt 1, 18 Oct; 2001: no 35, 27 Mar; no 36 (general), 8 Jun; no 36, 8 Jun (Genova); no 37, 31 Oct; 2002: no 38, 23 Apr (coins); no 38, 23 Apr (medals); no 39, 22 Oct (general); no 39, 22 Oct (Savoy); 2003: no 40, 19 Mar (general); no 40, 19 Mar (Biblioteca Olivari); no 41, 5 Jun (general); no 41, 5 Jun (medical); no 42, 17 Nov (Civitas Neapolis); no 42, 18 Nov (Collezione Fasciolo); no 42, 18 Nov (general); 2004: no 43, 20 Apr; no [43], 30 Apr (lit., bound in 20 Apr); no 44(-I), 11 Nov; no 44-II, 11 Nov; 2005: no 45, 19 Apr (coins); no 45, 20 Apr (Rossi library); no 45, 21 Apr (mail bid bound in 19 Apr); no 46, 15 Nov; 2006: no 47, 19 Apr (incl. Aggiunte list); no 48, 7 Nov; 2007: no 49, 18 Apr; no 49, 18 Apr (medals); no 50, 21 Nov; 2008: no 51, 23 Apr; no 52, 12 Nov; 2009: no 53, 29 Apr no 54 [I], 18 Nov no 54 [II], 19 Nov; 2010: no 55, 8 Apr no 56, 3 Jun; no 57, 12 Nov; 2011: no 58 (lots 1-499), 28 Apr; no 58 (lots 500-), 28 Apr; no 59, 23 Nov; no 59 (I Dogi), 24 Nov; 2012: no 60, 3 May; [unnumbered], 29 Sep;
no 61, 22 Nov; 2013: no 62, 30 Apr; no 62, 30 Apr (Lombardo-Veneto);
no 63, 26 Nov; 2014: no 64, 29 Apr; no 64, 29 Apr (Napoleone); no 65a, 30 Oct; 2015: no 66, 29 Apr; no 67, 18 Nov, 11 a.m. no 67, 18 Nov, 3 p.m; 2016: no 68, 13 May [unnumbered], 7 Oct (ANPB coll.); no 69, 8 Oct (di Mauro I); 2017: no 70, 19 Apr; [unnumbered], 10 Nov (with Nomisma); 2018: no 72, 24 Apr; no 73, 13 Nov;


Lists: {Small general} 1967: no 1, Sep/Oct; 1968: no 1, Jan-Mar; no 3; no 4, Oct-Dec; n.d. (1968?): no 2, /543 lots 1969: no 1, Jan-May; 1970: no 1

VARNAI Deutsch-Ungarisches Numismatisches Auktionshaus GmbH.

Auction: {Large general} 2001: no 3, 3 Mar

VAUDELIN, M, Roanne, France

List: {Small general} 1985:

VECCHI, I., London – see also BALDWIN

Auctions: {Large} have 1-17 1996: no 1, 1 Feb; no 2, 12 Sep; no 3, 13 Sep; no 4, 5 Dec; 1997: no 5, 5 Mar; no 6, 9 Jun; no 7, 6 > 27 Oct; no 8, 4 Dec; no 9, 4 Dec; 1998: no 10, 24 Mar; no 11, 5 Jun; no 12, 5 Jun; no 13, 4 Sep; 1999: no 14, 5 Feb; no 15, 15 Jun; no 16, 9 Oct; no 17, 15 Dec (with RUDD)


VECCHI, V.C. and SONS, London

Lists: {Large} have numbered 5-28, 30 n.d.: no 5; no 6; no 7; lit.; 1973: no 8, Feb; no 9, Apr; no 23 Stamp/Coin list; n.d.: no 10; no 11; no 12; no 13; no 14; no 15; no 16; no 17; no 18, no 19; 1978: no 20, Jul; no 21, Oct; 1979: no 22, May; no 23, Dec; 1980: no 24, Mar; 1981: no 25, May; no 26, Nov; 1982: no 27, Jul; 1984: [unnumbered], Jan (lit.); no 28, Apr; 1986: no 30, Jul/Aug

Book list: {Large} [1986]

Auctions: {Large} – continued from BONHAMS & VECCHI no 8

1983: no 1 [], 13 May (with SCHWER); [] presumably = no [9] after BONHAMS & VECCHI no 8 no 10, 10 Oct; 1984: no 11, 8 Oct; 1986: [unnumbered], 8 Oct (with NUMISMATIC SERVICES)

V�DRINES, J., Paris

Auctions: {Large} 1981: no [1], 30 Dec; 1982: 22 Jun; 21 Dec; 1983: 8 Jul

VEGETO, F., Milan, Italy

Lists: {Small general} 1952: no 1, May; 1963: Dec

VEILINGHUIS EECKHOUT bvba, Aalst; Heverlee, Belgium

Auctions: {Large general} 2009: no 2, 29 Aug (print-out); 2010: no 3, 9 Jan; 2011: no 6, 7 May; no 7, 12 Nov

   as EECKHOUT, JOSELITO  2012:  19 May;  24 Nov;  2013:  18 May

VENI & VIDI COINS, Corona del Mar, CA

List: {Small general} n.d.: lot 1 Severus Alexander

VENTURE COINS (Hume), Northholt, Middlesex

Lists: {Large general} 1990: no 4; no 7; no 11; 1991: no 3;
1992: no 2; 1996: no 1

VERGNE, H.M.L., JEAN DIT CAZAUX, C., DUBERN, M., experts, Bordeaux, France * possibly ACCOCE as expert?

Auctions: {Large general} 1985: 6 Dec [missing 19 Dec 2004]; 1986: 14 Nov; 1987: 2 Apr; 1988: 22 Apr (clipped)

VERHAGE, A.I., Groede, Netherlands

Auctions: {Small general} n.d.: 29 Jan; 1970: 21 Jul; 28 Jul

VERHULST, F., Ghent, Belgium; Brussels

BVa = bound volume of ten catalogues, 1852-85 BVb = bound volume of nine catalogues, 1865-85

Auctions: {Small} 1842: 19 Dec; 1843: 10 Apr; 19 Jun; 18 Dec; 1844: 10 Jun; 1849: 13 Jun; 1850: 9 Dec; 1852: 19 Feb (Jonnaert) (BVa); 1854: 4 Sep; 1856: 20 Oct (Van de Weghe-Kerremans) (BVa); 1859: 10 May; 1860: 15 Oct; 1863: 26 Aug (partial prices realized only, in Hoffmann, Le Numismate 20, 1 Dec, pp 151-153); 7 Nov (Comte de Renesse-Briedbach, 210 Roman & Byzantines aurei and solidi); 1865: 13 Mar (BVb); 1868: 29 Apr; 1870: 29 Jun (BVb); 1873: 2 Apr; 1876: 20 Nov (De Potter-Le Reverand) (BVa); 1877: 14 Mar (BVb); 11 Jul (BVa); 1878: 11 Mar (BVb); 28 May (BVb); 13 Jun (BVa); 1879: 24 Apr (BVa-b); 26 Nov (BVb); 1880: 13 Apr; 1881: 17 May (BVa); 1882: 6 Feb (Amateur distingu� = Piat) (BVb); 9 May; 1883: 22 May (BVa); 1884: 24 Apr (BVa); 1885: 11 Nov (BVa-b);

VERITY, J., Earlsheaton, Dewsbury

Lists: {Small general} n.d. (Victorian): no 6; no. 7; no. 8


List: {Small general} n.d.: lot 1, Akten des 8. internationalen

VICENTI, Jos�, Madrid – see also SIS�

Auctions: {Large general} 1968: no 25-28, 11 Nov; 1969: no 34-37, 24 Mar; no 51-54, 14 Nov

    unnumbered  1970:  8 Feb (with Tom�s VIDALES);
        8 Feb, consisting of several lots from SIS� sale
             no [2], 13 Dec 1969, "which could not be sold publicly";
        9 Jun (with NUMISMATICA PETRITXOL)

                 {Small general}  1970:  no 77-79,       9 Nov;  1971:  no 88-90,     24 Mar;  1972:  no 101,          7 Feb;    no 105-106, 20 Mar;   no 111-112, 16 May;   
        no 119-120, 13 Nov  1973:  no 132,          8 May

VICENZI, M.J., Colchester

List: {Small general} 1973: Jul


Lists: {Small general} 1980: Nov; 1982: Apr; Autumn; 1992: Iberoam�rica


 [Auctions:  wanting many sales from before 1979 through 1986. The complete run for this period is as follows:

   before 1979:  nos 1-18;
   1979:  no 19, Oct;  no 20, Dec;
   1980:  no 21, Feb;  no 22, Mar;  no 23, May;  no 24;
   1981:  no 25, Mar;  no 26, Jun;  no 27, Nov;
   1982:  no 28, May;  no 29, Oct;
   1983:  no 30, Feb;  Apr;  no 31, May;  no 32, Oct;  no 33, Dec
   1984:  May;
   1985:  Feb;  Apr (with NUMISMATICA SABADELL);  May;
              Jun (with NUMISMATICA SABADELL);
              Oct (with NUMISMATICA SABADELL);
              Dec (with NUMISMATICA SABADELL);
   1986:  Feb;  Mar;  Apr (with NUMISMATICA SABADELL);  Jul;  Dec

Information on lists and auctions kindly provided by Miquel Crusafont and Anna M. Balaguer]


Auctions: {Small general} 1977: no 11, 27 Jun; no 12, 10 Nov; 1979: no 20, 13 Dec; 1981: no 25, 5 Mar; 1982: no 29, 7 Oct (with PLIEGO); 1986: 20 Mar

            2 Dec;  1987:  16 Mar;     2 Jul;      15 Oct;      apparently complete 1987-2016  1988:  11 Feb;      8 Jun;     17 Nov;  1989:    2 Mar;    28 Jun;     16 Nov;  1990:    8 Mar;    20 Jun;     15 Nov;  1991:  27 Feb;      6 Jun;      14 Nov;  1992:    4 Mar;      9 Jun;     19 Nov;  1993:    3 Mar;    17 Jun;     11 Nov;  1994:  10 Mar;       9 Jun;    17 Nov;  1995:  16 Mar;     22 Jun;    16 Nov;  1996:  29 Feb;     16 May;   25 Nov;  1997:  13 Mar;      5 Jun;     13 Nov;  1998:  26 Mar;    11 Jun;     12 Nov;  1999:  16 Mar;    16 Mar (Mail Bid);     8 Jul;            4 Nov;  2000:  23 Feb;      1  Jun;       5 Oct (with LAVIN);  22 Nov;  2001:  15 Mar;    21 Jun;      10 Oct (with COLECCIONES IRU�A);
        15 Nov;  2002:    7 Mar;     13 Jun;       3 Oct;     20 Nov (with PLIEGO);

