S C COINS, Alexandria, MN
Lists: {Large general}
S.P.Q.R. (C.J. Howgego & J. Hutson), Chelmsford
List: {Small general}
1976/77: Winter
S.P.Q.R. (Bryan Snowball), Dalton-le-Dale
Lists: {Small general}
undated: no 2, lot 1 Antony & Octavian
Vandalia, OH
1990: no 1, Jul/Aug
S & B COINS (Simon Monks and Brian Reeds), Amersham
Lists: {Small} have numbered 1-71, 73-84
1991: no 1, Jul; no 2, Sep; no 3, Nov;
1992: no 4, Jan; no 5, Mar; no 6, May; no 7, Jul/Aug;
no 8, Sep/Oct; no 9, Nov/Dec;
1993: no 10, Jan/Feb; no 11, Mar/Apr; no 12, May/Jun;
no 13, Jul/Aug; no 14, Sep/Oct; no 15, Nov/Dec;
1994: no 16, Jan/Feb; no 17, Mar/Apr; no 18, May/Jun;
no 19, Jul/Aug; no 20, Sep/Oct; no 21, Nov/Dec;
1995: no 22, Jan/Feb; no 23, Mar/Apr; no 24, May/Jun;
no 25, Jul/Aug; no 26, Sep/Oct; no 27, Nov/Dec;
[unnumbered], Dec;
1996: no 28, Jan/Feb; no 29, Mar/Apr; no 30, May/Jun;
no 31, Jul/Aug; no 32, Sep/Oct; no 33, Nov/Dec;
1997: no 34, Jan/Feb; no 35, Mar/Apr; no 36, May/Jun;
no 37, Jul/Aug; no 38, Sep/Oct; no 39, Nov/Dec;
1998: no 40, Jan/Feb; no 41, Mar/Apr; no 42, May/Jun;
no 43, Jul/Aug; no 44, Sep/Oct; no 45, Nov/Dec;
1999: no 46, Jan/Feb; no 47, Mar/Apr; no 48, May/Jun;
no 49, Jul/Aug; no 50, Sep/Oct; no 51, Nov/Dec;
2000: no 52, Jan/Feb; no 53, Mar/Apr; no 54, May/Jun;
no 55, Jul/Aug; no 56, Sep/Oct; no 57, Nov/Dec;
no 58, Jan/Feb; no 59, Mar/Apr; no 60, May/Jun;
2001: no 61, Jul/Aug; no 62, Sep/Oct; no 63, Nov/Dec;
2002: no 64, Jan/Feb; no 65, Mar/Apr; no 66, May/Jun;
no 67, Jul/Aug; no 68, Sep/Oct; no 69, Nov/Dec;
2003: no 70, Jan/Feb; no 71, Mar/Apr;
no 72 [missing 17 August 2016]; no 73, Jul/Aug;
no 74, Sep/Oct; no 75, Nov/Dec;
2004: no 76, Jan-Mar; no 77, Apr-Jun; no 78, Jul-Sep;
no 79, Oct-Dec;
2005: no 80, Jan-Mar; no 81, Apr-Jun; no 82, Jul-Sep;
no 83, Oct-Dec;
2006: no 84, Spring
– apparently the end of the series
Auction: {Large general}
1975: no 1, 23 Feb
S & S ANCIENT COINS, Richmond, VA; Toledo, OH;
Lists: {Large general} have numbered 2-44
1976: no 2, May; no 3, Jun; no 4, [Aug]; no 5, [Sept];
no 6, [Oct]; no 7, [Nov]; no 8, [Dec];
undated: no 9; no 10; no 11; no 12; no 13; no 14; no 15; no 16;
no 17; no 18; no 19; no 20; no 21; no 22; no 23; no 24;
no 25; no 26; no 27; no 28; no 29; no 30; no 31; no 32;
no 33; no 34; no 35; no 36; no 37; no 38; no 39; no 40;
no 41; no 42; no 43; no 44
1978: Mar; May; Jun
Budget List:
undated: lot 1 Tribes of Gaul
Der SAAR-SPEZIALIST, Saarbrücken, Germany
Lists: {Small general}
1974: no 11, Autumn;
1975: no 13, Autumn;
1976: no 15, Autumn
SABBIONEDA, L., Milan, Italy
List: {Small general}
Lists: {Large general}
undated: Authentic Ancient Coins; Wholesale Catalogue;
Authentic ancient coins set as pendants
Auctions: {Small general} {* Large general}
1914: 4 May;
1915: 29 Nov;
1917: 21 May;
1936: 25 Nov {*};
1937: 16 Mar {}; 28 May (Kieler, pt 1) {}; [pt.2, 21 Oct]
1939: 23 Jun; 27 Nov;
1941: 24 Sep;
1945: 5 May [missing 17 August 2016];
1950: 13 Sep;
1958: 1 May
SAID, E., Valletta, Malta
Lists: {Large general}
2003: Dec (Melitensis collection);
2004: Dec (Melitensis collection II); Price List
SAIVE, Phillipe, Metz, France
Lists: {Large general}
SALA RETIRO, Madrid {Large general}
Auction: {Large general}
1994: 30 Nov
one numbered sequence of lists and auctions, numeration
continued from SCHLESSINGER
Lists: {Small general} have 14-25, 27-30, 33
1949: no [14], Sep;
n.d.: no 15;
1956: no 24, Winter;
1957/58: no 25, Winter;
1958: no 27, Fall;
1959: no 28, Spring; no 29, Winter;
1960/61: no 30, Winter;
1961/62: no 33, Winter
Auctions: {Small general}
1952: no [18], 18 Oct;
1953: no 19, 17 Feb;
1954: no 20, 2 Feb; no 21, 5 Oct;
1955: no 22, 28 Feb; no 23, 22 Nov
SALVATORI, Paolo, expert, Caen, France
Auction: {Large general}
2007: 20 Oct
SAMBON, Arthur, Paris; Rome
(1866-1947) Son of Jules, prolific scholar, dealer and
auctioneer in Paris from 1899, formally separate from his
father’s firm but working close together. [Italo Vecchi]
1896: (Corghi)
Auctions: {Large}
1899: 27 Mar
as SAMBON, A. & C. & E., Paris, Rome, Naples
1900: 14 May
1901: 18 Mar {Folio}; 11 Dec
1902: 24 Mar
1903: 7 May
1905: 20 Mar;
1906: 22 Jun;
1907: 15 Apr (Strozzi) [Sangiorgi expert]
18 Nov (Martinetti & Nervegna) (+bv209);
28 Nov ("29 Nov" on cover)(Martinetti);
19 Dec (de Ciccio) <+bv203>;
1908: 25 May
1923: 14 Mar;
1925: 26 May; 24 Jun
as SAMBON, A. & CANESSA, Ambrogio
1927: 27 Jun
SAMBON, Jules (G.), Rome, Florence, Milan, Paris
(1836-1921), scholar, dealer and auctioneer, born in Naples but
French by nationality. [Italo Vecchi]
Catalogues printed in Rome, but main office in Florence.
Auctions held in Florence, Milan, Rome.
some catalogues carry Dura’s name, year and number.
Lists: {Small}
1886: no IX.12;
1887: no X.2 (Baxter);
1888: no XI.4 (Lippi);
1891: no XIV.3 (Pozzolini);
1903: no XXVI.206 (Comte GB) <bv200, bv201>;
(bound with CLERICI and boxed there)
Auctions: {Small} {* Large}
1879: no II.4, 26 Mar [Rome] (x2); 10 Dec (Borghesi pt 1) [Rome];
1880: 12 Apr (Tafuri) [Rome] [+ incomplete photocopy];
24 Apr (Borghesi pt 2) [Rome] [only lots 1362-1402 photocopy];
6 Dec (Rossi) [Rome];
1881: 2 Apr (Borghesi pt 3) [Rome]; 31 May (Borghesi pt 4) [Milan];
no IV.12, 10 Nov [Milan]
1884: no VII.4, 2 Apr (Merolli) [Rome];
1885: 7 Jan [Milan]; 8 Jan [Milan]; no VIII.9, 14 Dec [Milan];
1886: 5 Apr (Alberici) [RR];
1887: 21 Mar (Taggiasco pt 1) [Rome]; no X.4, 25 Apr (Cantoni)
[Milan]; no X.5, 9 May [Milan];
1889: 26 Mar [Milan] {*} (+ with A. SAMBON, boxed there);
1890: 27 Jan (Miari) [Milan];
1891: no XIV.6, 3 Dec (Corsi; Rossi expert) [Florence];
1897: no XX.2, 5 Apr [Milan];
1898: no XXI.5, 6 Jun [Milan] (text only)
1901: no XXIV.198, 5 Feb [Milan];
no XXIV.192 (sic), 7 Feb [Milan];
1903: no XXVI.205, 1 Jun (Muoni, lit.) [Milan] {*}
List: {Large general}
2000: 2 Sep
Auction {Large}
1987: 19 Sep (Atocha)
is that of Dana Linett, who runs the San Diego show” – Martin
Gengerke, American Numismatic Auctions (1990);
1987: 18 Sep;
1988: 22 Jan; 24 Jun; 14 Oct;
1989: 23 Jun;
1990: 2 Mar (session 1); 3 Mar (sessions 2-3); 18 Aug;
31 Aug (mail bid bound in 18 Aug)
Auctions: {Small general}
1969: 6 Nov;
List: {Small general}
1978: no AN-4
-- see also SAMBON as expert
Auctions: {Large general}
1894: 11 Apr (Stettiner); 31 May (Sossi);
1906: 7 May (Sarti) {Folio}
List: {Large general}
1987: lot 1 Syracuse
Auctions: {Small general}
1980: 20 Mar; 12 Jun
Dealers, auctioneers and publishers in Rome from 1908 when
cousins Pietro (1881-1947) and Pio (1881-1947) founded the firm.
Pietro, after an education in London and Brussels, with his
fluent English became chief inter-Allied propaganda officer
during World War I, for which he received the OBE as well as
becoming Knight commander of the Crown of Italy. [Italo Vecchi]
The most important numismatic firm in Rome in its day. On its
dissolution its library passed to the Numismatic department of
the Museo Nazionale Romano (Palazzo Massimo).
Lists: {Small} have 1-4, 9-15
1913: no 1, Mar;
1929: no 2, Mar; no 3/4, May/Jul;
1930: no 9, Jul;
1931: no 10, Apr; no 11, Oct;
1932: no 12, Jan; no 13, Aug;
1933: no 14, Mar;
1934: no 15, Jul
Lists published in Numismatica e scienze affini {MEC Room}
1935: year 1 no 1, Jul/Aug; no 2, Sep/Oct; no 3, Nov/Dec;
1936: year 2 no 1, Jan/Feb; no 2, Mar/Apr; no 3, May/Jun;
no 4/5, Jul-Oct; no 6, Nov/Dec;
1937: year 3 no [1]; no [2]; no [3]; no [4]; no [5];
1938: year 4 no [1]; no [2]; no [6];
1939: year 5 no [2]; no [4]; no [5];
Lists published in Numismatica {MEC Room}
1946: no 1; no 2; no 3;
1947: no 1; no 2; no 3;
1948: no 4
Lists: {Small} have numbered 1-11
1951: no 1, Jan/Feb; no 2, Mar/Apr; no 3, May-Dec;
1952: no 4, Jan/Dec;
1953: no 5, Jan/Jun;
1954: no 6, Jan/Mar; no 7, Apr/Dec;
1955: no 8, Jan/Jun; no 9, Jul/Dec;
1956: no 10, Jan/Dec;
1958: special 1898-1958;
1960: no 11, Jan/Jun
– thereafter unnumbered:
1964: May;
1965: Jan;
1966: Jan;
1967: Sep;
Lists (lit.): {Small}
1964: May;
Auctions: {Large} have 1-41 (1908-1953)…
1908: no [ 1], 6 Apr (Stiavelli);
1910: no [ 2], 7 Mar (Hartwig);
1913: no [ 3], 24 Nov (Martinori)(+clipped/phc) (+43CJ PG Italy)
1920: no [ 4], 26 Apr; no [ 5], 29 Nov; no [ 6], 6 Dec;
1921: no [ 7], 31 Jan;
no [ 8], 13 Jun (Ruchat pt 1) [*];
no [ 9], 23 Nov (Ruchat pt 2) [*]; no [10], 24 Nov;
[*] two catalogues bound together
1922: no [11], 29 May (Ruchat pt 3) [%];
1923: no [12], 11 Jun (Ruchat pt 4) [%];
no [13], 14 Jun (gold oselle and multiple ducats);
[%] two catalogues bound together
1924: no [14], 16 Jan; no [15], 30 Jun; no [16], 5 Nov [&];
1925: no [17], 3 Jun [&];
[&] two catalogues bound together
1926: no [18], 25 May; no [19], 27 May; no [20], 28 May;
1927: no [21], 7 Apr (lit.); no [22], 11 Apr;
no [23], 20 Jun;
1928: no [24], 27 Mar; no [25], 18 Jun; no [26], 21 Jun;
1930: no [27], 13 Jan; no [28], 8 Dec; no [29], 10 Dec;
1932: no [30], 21 Nov;
1934: no [31], 17 Dec;
1937: no [32], 18 Mar;
1938: no [33], 24 Jan;
1939: no [34], 4 Jan; no [35], 28 Jun;
1942: no [36], 27 Apr
1950: no [37], 29 Jun
1951: no [38], 25 Oct (Signorelli pt 1)
1952: no [39], 3 Jun > 4 Jun (Signorelli pt 2); no [40], 9 Jun;
1953: no [41], 13 Mar (Signorelli pt 3);
1954: 25 Jan (Signorelli pt 4);
1955: 21 Mar (Signorelli pt 5); 24 Mar (Signorelli pt 6, oselle);
1956: 6 Jun;
1958: 24 Feb;
1959: 7 Oct; 8 Oct;
1961: 4 May;
1962: 5 Apr;
1963: 27 Feb
Magnaguti collection, boxed separately
– the 12 sales did not take place in numerical order. The
catalogues are printed as if proper books, not auction
catalogues, unpriced, and without the dates of the auctions which
are to be found only on the estimates lists or the prices
realized lists.
1949: no 1, 12 Oct; no 2, 14 Oct;
1950: no 3, 26 Jun; no 4, 23 Oct;
1953: no 5, 11 Mar;
1954: no 6, 28 Jan;
1955: no 10, 25 Mar;
1956: no 11, 4 Jun;
1957: no 7;
1959: no 12, 5 Oct;
1961: no 8;
1965: no 9;
List: {Large general}
1994: no 1, Spring
SAROSI, John Paul, Johnstown, PA
List: {Large general}
1998: no 27, Fall
SARTI, Francesco, Bologna, Italy
List: (Small general}
1927: no 2, Feb;
1930: no 10, Jul
SASLOW, A.R., South Orange, NJ
Lists published in The Celator
1991: vol 5 no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb
SAUER, P., Vienna
Lists: {Large}
1978: May;
1981: Jan
Auctions: {Large}
1985: 8 Nov
– series continued from MÜNZENAUKTIONSGESELLSCHAFT.m.b.H no 3
1987: no 4, 23 Jun; have 4-10
1988: no 5, 14 Mar;
1989: no 6, 13 Jan; no 7, 9 Jun; no 8, 13 Oct;
no 9, 14 Oct;
1990: no 10, 4 May
SAULNIER, J., London
UL = held in Cambridge University Library
1770: 15 Mar (UL Broadsides B.77.2; 7490.b.115)
SAWYER, Clive, Ilford, Essex
Lists: {Large general} have 1-6, 8
1982: no [1]. Jun; no 2, Aug; no 3, Nov;
1983: no 4, Feb; no 5, Mid-April; no 6, Aug;
1984: no 8, Nov
SCHARP, Johan, Collector, Stockholm
Auction: {Large general}
1852: 9 Apr (photocopy of lots 51-158, Anglo-Saxon)
SCHÄTZLE, W., Hamburg, Germany
Auctions: {Small general}
1971: 12 Jun; 25 Sep;
1972: no 21, 4 Feb
SCHEINER, Ingolstadt/Donau, Germany
Lists: {Large} have D- lists 4-6, 8, 11, 13, 16-30…
undated: Sonderliste Ausland; Sonderliste Ausland II;
Sonderliste Übersee;
1971: no D-4, Autumn;
1972: no D-5, Jan; no D-6, Apr; no D-8, Aug; no D-6 [sic], Nov;
1973: no D-11, Jun; no D-13, Dec;
1974: no D-16, Nov;
1975: no D-17, Feb; no D-18, Summer;
1975/6: no D-19, Winter;
undated:no D-20; no D-21; no D-22; no D-23; no D-24; no D-25;
no D-26; no D-27; no D-28; no D-29; no D-30; no D-31;
no D-32; no D-33; no D-34; no D-35; no D-36-I;
no D-36-II; no D-37; no D-38, no D-39;
no D-40; no D-41; no D-42; no D-44;
1976: Sonderliste Antike;
1983: Christmas;
undated: no D-46;
SCHENK [-BEHRENS], Karla W., Düsseldorf; Essen, Germany
Lists: {Large} have 1-8, 10 (text)-16
undated: no 1;
1995: no 2, Sep;
1996: no 3, Mar; no 4, Sep;
1997: no 5, Sep;
1998: no 6, Aug;
2001: no 7, Jan;
2004: no 8, Jan;
2006: no 9, Jun; no 10, Oct (text);
2007: no 11, Dec;
Auctions: {Large} have 1-92
1964: no [ 1], 20 Mar; no 2, 19 Jun; no 3, 12 Nov; no 4, 15 Dec;
1965: no 5, 26 May; no 6, 29 Oct;
1966: no 7, 17 Mar; no 8, 24 Jun; no 9, 18 Nov;
1967: no 10, 21 Apr; no 11, 7 Jul; no 12, 24 Nov;
1968: no 13, 5 Apr; no 14, 27 Jun; no 15, 24 Oct;
1969: no 16, 28 Feb; no 17, 29 Apr; no 18, 3 Jul;
no 19, 16 Oct; no 20, 20 Nov
1971: no 21, 3 Jun; no 22, 15 Nov;
1972: no 23, 14 Apr; no 24, 24 Nov;
1973: no 25, 1 Jun; no 26, 28 Nov;
1974: no 27, 14 Jun; no 28, 28 Nov;
1975: no 29, 23 Apr; no 30, 26 Nov;
1976: no 31, 28 Apr; no 32, 1 Dec;
1977: no 33, 4 May; no 34, 30 Nov;
1978: no 35, 19 Apr; no 36, 29 Nov;
1979: no 37, 9 May; no 38, 28 Nov;
1980: no 39, 28 May; no 40, 26 Nov;
1981: no 41, 5 May; no 1 Essener Waagen-auktion, 6 May;
no 42, 2 Dec;
1982: no 43, 12 May; no 44, 23 Nov;
1983: no 45, 18 May; no 46, 30 Nov;
1984: no 47, 22 May; no 3 Essener Waagen-auktion, 23 May;
no 48, 5 Dec;
1985: no 49, 30 May; no 50, 4 Dec;
no 4 Essener Waagen-auktion, 4 Dec;
1986: no 51, 21 May; no 52, 3 Dec;
1987: no 53, 20 May; no 5 Essener Waagen-auktion, 22 May;
no 54, 2 Dec;
1988: no 55, 19 May; no 56, 30 Nov;
1989: no 57, 17 May; no 58, 6 Dec;
1990: no 59, 21 May; no 60, 10 Dec;
1991: no 61, 22 May; no 62, 4 Dec;
1992: no 63, 20 May > 3 Jun; no 64, 2 Dec;
1993: no 65, 26 May; no 66, 1 Dec;
1994: no 67, 25 May; no 68, 30 Nov;
1995: no 69, 31 May; no 70, 6 Dec;
1996: no 71, 13 Jun; no 72, 6 Dec
1997: no 73, 28 May; no 74, 27 Nov;
1998: no 75, 4 May; no 76, 26 Nov;
1999: no 77, 19 May; no 78, 7 Oct;
2000: no 79, 17 Mar; no 80, 13 Sep;
2001: no 81, 4 May; no 82, 14 Nov;
2002: no 83, 23 May; no 84, 11 Oct;
2003: no 85, 8 Apr; no 86, 26 Sep;
2004: no 87, 2 Apr; no 88, 2 Jul; no 89, 1 Dec;
2005: no 90, 21 Jun; no 91, 21 Dec;
2007: no 92, 19 Jul;
SCHERMBEEK, Van, J.H., notary, Utrecht, Netherlands
Auction: {Small general}
1867: 7 Oct
SCHIERBEEK, R.J., Groningen, Netherlands
Auctions: {Small general}
1854: 4 Oct;
1860: 19 Jun
SCHILD, K., Berlin
Lists: {Small general}
1951: no 6, Jun;
1952: no 9, Oct;
1954: Oct;
1955: Jan; Oct;
1956: May;
1957: Nov
SCHIMANDL, Petr, Třinec, Czech Republik
Auctions: {Small general}
2002: no 22, 13 Oct (prices realized only); no 23, 23 Mar;
no 24, 18 May; no 25, 22 Sep;
2003: no 26, 22 Mar; no 27, 25 May;
2005: no 36, 11 Sep; no 37, 13 Nov;
2006: no 38, 12 Feb;
2013: no 66, 15 Sep (prices realized only); no 67, 1 Dec
SCHIMMEL, J.F., San Francisco, CA
List (lit.) {Small general}
Auctions: {Small general} have 3, 16-36, 41
1983: no 3, 26 Feb;
1988: no 16, 13 Mar; no 17, 10 Sep;
1989: no 18, 18 Feb; no 19, 11 Jun; no 20, 22 Oct;
1990: no 21, 25 Feb; no 22, 17 Jun; no 23, 2 Dec;
1991: no 24, 19 May; no 25, 11 Dec;
1992: no 26 [“25”], 21 Jun;
1993: no 27, 7 Feb; no 28, 3 Oct;
1994: no 29, 3 Apr; no 30, 25 Sep;
1995: no 31, 19 Feb; no 32, 6 Aug;
1996: no 33, 16 Mar; no 34, 13 Oct;
1997: no 35, 20 Apr; no 36, 16 Nov;
1998: no 37, 5 Apr;
2001: no 41, 16 Sep
SCHIMMER, R., Nürnberg, Germany
Auctions: {Large general} have complete 1-7
1995: no 1, 25 Feb; no 2, 13 Oct;
1996: no 3, 13 Apr; no 4, 5 Oct;
1997: no 5, 12 Apr; no 6, 18 Oct;
1998: no 7, 28 Mar
Mail Bid auction: {Large general}
1997: no 1, 22 Aug
SCHLESSINGER, Felix, Berlin; Amsterdam, Netherlands
Lists, Amsterdam: {Large}
1938: no 8;
1939: no 12; no 13
Auctions, Berlin: {Large} have Berlin 1-5, 7-13
-- seriation of the catalogues is based on Tietjen 20,
10 November 1976, corrected
1928: no [1], 22 Oct (with SELIGMANN);
1929: no [2], 24 Jun; no [3], 11 Nov;
1930: no [4], 31 Mar; no [5], 26 May (Swiss);
{*lack no [6], 15 Sep (Polish) (with L. HAMBURGER)}
no [7], 20 Oct (Nordheim);
1931: no [8], 16 Mar; no [9], 7 Dec (Gaettens);
1933: *no 10, 2 May;
1934: *no 11, 26 Feb; *no 12, 27 Feb;
1935: *no 13, 4 Feb (+ plates only, priced)
* four sales of coins from the Hermitage, Leningrad
– Berlin series ends with no 13
Auctions, Amsterdam: {Large}
1937: no [14], 27 Oct;
1939: no [15], 31 Jan
Large: {Large general}
2010: illustrations of Greek and Roman coins stolen ca. 2
December 2010
SCHMIDT, Siegfried, Viersen, Germany
List: {Small general}
1979: no 1, Oct
SCHMIT, Aloyse, Luxembourg
Lists: {Large general}
n.d.: no 61
1956: Dec
SCHMITT, Martin, Chatman, NY
Auction: {Small general}
SCHMITT, Matthias, Zorneding, Germany
Auction: {Large general}
2002: no 2, 14 Sep
SCHMÖLZ, H., Pirmasens, Germany
Lists: {Small general}
1981: no 5;
1982: Summer
SCHNEIDER, A., Essen, Germany
Auctions: {Large general}
1985: no 65, 29 May;
1986: no 67, 26 Apr;
1987: no 78, 20 May
-- see also DOROTHEUM
Lists: {Small general}
1978: no 2;
1979: no 3;
1980: no 4;
1981: Spring
SCHOENAWA, H., Werlaburgdorf, Germany
Lists: {Small general}
undated: lot 4, Afar;
1976: no 21, Oct;
1977: no 22, Apr;
1981: no 29, Dec;
1984: no 31b, Jun;
1992: no 39a, Mar; no 40, Nov
1980: banknotes no 11, Sep
Auction: {Small general}
1993: no 34, 4 Jan
SCHOLTENS, A.L., Groningen, Netherlands
Auctions: (Location?)
1864: 3 Oct
SCHOPMANN, W.C.H., Hamburg, Germany
Auction: {Small general}
1972: 10 Nov
SCHOTT-WALLERSTEIN, S., Frankfurt am Main, Germany
-- see also ROSENBERG, S.
-- here in Lubeseder’s numeration
List: {Large general}
1914: May
Auctions: {Large general} have complete
1902: no [ 1], 1 Apr;
1904-1906: Lubeseder numbers [2]-[6] are the 5 catalogues of the Belli collection, produced with Sally ROSENBERG, nos.9, 11-13, 15 (in this library listed and boxed there)
1909: no [2 = Lubeseder 7], 8 Feb;
1910: no [3 = Lubeseder 8], 14 Mar;
1912: no [4 = Lubeseder 9], 11 Nov;
1917: no [5 = Lubeseder 10], 17 Apr;
1920: no [6 = Lubeseder 11], 13 Dec;
1921: no [7 = Lubeseder 12], 26 Sep
SCHRAMM, H.-J., Munich, Germany
Auctions: {Large general} have 1-3
1977: no 1, 28 Nov;
1979: no 2, 14 Mar;
1980: no 3, 28 Mar
Auction: {Large general}
2002: no 98, 28 Sep
SCHRÖDER, Hasso, Berlin
Lists: {Small general}
1968: Oct/Nov;
1970: Feb;
1971: Summer;
1972: Winter; no 13, Summer;
1973: no 14, Summer;
1974: no 15, May/Jun;
1975: no 16, Jun/Jul
SCHULMAN, Hans M.F., New York, NY
Lists, multigraphed: {Folio}
1944: no 25;
undated: no 27; no 29; no 31; no 32; no 33; no 35; no 36; no 37;
no 38; special no 1; special no 2; lit.;
Lists, printed: {Large}
1946: no 26; Odd and Curious;
undated: no 39; no 40; Minor Coins of the World;
1953: no 41, no 42
1954: no 44;
1955: no 45;
1956: no 46;
1964: no 1 pt 1; pt 2;
1967/8: Primitive money;
1972: no [1], Sept;
1973: no 2, Jan; no 3, Jun; no 4, Oct;
1974: no 5, Spring;
1975: no 6, Summer; no 8, Summer
Auctions: {Small} {* Large}
wanting nos 1, 4-5, 29, 36, 41, 43-45(1965)
-- seriation of the catalogues is taken from Gengerke, American
Numismatic Auctions (1990)
-- see also KREISBERG for joint sales
1940: no [ 2], 27 Sep;
1941: no [ 3], 15 Mar;
1950: no [ 6], 4 Feb;
1951: no [ 7], 26 Apr {*};
1952: no [ 8], 24 Apr {}; no [ 9], 26 Apr {};
no [10], 16 Aug (ANA sale, with GANS, E., GRUNTHAL,
NEW NETHERLANDS \{boxed under GANS no [12]);
1953: no [11], 25 Apr; no [12], 24 Jun; no [13], 29 Oct;
no [14], 5 Dec;
1954: no [15], 20 May;
1955: no [16], 18 Mar; no [17], 18 Nov;
1956: no [18], 23 Mar; no [19], 21 Sep;
1957: no [20], 21 Jun;
1958: no [21], 14 Feb; no [22], 17 Jun;
1959: no [23], 23 Jan; no [24], 28 Feb; no [25], 23 Oct;
no [26], 21 Nov;
1960: no [27], 17 Mar; no [28], 18 Mar;
no [30], 19 Nov (Gibbs) \{*}; no [31], 19 Nov;
[no [32], 3 Dec (antiquities)]
1961: no [33], 20 Jun; no [34], 30 Nov;
1962: no [35], 21 Apr;
1963: no [37], 6 May; no [38], 24 Oct;
1964: no [39], 20 Nov (vol 1); no [40], 20 Nov (vol 2);
1965: no [42], 15 May; no [46], 18 Nov;
1966: no [47], 18 Mar;
no [48], 30 Apr > 12 Jun (Mail Bid [no. 1]);
21 May (actually a CALICÓ sale, conducted by
SCHULMAN: boxed under CALICÓ);
no [49], 21 Oct (Mail Bid no. 2);
no [50], 10 Nov; no [51], 30 Nov; no [52], 9 Dec;
1967: no [53], 15 May (Mail Bid no. 3); no [54], 14 Jun;
no [55], 25 Nov;
1968: no [56], 19 Mar; no [57], 24 May; no [58], 6 Jun (lit.);
no [59], 10 Sep (Mail Bid no. 4); no [60], 10 Dec
1969: no [61], 6 Feb; no [62], 14 Mar; no [63], 9 May;
no [64], 6 Jun (Mabbott, Greek) \{*} (+43 CJ317.M1);
no [65], 6 Oct (Mail Bid no. 5);
no [66], 27 Oct (Mabbott, Roman) \{*} (+43 CJ317.M1);
no [67], 11 Dec;
1970: no [68], 23 Mar; no [69], 26 May; no [70], 7 Jul;
no [71], 6 Oct; no [72], 9 Nov; no [73], 14 Dec;
1971: no [74], 26 Jan
1971: no [75], 6 Apr; no [76], 4 May;
no [77], 18 Jun (with KREISBERG); no [78], 30 Sep;
no [79], 14 Oct; no [80], 25 Oct; no [81], 29 Nov;
no [82], 8 Dec;
1972: no [83], 22 Feb; no [84], 20 Mar; no [85], 27 Mar;
no [86], 26 Apr; no [87], 31 May; no [88], 20 Jun;
no [89], 25 Jul; no [90], 10 Oct; no [91], 27 Nov;
1973: no [92], 26 Feb; no [93], 19 Mar; no [94], 27 Jun;
no [95], 20 Sep; no [96], 10 Dec;
1974: no [97], 6 Feb; no [98], 6 May; no [99], 15 Oct;
no [100], 2 Dec;
1975: no [101], 3 Mar
– series ends with no 101
SCHULMAN, J(acob), Amersfoort; from 1902, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Biographies in 100 Jaar numismatiek. Een reportage (Amsterdam,
Jacob (Jacques) (1849-1914)
▌ ▌
Maurits (Max) (1876-1943) Andre (1877-1936)
[Latin American] [European]
died in a German ▌
concentration camp ▌
Hans (1913-1990) Jacques (1906-19xx)
emigrated to New York [1] sold independently
in 1938 in the Hague
[2] returned to Amsterdam
to run the firm
▌ ▌ ▌
Robert (1938- ) Laurens (1948- ) Nicolette
Lists: {Small}
have numbered ...32-33, 35-76, 78-84...
1880: no [1], Nov;
1882: no 3, Oct;
1889: no 17, May;
1890: no 20, Jul;
1891: no 24, Oct;
1893: no 27, Oct; no 28, Dec;
1895: no 29, Nov;
1896: no 32, Aug; no 33, Nov;
1898: no 35, Feb; no 36, Nov;
1901: no 37, Feb; no 38, Mar; no 39, Jun;
1902: no 40, Feb; no 41, Dec;
1903: no 42, Dec;
1904: no 43, Feb;
1906: no 44, May;
1907: no 45, Jul; no 46, Aug; no 47, Nov;
1908: no 48, Feb; no 49, Mar; no 50, Apr; no 51, Sep * ; no 52, Oct;
* NB: not the same list as undated 51, see below
1911: no 53, Jul; no 54, Nov; no 55, Dec;
1912: no 56, Apr; no 57, Nov;
1913: no 58, Jan; no 59, Jul;
1914: no 60, Dec;
1915: no 61, May; no 62; no 63, Oct; no 64;
1916: no 65, Apr; no 66, Sep;
1917: no 67, Jan; no 68;
n.d.: no 69;
1918: no 70, Mar; no 71; no 72; unnumbered;
1919: no 73, Jan; no 74; no 75, Dec;
1921: no 76, Oct;
1928: no 78, Apr; no 78 supplement, Nov; no 79, Nov;
1929: no 80, Mar (bound in auctions 1928-1931);
no 81, Nov [missing 17 August 2016];
1930: no 82, Feb; [unnumbered], May;
1931: no 83, Jan; no 84, Oct (bound in auctions 1928-1931);
n.d.: no 90;
1937: no 102, Apr/May;
1938: no 108 (lit.);
n.d.: no 51, Deniers de l’Empire Romain
n.d.: no 111, Military Medals \{Watson box [Large]};
n.d.: unnumbered, after 1915: Double Thalers et Thalers
* probably from the 1930's, given the telephone number 44864
5 Feb 1947)
* after the war the numeration of the lists was recommenced
with no 100:
1954: no 100, Feb (“100/254”);
1966: no 106, Jan (“106/166”)
* after ca. no 107, 1968, the numeration was again revised,
beginning arbitrarily with no 200:
have 200-238
1972: no 200, Jan; no 201, Feb; no 202, Feb; no 203, Oct;
1973: no 204, Dec;
1975: no 205, Jun; no 206, Oct;
1976: no 207, Oct; no 208, Dec;
1977: no 209, Jan; no 210, Mar; no 211, Oct; no 212, Winter;
1978: no 213, Spring; no 214, Oct;
1979: no 215, Spring; no 216, Oct;
1980: no 217, Spring; no 218, Oct;
1981: no 219, Apr; no 220, May; no 221, Autumn;
1982: no 222, Mar; no 223, Oct;
1983: no 224, Mar; no 225, May, no 226, Oct;
1984: no 227, Feb; no 228, Oct;
1985: no 229, Mar; no 230, Jul; no 231, Oct;
1986: no 232, Mar; no 233, Oct;
1987: no 234, Mar [“1986”]; no 235, Oct/Nov;
-- SCHULMAN Laurens left to run a dealership under his own
name (see below)
1988: no 236, Jun/Jul; no 237, Oct/Nov;
1989: no 238, Jun/Jul;
-- firm closed in 1990, series numbers continued by
SCHULMAN, Robert, no 239 (see below)
as SCHULMAN b.v.
Auctions: {Small} {* Large}
-- see also MULLER for J, Schulman as expert
the sale numbers are assigned according to the firm’s
historical list; the catalogues are overtly numbered only
from no. 226
have …40(1900)- 68(1906), 70(1906)- 106(1911),
108(1911)-290(1989 [end])
catalogues nos 1 through 14 were not in its own library. These
catalogues appear not to exist. It has been suggested that they
represent the auctions of Frederik Muller, Amsterdam, in which
Schulman acted as expert and perhaps provided the numismatic
material. [Arent Pol]
1891: no [16], 22 Dec;
1892: no [18], 7 Nov;
1893: no [19], 15 May;
1894: no [20], 18 Jun; no [21], 21 Jun (incomplete, to lot 392);
no [22], 30 Oct; no [24], 2 Nov;
1896: no [27], 17 Mar; no [29], 6 Oct;
1897: no [31], 9 Jun; no [32], 8 Nov;
1898: no [34], 1 Jun; no [35], 19 Dec;
1899: no [36], 8 May; no [37], 13 Jun; no [38], 12 Dec;
1900: no [40], 14 May; no [41], 17 Sep (Monnaies);
no [42]. 17 Sep (Medailles)
no [43], 17 Dec [*]; no [44], 17 Dec [*];
[*] two catalogues bound together
1901: no [45], 25 Mar; no [46], 17 Sep;
1902: no [47], 11 Feb; no [48], 23 Sep;
1903: no [49], 16 Feb; no [50], 14 Apr; no [51], 15 Jun;
no [52], 19 > 12 Jun; no [53], 28 Sep;
1904: no [54], 21 Mar; no [55], 20 Sep;
no [56], 26 Sep (White King pts 1/2)(43 CJ667.W6);
1905: no [57], 10 Apr;
no [58], 26 Jun (White King pt 3)(43 CJ667.W6);
no [59], 18 Sep; no [60], 21 Sep (43 CJ667.W6);
no [61], 4 Dec; no [62], 11 Dec;
no [63], 18 Dec (White King pt 4)(+43 CJ667.W6);
1906: no [64], 26 Mar (Dos Santos pt 1) [] {};
no [65], 21 May; no [66], 25 May;
no [67], 28 May (43 CJ667.W6);
no [68], 5 Jun (Dos Santos pt 2) [*] \{*};
no [70], 26 Sep (Dos Santos pt 3) [*] \{*} <+bv200>;
[*] three Dos Santos catalogues bound together
no [71], 29 Oct; no [72], 30 Oct;
1907: no [73], 11 Feb; no [74], 22 Apr; no [75], 23 Apr;
no [76], 26 Apr; no [77], 29 Apr; no [78], 7 Oct;
no [79], 18 Nov;
1908: no [80], 10 Feb; no [81], 24 Feb; no [82], 26 Feb;
no [83], 17 Mar; no [84], 5 May; no [85], 21 Jul;
no [86], 7 Dec;
1909: no [87], 1 Mar; no [88], 15 Mar {*}; no [89], 24 May;
no [90], 11 Oct;
1910: no [91], 30 Mar; no [92], 13 May;
no [93], 23 May (Meili pt 1) [*] \{*} (x2);
no [94], 6 Jun; no [95], 15 Jun; no [96], 29 Jun;
no [97], 1 Jul;
no [98], 10 Oct (Meili pt 2) [*] \{*} (x2);
[*] two Meili catalogues bound together
no [99], 19 Dec;
1911: no [100], 9 Jan; no [101], 20 Feb (Salbach pt 1) {*};
no [102], 10 Apr \{*}; no [103], 22 May;
no [104], 24 May; no [105], 11 Sep (Salbach pt 2) \{*};
no [106], 3 Oct; no [108], 27 Nov;
1912: no [109], 9 Apr; no [110], 20 May;
no [111], 21 Oct \{*};
1913: no [112], 12 Jan (x2)[&]; no [113], 17 Mar {*};
no [114], 5 May; no [115], 8 May [&];
no [116], 13 Oct \{*}; no [117], 20 Oct [&];
[&] three catalogues bound together
no [118], 24 Nov; no [119], 26 Nov;
1914: no [120], 23 Feb (Grogan) {*}
(+ Portuguese coins only: 43 CJ3229.A5);
no [121], 23 Mar [$]; no [122], 30 Mar [$];
no [123], 11 May [$]; no [124], 14 May [$];
[$] four catalogues bound together
1915: no [125], 2 Dec;
1917: no [126], 15 May; no [127], 19 Nov;
1918: no [128], 18 Mar [%]; no [129], 18 Nov;
1919: no [130], 28 Apr;
1920: no [131], 19 Jan; no [132], 14 Jun [+%];
[%] two catalogues bound together
1921: no [133], 21 Mar {*}; no [134], 12 Oct;
no [135], 11 Oct [sic] [=]; no [136], 12 Dec;
1922: no [137], 3 Jul [=]; no [138], 5 Jul [=];
[=] three catalogues bound together
1923: no [139], 5 Mar (Vierordt) {*};
no [140], 11 Jun \{*}; no [141], 14 Jun;
1924: no [142], 17 Mar; no [143], 20 Mar; no [144], 16 Jun;
no [145], 17 Jun; no [146], 18 Jun [/];
no [147], 9 Dec;
1925: no [148], 3 Feb; no [149], 4 Feb [^];
no [150], 30 Mar [^]; no [151], 19 May [^];
[^] three catalogues bound together
no [152], 9 Jun [/]; no [153], 16 Nov [/];
[/] three catalogues bound together
1926: no [154], 26 Jan [+]; no [155], 9 Feb [+];
no [156], 10 May [+];
[+] three catalogues bound together
no [157], 28 Jun;
no [158], 14 Dec; no [159], 16 Dec;
1927: no [160], 31 May; no [161], 31 Oct;
1928: no [162], 24 Apr; no [163], 22 May; no [164], 12 Jun [];
1929: no [165], 22 Jan; no [166], 24 Jan; no [167], 28 May;
no [168], 30 May; no [169], 17 Jun \{*};
1930: no [170], 11 Mar; no [171], 12 Mar (Thalers) {*};
no [172], 12 Mar [\];
[\] two catalogues bound together with two lists
no [173], 5 Jun \{*};
1931: no [174], 19 Jan; no [175], 8 Jun {*};
no [176], 14 Dec \{*}; no [177], 15 Dec;
1932: no [178], 12 Apr; no [179], 10 May; no [180], 21 Nov
1933: no [181], 7 Mar; no [182], 29 May; no [183], 9 Oct;
no [184], 6 Nov; no [185], 18 Dec;
1934: no [186], 12 Mar; no [187], 14 May; no [188], 4 Oct;
no [189], 5 Oct; no [190], 17 Dec;
1935: no [191], 26 Mar; no [192], 3 Jun; no [193], 21 Oct;
1936: no [194], 30 Mar; no [195], 9 Jun; no [196], 23 Nov;
no [197], 24 Nov;
1937: no [198], 26 Apr; no [199], 24 May;
no [200], 7 Jun ("8 Jun" on cover); no [201], 25 Oct;
1938: no [202], 18 Jan; no [203], 17 May; no [204], 31 May
no [205], 7 Nov; no [206], 13 Dec; no [207], 19 Dec;
1939: no [208], 27 Feb; no [209], 12 Jun;
1945: no [210], 18 Dec;
1946: no [211], 4 Jun;
1947: no [212], 4 Feb; no [213], 5 Feb (x2); no [214], 17 Jun;
no [215], 15 Jul (with BOM);
1948: no [216], 23 Mar;
1949: no [217], 29 Mar; no [218], 30 Mar;
1950: no [219], 24 Apr; no [220], 25 Apr;
1951: no [221], 16 Apr;
1952: no [222], 21 Apr;
1953: no [223], 23 Mar;
1954: no [224], 18 Jan <+bv220>;
1955: no [225], 14 Feb;
1956: no 226, 30 Jan; no 227, 22 May;
1957: no 228, 4 Feb;
1958: no 229, 3 Mar; no 230, 4 Mar; no 231, 6 Mar;
1959: no 232, 9 Mar;
1960: no 233, 28 Mar; no 234, 7 Nov;
1961: no 235, 5 Jun;
1962: no 236, 1 May;
1963: no 237, 18 Mar;
1964: no 238, 10 Feb;
1965: no 239, 5 Apr; no 240, 6 Apr;
1966: no 241, 15 Feb; no 242, 7 Jun; no 243, 8 Jun;
* sale 243, “Richard J. Graham collection”, actually the collection of
Paul Tichant. See note in KOLBE & FANNING 13-Feb-2014
lot 4774.
no 244, 15 Nov;
1967: no 245, 6 Jun; no 246, 20 Nov;
1968: no 247, 9 May; no 248, 19 Nov;
1969: no 249, 25 Mar;
1970: no 250, 1 Jun; no 251, 3 Jun; no 252, 24 Nov;
1971: no 253, 8 Nov; no 254, 11 Nov;
1972: no 255, 20 Nov;
1973: no 256, 28 May; no 257, 29 Nov;
1974: no 258, 10 Jun; no 259, 11 Jun;
1975: no 260, 10 Mar; no 261, 13 May; no 262, 14 May;
1976: no 263, 27 Apr; no 264, 26 Apr;
no 265, 28 Sep; no 266, 29 Sep;
1977: no 267, 21 Jun;
1978: no 268, 4 Apr;
1979: [unnumbered] IAPN Interlaken meeting, 18 Sep; no 269, 25 Sep;
1980: no 270, 23 Jun; no 271, 17 Nov;
1981: no 272, 23 Jun; no 273, 10 Oct;
1982: no 274, 23 Mar; no 275, 17 Sep;
1983: no 276, 22 Sep; no 277, 19 Sep;
1984: no 278, 21 Feb; no 279, 2 May; no 280, 24 Sep;
1985: no 281, 15 Apr; no 282, 18 Nov;
1986: no 283, 17 Mar; no 284, 11 Nov;
1987: no 285, 28 Apr; no 286, 28 Sep;
1988: no 287, 18 Apr; no 288, 3 Oct;
1989: no 289, 7 Mar; no 290, 25 Sep;
-- firm closed in 1990, series numbers continued by
SCHULMAN, Robert, no 291 (see below)
-- SCHULMAN, Laurens having been taken over by Eddy Absil,
the new firm was named SCHULMAN. B.V.. Auction numbering has
begun with a new seriation which includes globally the three auction series of J. Schulman to no 290, R. Schulman 291-296, and L. Schulman 1-30 – total 326 sales.
have 327-346, 348-351
2007: no 327, 25 Apr; no 328, 2 Nov;
2008: no 329, 11 Apr; no 330, 7 Nov;
2009: no 331, 24 Apr; no 332, 6 Nov;
2010: no 333, 23 Apr; no 334, 5 Nov;
2011: no 335, 15 Apr; no 336, 8 Jul; no 337, 3 Nov;
2012: no 338, 29 Mar; no 339, 5 Jul; no 340, 1 Dec;
2013: no 341, 27 Apr; no 342, 9 Jul; no 343, 16 Nov;
2014: no 344, 21 Mar; no 345, 5 Jul; no 346, 14 Nov;
2015: no 348, 3 Jul; no 349, 20 Nov:
2016: no 350, 12 May (Selection); no 350, 13 May [all else];
no 351, 16 Sep;
2017: no 352, 28 Jan; no 353, 24 Jun; no 354;
2018: no 355, 1 Mar; no 356, 29 Jun;
SCHULMAN, Jacques (“Jaap”)., The Hague
List: {Small}
1937: no 5;
SCHULMAN, Laurens, Bussum, Netherlands
Lists: {Small} have numbered 1-6, 9-15
1987: no [1], Oct;
1988: no 2, Feb; no 3, Jul; no 4, Oct;
1989: no 5, Feb; no 6, Jun; 19 Sep, “Warning, Stolen - Robbery”;
1990: no 9, Apr; no 10, Oct;
1991: no 11, Oct;
1992: no 12, Apr;
nd: no 13;
1995: no 14;
nd: no 15
Auctions: {Small} have 1-30
1988: no 1, 30 May;
1989: no 2, 20 Mar;
1990: no 3, 12 Feb; no 4, 23 May; no 5, 26 Nov;
1991: no 6, 15 Apr; no 7, 11 Nov;
1992: no 8, 6 Apr; no 9, 9 Nov;
1993: no 10, 5 Apr; no 11, 15 Nov;
1994: no 12, 18 Apr; no 13, 14 Nov;
1995: no 14, 3 Apr; no 15, 6 Nov;
1996: no 16, 22 Apr; no 17, 11 Nov;
1997: no 18, 21 Apr; no 19, 17 Nov;
1998: no 20, 20 Apr; no 21, 16 Nov;
1999: no 22, 19 Apr; no 23, 15 Nov;
2000: no 24, 17 Apr;
2001: no 25, 23 Apr; no 26, 19 Nov;
2002: no 27, 22 Apr; no 28, 18 Nov;
2003: no 29, 10 Nov;
2004: no 30, 8 Nov
SCHULMAN, Robert, Laren, Netherlands
-- continued from J. SCHULMAN no 290
Lists: {Small} wanting 242
1990: no 239, Apr/May;
1991: no 240, Jan/Feb; no 241, Nov/Dec
Auctions: {Small} complete 291-296
1990: no 291, 25 Sep;
1991: no 292, 15 Jun;
1992: no 293, 19 May;
1993: no 294, 10 Feb; no 295, 14 Oct;
1994: no 296, 26 May
– series ends with no 296
SCHULTEN & CO (“NF”), Frankfurt am Main; Cologne, Germany
Lists: {Small}
1977: May; Sep; Dec;
1978: Feb; May; Sep; nov;
1979: Feb; Jun; Sep; nov;
1980: Feb; Jun; Sep; nov;
1981: Mar; May; Sep;
1982: Jan;
1983: Mar; Sep;
1984: Jun;
1985: Jan; Feb; Mar; May; Jul; Aug; Sep; Dec;
1986: Jan; Apr; May/Jun; Aug; Sep; Dec;
1987: Jan; Mar; May/Jun; Jul; Sep; Dec;
1988: Jan; Mar; May/Jun; Aug; Sep; Dec;
1989: Jan; Mar; Jun; Aug; Oct; Dec;
1990: Mar; May/Jun; Aug
Literaturliste: {Small}
1971: 1974: [1974]: (no.1), Davenport; (no.1), Kahl;
1975: 1977/8: 1978: 1979:
1980: 1981: 1982: 1983:
1984: 1985: 1986: 1986/87:
1988: 1988/II: 1989/90: nd: x2
Auctions: Frankfurt am Main {Large} apparently complete
1978: no [ 1], 27 Oct;
1979: no [ 2], 2 Oct;
1980: no [ 3], 29 Apr; no [ 4], 2 Oct + Beilage lit.; no [ 5], 3 Oct;
1981: no [ 6], 26 Mar; no [ 7], 5 Oct; no [ 8], 6 Oct;
1982: no [ 9], 2 Jun; no [10], 8 Nov;
1983: no [11], 24 May
Auctions: Cologne {Large} apparently complete
1983: no [12], 2 Nov;
1984: no [13], 12 Apr; no [14], 14 Apr; no [15], 25 Oct;
1985: no [16], 22 Apr; no [17], 22 Oct;
1986: no [18], 19 Mar; no [19], 21 Oct;
1987: no [20], 1 Apr; no [21], 20 Oct;
1988: no [22], 11 Apr; no [23], 20 Oct;
1989: no [24], 19 Apr; no [25], 18 Oct;
1990: no [26], 27 Mar; no [27], 15 Oct; no [28], 16 Oct
SCHULTZ, Hannover, Germany
1836: 15 Mar (43 CJ317.M9)
SCHULZ (Münzenetage Schulz), Stuttgart, Germany
Lists: {Small general}
1971: no 6, May; no 7, Sep;
1972: no 8, Jan; no 9, Apr; no 10, Jun; no 11, Oct;
1973: no 12, Jan; no 13, Apr; no 14, Sep; no 15, Dec;
1979: no 37, Mar;
1981: no 46, Dec;
1983: no 53, Sep;
1984: no 55, Mar; no 58, Nov;
1985: no 60, Apr; no 62, Dec;
1986: no 65, Jun; no 66, Sep;
1987: no 69, Jul; no 71, Dec;
1999: no 99, Feb;
2000: no 101, Feb; no 102, Oct;
2001: no 103, Apr; no 104, Sep;
2002: no 105, Jun
Lists: {Small general}
1893: no 1;
nd: no 4
SCHUSTER, Franz, Munich, Germany
List: {Small general}
1985: no 1
SCHWAIGHOFER, G., Salzburg, Austria
Lists: {Large general}
1996: Jun;
Auction: {Large general}
1987: 26 Jun
SCHWARZ, K.H., Tübingen
Lists: {Large general}
1999: Jun;
2003: Mar
2006: Jun
for the Geneva office, see UNION DES BANQUES SUISSES
upon the merger in 1998 of the
BANKVEREIN, the resulting company was named UBS, q.v. below.
Lists: {Small}
1975: no 2, Winter; have 2-8, 10-31
1976: no 3, Autumn/Winter;
1977: no 4, Spring/Summer; no 5, Autumn;
1978: no 6, Spring; no 7, Autumn;
1979: no 8, Autumn;
1980: no 10, Autumn
1981: no 11, Autumn;
1982: no 12, Spring; no 13, Autumn;
1983: no 14, Spring; no 15, Autumn;
1984: no 16, Spring; no 17, Autumn;
1985: no 18, Spring; no 19, Autumn;
1986: no 20, Spring; no 21, Autumn;
1987: no 22, Spring; no 23, Autumn;
1988: no 24, Spring; no 25, Sept; no 26, Autumn;
1989: no 27, Spring; no 28, Autumn;
1990: no 29, Spring; no 30, Autumn;
1991: no 31, Spring
Lists, Bern have numbered 2-7, 11-14, 17-18, 20-52
1971: no 2, Feb; no 3, Sep; no 4, Dec;
1972: no 5, Mar; no 6, Jun; no 7, Sep;
1973: no 11, Oct; no 12, Dec;
1974: no 13, Mar; no 14, Jun
1975: no 17, Sep; no 18, Dec;
1976: no 20, Aug; no 21, Dec;
1977: no 22, Apr; no 23, Aug; no 24, Dec;
1978: no 25, Apr; no 26, Aug; no 27, Dec;
1979: no 28, Apr; no 29, Aug; no 30, Dec;
1980: no 31, Apr; no 32, Aug; no 33, Dec;
1981: no 34, Apr; no 35, Aug; no 36; no 37, Dec;
1982: no 38, Apr; no 39, Dec, + insert Antike Muenzen;
1983: no 40, May; no 41, Nov, + insert Antike Muenzen;;
1984: no 42, Feb, + insert Deutsche Kleinmuenzen;
no 43, Sep, + insert Olympische Spiele; no 44, Dec;
1985: no 45, Apr; no 46, Sep; no 47, Dec;
1986: no 48, Apr; no 49, Apr; no 50, Dec;
1987: no 51, May
1988: no 52, Jan
undated: Der Dreissigjährige Krieg;
1980: Maria Theresia;
1982: Reformation; insert in list 39, Antike Muenzen;
1984: insert in list 42, Deutsche Kleinmuenzen
Lists, Zürich Monetarium {Small} have numbered 2, 4-5, 7-65
1970: no 2, Spring;
1971: no 4, Spring; no 5, Summer;
1972: no 7, Spring; no 8, Summer;
1972/73: no 9, Winter;
1973: no 10, Spring; no 11, Summer;
1973/74: no 12, Winter;
1974: no 13, Spring; no 14, Summer; no 15, Autumn;
1975: no 16, Spring; no 17, Summer;
1975/76: no 18, Winter;
1976: no 19, Spring; no 20, Summer;
1976/77: no 21, Winter;
1977: no 22, Spring; no 23, Summer;
1977/78: no 24, Winter;
1978: no 25, Spring; no 26, Summer;
1978/9: no 27, Winter;
1979: no 28, Spring; no 29, Summer;
1979/80: no 30, Winter;
1980: no 31, Spring; no 32, Summer;
1980/81: no 33, Winter;
1981: no 34, Spring; no 35, Summer;
1981/82: no 36, Winter;
1982: no 37, Spring; no 38, Autumn;
1983: no 39, Spring; no 40, Autumn;
1984: no 41, Spring; no 42, Autumn;
1985: no 43, Spring; no 44, Autumn;
1986: no 45, Spring; no 46, Autumn;
1987: no 47, Spring; no 48, Autumn;
1988: no 49, Spring; no 50, Autumn;
1989: no 51, Spring; no 52, Autumn;
1990: no 53, Spring; no 54, Autumn;
[unnumbered], Tokyo International coin convention;
1991: no 55, Spring; no 56, Autumn;
1992: no 57, Spring; no 58, Autumn;
1993: no 59, Spring; no 60, Autumn;
1994: no 61, Spring; no 62, Autumn;
1995: no 63, Spring; no 64, Autumn;
1996: no 65, Spring
Lists: Aus dem Monetarium, Zürich {Small}
1983: Jun; Sep; Dec; apparently complete
1984: May; Sep; Dec;
1985: May; Sep; Dec;
1986: May; Sep; Dec;
1987: May; Sep; Dec;
1988: May; Sep; Dec;
1989: Feb; May; Sept; Dec;
1990: May; Sep; Dec;
1991: May; Sep; Dec;
1992: May; Sep; Dec;
1993: May; Sep; Dec;
1994: May; Sep; Dec;
1995: May; Sep; Dec
Auctions: Bern {Large} complete 1-8
1983: no 1, 22 Apr;
1984: no 2, 27 Apr;
1985: no 3, 19 Apr; no 4, 3 Dec;
1986: no 5, 18 Apr; no 6, 20 Apr;
1987: no 7, 27 Apr; no 8, 27 Oct
– series ends with no 8
originally the Basle and Zürich offices were entirely
separate. Zürich was closed from early 1980s to 1988;
after it reopened all lists and auction catalogues
continued the Basle numbers in a single series.
upon the merger in 1998 of the
BANKVEREIN, the resulting company was named UBS, q.v.