                                                                     have numbered 100-151  2003:  no 100, 27 Mar;  no 101, 27 Mar;  no 102, 19 Jun;
   no 103, 13 Nov;  2004:  no 104, 11 Mar;  no 105, 10 Jun;  no 106,   4 Nov;  2005:  no 107,   3 Mar;  no 108,   9 Jun;  no 109, 10 Nov;  2006:  no 110,   9 Mar;  no 111,   8 Jun;  no 112, 16 Nov;  2007:  no 113,   8 Mar;  no 114,   7 Jun;  no 115, 15 Nov;  2008:  no 116,   6 Mar;  no 117,   5 Jun;  no 118, 13 Nov;  2009:  no 119,   2 Apr;  no 120,    4 Jun;  no 121, 12 Nov;  2010:  no 122,   4 Mar;  no 123, 17 Jun;  no 124, 11 Nov;  2011:  no 125,   3 Mar;  no 126,   9 Jun;   no 127, 10 Nov;  2012:  no 128,   1 Mar;  no 129,   7 Jun;   no 130, 26 Jun (Huntington);
        no 131,   9 Oct (Huntington);         no 132, 14 Nov (Huntington);
        no 133, 15 Nov;  2013:  no 134, 28 Feb;   no 135, 13 Jun;    no 136,   7 Nov;  2014:  no 137,   6 Mar;   no 138,   6 Mar (Huntington);
        no 139, 12 Jun;    no 140,   6 Nov;  2015:  no 141,   5 Mar;   no 142, 11 Jun;    no 143,   5 Nov;  2016:  no 144,   3 Mar;   no 145,   2 Jun;    no 146, 27 Oct;  2017:  no 147,   9 Mar;   no 148,   8 Jun;    no 149, 16 Nov;  2018:  no 150,   1 Mar;   no 151,   7 Jun;   no 152, 15 Nov;




List: {Small general} 1911: 1. Folge (2 parts)


Flier: {Large general} 2010: Die Sch�nsten M�nzen der Welt

VIGNE, J.B., Paris

Lists: {Large general} n.d.: lot 1 Bruttium; lot 1 Henri III; lot 1 Tarente; 1979: Nov; 1981: Dec; 1983: Mar; Jun; Dec; 1984: Feb; Sep; Dec; 1985: Apr; Jun; Sep; 1986: Feb; Feb/Mar; Sep; Nov; [Nov]; [1986?]: lot 1 Ptolem�e 1er Soter; 1987: Feb (lot 1 Metapontum); Feb (lot 1 Tarentum); Jun; Aug/Sep; [1987?]: pages sp�ciales' (lot 1 Crotone); 1991: [Jun] lot 1 Lucanie; lot 1 Celtes Corinani; [1992]: [Feb] lot 1 Catane; 1995: Sep; [1996]: [Mar, first coin, Syracuse]; 1996: May; 15 Nov; n.d. but probably 1996 or 1997: Naissance de la monnaie’; lot 1 Bruttium MESMA; lot 1 Catane []; lot 1 Epire Pyrrhus; lot 1 Messine; lot 1 Messine sous Anaxilas; lot 1 Plaque; lot 1 Syracuse; folded sheet, “La fine fleur des monnaies grecques”; [] accompanied by illustration cards of the individual coins, numbered to the list, boxed. Unnumbered cards, without list, are also issued: Jean II Le Bon, Mouton d’Or; 1997: May; [1998]: lot 1 trihemistater of Carthage

Lettre: {Large general} 1989: no 6, Feb

Auction: {Large general} 1986: 20 Jun

VIKING COINS, San Francisco, CA [a division of CORDRY & CRAIG, q.v.]

Lists: {Small general} [1974]: no [8], [Aug] lot 1 Australia 1874; no 9, Oct; no 10, Nov; 1975: no 12, Feb/Mar; no 13, Apr


VILMAR (Dr. Constantin A. Marinescu), Big Indian, NY

List: {Large general} 2010: Fall

VINCHON, Jean, Paris

Lists: {Small general} have 4-18 [1951]: no 4; no 4 supplement; n.d.: no 5; no 6; 1953: no 7, Jan; no 8, Nov; 1954: no 9, Oct; 1955: no 10, Oct; 1956: no 11, Jun; 1957: no 12, Apr; no 13, Dec; 1958: no 14, Jun; 1959: no 15, Dec; 1960: no 16, Dec; 1967: no 17;

      {Large}  1987:   no 18

Auctions: {Large} have 1955-1973, except:

1955: 6 May (with CIANI, boxed there); 1956: 6 Feb (with CIANI, boxed there); 1958: 17 Nov; 1959: 6 Apr; 20 May; 1960: 25 Apr; 12 Dec; 1961: 27 Feb; 20 Nov; 1962: 20 Feb; 14 May; 29 Oct; 1963: 11 Feb; 22 Oct; 1964: 21 Apr; 26 Oct; 1965: 24 Oct; 15 Nov; 1966: 25 Apr; 28 Jun – see BOURGEY; 7 Nov; 1967: 7 Jun; 13 Nov; 30 Nov; 1968: 28 Jan; 27 Mar; 29 Apr; 1969: 10 Mar; 21 Apr; 24 Nov; 1970: 13 Feb; 9 Mar; 20 Mar; 25 May; 29 Jun; 1971: 22 Feb; 24 Feb, insert in 22 Feb, “Quelques Fleurons”; 16 May; 1972: 14 Feb; 28 Feb; 27 Mar; 7 Jun; 19 Jun; 6 Nov; 27 Nov; 1973: 9 Apr; 2 May; 17 Jun; 29 Oct; 9 Dec; 17 Dec; 1974: 29 Apr; 20 May; 9 Dec; 1975: 3 Mar; 28 Apr; 26 May; 10 Nov; 2 Dec; 1976: 23 Apr; 5 Dec; 20 Dec; 1977: 22 Apr; 15 May; 7 Nov; 12 Dec; 1978: 30 Jun; 30 Oct; 1979: 23 Mar; 10 > 21 May; 1980: 2 Jun; 25 Feb (numismatique et glyptique); 25 Feb (bijoux et numismatique); 2 Jun; 1981: 30 Mar; 14 Nov; 1982: 14 May; 12 Nov; 13 Nov (+43 NK5520.V7); 1983: 10 Jun; 9 Dec; 1984: 14 Apr; 3 Dec; 1985: 13 Apr; 10 Jun; 1986: 3 Feb; 13 Nov (Trampitsch, pt.1)*; 15 Nov; * pts 2 & 3 of Trampitsch were sold by RASSION & CELLARD, q.v. 1988: 11 Apr; 1989: 14 Mar; 15 Mar; 3 Oct (with BOURGEY and KAMPMANN); 4 Oct (with BOURGEY and KAMPMANN); 15 Nov (Fleurons); 15 Nov (Laffaille); 1990: 23 Apr: 17 Nov; 1991: 13 Apr; 16 Nov; 1992: 22 Mar; 20 Nov; 1993: 8 Oct; 30 Nov; 1994: 18 Mar; 25 Apr; 18 May; 24 Nov; 1995: 22 May; 22 Nov [pt.1]; 22 Nov, pt.2; 1996: 24 Apr; 26 Apr; 17 Dec; 1997: 28 Apr; 9 Dec; 1998: 25 May; 1999: 26 Apr; 14 Dec; 2000: 27 Oct; 2001: 23 Jan; 6 Nov; 7 Nov; 2002: 10 Mar; 29 Oct; 2003: 7 Oct (Monnaies antiques); 7 Oct (Collection numismatique d’un amateur d’art); 14 Dec; 2004: 26 Nov; 2005: 29 Oct; 2006: 30 Nov; 20 Dec; 2008: 6 Jun; 12 Dec; 2009: 5 Feb [expert for LE FLOC’H sale of antiques]; 9 Jun; 8 Nov [expert for OSENAT sale of Napoleonica]; 2010: 22 Dec; 2011: 28 May

this needs straightening out

as BERTHELOT-VINCHON 2010: 22 Dec; 2014: 18 Jun; 2015: 8 Jun; 2 Dec; 3 Dec; 2016: 7 Jun; 2017: 30 May; 31 May; 29 Nov; 2018: 14 Jun;

VINTAGE, South Lake Tahoe, CA; Manasquan, NJ

Auctions: {Large general} 1988: 27 Oct; 1989: 10 Feb; 5 Aug

VINTON, Kevin, Danbury CT

Auction: (Large general) 2016: 9 Apr



Auctions: {Large general} 1891: 9 Mar; 1895: 22 Apr (A. Bignami, expert)

VL NUMMUS, Innsbruck, Austria

Auction: {Large general} 2016: no 4, 5 Jun

VOEGTLI, Dr Hans, Sabel, Switzerland – see ACAMA

V�GELE, K., Karlsruhe, Germany

Auctions: {Large general} have 1, 3-5, 7-8, 10-15 1973: no 1, 26 May; 1974: no 3, 23 Nov; 1975: no 4, 24 May; 1976: no 5, 10 Apr; 1978: no 7, 20 May; 1979: no 8, 9 Jun; 1981: no 10, 31 Jan; 1982: no 11, 27 Mar; 1983: no 12, 23 Apr; 1984: no 13, 13 Oct; 1985: no 14, 26 Oct; 1987: no 15, 7 Mar

VOLLE, Sonja, Freiburg i. Br., Germany

Lists: {Small general} 1974: no 12; n.d.: no 27

VOLTOLINA, P., Venezia, Italy

Lists (lit.): {Small general} 1999: no 3; 2000: no 1; no 2; no 3; 2001: no 1; no 2; no 3; 2002: no 1; no 2; 2003: no 1; 2004: no 1


VOSPER, Mike R., Colchester

Lists: {Large general} have numbered 71-130 1993: no 71, Mar/Apr; no 72, May/Jun; no 73, Jul/Aug; no 74, Sep/Oct;

                                    no  75, Nov/Dec;  1994:  no  76, Jan/Feb;  no  77, Mar-May;  no  78, May/Jun;
        no  79. Jul/Aug;  no  80, Sep/Oct;  no  81, Nov/Dec;  1995:  no  82, Jan/Feb;  no  83, Mar/Apr;  no  84, May/Jun;
        no  85, Jul/Aug;  no  86, Sep/Oct;  no  87, Nov/Dec;  1996:  no  88, Jan/Feb;  no  89, Mar/Apr;  no  90, Apr/Jun;
        no  91, Jul/Aug;  no  92, Oct;     no  93, Nov/Dec;  1997:  no  94, Jan;         no  95, Mar/Apr;  no  96, May/Jun;
        no  97, Aug;     no  98, Oct;  1998:  no  99, Jan/Feb;  no 100, Mar/Apr;
        no 101, May/Jun;  no 102, Jul/Aug;  no 103, Sep/Oct;
        no 104, Nov/Dec;  1999:  no 105, Jan/Feb;  no 106, Mar/Apr;  no 107, May/Jun;
        [unnumbered], Summer Special;     no 108, Aug;
        no 109, Oct/Nov;  no 110, Nov/Dec;  2000:  no 111, Jan/Feb;  no 112, Mar/Apr;  no 113, May;
        no 114, Aug;     no 115, Oct/Nov;  2001:  no 116, Jan/Feb;  no 117, Mar/Apr;  no 118, May/Jun;
        no 119, Sep/Oct;  2002:  no 120, Jan;     no 121, Mar/Apr;  no 122, Sep/Oct;  2003:  no 123, Jan/Feb;  no 124, Spring;  no 125, Autumn;  2004:  no 126, Winter;  no 127, Autumn;  2005:  no 128, Winter;  no 129, Spring;    2006:  no 130, Winter

VRIES, De, Gerrit – see ROOS, Corn. Fr.