I -- BASEL (1970-1987)
Lists, Basel: {Small} have numbered 33-57
1970: Mar; Sep;
1971: Apr; Aug; Dec;
1972: May; Sep; Dec;
1973: Apr; Autumn;
1973/4: Winter;
1974: Jun; Dec;
1975: May; Sept/Oct;
1976: Jan; May
– thereafter numbered:
1976: no 33, Autumn;
1977: no 34, Spring; no 35, Summer; no 36, Autumn;
1977/8: no 37, Winter;
1978: no 38, Spring; no 39, Autumn;
1978/9: no 40, Winter;
1979: no 41, Spring; no 42, Autumn;
1980: no 43, Spring; no 44, Autumn;
1981: no 45, Spring; no 46, Summer (2 parts: Gold; Silver);
1982: no 47, Spring; no 48, Summer;
1982/3: no 49, Winter;
1983: no 50, Spring; no 51, Autumn;
1984: no 52, Spring; no 53, Autumn/Winter;
1985: no 54, Spring/Summer;
1985/86: no 55, Winter;
1986: no 56, Summer;
1987: no 57, Spring;
-- continued as BASEL and ZÜRICH
Auctions: {Large} complete 1-18
1974: no [1], 30 May (with GALERIE DES MONNAIES (Geneva));
no [2], 31 May (with GALERIE DES MONNAIES (Geneva));
1975: no [3], 14 Feb; no 4, 14 Nov;
1977: no 5, 3 Feb; no 6, 4 Feb;
1978: no 7, 9 Feb;
1979: no 8, 30 Jan;
1980: no 9, 30 Jan;
1981: no 10, 27 Jan;
1982: no 11, 27 Jan;
1983: no 12, 26 Jan;
1984: no 13, 24 Jan;
1985: no 14, 29 Jan;
1986: no 15, 27 Jan; no 16, 15 May;
1987: no 17, 27 Jan; no 18, 29 Jan;
-- continued as BASEL and ZÜRICH
- - - - - - - - - -
II -- ZÜRICH (1973-1980)
Lists: {Small}
1973: Oct;
1975: Autumn; Oct;
1976: Spring; Autumn;
1978: Spring;
1979: Spring;
1980: Winter; undated; Autumn;
Auctions: {Large} have 2-6
1977: no 2, 27 Oct; no 3, 28 Oct;
1978: no 4, 17 Oct;
1979: no 5, 16 Oct;
1980: no 6, 19 Apr;
– series ends with no 6
- - - - - - - - - -
III -- BASEL and ZÜRICH (1988-1998)
Lists: {Small} complete 58-70
1988: no 58, Spring;
1989: no 59, Spring;
1990: no 60, Summer;
1991: no 61, Spring; no 62, Winter;
1992: no 63, Summer;
1993: no 64, Spring/Summer;
1994: no 65, Summer;
1995: no 66, Summer;
1996: no 67, Summer;
1997: no 68, Summer
undated: no 69; no 70
-- continued as UBS no 71
Auctions: {Large} complete 19-44
1988: no 19, 26 Jan [Z]; no 20, 14 Sep [Z];
1989: no 21, 24 Jan [Z]; no 22, 19 Sep [Z];
no 23, 20 Sep [Z];
1990: no 24, 23 Jan; no 25, 19 Sep [Z];
1991: no 26, 22 Jan; no 27, 24 Jan [*]; no 28, 17 Sep;
[*] one copy of no 27 altered to "17 Sep" and "Zürich"
1992: no 29, 28 Jan; no 30, 15 Sep; no 31, 17 Sep;
1993: no 32, 26 Jan; no 33, 20 Sep;
1994: no 34, 25 Jan; no 35, 13 Sept;
1995: no 36, 24 Jan; no 37, 24 Jan; no 38, 12 Sep [Z];
1996: no 39, 23 Jan; no 40, 10 Sep; no 41, 10 Sep;
1997: no 42, 21 Jan; no 43, 15 Sep;
1998: no 44, 27 Jan;
-- continued as UBS no 45
1989: 30 Nov;
1990: 14 May
SCHWER, S.E., Woodbridge; Felixstowe
List, coins: {Small}
1985: series 3 no 1, Summer
Lists, tokens: {Small} {* Large general}
have ...51-58, 60-82, 84-88, 90-91
1978: no 3, Jul-Sep {*};
1982: no 17, Jan/Mar; no 19, May; no 20, Jun;
1984: no 27, Jan; no 28, Mar;
1985: no 36, 1 Mar; no 39, [Jun]; no 41, Summer;
no 42, Sep/Oct (clipped); no 43, Oct;
1986: no 46, Jan; no 47, Feb; no 49, Apr; no 51, Jun; no 52, Jul;
no 53, Aug; no 54, Sep; no 55, Oct; no 56, Nov; no 57, Dec;
1987: no 58, Jan; no 60, Mar; no 61, Apr; no 62, May; no 63, Jun;
no 64, Jul; no 65, Jul; no 66, Aug; no 67, Sep; no 68, Oct;
no 69, Nov; no 70, Dec; lit.;
1988: no 71, Jan; no 72, Feb; no 73, Mar; no 74, Apr; no 75, May;
no 76, Jun; no 77, Jul; no 78, 30 Aug; no 79, Oct/Nov;
1989: no 80, Jan; no 81, May; no 82, Sep;
1990: no 84, Jan/Feb; no 85, Apr/May; no 86, Jun/Aug;
no 87, Oct/Dec
List, lit.: {Small}
1987: Summer/Autumn
Auctions: {Small}
apparently separate numeration before 1983; from 1985
numbered with the lists and therefore included above
1983: no 37, 22 Feb; no 38, 22 Mar; no 39, 26 Apr; no 41, 12 Jul
-- see also VECCHI
1985: no 36, 1 Mar; no 40, 23 Jun (bound with list 39);
1988: no 78, 30 Aug;
1991: no 88, 5 Mar; no 90, 3 Jul; no 91, 5 Nov
Auction: {Small general}
1999: 8 Oct
SCOTT, J.W. Co., New York, NY
for connection with the SCOTT [STAMP &] COIN CO see the
Manual, inner cover.
List: {Small general}
Lists: {Small general}
1890: no 1, Jan; no 2, Jun
1932: Paper Money Price List, compiled by WAYTE RAYMOND
1938: no 10, May; no 11, Jul;
1940: no 16, Sep; no 17, Dec;
1943: no 19, Apr; no 20, Dec;
1944: no 21, Apr; no 22, Jul
Auctions: {Small general}
1877: 5 Dec;
1879: 27 Oct;
1882: 20 Mar
SCRIPORAMA & FIRST DUTCH (Kees Monen), Spijkenisse, Netherlands
Auctions: {Large general}
2002: no 20, 16 Mar; no 21, 16 Nov
SDRUZENI NUMMUS, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Auctions: {Small} have 9-45, 47
1995: no 8, – — (prices realized only); no 9, 2 Sep;
no 10, 9 Dec;
1996: no 11, 30 Mar; no 12, 31 Aug;
1997: no 13, 11 Jan; no 14, 31 May; no 15, 6 Sep;
1998: no 16, 17 Jan; no 17, 14 Jun; no 18, 3 Oct;
1999: no 19, 20 Feb; no 20, 12 Jun; no 21, 11 Sep;
2000: no 22, 26 Feb; no 23, 24 Jun; no 24, 28 Oct;
2001: no 25, 3 Mar; no 26, 17 Jun; no 27.1, 1 Sep;
no 27.2, 2 Sep;
2002: no 28, 16 Feb; no 29, 22 Jun;
2003: no 30.1/2, 14 Feb; no 30.3, 16 Feb; no 31, 27 Sep;
2004: no 32, 20 Feb; no 33, 4 Sep;
2005: no 34, 19 Feb; no 35, 24 Sep:
2006: no 36, 4 Mar; no 37, 30 Sep;
2007: no 38, 30 Mar; no 39, 20 Oct;
2008: no 40, 30 Mar; no 41, 26 Oct;
2009: no 42, 18 Apr; no 43, 14 Nov;
2010: no 44, 15 May;
2011: no 45, 19 Feb;
2012: no 46, 4 Feb; no 47, 17 Nov;
2014: no 49, 15 Mar;
2015: no 50, 21 Feb
Lists: {Large general}
undated: 0192; 0316; 0405; 0892; 3108; 7822; 9819; 10074;
Chien Lung; Ching Palace Cash; Hsien-Feng Multiple; Kuang-Hsu
Cash; Money Tree; Singkiang Cash;
unnumbered: nos C#1-1.2 etc; nos CL#07-CL#04;
nos JM#401- JM#408e; pp 1-18; pp 1-73; pp 33-57;
pp HF001-HF005
1986: Mar, wholesale; 12 Apr, Annam; 23 Apr; 5 Jun;
1990: 15 Dec;
1991: 11 Apr; 6 Jun;
1992: 6 Mar; 25 Apr; 6 Jun Supplementary list; 27 Nov;
1993: 2 Feb; 13 Mar; 30 Mar; 17 May; 19 Jun; 8 Jul; 1 Aug;
14 Aug; 18 Aug; 16 Sep (letter); Nov;
1994: 26 Apr; 16 Jul;
1996: 3 Jun; 22 Jun; 30 Oct (letter); 5 Nov;
1997: 27 Jan; 20 Feb; 26 May; 18 Nov;
1998: 18 Feb;
2009: Supplementary list
SEABY, B.A., London
Seaby's Coin and Medal List
have … 307 (1939) (List) - 857 (1991) (Bulletin)
[wanting List: many early; 203]
* 1926-1936, cyclostyled: \{Folio}
"\{WB}" = housed in Watson Box \{Large}
1926: no E5, 14 Aug; no B6, 21 Aug; no A7, 21 Aug;
no C8, 1 Sep; no D9, 10 Sep; no B10, 16 Sep;
no C11, 25 Sep; no C13, 15 Oct; no C15, 30 Oct;
no C17, 20 Nov; no C19, 4 Dec; no C20, 18 Dec;
1927: no C21, 20 Jan; no C23, 15 Feb; no C25, 25 Feb;
no C27, 23 Apr; no C28 (“C26”), 27 May; no C29, 19 Aug;
no F30, 24 Aug; no D31, 14 Sep; no C33, 23 Sep;
no C36, 14 Oct; no C40, 11 Nov; no E41, Nov;
no C43, 9 Dec; no AB44, 15 Dec;
1928: no L45, Jan; no C46, 6 Jan [“1927”]; no F49, 3 Feb;
no S52, [20 Feb]; no G55, 14 Mar; no E56, 23 Mar;
no C57; no S58; no S59;
no E61, 26 Apr; no E64, 11 May; no E75, 12 Sep;
no E77, 5 Oct; no [C85 (by hand)], 5 Dec; no E86, 14 Dec;
no C87, 20 Dec;
1929: no C91, 1 Mar; no T94, Apr; no EH95, Apr;
no C97, Apr; no F101, 24 May; Eno 102, 7 Jun;
no E105, 28 Jun; no C109, Sep; no B110, Sep;
no E112, 18 Oct; no C113, 8 Nov; no C115, 29 Nov;
no B116, 13 Dec; no X117, 20 Dec; no X118, 26 Dec
1930: no S119, 10 Jan; no C120, 10 Jan; no W121, 24 Jan;
no S122, 24 Jan ["1929"]; no W123, 7 Feb;
no M124, Feb; no C125, 21 Feb;
no C127, 18 Mar; no M129, 16 Apr; no H130, 1 May;
no B131, 9 May; no M132, 23 May; no M133, Jun;
no S136, 4 Jul; no S137, 11 Jul; no S138, 18 Jul;
no S139, 25 Jul *;
* see also no S139, 24 Dec
no S140, 1 Aug; no C143, Sep; no C144, Sep;
no S145, 28 Sep; no M146, 10 Oct; no C147, 24 Oct;
no K148, 7 Nov; no E149, 25 Nov;
no S139 [sic] (“continued from list S137”), 24 Dec;
no A150, 24 Dec; no CD151, 24 Dec; no E152, 24 Dec;
no G153, 24 Dec;
1931: no E154, 9 Jan; no NY155, Jan; no NY156, Jan;
no EH157, 6 Feb (Wheeler) (+ Blunt papers q.v.);
no M158, 6 Mar;
no M159, 6 Mar; no B160, 20 Mar; no B161, 2 Apr;
no B162, 10 Apr; no E163, 10 Apr; no C164;
no C165, 24 Apr; no F166, 8 May; no F167, 8 May;
no C168, 8 May; no P169, 22 May; no M170, 5 Jun;
no M171, 20 Jul; no M172, 28 Aug; no E174, Sep;
no T176, Oct; no T177, Oct; no E179, Nov;
1932: no H182, Jan; no C183; no S184; no MC185, Feb;
no M188, May; no B190, May; no M191, Jun;
no G193, Aug; no F194, Sep \{+WB};
no F195, Sep; no 196 (sic), Sep; no M199, Oct;
no W200, Oct; no G202, Dec;
1933: no M203, Jan (partial, photocopy); no M206, Apr;
no F207, May; no M209, Jun; no M212, Sep;
no F213, Sep \{+WB}; no C214, Oct;
no M215, Nov; no C216, Nov; no M217, Dec;
1934: no AB218, Jan; no E220, Feb; no 221; no M222, Apr;
no M224, May; no AB225, Jun; no F227, Jun;
no F227, Jun \{+WB};
no M228, Jul; no F229, Jul \{+WB};
no F230, Aug \{+WB}; no AB231, Sep;
no C232, Oct; no [AB233], [Oct] (by hand) lot LE10 Etruria;
no C234, Oct; no M235, Nov; no D236, Nov; no M237, Dec;
1935: no M238, Jan; no X239, Feb; no M240, Mar; no M241, Mar;
no M242, Apr; no C246, Jun; no F247, Jun \{+WB};
no 248 (sic); no M249, Aug; no C251, Sep; no M253, Oct;
no M254, Nov;
1936: no F256, Jan {WB}; no C257, Jan;
no F268, Oct \{WB}
* from 1936, no 269, printed \{shelved as periodical}
(although a few still mimeographed, e.g. F290)
"\{WB}" = housed in Watson Box \{Large}
* wanting List: 272 (1936), 310 (1940)
wanting Bulletin: 519 (1961) photocopy, 785 (1984) misprinted
no M269, Oct; no 270 (lit.), Nov; no M271, Nov;
no M273, Xmas;
1937: no M274, Jan {+WB}; no M275, Feb {+WB};
no M276, East no M277, Apr \{+WB}; no M278, May;
no M279, Jun; no M280, Jul;
no F281, Jul \{WB only}; no M282, Sep;
no M283, Oct; no M284, Nov; no M285, Dec;
1938: no M286, New Year; no M287 [“M285”], Feb;
no M288, Mar; no M289, Apr; no F290, May \{WB only};
no M290, May; no M291, Jun; no M292, Jul/Aug;
no M293, Sep; no F294, Oct \{+WB}; no M295, Oct;
no M296, Nov; no M297, Xmas;
1939: no M298, Jan; no M299, Feb; no M300, Mar; no M301, Apr;
no F302, Apr \{WB only}; no M303, May; no M304, Jun;
no M305, Jul/Aug; no F306, Aug \{WB only};
no M307, Nov; no M308, Xmas;
1940: no M309, Jan; no M310, Feb; no M311, Mar;
no M312, Apr/May; no M313, Jun;
no M314, Jul/Aug; no M315, Aug;
-- at this point the letter codes cease
no 316, Oct/Nov (I); no 317, Oct/Nov (II);
no 318, Dec;
1941: no 319 [“318”], New Year; no 320, Feb;
no 321, Mar/Apr; no 322, May (I); no 323, Jun;
no 324, Jul/Aug; no 325, Aug/Sep; no 326, Oct-Dec;
1942: no 327, Jan/Feb; no 328, Mar-May; no 329, Jun-Aug;
no 330, Sep-Nov; no 331, Dec;
1943: no 332, Jan-Apr; no 333, May-Oct; no 334, Nov-Dec;
1944: no 335, Jan-Dec;
1945: no 336, Jan-Apr; no 337, May-Aug; no 338
Seaby's Coin and Medal Bulletin
no 339, Dec;
1946: no 1, 340, Mar; no 2, 341 Apr; no 3, 342, Jul;
no 4, 343, Sep; no 5, 344, Nov/Dec;
1947: no 1, 345, Jan; no 2, 346, Feb; no 3, 347, Mar;
no 4, 348, Apr/May; no 5, 349, Jun; no 6, 350, Jul;
no 7, 351, Aug; no 8, 352, Sep; no 9, 353, Oct;
no 10, 354, Nov; no 11, 355, Dec;
1948: no 1, 356, Jan; no 2, 357, Feb; no 3, 358, Mar;
no 4 ["3"], 359, Apr; no 5, 360, May; no 6, 361, Jun;
no 7, 362, Jul; no 8, 363, Aug; no 9, 364, Sep;
no 10, 365, Oct; no 11, 366, Nov; no 12, 367, Dec;
1949: no 1, 368, Jan; no 2, 369, Feb; no 3, 370, Mar;
no 4, 371, Apr; no 5, 372, May; no 6, 373, Jun;
no 7, 374, Jul; no 8, 375, Aug; no 9, 376, Sep;
no 10, 377, Oct; no 11, 378, Nov; no 12, 379, Dec;
1950: no 1, 380, Jan; no 2, 381, Feb; no 3, 382, Mar;
no 4, 383, Apr; no 5, 384, May; no 6, 385, Jun;
no 7, 386, Jul; no 8, 387, Aug; no 9, 388, Sep;
no 10, 389, Oct; no 11, 390, Nov; no 12, 391, Dec;
1951: no 1, 392, Jan; no 2, 392, Feb; no 3, 394, Mar;
no 4, 395, Apr; no 5, 386, May; no 6, 397, Jun;
no 7, 398, Jul; no 8, 399, Aug; no 9, 400, Sep;
no 10, 401, Oct; no 11, 402, Nov; no 12, 403, Dec;
1952: no 1, 404, Jan; no 2, 405, Feb; no 3, 406, Mar;
no 4, 407, Apr; no 5, 408, May; no 6, 409, Jun;
no 7, 410, Jul; no 8, 411, Aug; no 9, 412, Sep;
no 10, 413, Oct; no 11, 414, Nov; no 12, 415, Dec;
1953: no 1, 416, Jan; no 2, 417, Feb; no 3, 418, Mar;
no 4, 419, Apr; no 5, 420, May; no 6, 421, Jun;
no 7, 422, Jul; no 8, 423, Aug; no 9, 424, Sep;
no 10, 425, Oct; no 11, 426, Nov; no 12, 427, Dec;
1954: no 1, 428, Jan; no 2, 429, Feb; no 3, 430, Mar;
no 4, 431, Apr; no 5, 432, May; no 6, 433, Jun;
no 7, 434, Jul; no 8, 435, Aug; no 9, 436, Sep;
no 10, 437, Oct; no 11, 438, Nov; no 12, 439, Dec;
1955: no 1, 440, Jan; no 2, 441, Feb; no 3, 442, Mar;
no 4, 443, Apr; no 5, 444, May; no 6, 445, Jun;
no 7, 446, Jul; no 8, 447, Aug; no 9, 448, Sep;
no 10, 449, Oct; no 11, 450, Nov; no 12, 451, Dec;
1956: no 1, 452, Jan; no 2, 453, Feb; no 3, 454, Mar;
no 4, 455, Apr; no 5, 456, May; no 6, 457, Jun;
no 7, 458, Jul; no 8, 459, Aug; no 9, 460, Sep;
no 10, 461, Oct; no 11, 462, Nov; no 12, 463, Dec;
1957: no 1, 464, Jan; no 2, 465, Feb; no 3, 466, Mar;
no 4, 467, Apr; no 5, 468, May; no 6, 469, Jun;
no 7, 470, Jul; no 8, 471, Aug; no 9, 472, Sep;
no 10, 473, Oct; no 11, 474, Nov; no 12, 475, Dec;
1958: no 1, 476, Jan; no 2, 477, Feb; no 3, 478, Mar;
no 4, 479, Apr; no 5, 480, May; no 6, 481, Jun;
no 7, 482, Jul; no 8, 483, Aug; no 9, 484, Sep;
no 10, 485, Oct; no 11, 486, Nov; no 12, 487, Dec;
1959: no 1, 488, Jan; no 2, 489, Feb; no 3, 490, Mar;
no 4, 491, Apr; no 5, 492, May; no 6, 493, Jun;
no 7, 494, Jul; no 8, 495, Aug; no 9, 496, Sep;
no 10, 497, Oct; no 11, 498, Nov; no 12, 499, Dec;
1960: no 1, 500, Jan; no 2, 501, Feb; no 3, 502, Mar;
no 4, 503, Apr; no 5, 504, May; no 6, 505, Jun;
no 7, 506, Jul; no 8, 507, Aug; no 9, 508, Sep;
no 10, 509, Oct; no 11, 510, Nov; no 12, 511, Dec;
1961: no 1, 512, Jan; no 2, 513, Feb; no 3, 514, Mar;
no 4, 515, Apr; no 5, 516, May; no 6, 517, Jun;
no 7, 518, Jul; no 8, 519, Aug (photocopy);
no 9, 520, Sep; no 10, 521, Oct; no 11, 522, Nov;
no 12, 523, Dec;
1962: no 1, 524, Jan; no 2, 525, Feb; no 3, 526, Mar;
no 4, 527, Apr; no 5, 528, May; no 6, 529, Jun;
no 7, 530, Jul; no 8, 531, Aug; no 9, 532, Sep;
no 10, 533, Oct; no 11, 534, Nov; no 12, 535, Dec;
1963: no 1, 536, Jan; no 2, 537, Feb; no 3, 538, Mar;
no 4, 539, Apr; no 5, 540, May; no 6, 541, Jun;
no 7, 542, Jul; no 8, 543, Aug; no 9, 544, Sep;
no 10, 545, Oct; no 11, 546, Nov; no 12, 547, Dec;
1964: no 1, 548, Jan; no 2, 549, Feb; no 3, 550, Mar;
no 4, 551, Apr; no 5, 552, May; no 6, 553, Jun;
no 7, 554, Jul; no 8, 555, Aug; no 9, 556, Sep/Oct;
no 10, 557, Nov; no 11, 558, Dec;
1965: no 1, 559, Jan; no 2, 560, Feb; no 3, 561, Mar;
no 4, 562, Apr; no 5, 563, May; no 6, 564, Jun;
no 7, 565, Jul; no 8, 566, Aug; no 9, 567, Sep/Oct;
no 10, 568, Nov; no 11, 569, Dec;
1966: no 1, 570, Jan; no 2, 571, Feb; no 3, 572, Mar;
no 4, 573, Apr; no 5, 574, May; no 6, 575, Jun;
no 7, 576, Jul; no 8, 577, Aug; no 9, 578, Sep/Oct;
no 10, 579, Nov; no 11, 580, Dec;
1967: no 1, 581, Jan; no 2, 582, Feb; no 3, 583, Mar;
no 4, 584, Apr; no 5, 585, May; no 6, 586, Jun;
no 7, 587, Jul; no 8, 588, Aug; no 9, 589, Sep;
no 10, 590, Oct; no 11, 591, Nov; no 12, 592, Dec;
1968: no 1, 593, Jan; no 2, 594, Feb; no 3, 595, Mar;
no 4, 596, Apr; no 5, 597, May; no 6, 598, Jun;
no 7, 599, Jul; no 8, 600, Aug; no 9, 601, Sep;
no 10, 602, Oct; no 11, 603, Nov; no 12, 604, Dec;
1969: no 1, 605, Jan; no 2, 606, Feb; no 3, 607, Mar;
no 4, 608, Apr; no 5, 609, May; no 6, 610, Jun;
no 7, 611, Jul; no 8, 612, Aug; no 9, 613, Sep;
no 10, 614, Oct; no 11, 615, Nov; no 12, 616, Dec;
1970: no 1, 617, Jan; no 2, 618, Feb; no 3, 619, Mar;
no 4, 620, Apr; no 5, 621, May; no 6, 622, Jun;
no 7, 623, Jul; no 8, 624, Aug; no 9, 625, Sep;
no 10, 626, Oct; no 11, 627, Nov; no 12, 628, Dec;
1971: no 1, 629, Jan; no 2, 630, Feb; no 3, 631, Mar;
no 4, 632, Apr; no 5, 633, May; no 6, 634, Jun;
no 7, 635, Jul; no 8, 636, Aug; no 9, 637, Sep;
no 10, 638, Oct; no 11, 639, Nov; no 12, 640, Dec;
1972: no 1, 641, Jan; no 2, 642, Feb; no 3, 643, Mar;
no 4, 644, Apr; no 5, 645, May; no 6, 646, Jun;
no 7, 647, Jul; no 8, 648, Aug; no 9, 649, Sep;
no 10, 650, Oct; no 11, 651, Nov; no 12, 652, Dec;
1973: no 1, 653, Jan; no 2, 654, Feb; no 3, 655, Mar;
no 4, 656, Apr; no 5, 657, May; no 6, 658, Jun;
no 7, 659, Jul; no 8, 660, Aug; no 9, 661, Sep;
no 10, 662, Oct; no 11, 663, Nov; no 12, 664, Dec;
1974: no 1, 655, Jan; no 2, 666, Feb; no 3, 667, Mar;
no 4, 668, Apr; no 5, 669, May; no 6, 670, Jun;
no 7, 671, Jul; no 8, 672, Aug; no 9, 673, Sep;
no 10, 674, Oct; no 11, 675, Nov; no 12, 676, Dec;
1975: no 1, 677, Jan; no 2, 678, Feb; no 3, 679, Mar;
no 4, 680, Apr; no 5, 681, May; no 6, 682, Jun;
no 7, 683, Jul; no 8, 684, Aug; no 9, 685, Sep;
no 10, 686, Oct; no 11, 687, Nov; no 12, 688, Dec;
1976: no 1, 689, Jan; no 2, 690, Feb; no 3, 691, Mar;
no 4, 692, Apr; no 5, 693, May; no 6, 694, Jun;
no 695, Jul; no 696, Aug; no 697, Sep; no 698, Oct;
no 699, Nov; no 700, Dec;
1977: no 701, Jan; no 702, Feb; no 703, Mar; no 704, Apr;
no 705, May; no 706, Jun; no 707, Jul; no 708, Aug;
no 709, Sep; no 710, Oct; no 711, Nov; no 712, Dec;
1978: no 713, Jan; no 714, Feb; no 715, Mar; no 716, Apr;
no 717, May; no 718, Jun; no 719, Jul; no 720, Aug;
no 721, Sep; no 722, Oct; no 723, Nov; no 724, Dec;
1979: no 725, Jan; no 726, Feb; no 727, Mar; no 728, Apr;
no 729, May; no 730, Jun; no 731, Jul; no 732, Aug;
no 733, Sep; no 734, Oct; no 735, Nov; no 736, Dec;
1980: no 737, Jan; no 738, Feb; no 739, Mar; no 740, Apr;
no 741, May; no 742, Jun; no 743, Jul; no 744, Aug;
no 745, Sep; no 746, Oct; no 747, Nov; no 748, Dec;
1981: no 749, Jan; no 750, Feb; no 751, Mar; no 752, Apr;
no 753, May; no 754, Jun; no 755, Jul; no 756, Aug;
no 757, Sep; no 758, Oct; no 759, Nov; no 760, Dec;
1982: no 761, Jan; no 762, Feb; no 763, Mar; no 764, Apr;
no 765, May; no 766, Jun; no 767, Jul; no 768, Aug;
no 769, Sep; no 770, Oct; no 771, Nov; no 772, Dec ["773"];
1983: no 773, Jan; no 774, Feb; no 775, Mar; no 776, Apr;
no 777, May; no 778, Jun; no 779, Jul; no 780, Aug;
no 781, Sep; no 782, Oct; no 783, Nov; no 784, Dec;
1984: no 785, Jan (misprinted); no 786, Feb; no 787, Mar;
no 788, Apr; no 789, May; no 790, Jun; no 791/2, Jul/Aug;
no 793, Sep; no 794, Oct; no 795, Nov; no 796, Dec;
1985: no 797, Jan/Feb; no 798, Mar; no 799, Apr; no 800, May;
no 801, Jun; no 802, Jul/Aug; no 803, Sep; no 804, Oct;
no 805, Nov; no 806, Dec;
1986: no 807, Jan/Feb; no 808, Mar; no 809, Apr; no 810, May;
no 811, Jun; no 812, Jul/Aug; no 813, Sep; no 814, Oct;
no 815, Nov; no 816, Dec;
1987: no 817, Jan/Feb; no 818, Mar; no 819, Apr; no 820, May;
no 821, Jun; no 822, Jul/Aug; no 823, Sep; no 824, Oct;
no 825, Nov; no 826, Dec;
1988: no 827, Jan/Feb; no 828, Mar; no 829, Apr; no 830, May;
no 831, Jun; no 832, Jul/Aug; no 833, Sep; no 834, Oct;
no 835, Nov; no 836, Dec;
1989: no 837, Jan/Feb; no 838, Mar; no 839, Apr; no 840, May;
no 841, Jun; no 842, Jul/Aug; no 843, Sep; no 844, Oct;
no 845, Nov; no 846, Dec;
1990: no 847, Jan/Feb; no 848, Mar; no 849, Apr; no 850, May;
no 851, Jun; no 852, Jul/Aug; no 853, Sep; no 854, Oct;
no 855, Nov; no 856, Dec;
1991: no 857, Jan/Feb; unnumbered, Mar
-- continued, "incorporated into [England] Classical
Numismatic Review" from no 16.2 (1991)
undated: Treasure from the `Hollandia’
1936: Roman coins
undated (1930s?): War Medals and Decorations {WB};
undated (1937?): no 248, Tudors & Stuarts
Lists published in The Celator (with CLASSICAL NUMISMATIC GROUP):
1995: vol 9 no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 7, Jul;
1996: vol 10 no 1, Jan
Lists (lit.): {Small}
undated: Seaby’s Numismatic Publications;
1970: Seaby’s Numismatic Publications;
1976: Seaby Publications
1979: no 1, Autumn; Winter
1980: no 2, Spring; no 3, Autumn;
1981: no 4, Spring; no 5, Summer; no 6, Autumn;
[May] Pamphlet, Off-Print and Auction Catalogue List
1987/8: Autumn/Winter;
1991: Book List
Auctions: {Large general} have numbered 1-3
1982: no 1, 22 Oct;
1983: no 2, 21 Sep;
1984: no 3, 21 Mar
– thereafter unnumbered:
1986: 23 Apr
SEBÖK, Johann, Bamberg, Germany
Auction: {Small general}
1990: no 1, 23 Nov
SECKER, E., Hamburg, Germany
List: {Small general}
undated: lot 1 Altena
SEDWICK, Daniel Frank, Winter Park, FL
have 1-9
Auctions: {Large general}
2007: no 1, 30 May; no 2, 30 Oct
2008: no 3, 29 May; no 4, 6 Nov;
2009: no 5, 9 Apr; no 6, 15 Oct;
2010: no 7, 7 Apr; no 8, 21 Oct;
2011: no 9, 26 Apr; no 10, 25 Oct, flyer for gold ingot lot
SEELIG & Co., Stockholm
List: {Small general}
SEELYE, David E. (C. of E.; Coins of Europe, Middleport, NY
Lists: {Small general}
undated: no 14;
1972: no 15, Oct/Nov;
1973: no 17, Sep/Oct;
1974: no 17a, Apr;
1976: no 21, Nov/Dec;
1980: no 31
SEGURA, L., Madrid
Auction {Small general}
1980: 22 Feb; 22 Dec
SEIBERT, Don, Houston, TX
Auction: {Small general}
1965: 18 Jun
SEITZ, Paul S., Glen Rock, PA
Auctions: {Small general}
1950: no 10, 5 Apr;
1951: no 11, 5 Dec;
1963: 15 Mar;
1964: 18 Sep;
1965: 12 Mar;
1966: 11 Mar;
1967: 10 Mar
SELIGMANN, Eugen., Frankfurt, Germany
Lists: {Small general}
1898: no 14;
undated: no 20
– [1907] acc. to Varesi catalogue
SELIGMANN, Henry., Hannover, Germany
– for porcelain tokens issued by Seligmann, 1921, 25 and 50
pfennig, see P. Menzel, Deutsche Notmünzen, vol. 1 pp.716-7.
Lists: {Small general}
1927: no 3;
1928: no 7;
1929: no 2;
1932: no 5;
1934: n.s. no 1, Jun
Auctions: {Large} have 3-14
1928: no [3], 22 Oct (see SCHLESSINGER);
1929: no 4, 25 Mar [%]; no 5, 2 Dec [%];
[%] two catalogues bound together
1930: no 6, 1 Sep; no 7, 24 Nov [*];
1931: no 8, 23 Feb []; no 9, 13 Apr; no 10, 1 Jun [];
no 11, 7 Sep [*];
[*] four Knyphausen sales bound together
1932: no 12, 9 May; no 13, 12 Sep;
1933: no 14, 20 Mar
-- series ends with no 14
SEMANS, S., Cleveland, OH; New Orleans, LA; Seattle, WA
Lists: {Small} {* Large general}
undated: Coinage of Nepal; nos 14, 16, 18, 20, 21-26, R26, 27-P27, 28, B28-28T,
29-31, 32-B32-R32-W32, 33-34-B34-56,
1972: no 14, Jan-May; nbo 16, Aug-Dec;
1972/3: no 18, Winter;
1993 no 57, [May]; W57;
undated: nos 58-58e-58n-58Z-W58; B58, B59 (lit.);
undated: nos B59-B59a -59M-59N-59T {}; 59x {}; nos 60-60A-60s;
Info-2; Info-3 <clipped together with a second copy of B59a
undated: no 63B {*};
2005: lit. www. {*}
Info sheet:
undated: no 11
1972: 10 Dec {*};
1991: 2 Jun (43 CJ3494.C45)
SEMENZATO, F., Milan; Venice, Italy
-- continued from GALLERIE GERI
Auctions: {Large}
1978: 15 Dec (oselle);
1979: 24 Mar (missing 10 Oct6 2015);
1980: 29 Nov;
1981: 19 Nov;
1982: 13 May;
{{1984: 6 Dec}}
1986: 7 May; 27 Nov;
1987: 6 May; 10 Dec;
1988: 24 Mar; 15 Dec;
1989: 6 Apr; 9 Nov;
1990: 10 May; 6 Dec
SENIOR, R.C., Butleigh; Glastonbury
Lists: {Small general} have numbered 1-8
undated: lot 1 Himyarites;
1981: no 1; no 2;
1982: no 3; no 4;
undated: no 5; no 6; no 7; no 8
– thereafter unnumbered:
Lists: {Large general}
1996: nov;
1997: Mar;
1998: Autumn;
1999: Summer; Jun;
2003: Spring
SEPCOS, Wyomissing, PA
Lists: {Folio}
undated: no 12; no 14; no 15; no 29; no 30; no 31; no 32; no 33;
no 34; no 35; no 37; no 38; no 39; no 40; no 41;
no 42 (text only, lots 1-113); no 44; no 45; no 46;
no 57; no 58
SEPPA, DALE, Virginia, MN
Lists: {Small general}
1993: no 55, Oct;
1997: no 83, Jul
Auctions: {Large general}
1985: 31 May; 19 Oct;
1986: 25 May; 31 Oct;
1987: 15 May;
1989: 28 Apr;
1990: 30 Nov;
1991: 23 Nov;
1993: 24 Nov;
\{Small general}
1995: 30 Nov
1996: 31 May;
1997: 8 Dec; 8 Dec
issued with an additional cover for mailing, which illustrates
further specimens from the Fisher collection
Mail Bid Sale
1993: no 35, 14 May
SEQUOIA, Clementon, NJ
List: {Small general}
undated: no 211
SERRURE, R., Paris
Lists: {Small}
undated: ‘s Heerenbergsche Munten
Monnaies féodales;
Monnaies Merovingiennes et Anglo-Saxonnes;
1906: Monnaies grecques, romaines, françaises royales et féodales;
1910: Monnaies grecques, romaines, françaises, jetons et médailles;
1912: Numismatique française, pt 1, Gauloises etc.
n.d.: Numismatique française, pt 2, Monnaies féodales, etc.
1912: no 7, Apr
Auctions: {Small} {# Large general}
1887: 28 Mar;
1888: 23 Apr;
1890: 29 Oct (*)
1891: 11 Jun (); 21 Nov ();
1892: 7 Apr (+*);
(*) 4 cats. bound in VAN PETEGHEN, 'Recueil de Catalogues',
and shelved there)
1893: 18 Dec;
1894: 14 Feb;
1895: 21 Jan; 2 May; 1 Jul; 29 Oct; 11 Nov;
1896: 20 Jan; 10 Feb; 13 Apr; 18 May; 7 Jul; 8 Jul; 12 Oct;
1897: 23 Nov;
1899: 14 Apr; 20 Jul;
1900: 10 Mar; 8 Oct; 9 Nov {#};
10 Dec [+ bound in HOFFMANN 1887];
1901: 25 Jun;
1903: 22 May; 20 Jun (bound in HESS 27 Oct 1902);
23 Dec (bound in HESS 27 Oct 1902);
1905: 4 Mar; 29 May {*};
1906: 28 Mar
1908: 24 Feb; 3 Apr;
1909: 5 > 6 Apr {*};
"12 May" (Lardin) lot 1 Jetons banaux;
-- handwritten note: the catalogue is entirely undated
1910: 18 Mar;
1911: 10 Apr; 26 May; 18 Nov; 22 Dec;
1913: 17 Mar; 2 May
-- continued as M. PLATT
SHAH, R.D., London
Lists: {Small general}
1982: Oct;
1983: Jun;
1984: Jul;
1985: Jun
Auction: {Large general}
2011: 20 Aug
Auction: {Large general}
2011: 19 Oct
Auctions: {Large general}
2011: 15 Dec;
2012: 16 Mar
Auctions: {Large general}
1989: 16 Mar; 11 May
Auctions: {Large general}
2005: 10 Oct (gold from Japanese Finance Ministry);
2007: 24 Feb;
2008: 31 May
SHIPP, S. (The Den of Antiquity), Littleport; Haddenham,
Lists: {Small general} have 10-21
undated: no 10;
undated: no 12; no [13 was not issued]
no 14; no 15
\{Large general}
2001: no 21, Summer
SHORE, F.B. (The Parthian), Fort Washington, PA
lists and auctions fall in a single sequence
the bracketted dates have been recovered from postmarks, the
early serial numbers from B.C. Demetriadi’s complete series.
Lists: {Small general}
undated: lot 3, Bosporus; lot 3, Calabria;
no [5], [24 Sep]; no [6], [ 2 Oct];
undated: nos 12-39, 43-64, 66-70, [71 below], 72
\{Large general}
undated: nos 73
undated: nos 75-76, [77 below], 78-79, [80 below], 81-87, 89-92,
[95 below], 98, [99 below], 100-104, 107-118,
120-124, 126-128, 130
Bargaiu Lisr: {Small general}
undated: no 2
Auctions: {Large general}
1995: no 71, 25 Jul;
1996: no 77, 25 Oct;
1997: no 80, 22 May;
2001: no 95, 20 Jan;
nd: no 99, 21 Dec
SHREEVE, William, London
[UL = held in Cambridge University Library]
1763: 20 May [UL 7490.b.112]
SHUHART, Harry, Sunnyvale, CA
Auctions: {Large general}
1968: no [1], 25 Oct;
1969: no 2, 15 Oct
SHULTZ, Norman, Salt Lake City, UT
Lists: {Small general}
n.d.: no 10;
n.d.: no 16; no 17;
n.d.: no 20; no 21
SIBILIAN, P. CLÉMENT, Constantinople
List: {Small general}
1875: Subhi Pasha coll.
SIDI, F.K., Exeter
Lists: {Small general}
undated: Madinat; Medieval
SIEE, Holger, Stassfurt, Germany
Lists: {Small}
1998: no 21, Mar;
1999: no 25, Summer; no 26, Summer/Autumn;
2001: no 30, Autumn/Winter;
2002: no 31, Summer; no 32, Autumn/Winter; Christmas;
2003: no 33, Summer, + Nachträge;
2004: no 36, Summer; no 37, Autumn;
2005: no 38, Winter/Spring; no 39, Autumn; no 40, Nov;
\{Large general}
2006: no 41, Summer;
2007: no 42, Summer;
2008: unnumbered Christmas list;
2008/9: no 44, Winter;
SIEGEL, R.A., New York, NY
Auctions: {Small general}
1983: 8 Jun; 7 Dec;
1984: 5 May; 2 Nov;
1985: 1 May;
1986: 15 May; 7 Nov;
1987: 5 Aug
SIEMER, P., Hamburg, Germany
Lists: {Small general}
1971: no 9, Sep;
1990: no 92, Dec;
1995: no 137
Lists: {Small general}
1978: no 3, 15 Oct; no 4, Dec;
1979: no 7, Jul/Aug;
1983: no 14, Oct/Dec (with CRAIG, Freeman)
1980: 28 Mar
Auction: {Large general}
1979: 22 Nov
SIMMERMACHER, R., Zürich, Switzerland
List: {Large general}
1981: Oct
Lists: {Small general} have numbered complete 1-14
1982: no 1, Oct;
1983: no 2, Summer; no 3, Autumn;
1984: no 4, Spring; no 5, Autumn;
1989: no 6, Sep
1992: no [ 7], Autumn;
1993: no 8, Spring;
1994: no 9, Summer;
1995: no 10, Summer;
1996: no 11, Spring;
1997: no 12, Summer;
1998: no 13, Winter/Spring:
1998: no 14, Autumn;
– thereafter unnumbered:
1998: 23 Sep;
1999: 18 Feb (Dutton); Jul/Aug (Art Nouveau & Deco Medals);
2003: Summer;
2004: 14 Feb (Art Deco Medals);
2005: 1 Mar (Art Deco Medals);
2008: Liverpool Collection
Auctions: {Small general} {* Large}
have 1-75, 77-84
1990: no [ 1], 20 Jun \{*};
1991: no [ 2], 30 Jun, Summer;
1992: no 3, 19 Feb; no 4, 14 Sep;
1993: no 5, 9 Jul;
1994: no 6, 18 Feb
no 7, 12 Sep;
1995: no 8, 19 Jun;
1996: no 9, 27 Feb; no 10, 30 Sep
1997: no 11, 23 Jun;
1998: no 12, 2 Mar; no 13, 20 Jul;
1999: no 14, 9 Feb; no 15, 10 Jun;
no 16, 19 Nov (+43 CJ59.B15);
2000: no 18 [sic], 11 Jul; no 17, 14 Dec;
2001: no 19, 20 Mar; no 20, 12 Jul (tokens, medals);
no 20, 12 Jul (contemporary art medals); no 21, 12 Dec;
2002: no 22, 21 Mar; no 23, 4 Jul;
no 25 [sic], 11 Nov;
2003: no 24, 8 Jan; no 26, 31 Mar; no 27, 18 May;
no 28, 29 Jun;
2004: no 29, 22 Jan; no 30, 6 Apr; no 31, 25 May;
2005: no 32, 28 Jan; no 33, 27 Apr; no 34, 22 Jun;
no 35, 4 Oct (2 editions);
2006: no 36, 28 Feb; no 37, 3 May; no 38, 9 May;
no 39, 26 Oct;
2007: no 40, 19 Feb; no 41, 12 Jun;
no 42, 2 Oct;
2008: no 43, 2 Apr; no 44, 10 Jun; no 45, 30 Sep;
2009; no 46, 17 Feb; no 47, 10 Jun; no 48, 21 Oct;
2010: no 49, 11 Feb; no 50, 21 Sep; no 51, 31 Mar;
no 52, 20 Dec; no 53, 28 Oct;
2011: no 54, 19 Jul (sic); no 55, 21 Apr; no 56, 13 Sep;
no 57, 8 Dec;
2012: no 58, 26 Apr; no 59, 14 Jun; no 60, 19 Sep;
2013: no 61, 16 Jan; no 62, 20 Feb; no 63, 8 May;
no 64, 20 Sep; no 65, 15 Oct;
2014: no 66, 5 Mar; no 67, 14 May; no 68, 30 Sep;
no 69, 16 Dec (sic); no 70, 20 Oct;
2015: no 71, 10 Feb; no 72, 9 Sep (sic); no 73, 24 Jun;
no 75, 26 Nov (with CD);
2016: no 74 (sic), 14 Jan; no 77, 24 Aug;
no 78, 22 Sep (with CD); no 79, 16 Nov (with CD);
2017: no 80, 29 Mar (with CD); no 81, 4 May (with CD);
no 82, 28 Sep; no 83, 25 Oct;
2018: no 84, 28 Feb; no 85, 18 Apr (with CD); no 86, 10 Oct;
no 87, 6 Nov;
SIMONETTI, L., Florence, Italy
Lists: {Small}
1959: no 1, Dec;
1960: no 2, Feb; no 3, Apr; no 3 supplement, May; no 4, Jun;
no 5, Oct; no 6, Dec;
1961: no 7, Feb; no 8, Apr; no 9, Jun; no 10, Jul/Aug;
no 11, Oct; no 11 supplement, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1962: no 13, Feb; no 14, Apr; no 15, Jul; no 15 supplement, Sep;
no 16, Oct; no 17, Dec;
1963: no 18, Feb; no 19, May; no 20, Jul; no 21, Aug;
no 22, Sep; no 23, Nov; no 24, Dec;
1964: no 1, Jan/Feb; no 2, Mar/Apr; no 2 supplement, Jun;
no 3, May/Jun; no 3 supplement, Aug; no 4, Oct;
no 5, Nov; no 6, Dec;
1965: no 1, Feb/Mar; no 2, Apr; no 3, Jul;
no 3 [sic] supplement, May; no 3 supplement, Jul;
no 4, Sep; no 4 supplement, Oct; no 5, Nov; no 6, Dec;
1966: no 1, Jan/Feb; no 1 supplement, Apr; no 2, May/Jun;
no 3, Jul; no 3 supplement, Aug; no 4, Sep;
no 5, Nov/Dec; no 6, Dec;
1967: no 1, Feb; no 1 supplement, Mar; no 2, Apr;
no 2 supplement, May; no 3, Jun; no 3 supplement, Jul;
no 4, Sep; no 4 supplement, Oct; no 5, Nov; no 6, Dec;
1967/8: no 6 supplement, Jan;
1968: no 1, Mar; no 1 supplement, Apr; no 2, May;
no 2 supplement, Jun; no 3, Jul; no 4, Sep;
no 4 supplement, Oct; no 5, Nov; no 6, Dec;
1969: no 1, Feb; no 1 supplement, Mar; no 2, Apr;
no 2 supplement, May; no 3, Jun;
no 3 supplement, Jul/Aug;
no 4, Sep; no 4 supplement, Oct; no 5, Sep; no 6, Dec;
1970: no 1 supplement, Mar; no 2, supplement, May/Jun;
no 3, Jun/Jul; no 3, supplement, Aug; no 4, Sep;
no 4 supplement, Oct; no 5, Nov; no 6, Dec;
1971: no 1, Feb; no 1 supplement, Mar; no 2, Apr;
no 2 supplement, May; no 3, Jun;
no 3 supplement, Jul/Aug; no 4, Sep;
no 4 supplement, Oct; no 5, Nov; no 6, Dec;
1971/2: no 6, Jan;
1972: no 6 supplement, Jan; no 1, Feb; no 1 supplement, Mar;
no 2, Apr; no 2 supplement, May; no 3, Jun;
no 3 supplement, Jul; no 4, Sep; no 5, Nov;
1972/73: no 6, Dec/Jan;
1973: no 1, Feb; no 1 supplement, Mar; no 2, May;
no 2 supplement, Jun; no 3, Sep; no 4, Oct
1973: no 5, 25 Nov;
1974: no 1, 20 Jan; no 2, 20 Feb; no 3, 25 Mar; no 4, 20 Apr;
no 5, 17 May; no 6, 18 Jun; no 7, 16 Jul;
no 8, 12 Sep; no 9, 3 Oct; no 10, 5 Nov; no 11, 5 Dec;
1975: 10 Feb;
(undated by year but continuing in 1975):
10 Mar; 10 Apr; 7 May; 3 Jun; 1 Jul; 1 Sep; 1 Oct; 3 Nov;
5 Dec
Auction: {Small}
1970: 28 Jun (at GALLERIA GIORGI)
Lists: {Large general}
1976: Fall;
1976/7: Winter
SINCONA, Zurich, Switzerland
Auctions: {Large} have 1-12, 14-35, 37-39, 42-47, 49-53
2011: no 1, 29 June; no 2, 24 Oct; no 3, 25 Oct; no 4, 25 Oct;
2012: no 5, 23 May; no 6, 23 May; no 7, 9 Oct; no 8, 22 Oct;
no 9, 22 Oct;
2013: no 10, 27 May; no 11, 27 May; no 12, 14 Oct; no 14, 17 Oct;
no 15, 17 Oct; no 16, 18 Oct;
2014: no 17, 21 May; no 18, 22 May; no 19, 13 Oct; no 20, 15 Oct;
no 21, 17 Oct;
2015: no 21 bis, 18 May; no 22, 18 May;
no 23, 19 May; advertising brochure, May; no 24, 12 Oct;
no 25, 14 Oct; no 26, 14 Oct; no 27, 16 Oct;
2016: no 28, 18 May; no 29, 18 May; no 30, 20 May; no 31, 24 Oct;
no 32, 24 Oct; no 33, 25 Oct; no 34, 26 Oct; no 35, 26 Oct;
2017: no 37, 16 May; no 38, 16 May; no 39, 17 May; no 42, 23 Oct;
no 43, 23 Oct; no 44, 25 Oct; no 45, 26 Oct;
2018: no 46, 14 May; no 47, 15 May; no 49, 23 Oct; no 50, 23 Oct; no 51, 23 Oct; no 52, 25 Oct; no 53, 25 Oct;
Speed Auction: {Large}
2011: no 1, 29 Oct
– the series includes HONG KONG COIN AUCTION
nos 1-15 – see SPINK-TAISEI complete
nos 16-29 – see TAISEI-BALDWIN complete
nos 30- – see BALDWIN
Auctions: {Small general}
1982: 1 Aug;
1987: 16 Aug (with TAISEI, where boxed)
SINGER, G.A., Greenbelt, MD
– for earlier lists see NUMISMATIC CONSULTANTS
Lists: {Large general} have numbered 32-44
1986: no 32, Jun;
1987: no 33, Jun;
1988: no 34, Sep;
1989: no 35, Feb; no 36, Sep;
1990: no 37, Jun; Special, Artifacts, Jun;
1991: no 38, Feb;
1992: no 39, Feb; no 40, Nov;
1993: no 41, Jun;
1994: no 42, Sep;
1995: no 43, Jun;
1997: no 44, Jul
SINGER, Murray – see – BENNETT, George
SINTONI, Gabriele, Forlì, Italy
5) and of mixed philately and numismatics (no 30, 32)
Lists: {Large}
2006: no 2, Jun; no 3, Dec;
2007: no 4; no 30, Mar;
2008: no 5; no 32;
2010: no 6
2008: no 66, Jul; no 69, Jun; no 70, Oct;
2010: no 71, Jan; no 72, Apr;
2011: no 74, Feb; no 75, May
Auctions: {Large}
2009: 27 Aug;
2010: no 2, 9 Sep;
2011: no 4, 2 Sep;
2013: no 7, 30 Aug
List: {Small general}
1995: no 1
Auctions, numbered and dated: {Small} {[*] Large general}
have first series 1-19
most of the contemporary mail bid auctions, are in a single
series, 1-19
– Public
1969: no 1, 17 May; no [2], 13 Dec [*] [%];
[%] several lots from sale no 2 "which could not be sold
publicly" were re-offered by VICENTI, 8 Feb 1970, q.v.
1971: no 3, 5 Jun;
1972: no 4, 11 Mar; no 5, 2 Dec;
1973: no 7, 16 Jun;
1974: no 9, 9 Feb; no 10, 30 Jun;
no 11, 14 Dec;
1975: no 12, 5 Jul;
1976: no 14, 24 Apr;
1977: no 16, 26 Feb;
1978: no 18, 21 Jan; no Z, 1 Jul;
1979: no H, 3 Feb
– Mail Bid
(a) in separate series
1974: no 2, 8 May; no 3, 25 Oct;
1975: no 4, 30 Apr
(b) in series with public auctions above
1973: no 6, 10 May; no 8, 30 Nov;
1975: no 13, 9 Dec;
1976: no 15, 17 Jul;
1977: no 17, 27 Jun;
1978: no 19, 10 Mar
(c) with letter, number, or Greek letter (in reverse sequence)
1978: no D, 19 Oct;
1979: no J, 23 Apr; no 1, 30 Jun; no 2, 15 Oct;
no 3, 29 Nov;
1980: epsilon, 2 Apr; gamma, 24 May; beta, 23 Jun; alfa, 29 Sep
catalogues of 1978-1980, and of the Greek letters (running
backwards), is entirely unclear.
were issued without overt date: in those cases the day and month
can be ascertained only from the separate order slip and the
Conditions of Sale slip, if these are present. The year can be
ascertained from the D.L. date (“Deposito Legal”) in the printer’s
line – but only after 1980 in the examples listed below: before
that the D.L. date “1977” seems to have been fixed without
respect to the actual calendar year.
Auctions, unnumbered and (often) undated: {Small}
the number of /lots is (usually) given on the cover:
here below “/0000”. The year is that of the Deposito Legal.