VRIES, De, Jeronimo, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Auctions: {Small} – with BRONDGEEST, A., ENGELBERTS, E.N., and ROOS, Corn. Fr. 1828: 28 Jul; 15 Dec (+ priced); 1829: 13 Apr; 1831: 10 Jan; 1832: 17 Dec; 1834: 7 Apr; 12 May; 1836: 11 Apr; 1839: 14 May; 16 Dec; 1841: 30 Mar; 1843: 6 Mar

– with BRONDGEEST, A., ENGELBERTS, W.J.M., and ROOS, Corn. Fr. 1844: 4 Mar

– with BRONDGEEST, A. and ROOS, Corn. Fr. 1846: 12 Oct; 12 Nov; 1847: 6 Dec; 1849: 26 Feb; 12 Mar; 1851: 27 Oct; 1852: 7 Jun – continued as ROOS

VRIES, De, R.W.P., Amsterdam, Netherlands

Auctions: {Small general} {* Large general} 1901: 18 Jan; 21 Jan; 1902: 15 Sep; 1908: 18 Mar; 30 Nov; 1910: 16 Mar {*}; 1914: 15 Apr; 1915: 27 Oct; 1916: 12 Apr; 1918: 26 Nov; 1921: 21 Oct; 1924: 14 Jan; 1930: 16 Dec (RR � medals)

VYT, C., Ghent, Belgium

Auctions: {Large general} 1881: 13 Apr; 1882: 6 Feb (photocopy)



W.W.A. SUPPES, Wiesbaden, Germany – see also GUTOWSKI

List: {Large general} n.d.:

WADDELL, E.J.: Bethesda, MD – see also BIRKLER & WADDELL

Lists: {Large} n.d.: Society for Christian History, no 1; n.d.: The World of Ancient Coins

                      					have numbered 1-75...  1981:  no   1, Oct/Nov;  1982:  no   2, Feb;  no  3, May/Jun;  no  4, Dec;  1983:  no   5, Mar;  no  6, Oct/Nov;  no  7, Dec;  1984:  no   8, Feb;  no  9, May;  no 10, Jul;  no 11, Sep;
        no 12, Nov/Dec;  1985:  no 13, Feb;  no 14, Mar;  no 15, May;  no 16, Jun;  no 17, Jul;
        no 18, Aug;  no 19, Sep;  no 20, Oct;  no 21, Dec;  1986:  no 22, Feb;  no 23, Apr;  no 24, Summer;   n.d.:  no 25;  no 26;  no 27;  no 28;  no 29;  1988:  no [30], Apr;  no 31, May;   n.d.:  no 32;  no 33;  no 34;  no 35;  no 36;  no 37;  no 38;  no 39;
        no 40;  no 41;  no 42;  no 43;  no 44;  no 45;  no 46;  no 47;
        no 48;  no 49;  no 50;  no 51;  no 52;  no 53;  1992:  no 54, Winter;  no 55, Spring;  no 56, Summer;  no 57, Autumn;  1993:  no 58, Winter;  no 59, Spring;  no 60, Summer;  no 61, Autumn;  1994:  no 62;  no 63;  supplement, Aug;  no 64;  1995:  no 65;  no 66;  no 67;  1996:  no 68;  no 69;  1997:  no 70;  no 71;  no 72;  1998:  no 73;  1999:  no 74;  no 75;  2000:  [unnumbered], Fall, Inventory Selections;
   www. on-line auction 25 Apr, two illustrated flyers;
   www. as of 10 Oct (missing 12 May 2014);  2003:  no 79, 10 Dec (www, highlights);  2004:  no 86, 28 Jun (www, highlights);   no 100, Aug/Sep;  2007:  no 108, 15 Sep; [2008]:  A Few Selections

Bargain lists: {Large} n.d.: no 1; no 2; no 3; no 4; no 5; no 6; no 7; no 8; no 9; no 10; 1989: Jan/Feb; Apr; Dec

Lists, lit.: {Large} 1990: Dec; 1992: Aug; 1993: May; 1994: Feb

Lists published in The Celator: 1993: vol 7 no 8, Aug; 1995: vol 9 no 3, Mar

Auctions: {Large} 1982: no 1, 9 Dec; 1984: Buy or bid no. 1, 16 Apr; 1987: no 2, 12 Sep; 2000: 6 Mar (selections); 2001: no 34, 20 Jun (www., selections)

WAIGAND, W�rzburg, Germany

List: {Large general} 2004: no 1 2017: 2. Halbjahr

WALKER, P.M., Bournemouth

Lists: {Large general} 1970: Oct; 1972: Christmas; 1973: Mar; Aug; 1973/74: Christmas/New Year; 1974: Apr/May

WALKER, T.D., San Antonio, TX

Lists: {Small} have 1-37 1984: no 1, May; no 2, Aug; no 3 Nov; 1985: no 4, Feb; no 5, Apr; no 6, Jul; no 7, Sep; no 8, Nov; 1986: no 9, Jan; no 10, Mar; no 11, Jun; no 12, Aug; no 13, Sep; no 14, Nov; no 15, Nov; 1987: no 16, Feb; no 17, Apr; no 18, Jul; no 19, Jul; no 20, Sep; no 21, Nov; 1988: no 22, Jan; no 23, Mar; no 24, Jun; no 25, Jul; no 26, Oct; no 27, Nov; 1989: no 28, Feb; no 29, May; no 30, May; no 31, Jun; no 32, Nov; 1990: no 33, Mar; no 34, Jul; no 35, Oct; no 36, Nov; 1991: no 37, Apr

WALLA, F., Vienna

Lists: 1897/8: no 6; 1898/9: no 7; 1902: no 8 (bound in CUBASCH, q.v.)

WALLACE, Holland, Sausalito, CA Lists: {Small general} 1976: no 2, 7 Sep; no 3, 15 Nov; no 4, 31 Dec; 1977: no 5, Jul/Aug; no 7, Dec; 1981: no 11, Nov; 1982: no 13, Nov; 1983: no 14, Jul

WALLAND, Fred S., London; Seven Kings, Essex

Lists: {Small} n.d.: lot 1 O.B.E. 1981: Mar; Apr; May; Jun; Jul; Oct; Nov; Dec; 1982: Jan; Feb; Mar; Apr; May; Jun; Jul; Aug; Sep; Oct; Nov; Dec; 1983: Jan; Mar; Apr; May; Jun; Jul/Aug; Sep; Oct; Nov


Jan tammikuu May toukokuu Sep syyskuu Feb helmikuu Jun kes�kuu Oct lokakuu Mar maaliskuu Jul hein�kuu Nov marraskuu Apr huhtikuu Aug elokuu Dec joulukuu


*NB: the series of numbered Raha Uutiset includes both lists and auctions

Lists: {Small general} 1974: no 5; have numbered 5-11 1975: no 6; no 7; 1976: no 8; no 9; 1977: no 10; 23 Dec; 1978: no 11

Lists: Raha Uutiset {Small general} 1980: no 3/4, Dec 1981: no 2, May; no 3, Oct [continued below]

Auctions: {Small general} {Large general} 1975: 9 Mar (Coin Fair); 1976: 14 Mar (Coin Fair); 3 Oct; 7 Nov; 5 Dec; 1977: 6 Feb; 13 Mar; 24 Apr; 2 Oct {}

Auctions: Raha Uutiset {Large general}
1977: 13 Nov (in no 1, Oct); 1978: 5 Mar (in no 1, Feb); 16 Apr (in no 2, Mar); – — (in no 4)(prices realized only); 26 Nov (in no 5, Nov) 1980: no 2, 1 Nov; 1981: no 1, 15 Mar;

2) After the bankruptcy of FINNCANASTOR, refinanced as the non-profit foundation STIPENDIRAHASTO

Auctions: Raha Uutiset {Small} 1981: no 4, 8 Nov; no 5, 13 Dec; 1982: no [1], 31 Jan; no 2, 14 Mar; no 3, 25 Apr; no 4, 14 Oct; no 5, 23 Nov; no 6, 17 Dec 1983: no 1, 4 Feb (prices realized only); no 2, 17 Mar; no 3, 5 May; no 4, 8 Sep; no 5, 9 Oct; no 6, 20 Nov;

   * in the name of STIPENDIRAHASTO only

Lists: Pro Ker�ily 1987: no 1, Autumn; 1988: no 3, Spring; 1989: no 4, Spring; no 5

Auctions: 1983 16 Dec; 1984: 31 Jan; 28 Mar; 17 May; 27 Oct (with HAGELSTAM); 4 Dec; 1985: 7 Mar; 4 May; 27 Sep; 3 Dec; 1986: 30 Jan; 18 Mar; 18 Jun; 28 Oct; 1987: 7 Jan; 24 Mar; 27 Oct; 19 Dec; {lacking 28 May} 1988: 25 Feb; 7 Apr; 27 Jun; 13 Oct; 20 Dec; 1989: 17 Mar; 22 May; 28 Sep; 30 Oct; 17 Dec; 1990: 22 Feb; 26 Mar; 21 May; 18 Jul; 13 Oct; 8 Dec; 1991: 9 Mar; 11 Jun; 19 Oct – closed in 1991


Lists: {Small} n.d.: no 1; no 2; no 3; no 4

as WALLIN, I. n.d.: no 7; no 8; no 10

    {Large general}  1992:  Mynt-Rapport no 8, Feb;  1995:  Apr   * I. WALLIN was announced as amalgamating with SVEA in the latter's list 31,  n.d.

Auctions: {Small} have numbered 1-13 1983: no 1, 4 Oct; 1984: no 2, 18 Jan; no 3, 12 Mar; no 4, 25 May; no 5, 2 Oct; [unnumbered], 26 Nov; no 6, 14 Dec; 1985: no 7, 7 Mar; no [ 8], 29 Apr; no 9, 19 Dec; 1986: no 10, 14 Mar (prices realized in list 8)

as WALLIN, I. 1986: no 11, 29 Dec; 1987: no 12, 2 Mar; 1989: no 13, 27 Sep

1996: no 15, 1 Feb

– series ends with no 17


Auctions: {Small} 1965: no 126, 8 Dec; 1966: no 130, 18 May; no 134 (prices realized only, bound in no 135); no 135, 30 Nov; 1967: 17 Jun; no 142, 13 Sep (prices realized only, bound in no 143); no 143, 18 Oct; no 144, 29 Nov (prices realized only, bound in no 1); 1968: no 1, 17 Jan; no 2, 27 Mar; no 3, 11 May (prices realized only, bound in no 4); no 4, 19 Jun; 1969: no 8 (prices realized only, bound in no 9); no 9, 14 May; no 10, 18 Jun; no 12 (prices realized only, bound in no 13); no 13, 15 Oct; no 14, 26 Nov; 1970: no 15, 13 Jan; no 17, 21 Feb (prices realized only, bound in no 18); no 18, 12 May; no 19, 16 Jun; no 20, 21 Jul; no 21, 25 Aug; no 22, 6 Oct (prices realized only, bound in no 23); no 23, 17 Nov; 1971: no 24, 4 Jan; no 25, 16 Feb; no [26 sale not held]; no 27, 11 May; 1975: no 50 (prices realized only, bound in no 51); no 51, 8 Jul; no 52, 30 Sep; 1978: 23 Oct

       {Large general}  1981:  no 264, 10 Mar;  1987:  no 322, 21 Jul;  2000:  Spring (illustrated selection, prices realized);
        no 441,  3 Oct (illustrated selection, prices realized);  2001:  no 447, 12 Jun (illustrated selection of lots on offer);
        9 Oct (illustrated selection, prices realized);  2002:  30 Apr (illustrated selection, prices realized);  2012:  15 Feb;  21 Mar (illustrated selection of lots on offer);

WALSH, Michael (The Canadian Coinoisseur), Vancouver, BC, Canada

Auctions: {Large general} 2000, 3 Aug; 2003: – Feb (prices realized only, in 25 Oct); 25 Oct; 2004: 28 Feb; 2006: 24 Feb (photocopy); 27 Oct (photocopy)

WAN YING MAN, Hong Kong, China

Lists: {Small general} 1985: no 85-P-1; no 85-P-2; 1987: no 87-P-34, Dec; 1994: no 94-P-8, May; 1995: no 95-P-3, May; no 95-P-20, Sep ———————————–

WARD, J., Coventry

Auction: {Small general} 1884: 21 Feb

WARDEN, W.B., jr., New Hope, PA – continued from ECONOMOPOULOS; see also HIPPOCAMPOS

Lists: Historia Numismatica {Large general} n.d.: Madinat 161 AH; Nisa 74- AH; Mazandaran 1167 AH; n.d.: Al-Jazira 659 AH; n.d.: no 20; no 30; 1986: Feb/Apr; Sep; 1987: Mar; no 15, May/Jun; no 17, Nov

as WARDEN NUMISMATICS LLC 2001: no 1; no 2; 2003: no 3; n.d.: no 4


Auction: {Large general} 1996: 20 Apr

WARR, N.C., London

Lists: {Small} have numbered 1-24, 26 1982: no 1, Oct; no 2, Dec; 1983: no 3, Feb; no 4, May; no 5, Aug; [unnumbered] Sep; no 6, Nov; 1984: no 7, Mar; no 8, Jun; no 9, Sep; 1985: no 10, Jan; no 11, May; no 12, Nov; 1986: [unnumbered], Jan; no 13, Jun; [unnumbered] Jul; no 14, Nov; 1987: no 15, Feb; [unnumbered] May; [unnumbered] Sep; 1988: no 16, Feb; no 17, Jul; no 18, Nov; 1989: no 19, Feb; no 20, Jul; 1990: no 21, Feb; no 22, Jun; no 23, Oct; 1991: no 24, Aug; 1994: no 26, Oct


Large: {Large general} 2010: Catalogue


January stycnen February luty March marzec April kwiecien May maj June czerwiec July lipiec August sierpien September wrzesien October pazdziernik November listopad December grudzien

Auctions: {Large} have 1-49, 51-69 1991: no 1, 23 Nov; 1992: no 2, 23 May; no 3, 21 Nov; 1993: no 4, 22 May; no 5, 19 Nov; no 6, 20 Nov; 1994: no 7, 21 May; no 8, 19 Nov; 1995: no 9, 19 May; no 10, 18 Nov; 1996: no 11, 18 May; no 12, 23 Nov; 1997: no 13, 24 May; no 14, 22 Nov; 1998: no 15, 23 May ; no 16, 21 Nov; 1999: no 17, 27 Feb; no 18, 19 Jun; no 19, 6 Nov; 2000: no 20, 12 Feb; no 21, 3 Jun; no 22, 28 Oct; 2001: no 23, 24 Feb; no 24, 9 Jun; no 25, 27 Oct; 2002: no 26, 18 May; no 27, 30 Nov; 2003: no 28, 24 May; no 29, 6 Dec; 2004: no 30, 29 May; no 31, 4 Dec; 2005: no 32, 11 Jun; no 33, 3 Dec; 2006: no 34, 10 Jun; no 35, 2 Dec; 2007: no 36, 26 May; no 37, 1 Dec; 2008: no 38, 31 May; no 39, 29 Nov; 2009: no 40, 23 May; no 41, 14 Nov; 2010: no 42, 27 Feb; no 43, 5 Jun; no 44, 13 Nov; 2011: no 45, 26 Feb; no 46, 11 Jun;; no 47, 4 Nov; no 48, 5 Nov; 2012: no 49, 25 Feb; no 51, 9 Jun; no 52, 10 Nov; 2013: no 53, 23 Feb; no 54, 8 Jun; no 55, 23 Nov; 2014: no 56, 1 Mar; no 57, 7 Jun; no 58, 8 Nov; 2015: no 59, 14 Feb; no 60, 25 Apr; no 61, 12 Sep; no 62, 7 Nov; 2016: no 63, 27 Feb; no 64, 14 May; no 65, 14 May; no 66, 10 Sep; no 67, 26 Nov; 2017: no 68, 13 May; no 69, 25 Nov; 2018: no 70, 21 Apr; no 71, 17 Nov;


Auctions: {Small} 1998: no 463, 15 Jul; no 468, 11 Nov; no 470, 9 Dec; 1999: no 474, 10 Mar; no 479, 14 Jul; no 484, 10 Nov; 2000: no 489, 8 Mar; no 494, 12 Jul; no 499, 8 Nov; 2001: no 504, 14 Mar; no 509, 11 Jul; no 514, 14 Nov; 2002: no 519, 13 Mar; no 524, 10 Jul; no 530, 13 Nov; 2003: no 535, 7 May; no 540, 9 Jul; no 545, 12 Nov; 2004: no 550, 10 Mar; no 555, 14 Jul; no 560, 10 Nov; 2005: no 565, 9 Mar; no 569, 15 Jun; no 573, 14 Sep; no 577, 14 Dec; 2006: no 581, 8 Mar; no 585, 21 Jun; no 589, 13 Sep; no 592, 15 Nov; 2007: no 596, 14 Feb; no 600, 9 May; no 604, 8 Aug; no 608, 14 Nov; 2008: no 612, 13 Feb; no 615, 9 Apr; no 618, 18 Jun; no 621, 13 Aug; no 624, 8 Oct; no 627, 10 Dec; 2009: no 630, 11 Feb; no 633, 8 Apr; no 636, 17 Jun; no 639, 12 Aug; no 642, 14 Oct; no 645, 9 Dec; 2010: no 648, 10 Feb; no 651, 14 Apr; no 654, 16 Jun; no 657, 11 Aug; no 660, 13 Oct; no 663, 8 Dec; 2011: no 666, 9 Feb; no 669, 13 Apr; no 672, 15 Jun;. no 676, 17 Aug; no 680, 19 Oct; no 684, 14 Dec; 2012: no 688, 15 Feb; no 692, 18 Apr; no 696, 20 Jun; no 700, 15 Aug; no 704, 17 Oct; no 708, 12 Dec 2013: no 712, 20 Feb; no 716, 17 Apr; no 720, 19 Jun; no 724, 21 Aug; no 728, 12 Oct; no 732, 11 Dec; 2014: no 736, 19 Feb; no 740, 16 Apr; no 744, 18 Jun;
no 748, 20 Aug; no 752, 15 Oct; no 756, 10 Dec; 2015: no 760, 18 Feb; no 764, 22 Apr; no 768, 17 Jun; no 772, 19 Aug


Auction: {Small general} 1967, 4 Mar

WASSMANN, W., Wedemark, Germany

Lists: {Small general} 1990: no 23 (+ Supplement); 1991/92: no 25

Banknote List: {Small general} 1990: no 5

WATERING, Van De, C.J., notary, The Hague

Auction: {Small general} 1860: 19 Nov

WAYLING, Russel, London

Lists: {Folio} 1971: no 107, Jan; no 108, Feb; no 109, Apr; Accessories

WEAVEN, C. & K. (Jubilee Auctions), Sydney, Australia

Auction: {Small general} 1977: 10 Jun

WEAVER, D., Waco; Cleburne, TX

Lists: {Small general} have numbered 1, 3-18, 20-23� 1972: no 1, Jul/Aug; no 3, Winter (bound in periodical Numismatica (Lima)); 1973: no 4, Jan; no 5, Feb; no 6, Mar; no 7, May; no 8, Jun/Jul; no [9], Jul (Australian Tokens); no 10, Fall; no 11, Nov/Dec; no 12, Dec; 1974: no 13, Jan/Feb; no 14, Feb/Mar; no 15, Mar/Apr; no 16 [“15”], May/Jun; no 17, Jul/Aug; no 18, Sep; no 20, Oct/Nov; no 21, Nov/Dec; 1975: no 22, Jan; no 23, Mar; vol 1 no 2, Nov

WEBB, Walter F., Rochester, N.Y.

Auctions: {Small general} 1939: no 8, 22 Apr: 1940: no 17, 25 May; 1945: no 57, 25 Aug

WEBB’S, Auckland, New Zealand

Auction: {Large general} 1988: 5 Dec

WEEGE, G.-V., Vienna

Lists: {Large general} 1993: no 1, Apr; no 2, Autumn; 1994: Summer

WEEKS, B.M. & S.A., Salisbury

Lists: {Small general} n.d.: no. 70; no 71

WEIERM�LLER, G., Cologne, Germany

Lists: {Small} [1992]: Lagerliste lot 1 Achterberg; no 9; no 11; [1993]: no 13; [1994]: no 15; [1996]: no 17 (lit.); [1997]: no 19 (lit.); [1998]: no 21 (lit.); Sonderliste (lit.) (offering numbers of the Berliner Numismatische Zeitschrift; and the Bl�tter f�r M�nzfreunde und M�nzforschung, with a useful subject and author index for the many copies on offer.]) (+ shelved with the latter periodical)

    {Large general}  [2001]:  www. as of 7 Feb

WEIGHT, W.C., Brighton

Lists: {Small general} 1893: Mar; 1895: May; 1896: Jan; 1897: Feb; Oct; 1903: Oct; 1905: May/Jun; Dec

WEIL, A., Paris � dealer, and expert for a variety of auctioneers

Lists: {Large} 1979: Summer (with BAUDEY & PESCE) 1982: Feb; 1985: Sept; 1986: 18 Sep; [1987]: Monnaies celtes .,. Adrien Blanchet; [1988]: Lot 1 Tr�sor d’Auriol; 1990: May; 1991: Sep; 1993: Oct; 1994: Sep; [1996/97: Winter], lot 1 “Mort du Roi”; 1997: Oct; 1998: Autumn/Winter [199-?]: Deux cents monnaies francaises