“1977”: 21 Jan (/671) (with NUMISMATICA MAGEN); 29 Mar /1795;
7 Apr /1404; 26 Apr /1881; 30 Apr /1515; 16 Jun /1363;
28 Jun /1501; 26 Oct /2131; 17 Dec /1606; 21 Dec /1730;
undated: /888; /999; /1001; /1212; /1234; /1282; /1400; /1700;
1980: /1000, “el último de 1980”;
1981: 22 Jan /1345; 15 May /1111; /333;
1982: 22 Feb /1313;
1986: 14 Mar /1540; 19 Mar /1564; 4 Jun /1577; 3 Oct /1655;
12 Dec /1599; 15 Dec /1535;
1988: 14 Jan /1669; 15 Oct /1650;
1989: 27 May /1502
– continued in association with AUREO
Auction: {Large general}
1994: 27 Jan [missing 17 August 2016]
Auction: {Small general}
2001: 1 Mar
UL = held in Cambridge University Library
1784: 21 May {K}: Koppersmith gift, held in those boxes;
1786: 24 Apr (UL 7400.b.8; 7460.b.21; 7460.b.32,4;
SKLOW, David J., Oscoda, MI
Lists: {Large general}
undated: no 4 (lit.);
2013: no 18, 2 Feb
Auction: {Small general}
1999: 1 Oct
SLADE, Charles III, Orlaqndo, FL
List: {Large general}
n.d.: lot 1 Austria D-1180
Auction: {Small general}
1964: 4 Dec
SLAGEREN, R. van, Arnhem, Netherlands
Lists: {Small general}
SLAVEI, Petrov, Bulgaria
List (www.): {Large general}
2002: [examples of his work: 52 Greek coins]
SLITINE, Ch., expert, Paris
Auction: {Large general}
2000: 6 Dec
SLOANE, Allen, Brookline, MA
List: {Large general}
undated: no 5
January leden May kveten September zárí
February únor June cerven October ríjen
March brezen July cervenec November listopad
April duben August srpen December prosinec
Auctions: {Small general}
NB: prices realized are characteristically printed in the next
succeeding auction catalogue
branch: Banska Bystrica
2004: no 52, 30 May (prices realized only); no 53, 19 Sep;
2005: no 54, 11 Sep;
2006: no 55, 10 Sep;
2007: no 56, 9 Sep
2xxx: no 62, 30 May (prices realized only); no 63, 19 Sep;
branch: Bratislava
1989: 17 Dec (prices realized only);
1990: 17 Jun (prices realized only); 17 Nov;
2005: 28 May (expert KLANT, where boxed);
2007: 9 Jun;*
2008: 7 Jun*
branch: Košice
2005: 10 Apr
branch: Martin
1998: no 12, 4 Apr;
2004: no 21, 28 Nov (prices realized only);
2005: no 22, 26 Jun;
2006: no 23, 23 Apr; no 24, 29 Oct;
2007: no 25, 19 May;* no 26, 1 Dec;
2008: no 27, 30 Nov;
2009: no 28, 2 May; no 29, 22 Nov (prices realized only);
2010: no 30, 23 May;
2014: no 36, 23 Mar (prices realized only); no 37, 14 Dec
branch: Trencín
1988: no 23, 21 Aug
List: {Large general}
undated: lot 1 (1743)
SMITH, Bruce W., Ft. Wayne, IN
List: {Large general}
undated: lot 1 Coole number 1319+
SMITH, Clark, San Rafael, CA – see ALBUM
SMITH, Elliott, Cambridge
Auction: {Large general}
1816: 28 Nov (Mrs Bowman) (photocopy)
[original in University Library Cam.d.816.9]
SMITH, P.G., Whitburn; Sunderland; London; Sunderland
Lists: {Folio}
undated: no 2; no 3; no 4; no 5;
1968: no 6, Dec;
1969: no 7, Jan; no 8, Jul; no 8 supplement 1, Oct;
no 9, Christmas;
1971: no 10, Summer; no 11, Jun;
1977: no 1, Winter
SMITH, Sidney W., Miami, FL
Auction: {Large general}
1983: 25 Jun
SMITH, Wm. H., San Francisco, CA
Auction: {Small general}
1960: 19 Feb
Auction: {Small general}
1986: no 2, 25 Sep
SMITH & SON, Chicago, IL
Auction: {Large general}
1940: 20 Jun
SMYTHE, R.M., New York, NY
Lists: {Large}
1993: American Paper Money Collection;
undated: no 1093
Auctions: {Large}
-- continued from NASCA no 89
bonds. The numbered series of auctions also includes other
materials: Americana [Am], Autographs [Au], Ephemera [E], and
Photographs [Ph]. These are included below in brackets to
illustrate the series but are not held in the library.
covered numbered 90-110, 112-115, 117-119, 121-122, 124-126,
128-163, 165-175, 177-268, 270-273, 274.2,.3, 275-279
1989: [no 80 [Au], see under NASCA;
1990: [no 88 [Au], see under NASCA;
no 90, 25 Oct; [no 91 [Au]];
1991: no 92, 25 Jan; no 93, 8 Feb (lots 5001-);
no 94, 21 Mar; no 95, 11 Apr; [no 96 [A]];
no 97, 27 Jun; [no 98 [Au]]; [no 99 [Au]] ;
no 100, 22 Nov; no 101, 12 Dec;
1992: no 102; 24 Jan; no 103, 20 Feb (lots 5001-);
no 104, 20 Mar; no 105, 9 Apr; [no 106 [Au]];
no 107, 30 Jun; [no 108 [Au]] ; [no 109 [Au]];
no 110, 23 Nov;
1993: no 112, 22 Jan; no 113, 11 Feb; [no 114 [Au]];
no 115, 30 Mar; [no 117 [Au]]; no 118, 18 Jun;
no 119, 15 Jul; [no 121 [Au]]; no 122, 22 Nov;
1994: no 124, 21 Jan; no 125, 10 Feb; no 126, 23 Mar;
[no 128 [Au]]; no 129, 12 Jul; [no 130 [Au]];
no 131, 4 Nov *; no 132, 17 Nov *
* two sales bound together
[no 133 [Au]];
1995: no 134, 27 Jan; no 135, 16 Feb; no 136, 14 Mar;
[no 137 [Au]]; [no 138 [Au]]; no 139, 17 Jun;
no 140, 13 Jul; [no 141 [Au]]; no 142, 11 Sep;
no 143, 15 Sep; [no 144 [Au]]; [no 145 [Au]];
1996: no 146, 26 Jan; no 147, 8 Feb; no 147 Mail Bid, 8 Feb;
no 148, 23 Feb; no 149, 29 Feb (lots 2001-, 6001-);
no 149, 29 Feb (lots 3001-); [no 150 [Au]];
[no 151 [Au]]; no 152, 22 Jun; no 153, 11 Jul;
no 154, 20 Sep; no 155, 16 Oct; no 156, 25 Oct;
[no 157 [Au]]; no 158, 10 Dec;
1997: no 159, 24 Jan; no 160, 10 Feb; no 161, 14 Feb;
[no 162 [Au]]; no 163, 1 Apr; no 165, 20 Jun;
no 166, 1 Jul; no 167, 12 Aug; no 168, 26 Sep;
[no 169 [Au]]; no 170, 15 Nov;
no 171, 30 Dec;
1998: no 172, 23 Jan; no 173, 5 Feb; no 174, 20 Feb;
[no 175 [Au]]; no 177; 19 Jun; no 178, 9 Jul;
no 179, 22 Aug; no 180, 18 Sep; [no 181 [Au]];
1999: no 182, 22 Jan; no 183, 9 Feb; no 184, 19 Feb [*];
no 185, 22 Feb [*];
[*] two sales bound together
[no 186 [Au]]; no 187, 3 May; no 188, 19 Jun;
no 189, 8 Jul; no 190, 7 Jul; no 191, 17 Sep;
[no 192 [Au]]; no 193, 2 Nov;
2000: no 194, 21 Jan; no 195, 8 Feb; no 196, 17 Feb;
[no 197 [Au]]; no 198, 11 May; no 199, 16 Jun;
no 200, 28 Jun; no 201, 15 Sep; no 202, 27 Oct;
[no 203 [Au]]; no 204, 17 Nov;
2001: no 205[-I], 19 Jan; no 205-II, 20 Jan; no 206, 13 Feb;
no 207, 2 Mar; no 208, 3 May; [no 209 [Au]];
[no 210 [Ph]]; no 211, 15 Jun;
no 212, 27 Jun; no 213, 14 Sep; no 214, 20 Sep;
no 215, 26 Oct; [no 216 [Au]];
2002: no 217, 15 Mar; no 218, 2 Apr; [no 219 [Au]];
[no 220 [Ph]]; no 221, 29 Jun; no 222, 29 Jul;
no 223, 20 Aug; no 224, 13 Sep; [no 225 [Au]];
2003: no 226, 13 Jan; no 227, 7 Feb, [no 228 [Au]];
no 229, 13 Jun; no 230, 25 Jun; no 231, 6 Aug;
no 232, 5 Sep; [no 233 [Au]]; no 234, 2 Dec;
2004: no 235, 6 Feb; no 236, 19 Feb; no 237, 15 Mar;
[no 238 [Au]]; no 239, 23 Jun; no 240, 24 Jul;
no 241, 22 Oct (lots 1001-, 2201-);
no 241, 22 Oct (lots 1650-, 2725-) (Schingoethe pt 1);
no 242, 10 Nov; [no 243 [Au]]; no 244, 6 Dec;
[no 245 [Au]];
2005: no 246, 22 Mar; no 247, 22 Mar;
no 247, 23 Mar (Schingoethe pt 2); [no 248 [Au]];
no 249, 17 Jun; no 249, 17 Jun (Schingoethe pt 3);
no 250, 14 Jul; no 251, 1 Jul; [no 252 [Am]];
no 253, 27 Sep; no 253; 27 Sep (Schingoether pt 4);
no 254, 6 Oct; no 255, 16 Nov; [no 256 [Au]];
no 257, 13 Dec; no 257, 13 Dec (Schingoethe pt 5);
2006: no 258, 2 Feb; no 259, 7 Mar; no 260, 28 Mar;
no 260, 28 Mar (Schingoethe pt 6); [no 261 [Au]];
no 262, 11 Jul (Schingoethe pt 7); no 263, 12 Jul;
no 264, 26 Sep; no 265, 12 Oct;
no 265, 12 Oct (Schingoethe pt 8); no 266, 17 Oct;
[no 267 [Au]]; no 268.1, 12 Dec (Schingoethe pt 9);
no 268.2, 12 Dec (Schingoethe pt 9);
2007: no 270.1, 11 Apr; no 270.2, 11 Apr;
no 270.3, 12 Apr (Schingoethe pt 10); no 270.4, 13 Apr;
[no 271 [Au]]; no 272.1, 5 Jul; no 272.2, 6 Jul;
no 272.3, 6 Jul (Schingoethe pt 11); no 272.4, 7 Jul;
[no 273 [Au]]; no 274.2, 31 Oct;
no 274.3, 31 Oct (Schingoethe pt 12);
no 275, 12 Dec (Schingoethe pt 18); [no 276 [Au]];
2008: no 277, 6 Feb; no 278, 20 Mar; no 279, 9 Apr
2008: 18 Jun [Au]; 15 Jul (Schingoethe pt 15); 23 Oct (Costa Rica);
2010: no 299, 13 Jan; no 301 14 May;
2011: 18 Jan; 12 Apr;
2012: 18 May;
2013: 22 May; 9 Oct
SNEDDEN, Bob, Garlochhead, Scotland
– loose inserts from The Badger. See also that periodical
for lists or auctions bound in.
List: {Large general}
1996?: (x 1)
SNELL, L.D., Sonoma, CA
Lists: {Large general}
n.d.: Chinese charms or amulets;
1983/84: Winter/Spring;
1989: no 1;
1990: no 1;
1991: no 1; no 3
SNOVER, Gary, San Bernadino, CA
Lists: {Small general}
1982: no 9, Jun; no 11, Nov; 1983: no 12, Jan; no 13, Feb;
no 15, Aug; no 16, Oct; no 17, Dec;
1984: no 18, Feb; no 19, Mar; no 20, Jun; no 21, Aug; no 22, Sep;
no 23, Oct; no 24, Dec;
1985: no 31, Dec;
1986: no 33, Apr; no 34, May; no 35, Jul;
1987: pt 1; pt 2;
1991: Jul
SNOWBALL, B. – see S.P.Q.R
SOBELAR, Brussels
Lists: {Small general}
1982: Dec;
1990: Spring/Summer
Auctions: {Large} have 1-9
1971: no [1], 24 Nov;
1972: no 2, 6 May;
1973: no 3, 10 Nov;
1974: no 4, 31 May; no 5, 9 Nov;
1975: no 6, 24 May;
1976: no 7, 15 May;
1977: no 8, 5 Mar; no [9], 5 Nov
Auctions: {Small general}
1968: 14 Mar (prices realized only);
5 Sep (prices realized only);
1969: 20 Feb (prices realized only);
1971: 22 Oct;
1973: no 18, 30 Jun;
1974: no 19, 29 Mar;
1975: no 22, 28 Nov;
1976: 25 Mar; 22 Oct;
1978: 20 Apr;
1979: 15 Mar; 21 Sep
SOLIDUS (“FAX MAX”) (Brane Milosevic), Brezovica, Slovenia
Auctions: {Large general} have 1-3
1993: no 1, 4 Oct;
1994: no 2, 3 Oct;
1995: no 3, 2 Oct
2013: 16 Feb (Pecunem auction no 13):
18 May (Pecunem auction no 17)
* for Pecunem nos 1-12, 14-16, see GITBUD & NAUMANN
SOMBART, Stephan – see iNUMIS
SØMOD, J., Copenhagen
Lists: {Small general}
1981: Jul;
2006: Apr (lit.) {* Large general}
SONNTAG, S., Stuttgart, Germany
Lists: {Large}
– numeration apparently continues from BRANDT
2000: no 11;
2001: no 12;
2002: no 13;
2003: no 14 (with MEISTER)
Auctions: {Large}
1999: 23 Feb (incl. CD);
– continued from MEISTER & SONNTAG no 17
2013: no 18, 25 Nov; have 18-27
2014: no 19, 2 Jun; no 20, 9 Dec;
2015: no 21, 8 Jun; no 22, 30 Nov;
2016: no 23, 1 Jun; no 24, 5 Dec [missing, 10 May 2018, WRD];
2017: no 25, 29 May; no 26, 31 May (Lutz); no 27, 27 Nov;
2018: no 28, 4 Jun;
SOTHEBY’S, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Auctions: {Large}
1975: 28 Oct
1984: 17 May (Brand pt.6);
* for Brand sales see BRAND, Virgil
1998: 25 May (medals) [RR];
2002: 13 Nov (medals);
2001: 12 Dec (medals) [RR]
SOTHEBY’S OF LONDON, Florence, Italy
Auctions: {Large}
1974: 8 Apr; 24 Oct;
1975: 14 May
SOTHEBY’S, Geneva, Switzerland
Auctions: {Large}
1985: 11 Nov (with MICHEL);
1986: 10 Nov (with MICHEL);
1987: 9 Nov (with MICHEL);
1989: 17 Nov (with MICHEL);
1990: 18 May; 11 Nov (with MICHEL);
1991: 16 May;
1993: 25 May; 16 Nov;
1994: 17 May;
1995: 16 Nov;
1996: 25 Apr;
1997: 17 Nov (with SOTHEBY’S London)
SOTHEBY’S, Hendon, London
1990: 15 Sep
Auctions: {Large}
1977: 20 Apr
-- see also MORTON & EDEN
Lists: {Large}
1974: Conservation coins;
1985: Islamic coins – boxed with 1985 auctions
Auctions: {Large}
-- continued from LEIGH and SOTHEBY
NB: bound catalogues marked
1817: 14 May (Hollis/Brand Hollis/Disney) (photocopy) (+ Founder’s
Library) <+bv56; [RR]; University Library
8400.c.137; St. John's College Gg.14.23(2)>;
1818: 24 Jun
1819: 3 Mar <bv116; University Library 8400.c.137>;
1823: 4 Jun
1824: 8 Mar (photocopy);
6 Jul (photocopy) <+bv110, bv119, bv130>;
1828: 16 Jun
1829: 25 Feb
1830: 18 Feb
3 Jun <bv8, bv9>; 15 Jun <bv8>; 13 Jul <bv xxx>;
1831: 21 Mar
4 Aug <+University Library S492.c.83.1>;
1832: 30 May <bv7, bv10, bv109, bv117;
University Library S490.c.83.1>;
1833: 19 Jun
1834: 5 May
1837: 3 Apr; 20 Jul
ca. 1837-1852: undated fragments
lots 1-118 (pp. 3-10) <bv101>;
lots 1-213 (pp. 3-22) <bv101>;
lots 98-132 (pp. 7-8) <bv101>
lots 410-464 (pp. 33-36) ("Durner") <bv101>;
29 Aug <bv12>;
26 Nov (lit.)(Young 10 [sic]) <bv11, bv116, bv118>;
30 Nov (lit.) <bv118>;
1839: 25 Feb (Young 1) <bv11, bv112, bv118>;
3 Jun (Young 2) <bv11, bv112, bv117, bv118>;
4 Nov (Young 3) <bv112, bv118>;
1840: 30 Jan (%); 27 Feb (Young 4) <bv7, bv112, bv118>;
14 May (%); 15 Apr (%); 16 Apr (%); 3 Jun <bv101>;
29 Jun (Young 5) <bv112, bv118>;
2 Nov (Young 6) <bv11, bv112, bv118>;
1841: 3 Feb (%); 1 Mar (Young 7) <bv112, bv118>;
6 Mar (%) <+bv12, bv14>; 20 Mar (%); 21 Apr (+%) <+bv13>;
21 May +(%) <+bv13, bv14>; 14 Jun <bv14, bv17>;
19 Jun (%) <+bv7, bv14>; 21 Jun (%) <+bv7, bv14>;
22 Jun +(%) <+bv7, bv14>; 24 Jun <+bv14>;
19 Jul +(%) <+bv14>; 22 Jul (%) <+bv34>;
26 Jul (%); 3 Nov (Young 8) <bv112, bv118>;
29 Nov (Young 9) <bv112, bv118>; 8 Dec (%); 20 Dec (%)
(%) bound in “[Sotheby] Collection of Coins & Medals. Priced
Catalogue I [1840-1841]", boxed
1842: 17 Jan <bv12, bv16>; 28 Feb (&); 22 Apr
29 Apr <bv xxx>; 9 May ($) <+bv14, bv15>;
30 May <bv116; bvxxx>; 9 Jun <bv14>; 30 Jun <bv14, bv19>;
11 Jul <bv14>; 27 Jul <bv14, bv18>;
30 Nov (Young 11)($) <+bv116>; 3 Dec <bv xxx>;
23 Dec <bv xxx>
NB: a complete set of the 11 Young sales 1838-1842 is bound
together in the University Library Mm.50.83
(&) bound in “[Sotheby] Collection of Coins & Medals. Priced
Catalogue XII [1840s and 50s]", boxed
($) bound in “[Sotheby] Collection of Coins & Medals. Priced
Catalogue XIII [1840s and 50s]", boxed
1843: 5 Apr
24 Jun <bv117>; 19 Jul <bv20>;
1844: 23 Feb <bv21, bv22; University Library 8880.c.456>;
3 May (*); 11 Jun <bv22>;
8 Jul <bv22, bv25>; 29 Jul <bv22, bv25>; 16 Nov (*);
1845: 6 Jan; 14 Apr
17 Jul (antiquities) <bv101>;
5 Aug (*) <+bv xxx>; 18 Aug <bv101, bv109, bv117>;
22 Sep (*) <+bv101; bv xxx>; 2 Dec <bv xxx>;
(*) bound in “[Sotheby] Collection of Coins & Medals. Priced
Catalogue XI [1840s and 50s]”, boxed
1846: 28 Jan
6 Apr <bv xxx>; 20 Apr <bv24>; 12 May <+bv101>;
21 May <bv xxx>; 23 Jul (Campana) <bv7, bv26>;
1847: 4 Mar
21 Jun <bv24>; 26 Jun; 26 Jul; 20 Nov <bv101>;
1848: 15 Mar
15 Apr <bv101, bv109, bv117>; 1 May <bv101>;
11 May <bv101, bv109>; 19 Jun <bv26, bv101>;
20 Jun <bv26>; 22 Jun <bv101, bv117>; 17 Jul <bv101>;
31 Jul <bv27, bv28, bv115; first half of catalogue, bv30>;
21 Aug <bv101>; 16 Nov <bv26, bv27, bv30, bv101>; 25 Nov;
27 Nov <bv31, bv101>; 8 Dec (lit.) <bv101>;
1849: 28 Feb <bv101, bv109>; 2 Apr
16 Jun <bv103>; 30 Jun <bv101>; 25 Jul <bv32>;
3 Aug <bv103>;
1850: 18 Feb <bv35, bv103>; 22 Mar
19 Apr <bv33>; 27 May ($) <+bv103>;
29 May ($) <+bv101, bv103>; 21 Jun antiquities ($);
8 Jul <bv26, bv103>; 16 Jul ($)
22 Nov <bv34, bv101, bv103>; 13 Dec ($) <+bv34, bv101>;
1851: 15 Jan <bv101, bv117>; 20 Jan <bv103, bv117>;
17 Feb <bv101, bv103>; 31 Mar <bv34, bv101>;
4 Apr (*) <+bv34>; 10 Apr <bv34>; 6 May <bv101>;
22 May <bv26, bv34, bv101>;
16 Jul (*) <+bv101>;
18 Jul (antiquities) <bv101>; 11 Aug <+bv34>;
18 Aug (*) <+bv101>; 4 Dec;
1852: 5 Feb (*); 4 Mar <bv36, bv109>; 15 Mar
5 Apr <bv101>; 7 Jun (*); 22 Jun (*) <+bv101> [+Univ. Library:
1 Jul <bv36>; 12 Jul (&) <+bv27>; 31 Jul (*) <+bv26>;
26 Aug <bv101>;
1853: 20 Jan; 4 Apr ($); 5 Apr +($); 25 Apr
31 May ($) <+bv35>; 12 Jul <bv26, bv37>; 1 Aug ($);
3 Dec <bv35>;
1854: 3 Feb (&) <+bv26>; 27 Mar; 2 May (*); 15 May (&) <+bv37>;
8 & 26 Jun <bv37, bv117, bv125 [large paper]>;
27 Nov (&) <+bv26, bv38>; 4 Dec;
(*) bound in “[Sotheby] Collection of Coins & Medals. Priced
Catalogue XI [1840s and 50s]", boxed
1855: 27 Jan ($); 22 Feb (&); 17 Mar ($); 30 Mar <bv26, bv39>;
1 Jun <bv38, bv116>; 4 Jun ($);
8 Jun [missing 19 Dec 2004]; 22 Jun <bv38>;
12 Nov ($)(+photocopy); 14 Nov ($) <+bv41>; 29 Nov ($);
3 Dec +(&);
(&) bound in “[Sotheby] Collection of Coins & Medals. Priced
Catalogue XII [1840s and 50s]", boxed
($) bound in “[Sotheby] Collection of Coins & Medals. Priced
Catalogue XIII [1840s and 50s]", boxed
1856: 24 Jan
30 Jun (Cohen)(photocopy) (the sale was withdrawn);
2 Jul <bv41>; 11 Aug <bv40>; 3 Nov <bv41>;
1857: 12 Jan
19 Mar <bv41>; 3 Aug; 25 Nov;
1858: 2 Mar
24 Apr <bvxxx>; 13 May <bv117>; 17 May <bv41>;
18 May <bv41>; 19 May <bv41>; 1 Jun <bv xxx>;
8 Jul <bv41>; 30 Jul <bv102>; 15 Nov <bv42, bv102>;
24 Nov <bv42, bv102>; 22 Dec <bv42, bv102>;
1859: 7 Jan
28 Jan <bv102>; 7 Mar <bv102>; 9 Mar <bv102>;
16 May <bv42, bv102>; 23 May <bv102, bv117>;
4 Jul <bv102, bv117>; 23 Aug <bv102>; 10 Nov <bv42>;
11 Nov <bv40, bv42>; 5 Dec <bv43>;
1860: 25 Jan
1861: 14 Jan <bv45, bv116, bv117>; 18 Mar
10 Jul <bv44, bv104, bv117>;
2 Aug [St. John's College Gg.11.32(1)]; 12 Aug <bv44>;
11 Nov <bv104>;
1862: 24 Feb
4 Jun <bv46, bv104>; 13 Jun <bv46>; 11 Aug <bv46>;
12 Aug <bv46>;
1863: 2 Feb
29 Jun (partial prices realized only, in Hoffmann Le Numismate 16
1 Aug 1863, pp 2-3;
7 Jul (partial prices realized only, in Hoffmann Le Numismate 16
1 Aug 1863, p 3;
1864: 1 Feb <bv47, bv104>; 25 Feb
26 May <bv108>; 27 Jun <bv108>; 19 Jul <bv48>;
30 Nov <bv108>; 4 Dec;
1865: 22 May
1866: 11 Jan
27 Mar <bv108>; 25 Apr <bv108>; 28 May <bv108>; 31 May;
12 Jul <bv49, bv108>; 19 Jul <bv108>;
30 Jul <bv49, bv108>; 20 Aug <bv108>; 22 Dec <bv108>;
1867: 18 Mar
20 May <bv105 (x2), bv108>; 29 Jul <bv105>;
14 Aug <bv105>; 22 Aug <bv105>; 23 Aug <bv105>;
17 Dec <bv105>; 19 Dec <bv50, bv105>;
1868: 19 Feb <bv50, bv106 (x2)>; 8 Apr <bv50, bv106>;
21 Apr <bv106>; 25 May <bv50, bv106 (x2)>;
28 May <bv50, bv106>; 6 Jul <bv50, bv106>;
31 Jul <bv106 (x2)>; 20 Aug <bv106>;
1869: 22 Mar; 5 Apr; 7 Apr
21 Jun <bv61>;
1870: 27 Apr
1871: 11 Mar
1872: 5 Aug
1873: 17 Apr
1874: 26 Jan
30 Nov <bv51>;
1875: 13 Aug
1876: 28 Jan
1 Jun <bv57>; 24 Jul <bv59>; 13 Dec <bv57>;
1877: 19 Feb
23 Mar <bv xxx>; 13 Apr <bv58>; 24 Apr <bv58>;
11 Jul <bv xxx>; 28 May <bv58>; 13 Jul <bv58>;
13 Dec <bv56>;
1878: 13 Feb;
* the first British numismatic auction catalogue with photographic illustrations; possibly the first European? The first American had been the Cogan sale of 23 June 1869. (David F. Fanning. “Off the Shelf”, in The Asylum 34.2 (Summer, 2016), 27-31)