Auctions: {Large} 1977: 22 Mar; 7 Dec; 1978: 9 May; 5 Jun; 15 Dec; 1979: 28 Feb; 23 Apr; 20 Jun; 26 Nov; 1980: 26 Mar; 16 Jun; 6 Oct; 1981: 26 Mar; 3 Jul; 2 Dec; 1982: 23 Apr; 22 Jun; 4 Nov; 4 Dec; 18 Dec; 1983: 12 Mar; 23 Apr (with CIFFR�) ; 27 May; 15 Jun; 30 Nov; 20 Dec; 1984: 29 Mar; 22 Jun; 21 Dec; 1985: 19 Feb; 9 Mar; 29 May; 3 Jun; 5 Jul; 25 Oct; 7 Dec; 1986: 26 May; 3 Jul; 1987: 23 May (with CIFFR�); 5 Dec; 1988: 12 Jun; 27 Oct; 5 Dec; 1989: 24 Apr; 5 Jun; 16 Oct; 11 Dec; 1990: 11 Feb; 5 Apr; 30 Sep; 12 Nov; 1991: 8 Apr; 17 Nov; 1992: 26 Jan; 15 Jun; 12 Oct; 11 Dec; 1993: 19 Jun; 25 Jun; 26 Nov (lit.); 1994: 11 Mar; 21 Jun; 15 Nov; 1995: 21 Jun; 18 Oct; 1996: 7 Feb; 19 Jun; 22 Oct; 1997: 26 May; 18 Dec; 1998: 16 Jun; 10 Dec; 1999: 11 Mar; 8 Jun; 28 Sep; 28 Oct; 2000: 20 Jun {Folio}; 21 Jun; 7 Nov; 2001: 27 Mar; 26 Apr; 27 Jun; 9 Oct; 18 Dec; 2002: 16 Mar; 20 Apr; 17 Jun; 3 Oct; 6 Nov; 4 Dec; 2003: 20 Mar; 24 May; 3 Apr; 29 Jun; 25 Nov; 9 Dec; 2004: 30 Mar; 13 May; 6 Oct; 20 Oct; 2005: 3 Feb; 24 Feb; 30 Mar; 6 Apr; 13 May; 4 Oct; 25 Nov; 2006: 15 Jan; 27 Jan; 7 Feb; 28 Mar; 17 May 2007: 6 Feb; 4 Oct; 2008: 26 Jan; 30 May; 12 Dec 2009: 21 Apr; 17 Dec; 2010: 6 Feb; 24 Mar; 24 Jun; 2 Oct; 2 Dec (with BOURGEY); 2011: 24 Mar; 19 Nov; 18 Dec; 2012: 1 Apr; 17 Apr; 2013: 22 Jan; 28 Oct; 2015: 25 Feb; 17 Jun; 2016: 20 Oct 2017: 24 Feb; 27 Jun (for MILLON BELGIQUE, lots 491-625, numismatic lots); 24 Oct;

WEINECK, Georg, Dinkelsb�hl, Bavaria, Germany have 4-9, 11-24 Lists: {Large general} n.d.: no 4; no 5; no 6; no 7; no 8; no 9; no 11; no 12; no 13; no 14; no 15; no 16; no 17; no 18; no 19; no 20; no 21; no 22; no 23; no 24

WEINER, G., Wangen/Schomburg, Germany

Lists: {Small general} 1979: no 47, Aug/Sep; 1992: no 109, Oct

WEIR, R., Unionville, ON, Canada

Lists: {Large general} 1995: in The Celator 9.7 (Jul, 1995) p.33; 1999: May; 2002: Oct; 2005: Oct; 2006: May


Lists: {Large general} 1976: no 2, Autumn; 1978: no 8, May; 1981: no 20, May; no 21, Nov; 1982: Dec; 1984: Dec; 1985: Oct; 1986: May; Dec

WELCH, Malcolm, Thurlaston, Rugby – loose inserts, some n.d., from The Badger. See also that periodical for lists or auctions bound in

Auctions: {Large general} n.d.: (x 5) 2000: 24 Jul; 24 Nov lot 1 Golly; 24 Nov lot 1 RAH; 2001: 27 Jan; 27 Jan; 2002: 21 Jul


Auctions: {Small general} 2008: 1 Sep; 31 Oct 2009: 30 Apr; 1 Jul; 1 Sep; 2 Nov; 2013: 15 Jan; 28 Feb; 1 May; 2014: 1 Sep; 6 Nov; 2015: 7 Jan

WELLINGTON COIN CLUB, Wellington, New Zealand

Auction: {Small general} 1998: 2 Jun

WELSH, J., Uttoxeter; Burton-on-Trent

Lists: {Small general} 1975: Nov; 1996: Nov; Dec; 1997: Jan; Feb; Mar; Apr; May; Jun; Jul; Aug; Sep; Oct; Nov; Dec; 1998: Jan; Feb; Mar; Apr; May

WENDEL, G.E.F, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Lists: {Small general} {* Large general} n.d.: lot 1 Tarent Diobol; no 2; fragment, lots 1-106; fragment, lots 200-1068; 1976: Autumn; 1978/79: Winter; [1989?]: no 4 {*}


WERMUTH, Christian

Lists: {Large general} n.d.: lot 1 Med. 1696; fragments of two or three sales, pp. 1-9; 14-20; 19-22

WERNER, F.S., New York, NY

Lists: {Large general} n.d.: no 27

    {Small general}   n.d.:  no 33;  no 37

WERTHER, Dr. E. H., Bremerhaven; Coppenbr�gge, Germany

Lists: {Large general} 1961: Jun; Sep; Dec; 1962: Apr; Sep; 1963: Jan; Mar; Jul; Nov; 1964: Mar; Jun; Sep; 1976: no 65, Mar

WESENER, F.J., Munich, Germany

Lists: {Small general} 1883: no 1, Apr; No 2, May

Auction: {Small general} 1882: 16 Oct (Morbio)


Auction: {Large general} 1999: 10 Jun [missing 19 Dec 2004]

WEST, Pam, Sutton, Surrey

List: {Small general} 1998: no 48; no 49, Dec; 2003: no 98

WESTERHOF, J.B., Sneek, Holland

Lists: {Large} have 1-13 1981: no 1, Mar; no 2, Nov; 1982: no 3, Mar; no 4, Sep; 1983: no 5, Mar; no 6, Nov; 1984: no 7, Mar; 1985: no 8, Mar; no 9, Nov; 1987: no 10, Jan; 1997: no [11], Nov; 2000: no 12, Dec; 2008: no 13, Jun

Auctions: {Large} have 7-9 – for auctions 1-6 see DUSSEN, Van DER 1987: no 7, 15 Dec; 1989: no 8, 9 Sep; 1992: no 9, 28 Mar


Lists: {Small general} 1982: no 10, Fall; 1983: no 12, Spring; no 13, Summer; no 14, Fall; 1983/84: no 15, Winter

Auctions: {Small general} 1983: no 1, 28 Nov


WESTF�LISCHE AUKTIONSGESELLSCHAFT F�R M�NZEN UND MEDAILLEN [WAG], Arnsberg, Germany. Composed originally of Udo GANS; Heinz-G�nther HILD; Manfred OLDING [nos. 1-15]; subequently without OLDING [nos.16-22]; then subsequently in various combinations of BODDE, GANS, HILD, MONETA NOVA and STADLER

Auctions: {Large} have 1-78

1993: no 1, 8 Feb; no 2, 18 Oct; 1994: no 3, 17 Feb; no 4, 19 Sep; no 5, 8 May; 1996: no 6, 26 Feb; no 7, 23 Sep; 1997: no 8, 10 Apr; no 9, 22 Sep; no 10, 22 Sep; 1998: no 11, 23 Mar; no 12, 23 Mar; no 13, 21 Sep; 1999: no 14, 3 May; 2000: no 15, 14 Feb; no 16, 27 Nov; no 17, 10 Sep; 2001: no 18, 12 Sep; 2002: no 19, 17 Apr; no 20, 9 Sep; no 21, 10 Sep; no 22, 21 Sep; 2003: no 23, 19 May; 2004: no 24, 9 Feb; no 25, 9 Feb; no 26, 13 Sep; no 27, 16 Sep; no 28, 13 Dec; 2005: no 29, 14 Feb; no 30, 13 Jun; no 31, 19 Sep; no 32, 19 Sep; no 33, 12 Dec; 2006: no 34, 13 Feb; no 35, 13 Feb; no 36, 14 Feb; no 37, 29 Jul; no 38, 18 Sep; no 39, 18 Sep; 2007: no 40, 28 Feb; no 41, 1 Mar; no 42, 2 Mar; no 43, 24 Sep; no 44, 26 Sep; no 45, 26 Sep; 2008: no 46, 11 Feb; no 47, 28 Jun; no 48, 1 Sep; 2009: no 49, 9 Feb; no 50, 10 Feb; no 51, 21 Sep; 2010: no 52, 8 Feb; no 53, 13 Sep; no 54, 14 Sep; no 55, 29 Nov; 2011: no 56, 7 Feb; no 57, 12 Sep; no 58, 13 Sep; 2012: no 59, 13 Feb; no 60, 13 Feb; no 61, 17 Sep; no 62, 17 Sep; no 63, 18 Sep; no 64, 13 Dec; no 65, 13 Dec; 2013: no 66, 16 Sep; no 67, 17 Sep; 2014: no 68, 28 Apr; no 69, 29 Apr; no 70, 29 Apr; no 71, 29 Apr; 2015: no 72, 23 Feb; no 74, 23 Nov; no 75, 24 Nov; 2016: no 76, 7 Sep; no 77, 7 Sep;
2017: no 78, 11 Sep

Auction On-Line {Large} 2013: no 26, 22 May (lit.); 2014: no 1 [sic], 23 Nov (paper); no 37, 16 Mar (paper); 2015: no 2 [sic], 21 Jun (paper); no 3, 25 oct (paper);

WESTFALL, Robert E., Marietta, OH

Lists: {Small general} 1975: no 28, Jul; no 29, Sep

Auction: {Small general} 1975: no 20, 1 Dec

WESTMINSTER AUCTIONS (Bucks Coins), Swanton Morley, Norfolk

Auctions: {Large general} 2011: no 1, 1 May; no 2, 2 Oct


Lists: {Large general} 2007: xxx; Diamond Wedding; 2009: Britannia; Diamond Wedding Anniversary; Henry VII Sovereign; Henry VIII Portrait; Henry VIII �5; Penny Black & Victoria Sovereign

WETTERSTROM, Kerry K., collector

The Wetterstrom collection of Roman Alexandria appeared in 6 parts, sold by ENGLISH (CNG): List: Historical Coin Review 13.2, Spring 1988 Auctions: CNG 4, 5, 7, 12.1, 13.2

WEYL, A., Berlin

Lists: {Small} have 95-146, 151-158, 161-196 Numismatische Correspondenz (all bound in a single volume) 1891: vol 9 no 95/98; no 99/100; 1892: vol 10 no 101; no 102/103;104/106; no 107/112; 1893: vol 11 no 113/115; no 116/122; no 123/124; 1894: vol 12 no 125/126; no 127/128; no 129/130;
no 131/133; no 134; no 135/136; Special/Verzeichniss, no 8; 1895: vol 13 no 137/139, Jan-Mar; no 140, Apr; no 141/143, May-Jul; no 144/146, Aug-Oct; Special/Verzeichnis, no 10; no 12, Sep; no 13/14, Oct/Nov; 1896: vol 14 no 151/154, Mar-Jun; no 155/157, Jul/Sep; no 158, Oct; 1897: vol 15 no 161/63, Jan-Mar; no 164/66, Apr-Jun; no 167, Jul; no 168/69, Aug/Sep; no 170/72, Oct-Dec; 1898: vol 16 no 173/75, Jan-Mar; no 176, Apr; no 177/80, May-Aug; no 181/84, Sep-Dec; 1899: vol 17 no 185, Jan; no 186/89, Feb-May; no 190, Jun; no 191, Jul; no 192, Aug; no 193, Sep; no 194/96, Oct-Dec; n.d.: [Special/Verzeichnis] lot 1 Aegyptus (bound at the end)

Auctions: {Small} 1876: sale n.d. but preface is signed as of 30 Jun: Henckel pt 1 [%]; pt 2 [%]; pt 3 [%]; pt 3 Nachtrag; [%] three catalogues bound together 1878 [] : 18 Feb; 30 Apr; 28 May; 16 Sep; 1879 [] : 14 Jan; [] the five sales of 1878-79 are pts I, IIa, IIb, III, IV of the Fonrobert coll. (+43 CJ1889.W5) 1882: no 27, 8 May []; no 28, 16 May []; [] two catalogues bound together 1885: no 50, 13 Apr; 1899: no 147, 11 Apr (bound with RAPPAPORT, q.v.)