20 Feb <+bv56>; 4 Apr <bv56>;
8 Apr; 10 May <bv59>; 22 May <bv56>;
29 Jul <bv59, bv107>; 12 Nov <bv62, bv107>;
18 Dec <bv107>;
1879: 20 Feb
13 May <bv xxx>; 7 Jun <bv60, bv107>; 11 Aug <bv107>;
18 Nov <bv107>; 11 Dec <bv107>;
1880: 2 Feb <bv61, bv107>; 8 Apr
3 Aug <+bv107>; 7 Aug <bv107>; 15 Nov <bv107>;
22 Nov <bv107> (+ bound with LETELLIER 1881);
1881: 28 Feb; 7 Apr <bv61, bv63>;
28 Apr; 15 Jun;
18 Jul <bv64, bv65>; 10 Nov <bv52, bv64, bv65>;
6 Dec <bv65>; 19 Dec <bv64, bv65>;
1882: 30 Jan <bv60, bv65>; 29 Mar
26 Apr [missing 19 Dec 2004]; 1 May;
16 May <bv64, bv65>; 23 Jun <bv65>;
10 Jul <bv60, bv64, bv65>;
24 Jul <bv64, bv65>; 8 Aug <bv65>;
1883: 26 Jan; 3 Apr <bv66, bv114>;
21 May <bv66, bv114>;
1884: 31 Jan; 5 May
6 May 19 May <bv60>; 12 Jun <bv114>; 10 Jul <bv128>;
5 Dec <bv60, bv66>;
1885: 22 Jul <bv66, bv67, bv68, bv114>; 6 Aug
10 Aug <bv66, bv114>; 21 Dec <bv60>;
1886: 15 Feb {*} <+bv113, bv114>; 18 Feb
19 May; 29 Jun <bv66>; 13 Jul <bv62>;
30 Jul <bv66>; 17 Dec; 22 Dec <bv66>;
1887: 2 May <bv71, bv94>; 16 May
23 May <bv71, bv93, bv94>; 14 Jun <bv71, bv94>;
20 Jun <bv66, bv71, bv72, bv94, bv114>;
27 Jun <bv71, bv94>; 6 Jul <bv62, bv66, bv72, bv114>;
19 Jul (lit.) <bv93>; 20 Jul bv93; 26 Jul (lit.) <bv93>;
2 Aug <bv93, bv114> [5 Aug, lots 602-652 only];
6 Dec <bv93>; 15 Dec <bv93>;
1888: 7 Mar {*} <+bv66, bv113>; 26 Mar
7 May \{*} <+bv66, bv74, bv113>; 8 Jun \{*} <+bv74, bv113>;
15 Jun \{*} <+bv74, bv113>; 18 Jul \{*} <+bv74, bv94, bv113>;
\{*}: 6 catalogues of 1886 and 1888 bound together
7 Aug <bv74, bv94>; 19 Nov <bv69, bv73>;
1889: 11 Feb
10 Apr <bv77, bv94>; 6 May <bv77>; 13 May <bv73>;
24 May <+bv76, bv77>; 27 May <bv77>; 17 Jun <bv77>;
26 Jul <bv77>;
1890: 30 Jan; 19 Feb
21 Feb; 8 May; 12 May;
16 May; 29 May; 23 Jun <+bv96>;
1 Jul <+bv96>; 10 Jul <+bv62, bv96>;
16 Jul <+bv62>; 21 Jul; 30 Jul;
31 Jul; 3 Dec; 6 Dec;
1891: 27 Jan; 2 Feb <+bv96>; 23 Mar;
6 Apr; 30 Apr; 1 May;
28 May; 11 Jun; 2 Jul <+bv96>;
3 Jul <+bv96>; 30 Jul <+bv62>; 31 Jul;
1 Dec; 2 Dec <+bv96>;
1892: 15 Feb; 8 Mar <+bv96>; 6 Apr;
16 May (+photocopy) <bv128>; 27 Jun <+bv96>;
12 Jul (x2); 13 Jul; 14 Jul;
15 Jul; 26 Jul; 19 Dec <+bv96>;
20 Dec <+bv96>;
1893: 24 Feb; 22 Mar; 4 May <+bv96>;
16 Jun; 29 Jun <bv70, bv128>;
22 Nov; 14 Dec; 16 Dec <bv62>;
1894: 7 Mar; 14 Mar
2 May <+bv78>; 8 May <+bv78, bv88>;
23 May (Carfrae pt 1) <+bv82>; 30 May <+bv78>;
15 Jun <+bv78, bv96>; 9 Jul (x2) <+bv128>;
31 Jul <+bv78>; 7 Nov <+bv78>; 8 Nov <+bv78>;
13 Nov <+bv78>; 11 Dec <+bv128, bv131>;
1895: 28 Jan; 4 Mar <bv98, bv128>;
8 Mar <+bv88>; 12 Mar; 15 Mar;
8 Apr (+bv98); 25 Apr; 6 May <+bv82>;
10 May <+bv88>; 22 May <+bv128>; 25 May <+bv88>;
10 Jun (Bunbury) (x2) <+bv128>;
20 Jun <bv98, bv128>; 25 Jun; 11 Jul;
25 Jul <+bv128>; 1 Nov;
18 Nov (Montagu pt 1) <+bv80, bv81 plates, bv121>;
21 Dec;
1896: 21 Jan (Boyne pt 1)(x2) <+bv86, bv128>; 5 Mar;
23 Mar (Montagu Greek pt 1) <+bv79>; 4 May <+bv88>;
11 May (Montagu pt 2)(x2) <+bv80, bv81 plates, bv83,
15 Jun (Bunbury pt 1) <+bv95>;
29 Jun (Boyne pt 2 <bv87, bv128>;
17 Jul; 18 Jul; 24 Jul <+bv88>;
13 Nov (Montagu pt 3)(x2) <+bv80, bv 81 plates, bv123>;
7 Dec (Bunbury pt 2) <+bv95>; 21 Dec;
1897: 1 Feb; 3 Feb; 11 Feb;
11 Mar; 15 Mar (Montagu pt 2); 26 Mar;
9 Apr; 10 May;
24 May (Montagu medals) <+bv80, bv81 plates>;
31 May <+bv131>; 30 Jun; 5 Jul;
15 Jul (Montagu pt 4) <+bv80, bv81 plates>; 24 Jul;
10 Nov;
16 Nov (Montagu pt 5) <+bv80, bv81 plates, bv84>;
3 Dec;
1898: 10 Jan; 13 Jan;
17 Jan [RR, bound in "Pottery"]; 20 Jan <+bv131>;
7 Feb; 17 Feb; 21 Feb;
4 Mar; 14 Mar;
23 Mar (bound with ROLLIN & FEUARDENT [where?]);
30 Mar <bv98>; 22 Apr; 29 Apr;
5 May <bv98>; 23 May <+bv85>; 23 Jun;
25 Jun <+bv88>; 7 Jul <bv98>; 21 Jul;
27 Oct; 2 Dec;
1899: 6 Feb; 13 Mar <+bv131>;
15 Mar <+bv88>; 20 Mar; 6 Apr;
3 May; 15 May; 5 Jun <+bv88>;
12 Jun; 23 Jun; 11 Jul <bv98>;
14 Jul; 15 Nov <+bv88>; 30 Nov;
1900: 31 Jan; 21 Feb; 6 Mar;
12 Mar; 29 Mar; 9 Apr;
2 May; 18 May <+bv88>;
28 May (Rothschild) <+bv82>;
15 Jun; 26 Jun; 2 Jul;
24 Jul; 28 Jul; 1 Aug;
1 Nov; 2 Nov; 19 Nov;
1901: 14 Feb; 11 Mar (+43 CJ5052.D25);
20 Mar; 29 Mar; 16 Apr;
7 May; 26 Jun; 8 Jul (Carfrae pt 2);
11 Jul <+bv98>; 15 Jul; 24 Jul;
7 Nov; 26 Nov; 12 Dec <+bv88>;
19 Dec [RR, bound in "Pottery"]; 20 Dec;
1902: 3 Mar; 14 Apr; 28 Apr;
9 May; 26 May; 9 Jun;
18 Jun <+bv100>; 8 Jul; 17 Jul;
28 Oct; 5 Nov;
6 Nov <bv98>(+ bound in HESS 27 Oct 1902);
19 Nov;
1903: 20 Jan; 5 Feb; 24 Feb;
5 Mar;
31 Mar (Murdoch pt 1) <+bv91, bv91 plates>;
11 May (Murdoch pt 2) <+bv91, bv91 plates>;
14 May; 25 May <+bv xxx>;
8 Jun (Murdoch pt 3) <+bv91, bv91 plates>;
18 Jun; 29 Jun <+bv100>; 13 Jul;
17 Jul;
21 Jul (Murdoch pt 4) <+bv91, bv91 plates, bv124>;
3 Nov; 16 Nov (Bunbury); 3 Dec;
1904: 18 Jan; 11 Feb <+bv127>; 24 Feb
15 Mar (Murdoch pt 5) <+bv91, bv91 plates>;
23 Mar; 28 Apr; 9 May <bv98>;
26 May 30 May <+bv127>;
2 Jun (Murdoch pt 6) <+bv91, bv91 plates>;
28 Jun; 4 Jul; 6 Jul <bv98>;
13 Jul; 27 Oct <bv98>; 10 Nov <+bv127>;
16 Nov <+bv100>; 24 Nov;
12 Dec (Murdoch pt 7) <bv91, bv91 plates>;
14 Dec (Murdoch pt 8) <+bv91, bv91 plates>;
1905: 2 Feb <+bv89>; 11 Apr <+bv89>;
2 May (Warren)(clipped) <+bv89, bv131, bv132>;
8 May <+bv89>;
16 May <+bv89>; 5 Jun <+bv89>; 27 Jun <+bv89>;
11 Jul <+bv89>; 13 Jul; 24 Jul;
21 Nov; 30 Nov; 11 Dec <bv88>;
1906: 8 Feb; 27 Feb <+bv100>; 5 Mar
26 Mar; 5 Apr; 4 May <+bv100>; 14 May <+bv100>; 16 May;
11 Jun (McClean) <+bv90>; 13 Jun (McClean) <+bv90>;
21 Jun <+bv127>; 2 Jul; 16 Jul; 7 Nov; 15 Nov <+bv88>;
29 Nov <+bv127>; 7 Dec; 17 Dec <+bv89>;
1907: 30 Jan
29 Apr; 5 Jun <+bv100>; 20 Jun; 3 Jul; 15 Jul <+bv127>;
22 Jul; 27 Nov <+bv88>; 6 Dec <+bv89, bv132>;
16 Dec <+bv92>;
1908: 4 Feb <+bv99>; 27 Feb <+bv99>; 18 Mar <+bv100>; 23 Mar;
13 Apr; 27 Apr <+bv92, bv129>;
4 May <+bv92, bv99, bv132>; 11 May; 25 May <+bv127>;
15 Jun; 19 Jun; 7 Jul <+bv127>; 13 & 20 Jul <+bv92>;
23 Jul; 30 Jul; 30 Oct <+bv99>; 25 Nov; 1 Dec;
14 Dec <bv88>;
1909: 3 & 8 Feb (Benson) <+bv99, bv132>; 24 Feb <+bv129>; 8 Mar;
10 Mar <+bv127>; 31 Mar <+bv127>;
20 Apr <+bv99, bv119, bv131>;
21 Apr <+bv99, bv119, bv131, bv133>;
22 Apr <+bv99, bv119, bv131, bv133>; 30 Apr; 3 May;
17 May <+bv100>; 18 Jun; 21 & 28 Jun <+bv126>;
5 & 12 Jul (+ plates) <+bv99, bv129>; 23 Jul;
2 Nov <+bv127>; 3 Nov; 15 Nov <+bv127>; 6 Dec;
1910: 15 Feb; 23 Feb; 7 Apr (x2); 19 Apr; 22 Apr; 25 May;
30 May <bv207>; 24 Jun; 5 Jul <+bv133>;
7 Jul <bv99, bv127>; 25 Jul; 14 Nov <+bv127>;
6 Dec <bv127>;
1911: 6 Feb; 23 Mar (bound)[missing 19 Dec 2004]; 20 Apr;
13 & 19 Jun <+bv99, bv119, bv133>;
3 & 10 Jul <+bv99, bv119>; 24 Jul; 6 Nov; 27 Nov; 19 Dec;
1912: 31 Jan; 21 Feb; 2 May; 7 Jun; 11 Jun; 11 Jul; 6 Nov;
14 Nov; 28 Nov;
1913: 27 Jan; 12 Mar; 14 Apr; 9 May; 19 May; 26 May; 17 Jun;
15 Jul; 21 Jul; 23 Jul; 21 Oct;
17 Nov (+43 CJ2476.S7); 15 Dec;
1914: 19 Jan <+bv133>; 22 Jan (43 CJ2495.C5); 3 Feb; 3 Apr;
22 Apr; 4 May; 11 May; 15 Jun; 24 Jun; 20 Jul; 31 Jul;
1915: 16 Jun; 29 Jul;
1916: 22 Mar & 15 May; 8 May (clipped) <+bv133>; 6 Jun; 3 Aug;
20 Nov; 20 Dec;
1917: 19 Jul; 27 Jul; 29 Oct; 26 Nov;
1918: 25 Mar; 14 Oct; 11 Nov (Carlyon-Britton, clipped);
27 Nov; 18 Dec;
1919: 5 Feb; 24 Feb; 1 May; 5 Jun; 24 Jul (Milford-Haven); 31 Jul;
21 Nov (Milford-Haven); 4 Dec;
1920 : 2 Feb; 21 Apr; 12 Jul; 26 Jul; 29 Oct; 1 Nov; 15 Nov;
20 Dec;
1921: 3 Feb; 21 Feb; 10 May;
4 Jul (Story-Maskelyne gems (+ [Ant.]: 43 NK5515.S85);
6 Jul <+bv133>; 13 Jul; 25 Jul; 17 Oct; 21 Nov; 5 Dec;
1922: 1 Mar; 27 Mar; 13 Jul; 27 Jul; 30 Oct;
1923: 12 Feb (43 CJ2681.S2); 19 Apr; 30 Apr (x 2);
9 May (43 NK5515.R7); 18 Jul;
1924: 11 Feb; 5 May; 2 Jun; 30 Jun; 21 Jul; 28 Jul; 1 Dec;
2 Dec; 11 Dec
1925: 30 Mar; 6 Apr; 18 May (Bruun pt 1); 25 May (Bruun pt 2);
8 Jul; 27 Jul; 23 Nov (Sambon); 23 Nov (Feuardent);
1926: 15 Mar; 10 May; 12 Jul; 1 Nov; 20 Dec;
1927: 4 Apr; 8 Apr; 28 Apr; 13 Jun; 14 Jun; 15 Nov;
1928: 8 May; 4 Jun; 5 Nov (43 NK5515.R3); 27 Nov;
1929: 21 Feb; 1 May; 16 Jul; 1 Aug; 28 Oct; 9 Dec;
1930: 17 Feb; 12 Mar; 7 Apr; 8 Apr; 12 Jun; 28 Jul;
1931: 22 Jun; 19 Oct; 21 Oct;
1932: 30 May; 13 Jun [RR]; 7 Jul (missing 21 Mar 2005); 24 Oct;
31 > 30 Oct 1933;
1933: 6 Mar; 12 Jun;
30 Oct * re-issue of catalogue of 31 Oct 1932;
20 Nov; 11 Dec;
1934: 14 May; 3 Dec; 18 Dec;
1935: 11 Mar; 25 Mar; 29 May; 17 Jun; 1 Jul; 30 Jul;
1936: 9 Mar; 30 Mar; 20 Apr; 9 Jun; 6 Jul;
13 Jul (Newton papers); 22 Jul [missing 19 Dec 2004];
16 Nov; 14 Dec;
1937: 27 Jul (x2); 8 Nov;
1938: 29 Mar [Ant]; 18 May [RR]; 25 Jul; 5 Dec [RR];
20 Dec (x2);
1939: 18 May; 17 Jul;
1940: 22 Apr; 24 Jul;
1941: 27 Mar; 21 May; 22 Dec;
1942: 28 Apr [RR]; 28 Jul;
1943: 24 Feb [Ant.]; 8 Jun [RR]; 6 Jul; 1 Dec [Ant.];
1944: 12 Jun;
1945: 20 Mar; 3 Jul; 23 Jul; 13 Nov [RR]; 3 Dec;
1946: 9 Apr [Ant.]; 29 Jul; 7 Oct; 16 Dec;
1947: 10 Feb; 31 Mar; 7 Jul; 28 Jul;
1948: 26 Jan; 12 Apr (ffarington); 12 Apr (Hope-Masham [Ant.];
14 Jun; 20 Dec;
1949: 24 May; 8 Nov; 28 Nov;
1950: 21 Feb; 1 May; 19 Dec;
1951: 19 Mar (x2); 7 May; 11 Jun; 2 Jul; 30 Jul; 19 Dec [RR];
1952: 30 Jun; 18 Dec;
1953: 15 Oct [RR];
1954: 16 Feb; 24 Feb (Farouk); 12 Jul; 29 Nov;
1955: 17 Mar; 27 Jul; 12 Dec;
1956: 14 Jun; 3 Dec;
1957: 16 May [RR]; 4 Jul; 4 Nov; 9 Dec;
1958: 30 Apr; 3 Jun [RR]; 31 Jul; 24 Nov;
1959: 23 Apr; 17 Jul;
1960: 11 Feb; 28 Jul; 19 Dec [RR];
1961: 8 May; 11 Jul; 31 Jul [RR]; 23 Oct [RR]; 20 Nov [RR];
1962: 26 Mar; 16 Jul; 10 Dec;
1963: 11 Mar [RR]; 22 Apr; 16 Dec;
1964: 20 Apr; 27 July [RR]; 30 Nov; 14 Dec;
1965: 1 Feb; 12 Apr; 19 Jul; 29 Nov;
1966: 14 Mar; 28 Mar; 23 May; 18 Jul; 5 Dec;
1967: 20 Mar; 17 Jul; 13 Nov;
1968: 15 Jan; 12 Feb; 14 May; 26 Jun; 10 Jul; 15 Oct; 20 Nov;
1969: 21 Jan; 19 Feb (Roman); 19 Feb (English etc.); 12 Mar;
16 Apr; 1 May; 21 May; 11 Jun; 14 Jul; 23 Jul; 24 Sep;
7 Oct; 15 Oct; 29 Oct; 19 Nov; 3 Dec;
1970: 28 Jan; 18 Feb; 18 Mar; 22 Apr; 8 May; 24 Jun; 22 Jul;
30 Sep; 30 Oct; 20 Nov; 16 Dec;
1971: 27 Jan; 17 Feb; 24 Mar; 5 May;
23 Jun (Bolton Percy hoard); 23 Jun orders; 21 Jul;
29 Jul; 29 Sep; 7 Oct orders; 21 Oct; 25 Nov;
1972: 26 Jan; 16 Feb (Jungfleisch); 16-17 Feb (ancient etc.);
9 Mar (Jungfleisch); 18 Apr; 10 May; 15 Jun; 23 Jun;
26 Jul; 28 Sep; 24 Nov;
1973: 31 Jan; 7 Feb; 30 Mar; 4 May; 6 Jun (Roman)*;
6 Jun (Portuguese)*;
* two sales bound together
27 Jun; 6 Jul; 26 Jul; 28 Sep; 8 Nov; 30 Nov; 14 Dec;
1974: 30 Jan; 20 Feb; 20 Mar; 15 May; 12 Jun; 26 Jun; 5 Jul;
17 Jul; 10 Oct; 24 Oct [missing 19 Dec 2004]; 26 Nov;
6 Dec; 13 Dec;
1975: 29 Jan; 5 Feb; 12 Mar; 18 Apr; 22 May; 5 Jun; 25 Jun;
9 Jul; 23 Jul;
1975: 8 Oct; 12 Nov; 10 Dec orders;
1976: 28 Jan; 25 Feb; 31 Mar; 28 Apr; 26 May; 17 Jun; 25 Jun;
14 Jul; 29 Sep; 20 Oct; 17 Nov; 1 Dec;
1977: 26 Jan; 16 Feb; 30 Mar; 27 Apr; 25 May (Historical medals);
22 Jun orders;
22 Jun banknotes; 13 Jul; 28 Sep; 26 Oct;
22 Nov (medals, Lovell I); 23 Nov; 16 Dec;
1978: 11 Jan; 8 Feb; 8 Mar; 6 Apr; 12 Apr; 10 May; 14 Jun;
19 Jul; 27 Sep; 12 Oct; 19 Oct;
15 Nov (medals, Lovell II); 13 Dec;
1979: 24 Jan; 28 Feb; 21 Mar; 28 Mar; 25 Apr; 14 May; 23 May;
20 Jun; 18 Jul; 27 Jul; 26 Sep; 4 Oct; 9 Oct;` 24 Oct;
14 Nov; 14 Nov orders;
1980: 23 Jan; 20 Feb; 5 Mar; 16 Apr; 23 Apr; 11 Jun; 2 Jul;
15 Jul; 17 Jul; 30 Sep; 15 Oct; 12 Nov; 26 Nov; 3 Dec;
1981: 21 Jan; 18 Feb;
* lack 5 Mar (lit.)
11 Mar; 1 Apr; 13 Apr; 29 Apr; 6 May; 17 Jun; 1 Jul;
21 Jul; 1 Oct; 14 Oct; 5 Nov; 12 Nov; 3 Dec;
1982: 21 Jan; 4 Mar; 18 Mar; 28 Apr; 6 May; 20 May; 8 Jul;
22 Jul; 23 Sep; 11 Oct; 12 Oct; 19 Oct; 21 Oct; 4 Nov;
7 Dec;
1983: 17 Feb; 18 Feb; 3 Mar; 24 Mar; 7 Apr; 20 Apr; 12 May;
26 May; 30 Jun; 20 Jul; 29 Sep; 13 Oct; 18 Oct;
3 Nov (Brand pt 4); 4 Nov [medieval seal lot 88];
17 Nov; 6 Dec;
1984: 1 Feb (Brand pt 5)(+ partially priced); 16 Feb; 1 Mar;
22 Mar; 17 Apr; 30 Apr; 3 May; 28 Jun; 12 Jul; 19 Jul;
26 Jul; 25 Oct (Brand pt 7);
* for Brand sales see BRAND, Virgil
1 Nov; 15 Nov; 22 Nov; 13 Dec;
1985: 7 Feb; 28 Feb orders; 16 Apr; 25 Apr; 16 May;
14 Jun (Brand pt 9); 27 Jun; 18 Jul; 24 Oct (Brand pt 10);
31 Oct; 6 Nov; 21 Nov;
1986: 13 Feb; 6 Mar; 20 Mar; 22 Apr; 20 May; 3 Jul; 17 Jul;
2 Oct; 4 Dec;
1987: 4 Mar orders; 26 Mar; 28 May; 1 Jul orders; 9 Jul;
16 Jul; 1 Oct; 29 Oct orders; 24 Nov;
1988: 21 Mar orders; 24 Mar; 23 May; 30 Jun orders; 29 Sep;
10 Nov orders;
1989: 9 Mar; 11 May orders; 12 Sep; 5 Oct;
1990: 8 Feb orders; 22 Mar; 28 Jun orders; 4 Oct;
17 Dec orders;
1991: 4 Apr (coins); 4 Apr (Hunt Islamic); 25 Jul orders;
3 Oct; orders 18 Dec;
1992: 9 Apr; orders 17 Sep; 8 Oct;
1993: 19 Apr; 12 Jul; 27 Jul (Billingshurst); 7 Oct;
1994: 18 Apr; 26 May; 5 Jul; 6 Oct;
1995: 30 Mar; 5 Jul; 9 Oct;
1996: 7 Mar; 25 Apr; 30 May; 8 Jul; 3 Oct; 16 Dec;
1997: 6 Mar (Slocum, Crusades); 24 Apr; 11 Jun; 8 Jul; 6 Nov;
1998: 23 Apr; 7 Jul; 15 Oct; orders 1 Dec;
1999: 22 Apr; 11 May; 27 May; 14 Oct; orders 26 Nov; 17 Dec;
2000: 19 May []; 25 May []; 14 Jul;
[*] two catalogues issued bound together
13 Nov [missing 19 Dec 2004]; 16 Nov; 19 Dec;
2001: 2 May; 11 Dec (see MORTON & EDEN)
– see MORTON & EDEN for additional sales from 2002
2003: 23 Oct (Atocha ingots) [RR];
2005: 5 Oct (“Trafalgar”, Nelson medals) [RR];
2018: 3 Jul (Royal Orders and Medals) (with Morton & Eden);
SOTHEBY’S, Milan, Italy
Auction: {Large}
2004: 22 Apr (with MORTON & EDEN)
-- continued from PARKE BERNET
Auctions: {Large}
1972: no 3327, 9 Mar; no 3367, 17 May;
1973: no 3488, 23 Mar;
*lack 1973: three sales
1974: no 3600, 6 Feb; no 3613, 13 Mar; no 3695, 20 Nov;
*lack 1975: no 3793, 15 Oct
1976: no 3916, 5 Nov; no 3888, 9 Jun;
1977: no 3954, 24 Feb; no 4018, 27 Sep;
*lack 1977: 20 Apr
1978: no 4141, 14Jun;
1980: no 4393, 9 Jun; no 4407, 8 Jul; no 4425M, 4 Oct;
no 4502M, 15 Dec;
1981: no 4546M, 24 Feb; no 4619E, 21 May;
no 4668E, 16 Jul; no 4751E, 8 Dec;
1982: no 4774E, 14 Jan; no 4873M, 26 May; no 4924, 21 Sep;
no 4931, 14 Oct;
1983: no 5023, 4 Mar
1985: no 5378, 28 Oct;
1987: no 5589, 21 May;
1989: no 5824, 21 Mar;
1990: no 5989, 27 Mar; no 6043; 19 Jun (N.B. Hunt [I]);
no 6044, 21 Jun (N.B. Hunt [II]);
no 6054, 4 Dec (N.B. Hunt [III]);
no 6055, 5 Dec (W. Hunt [I]; no 6126, 4 Dec [sic];
1991: no 6147, 19 Jun (N.B. Hunt [IV]);
no 6148, 21 Jun (W. Hunt) [II]; no 6244, 21 Nov;
1992: no 6316, 10 Jun; no 6325, 23 Jun; no 6379, 8 Dec;
*lack 10 Aug
1993: no 6393, 24 Mar; no 6402, 24 Mar; no 6436, 10 Jun;
no 6514, 9 Dec;
1994: no 6583, 13 Jun; no 6641, 12 Dec;
1995: no 6730, 21 Jun; no 6792, 13 Dec;
1996: no 6857, 17 Jun; no 6936, 16 Dec; no 6938, 16 Dec;
*lack 8 July, 3 October
1997: no 7014, 29 Jul; no 7076, 16 Dec;
1998: no 7083, 15 Jan; no 7157, 29 Jun; no 7214, 2 Nov;
no 7246, 19 Dec;
1999: no 7335, 25 Jun; no 7411, 8 Nov;
no 7415, 8 Dec (Central America) [*];
[*] (sale rescheduled to 20 June 2000);
no 7377, 14 Dec;
2000: no 7499, 27 Jun; no 7578, 14 Dec;
2001: no 7607, 5 Apr (Versace); no 7725, 29 Oct (with STACK’S;
*lack 10 Nov 2001
2002: no 7817, 30 Jul (1933 $20) (with STACK’S);
no LO2963, 21 Oct (Nelson)
Auctions: {Large}
2003: 11 Dec (Belgian Royal library)
2004: 2 Dec (Provenance Royale) [RR]
2010: 12 Oct (Coll. d’un Érudit Bibliophile: incl. coins,
medals, numismatic literature)
Auctions; {Large}
as SOTHEBY KING & CHASEMORE’S, Pulborough, West Sussex
1980: 18 Nov
1981: 24 Feb; 23 Jun; 15 Sep; 10 Nov;
1982: 16 Mar;
as SOTHEBY’S, Pulborough, West Sussex
1982: 25 May; 21 Sep;
1983: 1 Feb; 24 May; 6 Sep; 1 Nov;
1984: 10 Jan; 3 Apr; 26 Jun;
1985: 5 Mar; 28 May; 3 Sep;
as SOTHEBY’S, Summers Place, Billinghurst, West Sussex
1986: 3 Mar; 30 Jun;
1987: 12 Jan; 6 Apr; 6 Jul;
1994: orders 9 May; orders 27 Sep; orders 26 Nov;
1995: orders 24 Mar; orders 24 Jul; orders 25 Nov;
1996: orders 11 Apr; orders 26 Jul; orders 23 Nov;
1997: orders 25 Mar; orders 25 Jun; orders 10 Nov
SOTHEBY & CO (CANADA) LTD, Toronto, ON, Canada
Auctions: {Large}
1968: no [1], 30 Oct;
1969: no [2], 23 Apr; no 3, 28 « 29 Oct;
1970: 26 May
SOTHEBY PARKE BERNET AG, Zürich, Switzerland
Auctions: {Large}
1972: 10 Nov;
1973: 4 Apr;
1974: 27 May (coins); 27 May (medals);
1975: 7 May (Greek); 7 May (Roman); 26 Nov;
1977: 10 Jun
1982: 30 Jun (lit.); 1 Jul (Brand pt 1); 11 Nov (Brand pt 2);
1983: no 5023, 4 Mar [missing 19 Dec 2004]; 9 Jun (Brand pt 3);
1985: 24 Jan (Brand pt 8);
1986: 28 Nov;
1993: 26 Oct; 27 Oct;
1996: 16 Dec [missing 19 Dec 2004]
SOURY, H.J., The Hague
Auction: {Small general}
1883: 31 Mar
SOUTHEASTERN CURRENCY, Goldsboro, Greensboro, NC
Lists: {Small general}
1979: no 20, Feb/Mar;
1980: no 25, Aug
SOUTHLAND NUMISMATICS, LTD (Todd A. Herring), Mississippi State, MS
Lists: {Large general}
1992: no 5, Summer/Fall;
1993: no 6, Spring;
1994: no 7, Winter
SOUZA LOBO, De, Augusto, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Auction: {Small general}
1906: 6 Mar (Gomès de Souza Braga)
Auction {Large general}
2011: no 1, 2 Oct; no 2, 18 Dec;
2012: 22 Jul;
2013: 28 Feb; 26 Apr (missing 17 Nov 2014); 11 Dec
Auction {Large general}
2018: no 1, 25 Sep (with the ROYAL MINT)
SOVKOM, Moscow
Auction: {Large general}
2009: 22 Apr (photocopy)
SOWTON, Ch., Shrewsbury
– loose, undated inserts from The Badger. See also that
periodical for lists or auctions bound in.
Auctions: {Large general}
undated: (x 2)
SPAAR- EN VOORSCHOTBANK, Surhuisterveen, Netherlands
Lists: {Large general}
undated: lot 5, 1751;
undated: lot 5, 1760;
1985: New Year; Spring;
1986: New Year; Spring;
1988: New Year;
SPAGNI, L., Valeggio sul Mincio, Italy
Lists: {Small general}
undated: Atrebates; Bilbilis; Durotriges
Auctions: {Small} have 1-38, 40-47
1997: no 1, 13 Oct; no 2, 8 Dec;
1998: no 3, 16 Feb; no 4, 13 Apr; no 5, 15 Jun;
no 6, 17 Aug; no 7, 12 Oct; no 8, 7 Dec;
1999: no 9, 15 Feb; no 10, 12 Apr; no 11, 21 Jun;
no 12, 12 Oct; no 13, 6 Dec;
2002: no 14, 14 Feb; no 15, 25 Apr; no 16, 13 Jun;
no 17, 10 Oct; no 18, 11 Dec;
2001: no 19, 27 Feb; no 20, 23 Apr;
no 21, 18 Jun (with HIPPOCAMPOS);
no 22, 15 Oct (with HIPPOCAMPOS); no [23], 10 Dec;
2002: no 24, 4 Mar (with HIPPOCAMPOS); no 25, 13 May;
no 26, 19 Aug; no 27, 9 Dec;
2003: no 28, 3 Mar; no 29, 3 Jun; no 30, 25 Aug;
no 31, 25 Nov;
2004: no 32, 2 Mar; no 33, 9 Jun; no 34, 31 Aug;
no 35, 30 Nov;
2005: no 36, 1 Mar; no 37, 7 Jun; no 38, 30 Aug;
no 40, 14 Feb; no 41, 22 May;
2006: no 42, 5 Sep; no 43, 28 Nov;
2007: no 44, 20 Mar; no 45, 4 Dec;
2008: no 46, 10 Jun; no 47, 7 Oct
SPAZIANI TESTA, G., Bologna, Italy
Lists: {Large general}
1932/2: no 2, Nov-Jan;
[1937/8] “ANNO XVIo - E.F.”: no 1
List published in Numismatica (Santamaria) {periodicals}
Auction: {Large general}
2011: 17 Mat
SPENCER, Henry & Sons, Retford, Notts.
Auctions: {Large General}
1974: 26 Apr
\{Reading Room}
1965: 9 Feb; 10 Mar; 8 Apr; 6 Oct
1967: 3 May; 7 Jun
SPENCER, P.D., Horsforth, Leeds
List: {Large general}
1976: no 1
SPEX PTC lTD, Singapore – see DOMINION
SPINK. Edinburgh
Auctions: {Large}
2003: no 3005, 21 May;
2005: no 5027, 12 Sep;
2007: no 7041, 17 Sep;
2010: no 1024, 14 Jun
SPINK & SON, Geneva, Switzerland
Auctions: {Large}
– all with GALERIE DES MONNAIES, Geneva
1973: 18 Oct;
1974: 26 Apr; 16 Oct; 4 Dec (with CALICÓ);
1977: 15 Feb; 10 Oct
SPINK, Glasgow
Auctions: {Large}
1999: no 1204, 14 Sep;
2009: no 9036, 22 Sep
SPINK, Hong Kong-and-Singapore – see SPINK, Singapore
SPINK, Hong Kong, China
– previously Phila China (Anna Lee), acquired 2011
Auctions: {Large}
2012: no 12006, 14 Jan; no 12006A, 14 Jan; no 12006B, 14 Jan;
* 12006A and B are offprints from 12006
no 12008, 14 Jan; CSS03 (coins);
no 12032, 14 Jul, CSS02 [sic]; 21 Aug;
no CSS03 (paper), 24 Aug;
2013: no 13005, 11 Jan; no CSS05, 20 Apr; no CSS06, 6 Jul;
no 13020, 21 Aug (Rhodes pt 1); no CSS07, 2 Nov;
2014: no 14010, 18 Jan (China paper); 19 Jan (bonds);
no 14010 [sic] (Hong Kong paper), date;
no 14010 [sic], 19 Jan (bonds);
no CSS09, 2 Apr; no CSS13, 15 Nov
SPINK & SONS, London
Two series of announcements of up-coming auctions, illustrating
important items:
Auction Insider / Insider Magazine / Spink Insider
* shelved as \{periodical}
2008: Sep; Dec; have numbered 7-27
2009: Spring; Summer; Autumn
2009/10: Winter;
2010: Spring; no 7, Autumn; no 8, Winter;
2011: no 9, Spring; no 10, Summer; no 11, Winter;
2012: no 12, Spring; no 13, Autumn; no 14, Winter;
2013: no 15, Spring; no 16, Autumn; no 17, Winter;
2014: no 18, Spring; no 19, Summer; no 20, Winter;
2015: no 21, Spring; no 22, Autumn; no 23, Winter;
2016: no 24, Spring; no 25, Summer; no 26, Winter;
2017: no 27, Spring; no 28, Autumn;
Octagon {Large}
1978: vol 15 no 3, Autumn (enamelled coins);
Numismatic Circular {periodical} have complete 1892-2012
1892-93: vol 1: no 1, Dec; no 2, Jan; no 3, Feb; no 4, Mar;
no 5, Apr; no 6, May; no 7, Jun; no 8, Jul;
no 9, Aug; no 10, Sep; no 11, Oct; no 12, Nov;
1893-94: vol 2: no 13, Dec; no 14, Jan; no 15, Feb; no 16, Mar;
no 17, Apr; no 18, May; no 19, Jun; no 20, Jul;
no 21, Aug; no 22, Sep; no 23, Oct; no 24, Nov;
1894-95: vol 3: no 25, Dec; no 26, Jan; no 27, Feb; no 28, Mar;
no 29, Apr; no 30, May; no 31, Jun; no 32, Jul;
no 33, Aug; no 34, Sep; no 35, Oct; no 36, Nov;
1895-96: vol 4: no 37, Dec; no 38, Jan; no 39, Feb; no 40, Mar;
no 41, Apr; no 42, May; no 43, Jun; no 44, Jul;
no 45, Aug; no 46, Sep; no 47, Oct; no 48, Nov;
1896-97: vol 5: no 49, Dec; no 50, Jan; no 51, Feb; no 52, Mar;
no 53, Apr; no 54, May; no 55, Jun; no 56, Jul;
no 57, Aug; no 58, Sep; no 59, Oct; no 60, Nov;
1897-98: vol 6: no 61, Dec; no 62, Jan; no 63, Feb; no 64, Mar;
no 65, Apr; no 66, May; no 67, Jun; no 68, Jul;
no 69, Aug; no 70, Sep; no 71, Oct; no 72, Nov;
1898-99: vol 7: no 73, Dec; no 74, Jan; no 75, Feb; no 76, Mar;
no 77, Apr; no 78, May; no 79, Jun; no 80, Jul;
no 81, Aug; no 82, Sep; no 83, Oct; no 84, Nov;
1899-00: vol 8: no 85, Dec; no 86, Jan; no 87, Feb; no 88, Mar;
no 89, Apr; no 90, May; no 91, Jun; no 92, Jul;
no 93, Aug; no 94, Sep; no 95, Oct; no 96, Dec;
1900-01: vol 9: no 97, Dec; no 98, Jan; no 99, Feb; no 100, Mar;
no 101, Apr; no 102, May; no 103, Jun;
no 104, Jul; no 105, Aug; no 106, Sep;
no 107, Oct; no 108, Nov;
1901-02: vol 10: no 109, Dec; no 110, Jan; no 111, Feb;
no 112, Mar; no 113, Apr; no 114, May;
no 115, Jun; no 116, Jul; no 117, Aug;
no 118, Sep; no 119, Oct; no 120, Nov;
1902-03: vol 11: no 121, Dec; no 122, Jan; no 123, Feb;
no 124, Mar; no 125, Apr; no 126, May;
no 127, Jun; no 128, Jul; no 129, Aug;
no 130, Sep; no 131, Oct; no 132, Nov;
1903-04: vol 12: no 133, Dec; no 134, Jan; no 135, Feb;
no 136, Mar; no 137, Apr; no 138, May;
no 139, Jun; no 140, Jul; no 141, Aug;
no 142, Sep; no 143, Oct; no 144, Nov;
1904-05: vol 13: no 145, Dec; no 146, Jan; no 147, Feb;
no 148, Mar; no 149, Apr; no 150, May;
no 151, Jun; no 152, Jul; no 153, Aug;
no 154, Sep; no 155, Oct; no 156, Nov;
1905-06: vol 14: no 157, Dec; no 158, Jan; no 159, Feb;
no 160, Mar; no 161, Apr; no 162, May;
no 163, Jun; no 164, Jul; no 165, Aug;
no 166, Sep; no 167, Oct; no 168, Nov;
1906-07: vol 15: no 169, Dec; no 170, Jan; no 171, Feb;
no 172, Mar; no 173, Apr; no 174, May;
no 175, Jun; no 176, Jul; no 177, Aug;
no 178, Sep; no 179, Oct; no 180, Nov;
1907-08: vol 16: no 181, Dec; no 182, Jan; no 183, Feb;
no 184, Mar; no 185, Apr; no 186, May;
no 187, Jun; no 188, Jul; no 189, Aug;
no 190, Sep; no 191, Oct; no 192, Nov;
1908-09: vol 17: no 193, Dec; no 194, Jan; no 195, Feb;
no 196, Mar; no 197, Apr; no 198, May;
no 199, Jun; no 200, Jul; no 201, Aug;
no 202, Sep; no 203, Oct; no 204, Nov;
1909-10: vol 18: no 205, Dec; no 206, Jan; no 207, Feb;
no 208, Mar; no 209, Apr; no 210, May;
no 211, Jun; no 212, Jul; no 213, Aug;
no 214, Sep; no 215, Oct; no 216, Nov;
1910-11: vol 19: no 217, Dec; no 218, Jan; no 219, Feb;
no 220, Mar; no 221, Apr; no 222, May;
no 223, Jun; no 224, Jul; no 225, Aug;
no 226, Sep; no 227, Oct; no 228, Nov;
1911-12: vol 20: no 229, Dec; no 230, Jan; no 231, Feb;
no 232, Mar; no 233, Apr; no 234, May;
no 235, Jun; no 236, Jul; no 237, Aug;
no 238, Sep; no 239, Oct; no 240, Nov;
1913: vol 21: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul; no 8, Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1914: vol 22: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul; no 8, Aug;
no 9/10, Sep/Oct; no 11/12, Nov/Dec;
1915: vol 23: no 1/2, Jan/Feb; no 3/4, Mar/Apr;
no 5/6, May/Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9/10, Sep/Oct; no 11/12, Nov/Dec;
1916: vol 24: no 1/2, Jan/Feb; no 3/4, Mar/Apr;
no 5/6, May/Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9/10, Sep/Oct; no 11/12, Nov/Dec;
1917: vol 25: no 1/2, Jan/Feb; no 3/4, Mar/Apr;
no 5/6, May/Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9/10, Sep/Oct; no 11/12, Nov/Dec;
1918: vol 26: no 1/2, Jan/Feb; no 3/4, Mar/Apr;
no 5/6, May/Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9/10, Sep/Oct; no 11/12, Nov/Dec;
1919: vol 27: no 1/2, Jan/Feb; no 3/4, Mar/Apr;
no 5/6, May/Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9/10, Sep/Oct; no 11/12, Nov/Dec;
1920: vol 28: no 1/2, Jan/Feb; no 3/4, Mar/Apr;
no 5/6, May/Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9/10, Sep/Oct; no 11/12, Nov/Dec;
1921: vol 29: no 1/2, Jan/Feb; no 3/4, Mar/Apr;
no 5/6, May/Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9/10, Sep/Oct; no 11/12, Nov/Dec;
1922: vol 30: no 1/2, Jan/Feb; no 3/4, Mar/Apr;
no 5/6, May/Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9/10, Sep/Oct; no 11/12, Nov/Dec;
1923: vol 31: no 1/2, Jan/Feb; no 3/4, Mar/Apr;
no 5/6, May/Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9/10, Sep/Oct; no 11/12, Nov/Dec;
1924: vol 32: no 1/2, Jan/Feb; no 3/4, Mar/Apr;
no 5/6, May/Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9/10, Sep/Oct; no 11/12, Nov/Dec;
1925: vol 33: no 1/2, Jan/Feb; no 3/4, Mar/Apr;
no 5/6, May/Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9/10, Sep/Oct; no 11/12, Nov/Dec;
1926: vol 34: no 1/2, Jan/Feb; no 3/4, Mar/Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul; no 8, Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1927: vol 35: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul; no 8, Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1928: vol 36: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul; no 8, Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1929: vol 37: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul; no 8, Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1930: vol 38: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul; no 8, Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1931: vol 39: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul; no 8, Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11/12, Nov/Dec;
1932: vol 40: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar;
no 4/5, Apr/May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1933: vol 41: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1934: vol 42: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1935: vol 43: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1936: vol 44: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1937: vol 45: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1938: vol 46: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1939: vol 47: no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10/12, Oct/Dec;
1940: vol 48, no 1, Mar; no 2, Apr; no 3, May; no 4, mid-Jun;
no 5, Jul; no 6, Aug; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1941: vol 49, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1942: vol 50, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8[/9], Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1943: vol 51, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1944: vol 52, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1945: vol 53, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1946: vol 54, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1947: vol 55, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1948: vol 56, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1949: vol 57, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1950: vol 58, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1951: vol 59, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul; no 8, Aug/Sep;
no 9, Oct; no 10, Nov; no 11/12, Dec;
1952: vol 60, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1953: vol 61, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1954: vol 62, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7, Jul;
no 8/9, Aug/Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov;
no 12, Dec;
1955: vol 63, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1956: vol 64, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1957: vol 65, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1958: vol 66, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1959: vol 67, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1960: vol 68, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1961: vol 69, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1962: vol 70, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1963: vol 71, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1964: vol 72, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1965: vol 73, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1966: vol 74, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1967: vol 75, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1968: vol 76, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1969: vol 77, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1970: vol 78, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug; no 9, Sep;
no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1971: vol 79, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug; no 9, Sep;
no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1972: vol 80, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug; no 9, Sep;
no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1973: vol 81, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/[8], Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1974: vol 82, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug; no 9, Sep;
no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1975: vol 83, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug; no 9, Sep;
no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1976: vol 84, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug; no 9, Sep;
no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1977: vol 85, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug; no 9, Sep;
no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1978: vol 86, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug; no 9, Sep;
no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1979: vol 87, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug; no 9, Sep;
no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1980: vol 88, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/[8], Jul/Aug;
no 9, Sep; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1981: vol 89, no 1, Jan; no 2, Feb; no 3, Mar; no 4, Apr;
no 5, May; no 6, Jun; no 7/8, Jul/Aug; no 9, Sep;
no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov; no 12, Dec;
1982: vol 90, Jan, Supplement (see Lists below); no 1, Feb;
no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May; no 5, Jun;
no 6, Jul; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct; no 9, Nov;
no 10, Dec;
1983: vol 91, Jan, Supplement (see Lists below); no 1, Feb;
no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May; no 5, Jun;
no 6, Jul; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct; no 9, Nov;
no 10, Dec;
1984: vol 92, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1985: vol 93, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul/Aug; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1986: vol 94, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul/Aug; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1987: vol 95, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1988: vol 96, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul/Aug; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1989: vol 97, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul/Aug; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1990: vol 98, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul/Aug; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1991: vol 99, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul/Aug; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1992: vol 100, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1993: vol 101, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1994: vol 102, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1995: vol 103, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1996: vol 104, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul/Aug; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1997: vol 105, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1998: vol 106, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
1999: vol 107, no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Apr; no 4, May;
no 5, Jun; no 6, Jul; no 7, Sep; no 8, Oct;
no 9, Nov; no 10, Dec;
2000: vol 108, no 1, Feb; no 2, Apr; no 3, Jun; no 4, Aug;
no 5, Oct; no 6, Dec;
2001: vol 109, no 1, Feb; no 2, Apr; no 3, Jun; no 4, Aug;
no 5, Oct; no 6, Dec;
2002: vol 110, no 1, Feb; no 2, Apr; no 3, Jun; no 4, Aug
no 5, Oct; no 6, Dec;
2003: vol 111, no 1, Feb; no 2, Apr; no 3, Jun; no 4, Aug;
no 5, Oct; no 6, Dec;
2004: vol 112, no 1, Feb; no 2, Apr; no 3, Jun; no 4, Aug;
no 5, Oct; no 6, Dec;
2005: vol 113, no 1, Feb; no 2, Apr; no 3, Jun; no 4, Aug;
no 5, Oct; no 6, Dec;
2006: vol 114, no 1, Feb; no 2, Apr; no 3, Jun; no 4, Aug;
no 5, Oct; no 6, Dec;
2007: vol 115, no 1, Feb; no 2, Apr; no 3, Jun; no 4, Aug;
no 5, Oct; no 6, Dec;
2008: vol 116, no 1, Feb; no 2, Apr; no 3, Jun; no 4, Aug;
no 5, Oct; no 6, Dec;
2009: vol 117, no 1, Mar; no 2, May; no 3, Jul; no 4, Sep;
no 5, Dec;
2010: vol 118, no 1, Mar; no 2, May; no 3, Jul; no 4, Sep;
2011: vol 119, no 1, Mar; no 2, May; no 3, Jul; no 4, Dec
2012: vol 120, no 1, Apr; no 2, Oct
NEED TO ADD 2013, 2014
Monthly Lists of Naval & Military Medals
1908: Jan
as Bi-Monthly Lists of Naval & Military Medals
1908: Mar; May; Jul; Sep; Nov;
1909: Jan; Mar; May; Jul; Sep; Nov;
1910: Mar; May; Nov;
1911: Jan
Lists: {Small}
1892: Greek & Roman;
1970: Mar/Apr, New and Modern Issues;
1971: Bahamas Gold Coins 1971;
1978: no 1, Spink Modern Collections (Croydon, Surrey);
1992: Medal supplement
undated: The Lucayan Beach Pirate Treasure;
1974: Sep, Conservation Coin Collection;
1975: 1 Dec (The Great War … Medals);
1977: Feb (modern); Trade Discount (modern);
1981: Marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana;
1982: Jan, supplement to Numismatic Circular;
1983: Jan, supplement to Numismatic Circular;
1984: Jan; Oct., wholesale;
1998: The Wealth of Empires (Islamic coins), 27 Apr
Lists (lit.): {Small} [but some will be {Large}]
1932: no 161;
1966: Apr, About those coins;
1967: About those coins;
1968: About those coins;
1969: About those coins;
1970: About those coins;
1971: About those coins;
1972: About those coins;
1976: About those coins;
1977: About those coins;
1978: About those coins;
1979 : manuscript descriptions of antiquarian auction
catalogues (x 2)
1980: About those coins;
undated: Books on orders, etc.;
Standard Works of Reference published by Spinks;
2000: Oct (antiquarian); Oct (new);
2003: Feb (rare and out of print); Aug (rare and out of print);
Numismatic Books;
2004: Apr;
2005: Apr (orders, decorations);
2007: Christmas;
2008: Apr; Apr (orders)
1997: Numismatic books, 1997-1998;
2003: Numismatic books, 2003-2004;
2005: Le Rider library
2006: Spring
350 Years in 66 Items
2016: partly numnismatic
Occasional Banknote Supplement
1973: no 5, Nov
Banknote Quarterly {Large}
1976: Spring;
1977: Summer
as Bank Note Circular {Large} have 1-16
1995: no 1, Oct;
1996: no 2, Jan; no 3, Apr; no 4, Sep;
1997: no 5, Jan; no 6, Apr; no 7, Sep; no 8, Dec
as Banknote Circular
1998: no 9, Apr; no 10, Jul; no 11, Sep; no 12, Dec;
1999: no 13, Mar; no 14, Aug; no 15, Oct;
2000: no 16, Feb
Brochure illustrating a selection of specimens from the Dauer collection of Australian banknotes
Medal Quarterly {Large} have 1-16
1994: no 1, Apr
as Medal Circular
1995: no 2, Dec;
1996: no 3, Apr; no 4, Sep; no 5, Dec;
1997: no 6, Mar; no 7, Oct; no 8, Dec;
1998: no 9, Apr; no 10, Sep; no 11, Dec;
1999: no 12, Jun; no 13, Aug; no 14, Dec;
2000: no 15, Jul; no 16, Dec
Medal Supplement
1982: Jan;
1983: Jan;
Modern Coin Quarterly {Large}
1975: Winter; Summer; Autumn;
1976: Winter; Spring; Summer; Autumn;
1977: Spring
Modern Coins and Banknotes {Small}
1971: vol 1 no 3, May/Jun; no 4, Jul; no 6, Nov/Dec
New and Modern Issues {Small}
1969: Mar/Apr; May-Jul; Nov/Dec;
1970: Jan/Feb; Mar/Apr; Aug-Oct
Auctions: {Large}
non-coin sales of medals, orders and banknotes. All were
numbered in a single sequence during 1978-1985.
From 1986 non-coin sales were unnumbered.
have complete numbered series 1-98,
plus some (all?) unnumbered sales of orders.
1978: no 1, 11 Oct; no 2, 29 Nov;
1979: no 3, 21 Feb; no 4, 22 Feb; no 5, 17 May; no 6, 10 Oct;
no 7, 5 Dec;
1980: no 8, 27 Feb; no 9, 4 Jun; no 10, 25 Sep; no 11, 8 Oct;
no 12, 19 Nov;
1981: no 13, 18 Mar; no 14, 19 Mar; no 15, 15 May; no 16, 9 Jul;
no 17, 16 Sep; no 18, 19 Nov (+43 CJ6205.W35 x3);
1982: no 19, 3 Mar; no 20, 31 Mar; no 21, 1 Apr; no 22, 15 Jun;
no 23, 21 Sep; no 24, 13 Oct; no 25, 24 Nov;
1983: no 26, 9 Feb; no 27, 16 Mar; no 28, 28 Apr; no 29, 2 Jun;
no 30, 3 Jun; no 31, 12 Oct; no 32, 30 Nov; no 33, 8 Dec;
1984: no 34, 14 Mar; no 35, 11 Apr; no 36, 30 May; no 37, 15 Jun;
no 38, 10 Oct; no 39, 6 Dec; no 40, 6 Dec; no 41, 13 Dec;
1985: no 42, 6 Mar; no 43, 18 Apr; no 44, 6 Jun;
no 45, 13 Jun (+43 CJ2474.2.N8); no 46, 9 Oct;
no 47, 10 Oct; no 48, 13 Nov (+43 CJ2474.2.N8);
no 49, 12 Dec;
-- see also CITY COINS, Cape Town
1986: no 50, 6 Mar; no 51, 16 Apr; orders 5 Jun; no 52, 18 Jun;
no 53, 19 Jun; no 54, 20 Jun; orders 26 Sep; no 55, 8 Oct;
no 56, 19 Nov (+43 CJ2474.2.N8); orders 10 Dec;
1987: no 57, 29 Apr; no 58, 30 Apr; orders 16 Jun;
no 59, 17 Jun (+43 CJ2474.2.N8); no 60, 7 Oct;
no 61, 22 Oct; no 62, 19 Nov; orders 10 Dec;
1988: no 63, 28 Mar; no 64, 23 Jun; orders 6 Jul; 65, 5 Oct;
no 66, 12 Oct; no 67, 16 Nov; orders 8 Dec;
1989: no 68, 22 Mar; no 69, 20 Apr; no 70, 31 May; orders 22 Jun;
orders 14 Sep; no 71, 11 Oct; no 72, 9 Nov; no 73, 9 Nov;
no 74, 29 Nov; orders 30 Nov;
1990: no 75, 29 Mar; orders 12 Apr; no 76, 24 May;
no 77, 21 Jun (Elias) (+43CJ [PG]); no 78, 10 Oct;
no 79, 15 Oct; no 80, 4 Oct; no 81, 19 Nov; orders 6 Dec;
1991: no 82, 27 Mar; no 83, 16 Apr; orders 20 May; no 84, 21 May;
no 85, 23 Jul; no 86, 3 Oct; no 87, 9 Oct; no 88, 14 Oct;
no 89, 25 Nov;
1992: no 90, 16 Mar; orders 27 Mar; no 91, 1 May; no 92, 9 Jun;
orders 15 Sep; no 93, 8 Oct; no 94, 14 Oct; no 95, 25 Nov;
1993: no 96, 31 Mar; orders 28 Apr;
no 97, 13 May; no 98, 16 Jun
as SPINK in association with CHRISTIES
with this association the catalogue numbering becomes chaotic:
(1) Spink had intended to continue its coin series beyond
number 98; Christies imposed a new computer-based number of 10xx,
producing for the numismatic auctions first
[a] 1099 and 1100; then
[b] reverting overtly to 101, etc. -- see (3) below.
After 103 the London coin auctions (as against banknotes, orders,
etc.[but see 2b]) continued to bear an overt 3-digit number, 1xx, on the
spine. This did not apply to the non-London coin sales.
(2) Non-coin numismatic catalogues (banknotes, orders)
[a] were first given a pure Christies number (5074, 23 Sep
1993); then
[b] varied between the 1xx and the computer 11xx
sequences; and finally
[c] were restricted to the computer 11xx series, not stated
on the cover, irregularly on the spine, usually on the title page.
(3) However, all catalogues were controlled internally to
Spink by the single computer sequence 11xx – invisible in those
coin catalogues which overtly fell only into the 1xx sequence,
which accounts for the apparent gaps in the 11xx sequence.
(4) Some catalogues bore the computer sequence number on (and
only on) the Prices Realized lists, e.g. –
no 129, so numbered on cover, spine, title page (`Code
Name "KARON" 129') and order form; but numbered 1195 on
the Prices Realized list.
– so that in these cases the computer sequence number cannot be
retrieved from the catalogue proper. Subsequently both numbers
were printed overtly, e.g. no 139 which reads thus on the cover,
but as no 1236 on spine and title page.
(5) Beginning in 1994 catalogues generated in the London
office for Glasgow, Singapore-and-Hong Kong, and Australia, bear
the four-digit computer numbers, in single sequence with the
London four-digit computer number (112 on cover of 28 Nov 1995
[Hong Kong] is a printer’s error for 1128).