WEYWODA, M., Vienna

Lists: {Large} 1995: May (missing 18 Nov 2015); 1999: Mar (missing 18 Nov 2015); 2004: Feb; 2005: Mar 2006: Jun

Auctions: {Large} have 2-7, 9-11, 14 1992: no 2, 7 Nov; 1993: no 3, 13 Nov; 1994: no 4, 12 Nov; 1995: no 5, 11 Nov; 1996: no 6, 12 Oct; 1997: no 7, 25 Oct (coins); no 7, 25 Oct (paper); 1999: no 9, 23 Oct; 2000: no 10, 21 Oct; 2001: no 11, 20 Oct; 2004: no 14, 23 Oct

Mail Bid auctions: {Large} 1992: no 1, 10 Apr; 1996: no 2, 27 Oct; 2002: no 1 [sic], 30 Jun; 2004: no 3, 20 Nov

WGY COIN & STAMP CO, Schenectady, NY

Auction: {Large general} 1982: 15 Apr

WHEELER, Michael, London

List: {Large general} 1986: List A

WHELAN, P., London

Lists: {Small general} The Numismatic News 1857: no 3 ; n.d.: no 6

WHITE, George & Jane, Basildon

List: {Small general} 1989: no B44, Feb

WHITFORD, C.A., Lansing, MI

Auctions: {Large} have 1-13, 15-27, 29, 31-32, 34, 36-38, 40

1991: no [ 1], 23 Nov; 1992: no [ 2], 12 Jun; no [ 3], 30 Nov; 1993: no [ 4], 26 Apr; no [ 5], 17 Jul; no [ 6], 9 Oct; no [ 7], 29 Nov; 1994: no 8, 30 Apr; no 9, 27 Aug; no 10, 28 Nov; 1995: no [11], 17 Feb; no 12, 21 Apr; no 13, 29 Sep; no 15, 24 Nov; 1996: no 16, 3 May; no 17, 28 Sep; no 18, 29 Nov; 1997: no 19, 25 Apr; no 20, 28 Nov; 1998: no 21, 2 May; no 22, 27 Nov; 1999: no 23, 27 Mar; no 24, 26 Nov; 2000: no 25, 20 May; no 26, 24 Nov; 2001: no 27, 18 May; 2002: no 29, 10 May; 2003: no 31, 31 May; no 32, 28 Nov; 2004: no 34, 26 Nov; 2005: no 36, 25 Nov; 2006: no 37, 20 May; no 38, 24 Nov; 2007: no 40, 10 Nov

WHITMIRE, Harold, Bluefield, WV

Lists: {Large general} n.d.: no 21; no 23; no 24

WHITMORE, J.& S. (early on, LICKEY COINS), Stourbridge; Malvern

Lists: {Small}

1970: Nov 1971: Mar; Sep; 1972: Sep; 1973: Mar; Oct; 1974: Apr; 1975: Jan; Oct; 1976: Apr; Nov; 1977: Apr; Oct; 1978: May; Nov; 1979: Jun; Aug; 1980: Mar; Sep; 1981: Apr; Nov; 1982: May; Nov; 1983: May; Nov; 1984: May; Nov; 1985: May; Nov; 1986: May; Nov; 1987: May; Nov; 1988: May; Nov; 1989: May; Nov; 1990: May; Nov; 1991: May; Nov; 1992; May; Nov; 1993: May; Nov; 1994: May; Nov; 1995: May; Nov; 1996: May; Oct; 1997: May; Nov; 1998: May; Nov; 1999: May; Nov; 2000: May; Nov; 2001: May; Nov; 2002: May; Nov; 2003: May; Nov; 2004: May; Nov; 2005: May; Nov; 2006: May; Oct; 2007: Apr; Oct; 2008: May; Nov; 2009: May; Nov; 2010: May; Nov; 2011: May; Nov; 2012: May (coins); May (medallions); May (tokens); Nov (coins); Nov (medallions); Nov (tokens); 2013: Apr (coins); Apr (medallions); Apr (tokens);
Oct (coins); Oct (medallions); Oct (tokens); 2014: Mar (coins); Mar (medallions); Mar (tokens); Jun (tokens); Oct (medallions); Oct (tokens); 2015: Apr (coins); Apr (medallions); Apr (tokens);
Aug (coins); Aug (tokens); Nov (coins); Nov (medallions); Nov (tokens); 2016: Mar (tokens)

WHYTE’S, Dublin

Auctions: {Large} 1995: 26 May; 14 Oct; 1996: 29 Mar; 28 Jun; 9 Nov; 30 Nov; 1997: 21 Feb; 24 May; 27 Sep; 1998: 10 Jan; 20 Feb; 6 Jun; 26 Sep; 1999: 6 Feb; 26 Feb; 25 Sep 2000: 25 Feb; 29 Apr; 23 Sep; 2001: 23 Feb; 2008: 5 Apr; 2016: 13 Jun



WILD, B., Utrecht, Netherlands

Auction: {Small general} 1786: 1 May > 19 June (Museum Numarium Milano-Viscontianum)

WILD & Comp., Munich, Germany

List: {Small general} 1882: no 4 lot 1 Keltische [�Nr. 2� corrected by hand to �Nr. 4�]

WILKES, Tim, Battle, East Sussex; Tonbridge Wells

Lists: {Small general} have 1-22 2008: no 1, May; no 2, Sep; no 3, Winter; 2009: no 4, Spring; no 5, Summer; no 6, Autumn; no 7, Winter; 2010: no 8, Spring; no 9, Summer; no 10, Autumn; no 11, Winter; 2011: no 12, Spring; no 13, Summer; no 14, Winter; 2012: no 15, Spring; no 16, Summer; no 17, Winter; 2013: no 18, Jan; no 19, Apr; no 20, Jul;
no 21, Oct; 2014: no 22, Jan; 2017: no 23, Jul; no 24, Oct; no 25, Dec;

WILKES & CURTIS, Tonbridge

Auctions: {Large} have 1-10 2014: no 1, 16 Jun; no 2, 15 Sep; no 3, 8 Dec 2015: no 4, 16 Feb [on-line, print-out]; no 5, 13 Apr;
no 6, 15 Jun [on-line, print-out];
no 7, 14 Sep; no 8, 16 Nov [on-line, print-out];
2016: no 9, 15 Feb [on-line, print-out]; no 10, 11 Apr

as ALBUM and WILKES & CURTIS 2016: Horizon Auction no 1, 2 Oct [boxed with ALBUM]

WILLIAME (La Maison Williame), Brussels

Auctions: {Large} have [1]-58 1976: no [1], 25 Sep; 1977: no [2], 19 Feb; 1979: no [3/4], 17 Feb; no [5], 3 Nov; 1980: no [6], 10 May; no [7/8], 13 Dec; 1982: no [9/12], 13 May; 1983: no [13/15], 6 May; 1984: no 16/19, 16 Feb; no 20, 12 Nov; 1985: no 21/22, 27 Apr; 1986: no 23/24, 22 Mar; no 25/28, 27 Nov; 1987: no 29/31, 8 May; no 32/34, 4 Dec; 1988: no 35/37, 27 May; 1989: no 38/39; 21 Jan; no 40/42, 26 May; no 43/44, 28 Oct; 1990: no 45/46, 17 May; 1991: no 47/48, 2 Mar; no 49, 13 Dec; 1993: no 50, 21 Apr; 1994; no 51, 13 Jan; no 52, 28 May; 1995: no 53, 8 Jun; 1996: no 54, 28 Mar; 1997: no 55, 27 Feb; 1998: no 56, 14 May; 1999: no 57, 21 Oct; 2002: no 58, 16 Nov

WILLIAMS, J.L., London

Lists: {Large general} n.d.: no 29; 1992: banknotes, no 12, Apr; no 62; no 62A; no 62F; n.d.: no 65


Auctions: {Large general} 1984: 16 Nov; 1985: 24 Apr ———————————–


List: {Small general} 1981: no 6, Apr [missing 19 Dec 2004]

WILSON, Cal, Fremont, CA

Auctions: {Small general}
1985: no 12, 21 Sept (lit.); 1986: no 13, 10 Jan [missing 17 August 2016]


Lists: {Large general} 1958: Nov; 1959: Jan/Feb; Mar/Apr; Oct-Dec; [1960]: no 5-160


Auctions: {Large general} have 3-5, 10-17 Year: 4 no 3, 27 Sep; 5 no 4, 3 Nov; 6 no 5, 2 Oct; 11 no 10, 10 Oct; 12 no 11, 24 Sep; 13 no 12, 7 Oct; 2002: no 13, 13 Oct; 2003: no 14, 5 Oct; 16 no 15, 10 Oct; 17 no 16, 9 Oct 18 no 17, 8 Oct


List: {Small general} [2011]: Ten Bob Note coin

WING, Philip M., Cincinnati, Ohio

List: {Large general} 1982: Winter


Letter: (Large general) 1966: offering Spanish-American (8 reales), with photograph of two pieces, both false.

WINKEL, W., Bielefeld, Germany

Auctions: {Small general} have 1-11 1971: no [1], 26 Jun; no [2], 11 Dec; 1972: no 3, 13 May; no 4, 14 Dec; 1973: no 5, 8 Jun; no 6, 18 Dec; 1974: no 7, 27 Nov; 1976: no 8, 15 Apr; 1977: no 9, 22 Jul; no 10, 23 Jul; 1979: no 11, 21 Jun

WINKEL, V. & MAGNUSSEN, Copenhagen

Auctions: {Small general} 1924: no 25, 15 Sep; 1930: no 86, 11 Dec; 1931: no 93, 21 Apr; 1945: no 320, 5 May; * no 325, 20 Nov * pt 1 of the Wilcke sale; for pts 2-4 see HEE

WINKMANN, Wolfgang, Kranenburg, Germany

Lists: {Small general} (*ALL missing 1 May 2008) n.d.: no 24; no 24 Nachtrag; [1974]: no 26

WINSLOW, Scott J., Bedford, NH

Auction: {Large general} 1997: no 12, 17 Jan

WINSTANLEY, T. & SONS, Liverpool

Auction: {Small general} 1838: 29 Oct

WINTER, H., D�sseldorf, Germany

Lagerlisten: {Small general} n.d.: Deutsches Reich; M�nzen des 19. Jahrhunderts; Notm�nzen; Papiergeld; Porzellanm�nzen- und Medaillen

Lists: {Small general} 1974: Autumn; 1976: no 21, Feb; no 22, Jul; 1978: no 23, May; n.d.: no 29; no 30

Auctions: {Large}

have 21-81, 83-87, 89-91, 93-94, 96-97, 99-100, 102-103, 105-106, 108, 110-113,
116, 118, 120, 122 * 39 is incomplete

1970: no 21, 16 Apr; no 22, 13 Nov; 1971: no 23, 7 May; no 24, 8 Oct; 1973: no 25, 2 Feb; no 26, 27 Sep; 1974: no 27, 24 May; no 28, 6 Dec; 1975: no 29, 28 Oct; 1976: no 30, 7 May; no 31, 22 Nov; 1977: no 32, 24 Jun; 1978: no 33, 16 Feb; no 34, 17 Feb; no 35, 17 Nov; 1979: no 36, 14 May; no 37, 14 May; 1980: no 38, 17 Jan; no 39, 25 Sep; 1981: no 40, 20 Mar; no 41, 24 Apr; no 42, 2 Oct; 1982: no 43, 25 Mar; no 44, 18 Nov; 1983: no 45, 26 May; no 46, 7 Nov; 1984: no 47, 17 May; no 48, 5 Nov; 1985: no 49, 17 May; no 50, 14 Nov; 1986: no 51, 19 Jun; 1987: no 52, 11 Feb; no 53, 11 Jun; no 54, 19 Nov; 1988: no 55, 9 Jun; 1989: no 56, 30 Jan; no 57, 27 Oct; 1990: no 58, 21 Jun; 1991: no 59, 21 Mar; no 60, 12 Jun; 1992: no 61, 15 Jun ; no 62, 23 Jun; 1993: no 63, 10 May; no 64, 14 Jun; 1994: no 65, 25 Jan; no 66, 14 Jun; no 67, 25 Oct; 1995: no 68, 21 Jun; no 69, 22 Sep; 1996: no 70, 8 Mar; no 71, 21 Jun; no 72, 7 Oct; 1997: no 73, 7 Mar; no 74, 30 Jun; no 75, 1 Jul; no 76, 15 Oct; 1998: no 77, 31 Mar; no 78, 29 Jun; no 79, 7 Nov; 1999: no 80, 10 Apr; no 81, 10 Jul; 2000: no 83, 25 Mar; no 84, 15 Jun; no 85, 1 Jul; no 86, 24 Nov; 2001: no 87, 8 Jun; 2002: no 89, 27 Apr; no 90, 6 Aug; 2003: no 91, 15 Mar; no 93, 12 Dec; 2004: no 94, 10 Jul; 2005: no 96, 26 Feb; no 97, 23 Jul; 2006: no 99, 18 Mar; no 100, 17 Aug; 2007: no 102, 4 Apr; no 103, 21 Sep; 2008: no 105, 4 Jul; 2009: no 106, 21 Aug; 2010: no 108, 2 Jul; 2011: no 110, 12 Aug; 2012: no 111, 12 Jan; no 112, 21 Sep; no 113, 13 Oct;� 2013: no 116, 11 May; 2014: no 118, 15 Aug; 2015: no 120, 28 Aug; 2016: no 122, 22 Apr; no 125, 5 Nov; 2017: no 129, 16 Jun;

“WINTERSTEIN, J.” – see HIRSCH, G., Prague

“Auction: 1936: 8 Jun”

WINTERTON, Lichfield

Auction: {Small general} 2013: 13 Feb

WITHERS, P., Wolverhampton

Lists: {Small general} n.d.: lot 1 Acarnania; lot 1 Athens; 1972: Nov – continued as GALATA

WOLF, G�nther, Karlsruhe, Germany

List: {Small general} n.d.: Baden 26

WOLF, Michael & Sandra – see ANCIENT COINS

WOLF AND TWINS (Len Spevack)

List (www.): {Large general} 2000: 25 Aug

WOLFE, L.A., Jerusalem

Auction: 1989: no 23, 20 Nov (numbered as STERNBERG, F., under whom boxed)


Lists: {Large general} 1998: Winter/Spring; Autumn

WOLFSHEAD GALLERY (Joseph Linzalone), Ridgewood, NJ

List: {Small general} 2005: no 51

WONSIK, Kasimierz, Lodz, Poland

Auction: {Large general} 2004: no 2, 18 Mar



WOODS, G. W., glenn@glennwoods.com (Dallas, TX)

List: {Large general} 2002: Ancient coin e-mail list no 2

WOODWARD, E., Roxbury, MA

Auction: {Small general} 1881: 8 Apr


Auctions: {Large general}

2002: 30 Oct; 2003: 23 Oct; 2004: 21 Apr; 20 Oct; 2005: 26 Jan; 20 Apr; 27 Jul; 19 Oct; 2006: 25 Apr; 19 Oct; 2007: 31 Oct; 2008: 29 Oct; 2009: 28 Jan; 29 Apr; 29 Jul; 28 Oct; 2010: 27 Jan; 28 Apr; 21 Jul; 2011: 25 Jan; 22 Jun; 19 Jul; 2012: 25 Apr; 18 Jul; 30 Oct;
2013: 22 Jan (US �� 1796); 17 Apr; 16 Jul (held in C&M); 2014: 21 Jan; 16 Oct (English medals) (held in C&M); 2015: 21 Jan (held in C&M); 15 Jul (held in C&M); 2016: 19 Jan (held in C&M); 20 Jul (held in C&M); 19 Oct (held in C&M); 25 Oct (badges) 2017: 2018: 3 May (Medals & Coins, Arms & Militaria)

WOOLNOUGH, M., Ipswich – loose, n.d. insert from The Badger. See also that periodical for lists or auctions bound in.

List: {Large general} n.d.:

WORBES, A. & C., Berlin

Auctions: {Large general} 1982: 22 Oct

WORBES, E., Berlin

Auctions: {Small general) 1981: no 55, 11 Mar; 1982: no 70, 24 Mar

WORBES, H., Berlin

List: {Small general} 2015: no 351

WORBY, Alan – see – M & H COINS

WORLD ART MEDALS (Robert M. & Sheila S. Levin), Philadelphia, PA

Lists: {Large} n.d.: lot 1 1870; lot 401 1871; lot 701 Washington 1980: Nov; 1982: Jan; Jul

Auctions: {Large} have 3-46 1983: no 3, 1 Jan; no 4, 21 May; no 5, 16 Oct; 1984: no 6, 8 Jan; no 7, 20 May; no 8, 1 Aug; no 9, 14 Oct; no 10, 2 Dec; 1985: no 11, 8 Mar; no 12, 5 May; no 13, 27 Sep; no 14, 1 Dec; 1986: no 15, 7 Mar; no 16, 4 May; no 18, 4 Oct; no 19, 14 Dec; 1987: no 20, 5 Apr; no 21, 20 Jun; no 22, 1 Nov; 1988: no 23, 1 Mar; no 24, 1 Jun; no 25, 16 Oct; 1989: no 26, 2 Jan; no 27, 1 Mar; no 28, 9 Jun; no 29, 23 Sep; no 30, 18 Nov; 1990: no 31, 13 Jan; no 32, 29 Sep; 1991: no 33, 5 Jan; no 34, 14 Apr; no 35, 6 Oct 1992: no 36, 15 Mar; no 37, 14 Jun; no 38, 8 Nov; 1993: no 39, 21 Feb; no 40, 6 Jun; 1994: no 41, 16 Jan; 1995: no 42, 19 Feb; no 43, 4 Jun; 1996: no 44, 24 Mar; 1997: no 45, 13 Apr; no 46, 7 Dec


Lists: {Large general} n.d.: Gold Coins of the world, select 200; 2000: no 12; no 14

Auctions: {Large general} have numbered 1-2, 4-7 1991: no 1, 12 Jul; 1992: no 2, 22 Mar; 1993: no 4, 3 May; no 5, 28 Nov; 1994: no 6, 2 May; no 7, 4 Dec; 1995: no A, 4 May



List: {Small general} 1975: Oct/Nov

WORLD NUMISMATIC AUCTIONS – see ALBUM, S.(Steve Album et al.), Santa Rosa, CA


WORLD PAPER CURRENCY COLLECTORS (Paul Curtis auctioneer), San Rafael, CA

Auction: {Small general} 1983: no 2, 15 Jul


List: (Proof Collectors Corner) {Small general} 1985: vol 20 no CXLXIII [sic], May/Jun

WORLD TREASURE BOOKS, Newport, Isle of Wight

Lists: 1992: Spring [1996]: no 7, [Mar]; Summer supplement


Lists, ancient and foreign: {Small} n.d.: Papacy; 1970: no 4, Nov; 1971: no 5, Jan/Feb [“1970”]; no 6, Mar; no 8, Jul/Aug; no 8A, [Sep]; no 9, Nov/Dec; 1972: no 10, Jan/Feb; no 11, Feb/Mar; no 12, Mar/Apr; no 13, Jun; no 15, Sep; no 16, Nov; 1973: no 17, Feb; no 18, Apr; May; Sep; Oct; Nov; Dec; 1975: Apr; Jun; [Jul, “pre-ANA”]; Oct; Nov; Dec; 1976: Mar/Apr; May; Sep/Oct; Dec; 1977: Apr; [Aug], lot 1 1727 Transylvania; Dec

Lists, US: {Small} 1972: Oct; Nov; 1973: Jan; Jun; Sep; n.d. (1973?): lot 1 1796 1c; 1975: vol 1 no 1, May; no 2, Jul; no 3, [Aug]; 1976: [vol 2 no 1], United States Coins (lot 1 1818 1c); no 2, Mar

WORLD-WIDE COINS OF CALIFORNIA (Elmen, James F.), Beverly Hills, CA; Santa Rosa, CA

Lists: {Small general} have numbered 3-21 n.d. (post-1980): New Year’s Offerings; 1978: no 3, Dec; 1979: no 4, Feb; no 5, Apr; no 6, May; no 7, Sep; no 8, Nov; 1980: no 9, Feb; no 10, Apr; no 11, Jul/Aug; no 12, Oct; no 13, Nov/Dec; 1981: no 14, Feb; [unnumbered], Spring; no 15, Jun; no 16, Sep; no 17, Nov/Dec; 1982: no 18, Summer; 1983: no 19, Mar; no 20, Sep; 1985: no 21, Aug

Auctions: {Large} have numbered 2-[70] 1982: no 2, 24 Mar (with GOTHIC COINS); no 3, 18 Nov; 1983: no 4, 24 May; no 5, 3 Nov; 1984: no 6, 24 May; 1985: no 7, 21 Feb; no 8, 12 Nov; 1986: no 9, 29 May; no 10, 6 Nov; 1987: no 11, 14 May; no 12, 5 Nov; 1988: no 13, 5 May; no 14, 17 Nov; 1989: no 15, 18 May; no 16, 16 Nov; 1990: no 17, 17 May; no 18, 15 Nov; 1991: no 19, 13 Jun; no 20, 14 Nov; 1992: no 21, 14 May; no 22, 19 Nov; 1993: no 23, 13 May; [unnumbered], 13 May (Brekke 1); no 24, 18 Nov; [unnumbered], 18 Nov (Brekke 2); 1994: no 25, 5 May; [unnumbered], 5 May (Brekke 3); no 26, 17 Nov; 1995: no 27, 18 May; no 28, 16 Nov; 1996: no 29, 29 Feb; [unnumbered], 29 Feb (Brekke 4);
no 30, 14 Nov; 1997: no 31, 1 May; no 32, 13 Nov; 1998: no 33, 14 May; no 34, 12 Nov; 1999: no 35, 13 May; no 36, 18 Nov; 2002: no 37, 18 May; no 38, 16 Nov; 2001: no 39, 17 May; [unnumbered] 17 May (Zander lit.); no 40, 15 Nov; 2002: no 41, 9 May; no 42, 14 Nov; 2003: no 43, 15 May; no 44, 13 Nov; 2004: no 45, 13 May; no 46, 18 Nov; 2005: no 47, 12 May; no 48, 17 Nov; 2006: no 49, 18 May; no 50, 16 Nov; * overt numbering abandoned after no 50 2007: no [51], 17 May; no [52], 15 Nov; 2008: no [53], 15 May; no [54], 13 Nov; 2009: no [55], 14 May; no [56], 19 Nov; 2010: no [57], 13 May; no [58], 18 Nov; 2011: no [59], 12 May; no [60], 17 Nov; 2012: no [61], 17 May; no [62], 15 Nov; 2013: no [63], 16 May; no [64], 21 Nov; 2014: no [65], 15 May; 2015 no [66], 15 Jan; no [67], 19 Nov; 2016: no [68], 26 May; no [69], 17 Nov; 2017: no [70], 18 May; 2018: no [72?], 25 Jan;



Lists: {Large general} 1995: 1995/6: [identical to 1995, with altered cover]

Auction: {Large general} 1994: 14 Sep


List: {Small general} 1974: gold and silver issues of 1974-1975

WORMSER, Maximilian, Vienna

List: {Small general} 1902: no 13

WORRALL, E.E., Liverpool

Auction: 1980: 23 Oct (43 CJ2498.M25.G9)

WORSNOP, Gary, Eastleigh, Hants. – loose, n.d. inserts from The Badger. See also that periodical for lists or auctions bound in.

Auctions: {Large general} n.d.: Golly (x 7)


WRUCK, W., Berlin

Lists: {Small} {* Large} have 2-5, 8-9, 13-37 1938: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Apr; no 4, May; no 5, Jun;; 1939: no 8, Mar; no 9, Apr; 1951: no 13, Mar; no 14, Oct; 1952: no 15, Nov; 1953: no 16, Feb; no 17, Jul; no 18, Oct; 1954: no 19, Sep; 1955: no 20, Mar; no 21, May; no 22, Jun; no 23, Oct; no 24, Dec; 1957: no 25, Nov; 1958: no 26, Apr; no 27, Jun; no 28, Oct; 1959: no 29, May {*}; 1960: no 30, Apr; 1961: no 31, Feb; 1962: no 32, Jun; 1963: no 33, Apr; 1967: no 34, Feb; no 35, Jul; 1972: no 36, Jan; no 37, Oct

Auctions: {Large} have 1-26 1940: no [1], 5 Sep; no [2], 23 > 30 Sep; 1941: no 3, 26 May; 1942: no 4, 9 Nov; 1943: no 5, 6 Sep; 1950: no 6, 18 Apr; no 7, 20 Nov; 1951: no 8, 20 Aug; no 9, 29 Oct; 1952: no 10, 17 Mar; no 11, 9 Jun; 1953: no 12, 23 Feb; 1954: no 13, 29 Apr; no 14, 28 Jun; 1964: no 15, 8 Oct; 1965: no 16, 11 Oct; 1968: no 17, 29 Jan; no 18, 15 Nov; 1969: no 19, 26 Jun; 1970: no 20, 18 Mar; 1973: no 21, 14 Mar; 1974: no 22, 22 Apr; 1975: no 23, 9 Oct; 1976: no 24, 18 Oct; 1977: no 25, 17 Oct; 1978: no 26, 9 Oct – series apparently ends with no 26

W�NDISCH, Hans (Buchh�ndler und Antiquar), Heidelberg, Germany

List (lit.) {Small general} n.d.: no 25


Lists: {Small general} {* Large general} 1960: 10 Nov {}; 1961: 27 Oct {}; 1962: 18 Apr {}; 1964: Apr {}; 1969: Oct; 1972: Oct {*}; 1975: May; May, Napoleonic; May, Ottoman gold; 1976: Sep – continued as BADEN-W�RTTEMBERGISCHE BANK

Auction: {Large general} 1977: no 1, 3 Mar – continued as BADEN-W�RTTEMBERGISCHE BANK

WYATT, C.E., San Diego, CA – continued from PONTERIO & WYATT

Lists: {Small} have 1-42, 44, 46-49, 51

1983: no 4; no 5; no 6 (“Mail Bid Auction” on cover, in error); no 7; no 8; no 9; no 10; no 11; 1984: no 12; no 13; n.d.: no 14; no 16; no 17; no 18; no 19; no 20; no 21; no 22; no 23; no 24; no 25/100 * * i.e. calculated as his 25th world coin catalogue, plus 75 lists published earlier with Ponterio, therefore 100th in total; no 26; no 27; no 28; no 29; [1985]: no 30, [Oct]; n.d.: no 31; [1986]: no 32; no 33; no 34; [1987]: no 35; no 36; no 37; no 38; no 39; n.d.: no 40; no 41; no 42; no 44; [1989]: no 46; n.d.: no 47; no 48; [1990] : no 49, [Mar]; no 51

Auctions, mail bid included in lists: 1983: no 1, 31 Jan (in list no 4); no 2, 14 Mar (in list no 5); no 3, 16 May (in list no 7); no 4, 10 Jun (in list no 8); no 5, 15 Nov (in list no 11); 1984: no 6, 3 Jan (in list no 12)

Auctions: {Large general} have 9-20 � 30-31 1985: [no 8?], 11 Mar 1985; no 9, 22 May; no 10, 22 Jul; no 11, 10 Oct; 1986: no 12, 6 Feb; no 13, 2 May; no 14, 15 Aug; no 15, 15 Oct; 1987: no 16, 9 Jan; no 17, 9 Apr; no 18, 11 Jun; no 19, 14 Aug;
no 20, 27 Oct; 1990: no 30, 9 Feb; no 31, 11 May




Lists: {Small general} have 3, 5-10, 12, 18-20 1972: no 3, Oct; 1973: no 5, Oct; 1974: no 6, Apr; no 7, Oct; 1975: no 8, Apr; 1976: no 9; 1977: no 10; 1978 (corrected to 1979): no 12; 1986: no 18; 1987: no 19; 1989: no 20


Auctions: {Large general} 2011: 21 Nov; 2012: 17 May (lots 1-1371); 18 May (lots 1401-1989)


List: {Large general} 1973: no 4, Jun

YOUNG, Geoffrey, Harrogate

Lists: {Large general} 1973: no 139, 11 May; no 141, 25 May

YOUNG, Leo, Oakland, CA

Auctions: {Large general} 1957: 24 May; 21 Jun; 1959: 26 Aug; 1961: 28 Apr

YOUNGERMAN, W., Boca Raton, FL

Lists: {Small general} 1981: Spring; 1982: Summer; 1983: Spring/Summer; 1985:

YOUROUKOV, V. – see C.N.I.



List: {Large general} 1996: no 11

ZARIT, Jeffrey S., Dallas, TX

Lists: {Small general} 1976: no 34, Feb; 1978: no 45, Jul; 1990: no 141, 8 Jan; 1996: no 185, 1 Feb; 1997: no 200, 18 Aug; 1998: no 210, 1 Sep; 2000: no 228, 15 Sep

ZEIGE, Carsten, Hamburg, Germany

Lists: {Large} n.d.: no [1], lot 1 Hausorden Albrecht; no 2;
1994: no 3; n.d.: no 4; 1996: no 9; no 10; no 11 + Nachtrag

Auctions: {Large} *NB: some numbers may be incomplete. Some catalogues were issued in two or more parts with no indication of such divisions on the covers. They can be distinguished and serialized by the consecutive lot numbers within if more than one be available for comparison, which has not always been the case here. Of course where the lot numbers of any catalogue begin later than lot 1 a previous catalogue is to be assumed.

2001: no 6, 16 Mar pt 2;
2003: no 11, 18 Jan (lots 1-247); no 11, 18 Jan (lots 250-1418); no 13, 20 Sep; no 14, 13 Dec; 2004: no 15, 27 Mar; 2005: no 17, 22 Jan; no 18, 21 May; no 19, 1 Oct (lots 1-192);
no 19, 1 Oct (lots 193-1507); no 20, 10 Dec; 2006: no 21, 25 Mar; no 22, 24 Jun; no 23, 23 Sep;
2007: no 24, 20 Jan; no 26, 22 Sep 2008: no 27, 15 Mar; no 28, 28 Jun (lots 1-269); no 28, 28 Jun (lots 270-976);
no 30, 15 Nov (lots 1-138); no 30, 15 Nov (lots 139-379);
no 30, 15 Nov (lots 380-1171); 2009: no 31, 21 Mar (lots 1-506); no 31, 21 Mar (lots 507-972);
no 32, 27 Jun; no 33, 26 Sep (lots 1-144); no 33, 26 Sep (lots 145-1351); 2010: no 34, 23 Jan; no 35, 29 May (lots 1-966); no 35, 29 May (lots 1000-1299);
no 36, 25 Sep;
2011: no 37, 15 Jan (lots 1-144); no 37, 15 Jan (lots 145-1188) no 38, 21 May; 2014: no 49, 15 Nov {Folio}


ZELLER, Michael, Lindau, Germany

Auctions: {Large} have 8-29 1971: no 8, 3 Sep; no 9, 3 Dec; 1972: no 10, 24 Mar; no 11, 1 Sep; no 12, 1 Dec; 1973: no 13, 23 Mar; no 14, 5 Jul; no 15, 29 Oct; 1974: no 16, 29 Mar; no 17, 30 Aug; no 18, 6 Dec; 1975: no 19, 4 Apr; no 20, 5 Sep; no 21, 15 Dec; 1976: no 22, 2 Apr; no 23, 3 Sep; no 24, 10 Dec; 1977: no 25, 1 Apr; no 26, 2 Sep; no 27, 9 Dec; 1978: no 28, 7 Apr; no 29, 23 Nov

ZIAUNYS, Gintaras, Vilnius

List: {Small general} n.d. (ca. 1993): no 5

ZINGEL, Liegnitz, Germany

Auction: {Large} 1901: 29 Apr (Moche coll.) (bound with L. & L. HAMBURGER 1898-1901 and boxed there)

ZLATA KORUNA, Ostrava, Czech Republic

Auction: {Large general} 2011: no 5, 16 Apr

ZODIAC STAMPS, Tel-Aviv, Israel

Auction: {Small general} 1978: no 30, 6 Dec


ZSCHIESCHE & K�DER, Leipzig, Germany

Lists: {Small} 1891: no 45, Jul; 1893: no 52, May; 1894: (Merseburger) (reprint 1965); no 57, May; no 58, May; 1900: no 82, Feb; no 84, Oct; 1901: no 86, May; no 87, Oct; 1902: no 90, May; no 91, Oct; no 92, Nov; 1903: no 94, Feb; no 95, May; no 96, Oct*; * 1900-1903 bound together 1904: no 98 (fragmentary); no 99 (fragmentary), May; 1905: no 102, Feb; no 103, Mar; no 104, May; no 105, Oct; 1906: no 107, Feb; no 108, Feb (bound in REDDER no 2, q.v.); no 109, May; no 110, Oct; 1907: no 112, Feb; no 114, Sep; 1908: no 117, Feb; no 118, May; no 120, Oct; 1909: no 122, Feb; no 123, May – continued as REDDER

Z�HLSDORF, K.H., D�sseldorf, Germany

Lists: {Small general} have numbered 1, 3-10 1974: no 1; 1975: no 3; no 4; 1976: no 5; no 6; no 7; no 8; 1977: no 9; 1979: no 10; n.d.: Sonderliste no 1; Sonderliste no 2


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