(6) Beginning in 1997 all Spink auction catalogues, of
whatever department (numismatic, oriental, philatelic), are
numbered in a single computer sequence. The numbers are
requested by the individual departments during preparation of the
catalogues, and are sequenced in the order of the request, not
according to either the department or the date of sale, which
accounts for the great sequential irregularities below. For
no 132 [1199] 25 May 1999
no 133 [1233] 25 May 1999
no 134 [1203] 13 Jul 1999
(7) A single catalogue can be labelled with more than one
computer number, e.g. no 1138/1139, 3 Oct 1996. Joint stamp/coin
auctions were given two, or even three computer numbers, e.g. no
1179/1189, 20 Jun 1998 [Singapore]; no 1210/1225/1228, 27 Mar 1999
Conversely, a single computer number can include more
than one catalogue, e.g. no 1196 with three catalogues.
NB: Because the auction schedule is continuously in revision, the
pre-publication announcements in Spink’s Numismatic Circular of
future auction contents, dates and catalogue numbers do not
necessarily correspond with those of the final auction. So these
preliminary announcements should not be used as a guide to the
identification and seriation of the catalogues.
For example, Numismatic Circular for Feb, Apr and Jun 2001
announced a medal sale for 22 Nov 2001 (no 1287); in Aug it was
announced as 10 Dec 2001 (nos 1287/1291); in Oct as 10 Dec 2001
(no 1291) – which were the final date and numeration.
NB: The catalogue number(s) can appear on any or all of cover,
spine, title page, order slip, and prices realized.
The full sequence of numismatic catalogues is given below BY
DATE. Sales held in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Singapore, Hong Kong,
and Australia are listed under those Spinks headings as well.
In the three-digit series, 101- , running from 1993 to 2008, we
have: 101-141, 143 (x 2), 145, 147, 149-181, 183-196
complete 1993-1996
1993: no 1099 banknotes, 7 Oct (with CHRISTIE’S;
no 5074 orders, 23 Sep;
no 1100, 12 Oct (within, no 0100)(with CHRISTIE'S;
no 101 (on spine, no 1101), 24 Nov
1994: no 102 [1102], 2 Mar; no 103 [1103] orders, 29 Mar;
no 103 [1104] banknotes, 13 Apr;
no 1105, 25 Jun [Singapore];
no 1106 banknotes, 25 Jun [Singapore];
no 104 [1107], 6 Jul; no 1108 orders, 12 Jul;
no 105 [1109], 6 Oct; no 106 [1110], 11 Oct;
no 1111 orders, 8 Nov (no "111" on spine in error);
no 107 [1112], 22 Nov; no 1113, 29 Nov [Hong Kong]
1995: no 108 [1114], 7 Mar; no 1115 orders, 28 Mar;
no 1116 banknotes, 5 Apr; no 1117 banknotes, 5 Apr;
no 1118, 23 May [Australia];
no 1119/1120, 24 Jun [Singapore];
no 109 [1121], 4 Jul; no 1122 orders, 18 Jul;
no 110 [1123], 4 Oct; no 1124 banknotes, 6 Oct;
no 1125 banknotes, 6 Oct; no 1126 orders, 7 Nov;
no 111 [1127], 21 Nov;
no 1128, 28 Nov [Hong Kong] (no "112" on spine in error)
1996: no 112 [1129], 5 Mar; no 113 [1130], 5 Mar;
no 1131 orders, 12 Mar; no 1132 banknotes, 24 Apr;
no 1133 medals, 21 May; no 1134/5, 22 Jun [Singapore];
no 114 [1136], 9 Jul; no 1137 medals, 16 Jul;
no 1138 banknotes, 3 Oct [*];
no 1138/9, 3 Oct [*]; no 115 [1139], 9 Oct [*];
[*] two collections, numbered 1138 and 1139, were sold in
three sales
no [116] 1140, 10 Oct (a coin auction, wrongly numbered);
no 5638, 30 Oct (Mauerbach sale, Vienna) (with CHRISTIES);
no 1141 orders , 6 Nov; no 117 [1142], 19 Nov;
no 118 [1143], 20 Nov; no 1144, 25 Nov [Hong Kong]
(8) From 1997 to the end of 2002 philatelic sales were
incorporated with the numismatic in a single seriation. The
numismatic seriation of that period listed below appears to be
incomplete, in lacking reference to catalogues 1154, 1242, 1244,
l253; but these numbers seem not to have been assigned.
[ no 1159 reserved for philatelic sales
no 119 [1145], 4 Mar; no 1146 orders, 18 Mar;
no 1147 banknotes, 16 Apr; no 1148, 21 Jun [Singapore];
no 120 [1149], 9 Jul; no 1150 orders, 17 Jul;
no 1151 banknotes, 2 Oct; no 121 [1152], 7 Oct;
no 122 [1153], 9 Oct; no 123 [1155], 18 Nov;
no 124 [1156], 18 Nov; no 1157, 25 Nov [Hong Kong];
no 1158 orders, 17 Dec;
no 1160 regimental histories etc, 18 Dec
1998: [ nos 1161-1185 reserved for philatelic sales
no 125 [1186], 3 Mar;
no 1179/1189, 20 June [Singapore];
no 1187 banknotes, 28 Apr;
no 1188 orders, 6 May (lots 1-46);
no 1188 orders, 6 May (lots 51-978);
no 1179/1189, 20 Jun [Singapore];
no 126 [1190], 14 Jul; no 1191 orders, 21 Jul;
no 1192 banknotes, 1 Oct;
no 127 [1193], 7 Oct (Zacos pt.1)(+43 CD5381.S75);
no 128 [1194], 7 Oct; no 129 [1195], 17 Nov;
no 1184/1198, 22 Nov [Hong Kong];
no 1196 orders (general), 25 Nov;
no 1196 orders (Fevyer), 25 Nov;
no 1196 orders (Flatow), 25 Nov
1999: [ nos 1197-1198, 1209-1224 reserved for philatelic
no 130 [1200], 1 Mar; no 131 [1201], 2 Mar;
no 1210/1225/1228, 27 Mar [Australia];
no 1202 banknotes, 20 Apr; no 1229 orders, 27 Apr;
no 132 [1199], 25 May (Zacos pt.2)(+43 CD5381.S75);
no 133 [1233], 25 May (Turath 1);
no 1214/1226, 20 Jun [Singapore];
no 134 [1203], 13 Jul;
no 1204 banknotes, 14 Sep [Glasgow];
no 1205 banknotes, 30 Sep;
no 135 [1206], 6 Oct (Zacos pt.3)(+43 CD5381.S75);
no 136 [1206], 6 Oct;
no 137 ["1206"], 7 Oct (probably 1207, otherwise
no 138 [1234], 13 Oct (Turath 2); no 1231 orders, 20 Oct;
no 139 [1236], 16 Nov; no 140 [1208], 16 Nov;
no 1220/1227, 20 Nov [Hong Kong] with insert Extra Lots;
no 1232 orders, 30 Nov
* lacking 1230 orders, 21 Sep;
1235 orders, 19 Oct
2000: [ nos 1240, 1243, 1249, 1250, 1252, 1254, 1256, 1260,
1263, 1265-1267 reserved for philatelic sales
no 141 [1237], 22 Mar;
no 1238, 13 Apr (Dreesman pt 1); no 1246 orders, 27 Apr;
no 1247 banknotes, 3 May; no 143 [1248], 25 May;
no 1252 24 Jun [Singapore]; no 145 [1255], 12 Jul;
no 1239, 13 Jul (Dreesman pt 2); no 1257 orders, 27 Jul;
no 143 (sic: presumably 142, 144 or 146) [1245], 28 Sep;
no 147 [1258], 4 Oct; no 1259 banknotes, 6 Oct;
no 149 [1261], 15 Nov;
no 1262 banknotes, 25 Nov [Hong Kong];
no 1264 orders, 30 Nov
* lacking 142, 144 or 146, 148 (if issued)
1241, 22 Mar; 23 Nov (Gadeside)
2001: [ nos 1269, 1270, 1272, 1274-1276, 1280, 1282, 1285,
1288-1289, 1292-1295, 1299-1300 reserved for
philatelic sales. No. 1287 was not used
no 150 [1296], 14 Mar; no 151 [1268], 15 Mar;
no 152 [1297], 11 Apr; no 1273 banknotes, 3 May;
no 1271 orders, 11 May; no 1277/1278, Jun [Singapore];
no 153 [1298], 11 Jul; no 154 [1279], 12 Jul;
no 1281 orders, 25 Sep; no 155 [1283], 3 Oct;
no 1284 banknotes, 5 Oct; no 156 [1286], 15 Nov;
no 157 [1301], 15 Nov; no 1290, 23 Nov [Hong Kong];
no 1291, 10 Dec
* lacking 1287 orders, 22 Nov
2002: [ nos 1303-1304, 1307-1308, 1310, 1312, 1316-1317,
1319, 1321-1322 reserved for philatelic sales.
No. 1320 was not used.
no 158 [1302], 27 Mar; no 1305 banknotes, 25 Apr;
no 1306 orders, 9 May; no 1308/9, 22 Jun [Singapore];
no 159 [1311], 11 Jul;
no 1314 banknotes, 4 Oct; no 160 [1315], 9 Oct;
no 161 [1318], 14 Nov; no 1323, 23 Nov [Hong Kong];
no 1313 orders, 5 Dec
* lacking 1320, orders
(9) In 2003 the seriation was changed again. The four-digit
catalogue number begins now with the last number of the year:
3xxx for sales held in 2003, 4xxx in 2004, and so on. Numismatic
and philatelic sales are still numbered in a single sequence.
[ nos 3001-3002, 3004, 3007, 3010, 3012, 3015, 3020,
3022, 3025-3029, 3031-3032, 3034 reserved for
philatelic sales. Nos. 3030 and 3033 appear
not to have been used.
no 3021, 24 Jan; no 162 [3003], 27 Mar;
no 3006 banknotes, 9 Apr; no 3008 orders, 1 May;
no 163 [3024], 15 May;
no 3005 banknotes, 21 May [Edinburgh];
no 164 [3011], 23 Jul; no 3023 banknotes, 2 Oct;
no 3013 banknotes, 3 Oct; no 165 [3014], 8 Oct;
no 3016 orders, 5 Nov; no 166 [3017], 12 Nov;
no 3018/3019 banknotes, 22 Nov [Hong Kong];
* lacking 3009 banknotes, [Singapore];
2004: [ nos 4001, 4003, 4006-4007, 4009-4010, 4012, 4016,
4019, 4021, 4024-4025, 4027-4030 reserved for
philatelic sales
no 167 (4002), 31 Mar; no 168 (4026), 15 Apr;
no 4005 banknotes, 27 Apr; no 4004 orders, 30 Apr;
no 169 [4013], 15 Jul; no 4014 orders, 22 Jul;
no 4017/4031 banknotes, 30 Sep;
no 170 [4018], 6 Oct;
no 4021/4022, 20 Nov [Hong Kong];
no 171 [4023], 25 Nov; no 4020, 30 Nov;
* lacking 4008, 27 May;
4011 banknotes, [Singapore];
4015, 16 Sep;
2005: [ nos 5001-5002, 5006-5008, 5011, 5013, 5016, 5018,
5021, 5023, 5025-5026, 5029-5031 reserved for
philatelic sales
no 172 [5003], 31 Mar;
no 5004/5022 banknotes, 12 Apr;
no 5005 orders, 28 Apr;
no 5008/5009 banknotes, 2 July [Singapore];
no 173 [5028], 5 May;
no 174 [5010], 30 Jun;
no 5012 orders, 21 Jul;
no 5027, 12 Sep [Edinburgh];
no 175 [5014], 28 Sep;
no 5015 banknotes, 30 Sep;
no 5024 banknotes, 30 Sep;
no 5032 banknotes, 19 Nov [Hong Kong];
no 5017/5018 banknotes, 20 Nov [Hong Kong];
no 5019 orders, 24 Nov;
no 176 [5020], 30 Nov;
no 177 [5033], 1 Dec
* lacking 5009 banknotes, 3 July
5034... (if issued)
2006: [ nos 6001-6002, 6004, 6010-6012, 6014, 6016,
6020-6023, 6027, 6031 reserved for philatelic
no 178 [6028], 22 Feb; no 179 [6029], 29 Mar;
no 181 [6003], 30 Mar; no 180 [6030], 30 Mar;
no 6007 orders, 20 Apr; no 6006 banknotes, 27 Apr;
no 6013, 29 Jun;
no 6014/6015, 1 Jul [Singapore];
no 6017 orders, 20 Jul; no 183 [6018], 26 Sep;
no 6019 banknotes, 29 Sep; no 184 [6009], 18 Oct;
no 6025 orders, 23 Nov; no 185 [6032], 29 Nov;
no 186 [6026], 30 Nov
(10) Beginning in 2007 New York sales were added to the
London seriation.
[ nos 7004, 7007, 7014-7016, 7020-7021, 7032-7033,
7038-7039 reserved for philatelic sales
no 7002, 20 Jan [Hong Kong];
no 187 [7006], 24 Jan; no 188 [7010], 29 Mar;
no 7012 orders, 19 Apr; no 7040 banknotes, 14 Jun;
no 189 [7018], 27 Jun; no 7011, 11 Jul [New York];
no 7022, 19 Jul;
no 7041 banknotes, 17 Sep [Edinburgh];
no 190 [7023], 27 Sep; no 7024 banknotes, 8 Oct;
no 7042 banknotes, 12 Oct; no 7029, 22 Nov;
no 191 [7030], 28 Nov
2008: [ nos 8002-8003, 8005, 8007, 8009, 8011, 8013, 8015
reserved for philatelic sales
no 8001/8002, 19 January [Hong Kong];
no 193 [8004] medals/plaquettes, 24 Jan;
no 192 [8017], 24 Jan; no 194 [8006], 26 Mar;
no 8026 bonds, 3 Apr; no 8010 orders, 24 Apr;
no 8008 banknotes, 19 Jun; no 195 [8012], 26 Jun;
no 8014 banknotes, 5 Jul [Singapore]; no 8039 banknotes, 17 Jul;
no 8016 orders, 24 Jul; no 8027 banknotes, 18 Sep;
no 8027 bonds, 18 Sep; no 196 [8019], 24 Sep;
no 8018, 1 Oct; no 8023 orders, 20 Nov;
no 197 [8024], 27 Nov
2009: [ nos 9001, 9003, 9006-9007, 9011-9013, 9015-9016,
9018, 9020-9021 reserved for philatelic sales
no 9002, 17 Jan [Hong Kong]; no 9005 bonds, 27 Jan;
no 198 [9008], 19 Mar
no 9010 banknotes, 26 Mar; no 9024 orders, 23 Apr;
no 9004 orders, 24 Apr; no 199 [9017], 25 Jun;
no 9018/9019, 4 Jul [Singapore];
no 9022 orders, 23 Jul; no 9025, 29 Sep;
no 9025A, 29 Sep; no 200 [9026], 1 Oct;
no 9033 orders, 19 Nov no 201 [9031], 26 Nov;
no 9038, 10 Dec
2010: [ nos 1001-1002, 1013-1014, 1016, 1018, 1020 reserved
for philatelic sales
no 202 [1009], 25 Mar; no 203 [1010], 24 Jun;
no 1023 banknotes, 14 Apr; no 1005 orders, 22 Apr;
no 1024 banknotes, 14 Jun [Edinburgh] ;
no 1006 orders, 22 Jul; no 1025 orders, 22 Jul (Turl);
no 1022 banknotes, 29 Sep/4 Oct; no 204 [1011], 30 Sep;
no 1031 banknotes, 3 Oct; no 204 (sic) [1019], 21 Oct;
no 1008 orders, 25 Nov; no 1007 bonds, 26 Nov;
no 206 [1012], 1 Dec
(11) Beginning in 2011 seriation was changed again, to five
digits, following the number of the year
[ nos 11013, 11016, 11018, 11025-11031, 11033-11035,
11037 reserved for philatelic sales
no 207 = 11008, 23 Mar; no 11015 banknotes, 12 Apr;
no 11014 banknotes, 13 Apr; no 11004 banknotes, 13-14 Apr;
no 11007 orders, 21 Apr;
no 11006 bonds, 20 May; no 11009, 22 Jun;
unnumbered orders, 21 Jul;
[no 208=?] no 11019 banknotes, 27 Sep;
no 11040 banknotes, 3 Oct; no 210 = 11023, 6 Oct;
no 209 = 11039, 6 Oct; no 11011, 24 Nov;
no 11020 banknotes, 7 Dec; no 211 = 11024, 13 Dec
2012: [ nos 12017-12021, 12039, 12042-12043, 12046, 12048 reserved
for philatelic sales
no 212 = 12009, 28 Mar; no 12002 orders, 19 Apr;
no 12022 banknotes, 24 Apr; no 12022 banknotes, 25 Apr;
no 12010 bonds, 18 May;
no 12003 orders, 19 Jul; no 12044 orders, 6 Sep;
no 214 = 12026, 26 Sep; no 12037 banknotes, 26 Sep;
no 12023 banknotes, 2 Oct; no 12047 banknotes, 4 Oct;
no 12035 banknotes, 9 Oct; no 12034 banknotes, 10 Oct;
no 12004 [sic!] orders, 22 Nov; no 215 = 12027, 4 Dec
2013: [ nos 13008-13009 reserved for philatelic sales
no 216 = 13012, 26 Mar;
no 13004 banknotes, 10 Apr; no 13001 orders, 25 Apr;
no 13032 banknotes, 18 Apr;
May: flyer: Dauer coll. of Australian banknotes;
no 13016 bonds (lot 361), 7 Jun;
no 217 = no 13013, 26 Jun; no 13002 orders, 25 Jul;
Aug: flyer: Nicholas Rhodes, two sales (Hong Kong and London);
no 218 = 13019, 24 Sep (Rhodes 1);
no 219 = 13014, 24 Sep; no 220 = 13039, 1 Oct;
no 13018 banknotes, 2 Oct;
no 13037 banknotes, 4 Oct (pt 1);
no 13037 banknotes, 4 Oct (pt 2);
no 13047 banknotes, 4 Oct; no 13003 orders, 21 Nov;
no 221 = 13015, 2 Dec; no 13034 banknotes, 5 Dec
2014: [ nos 14018-14024 reserved for philatelic sales
no 222 = 14012, 26 Mar; no 223 = 14004, 26 Mar;
no 14001 orders, 24 Apr; no 224 = 14005, 25 Jun;
no 14002 orders, 24 Jul; no 225 = 14006, 22 Sep;
no 14003 orders, 20 Nov; no 226 = 14038, 2 Dec;
no 227 = 14007, 17 Dec
2015: [ nos 15010-15013, 15016-15017, 15020-15027 reserved for philatelic sales
no 228 = 15004, 25 Mar; no 15001 orders, 23 Apr;
no 229 = 15031, 14 May; no 15018 bonds, 29 May;
no 15028 banknotes, 8 Jul; no 230, 15 Jul;
no 15002 orders, 23 Jul; no 231, 22 Sep;
no 15003 orders, 19 Nov; no 232 (Celtic) = 15049, 2 Dec;
no 233 = 15007, 2 Dec;
2016: [nos 16023-16024, 16027-16030, 16038, 16042-16044 reserved for philatelic and ephemera sales
no 234, 22 Mar (Stewartby 1); no 235, 22 Mar (Broughton);
no 236, 22 Mar; no 16037 banknotes, 12 Apr;
no 16001 orders, 21 Apr; no 237, 28 Jun (Stewartby 2);
no 238, 27 Jun; no 16002 orders, 21 Jul;
no 239 = 16021, 26 Sep (Stewartby 3); no 240 = 16006, 26 Sep;
no 241 = 16041, 27 Sep (Rhodes 2); no 16003 orders, 24 Nov;
no 242, 29 Nov (Stewartby 4);
2017: [nos 17014-17015, 17020-17023, 17033, 17036 reserved for philatelic, autograph and wine sales
no 243 = 17011, 28 Mar (Stewartby 5); no 244 = 17004, 29 Mar;
no 17001 orders, 12 Apr; no 245 = 1713, 27 Apr;
no 246 = 17029, 28 Apr; no 247 = 17005, 5 Jul;
no 17002 orders, 26 Jul; no 248 = 17006, 25 Sep;
no 17047, 1 Nov (Christopher Lee); no 17003 orders, 4 Dec;
no 249 = 17007, 6 Dec; no 17049, 7 Dec;
no 251 = 18004, 27 Mar; no 252 = 18011, 27 Mar (Williams I);
no 18001, 25 Apr; no 253 = 18012, 3 Jul (Williams II); no 254 =
18005, 3 Jul; no 18002 orders, 24 Jul; no 255 = 18006, 25 Sep;
256 = no 18048, 26 Sep (Williams III); no 257 = 18025, 30 Oct
SPINK, Lugano, Switzerland
Auctions: {Large}
2013: 19 Oct;
2014: 7 Jun
SPINK & SON, Melbourne, Australia
Auctions: {Large}
1975: 30 Oct (with STERN)
– thereafter numbered: have numbered 1-44 complete
1977: no [1], 27 Oct;
1978: no [2a], 2 Nov (China) (with BALDWIN);
no [2b], 2 Nov (Australia);
1979: no [3], 22 Nov;
1980: no [4], 20 Nov;
1981: no [5], 5 Mar; no [6], 19 Nov;
1982: no [7], 11 Mar; no [8], 24 Nov;
1983: no [9], 10 Mar; no 10, 14 Jul; no 11, 16 Nov;
1984: no 12, 4 Apr; no 13, 19 Jul; no 14, 21 Nov;
1985: no 15, 27 Mar; no 16, 17 Jul; no 17, 26 Nov;
1986: no 18, 16 Apr; no 19, 16 Jul; no 20, 19 Nov;
1987: no 21, 31 Mar; no 22, 15 Jul; no 23, 17 Nov;
1988: no 24-I, 16 Mar; no 24-II, 16 Mar; no 25, 13 Jul;
no 26, 7 Nov;
1989: no 27, 2 Mar; no 28, 1 Jun; no 29, 16 Aug; no 30, 16 Nov;
1990: no 31, 1 Mar; no 32, 31 May; no 33, 15 Aug; no 34, 14 Nov;
1991: no 35A, 20 Mar; no 35B, 20 Mar; no 36, 10 Jul;
no 37, 13 Nov;
1992: no 38, 18 Mar; no 39, 8 Jul; no 40, 18 Nov;
1993: no 41, 17 Mar; no 42, 14 Jul; no 43, 17 Nov;
1994: no 44, 23 Mar
-- continued as NOBLE NUMISMATICS no 45
on the numbering system of these catalogues, see the note
to Spink & Son, London, above, at 1993.
1995: no 1118, 23 May;
1999: no 1210/1225/1228, 27 Mar
SPINK & SON, New York, NY
Lists: {Large}
1996: no 1; no 2
Auctions: {Large} have 1-7
1982: no 1, 14 Sep; no 2, 12 Dec (with KOLBE; boxed there);
1983: no 3, 24 Mar; no 4, 10 Nov;
no 5, 11 Dec (with KOLBE; boxed there);
1984: no 6, 2 Dec (with KOLBE; boxed there);
1985: no 7, 1 Dec (with KOLBE; boxed there);
1995: no 8186, 3 May + no 8188, 20 May (2 sales issued in 1);
no 8190, 22 May; no 8230, 12 Sep;
no 8234, 4 Dec (Gerber US);
no 8318, 5 Dec (Gerber Mexico I); no 8232, 7 Dec;
1996: no 8350, 3 Jun (Gerber Mexico II); no 8352, 3 Jun;
no 8450/2, 8 Oct (with CHRISTIES New York);
no 8520, 25 Nov; no 8454, 3 Dec;
1997: no 8588, 3 Mar (Norweb); no 8686, 3 Jun; no 8786, 2 Dec;
1998: no 8898, 24 Jun;
26 Jun, Buy or Bid Sale, insert in The Celator 12.6 (Jun, 1998);
no 8958, 21 Oct; no 9070, 1 Dec;
1999: no 9112, 17 May; no 9116, 18 Nov; no 9118, 6 Dec;
2000: no 9544, 11 Dec;
2001: no 9742, 11 Oct; no 9800, 10 Dec
following the London seriation:
2007: no 7011, 11 Jul
2013: 9 Oct;`
2014: 14 Jan; 16 Jan (stocks); no 320-I, 17 Jun; no 320-II, 18 Jun;
2016: 27 Jan; 21 Jun; 22 Jun; 19 Oct;
2017: 13 Jan; 15 Jan (Islamic); 15 Jan (world); 17 Jan;
4 Apr; 19 Jun; 21 Jun (banknotes)
SPINK SMYTHE, New York – see under SMYTHE
Spink-Taisei auctions held in Singapore, Hong Kong [HK], and
Tokyo [T], 1986-1993, were numbered as a single series
Auctions: {Large} complete 1-15
1986: no 1, 4 Apr;
1987: no 2, 19 Feb;
1988: no 3, 11 Feb; no 4, 11 Feb; no 5, 3 Jul [T];*
* with Victoria Gothic crown in gold, and patterns
1989: no 6, 23 Feb; no 7, 2 Jul [T];
1990: no 8, 22 Feb;
1991: no 9, 20 Feb; no 10, 20 Feb; no 11, 5 Sep [HK];
1992: no 12, 20 Feb; no 13, 3 Sep [HK];
1993: no 14, 18 Feb; no 15, 2 Sep [HK] (with GILLIO);
-- series continued under TAISEI no 16
as SPINK, Singapore; Hong Kong [HT]
on the numbering system of these catalogues, see the notes
to Spink & Son, London, above, before 1993.
1994: no 1105, 25 Jun;
no 1106, banknotes 25 Jun;
no 1113, 29 Nov [HK];
1995: no 1119/1120, 24 Jun;
no [1128] (no 112 on spine, in error), 28 Nov [HK];
1996: no 1134/1135, 22 Jun; no 1144, 25 Nov [HK];
1997: no 1148, 21 Jun; no 1157, 25 Nov [HK];
1998: no 1179/1189, 20 Jun; no 1184/1198, 22 Nov [HK];
1999: no 1214/1226, 20 Jun;
no 1220/1227, 20 Nov [HK] + insert: Additional lots;
2000: no 1251/1252, 24 Jun;
no 1262/1263, 25 Nov [HK];
2001: no 1277/1278, 23 Jun;
no 1290, 23 Nov [HK];
2002: no 1308/9, 22 Jun; no 1323, 23 Nov [HK];
2003: no 3018/3019, 22 Nov [HK];
2004: no 4021/4022, 20 Nov [HK];
2005: no 5008/5009 banknotes, 2 July [Singapore];
no 5032, 19 Nov [HK]; no 5017/5018, 20 Nov [HK];
2006: no 6014/6015, 1 Jul;
2007: no 7002, 20 Jan [HK];
2008: no 8014, 5 Jul; no 8001/8002, 19 Jan [HK];
2009: no 9002, 17 Jan; no 9018/9019, 4 Jul;
2010: no 1003, 23 Jan
as TAISEI-SPINK, Tokyo International Numismatics Auction [T]
2017: unnumbered, 26 Nov
2018: unnumbered, 29 Apr
SPINK, Vienna – see SPINK, London, 1996
SPINK & SON, Zürich, Switzerland
Lists: {Small} complete 1-7
1979: no 1, Jan; no 2, Jul;
1980: no 3, Jan; no 4, Oct;
1981: no 5, Sep;
1982: no 6, Sep;
1983: no 7, Jan;
Deutsches Reichsgold: have 1-3
1989: no [1], Jan; no 2, Jun;
1990: no 3
Neuer Zürcher Münzbote, {Small} complete 1-22
1983: no 1, Mar; no 2, May; no 3, Jul; no 4, Sep;
no 5, Nov;
1984: no 6, Mar; no 7, Jun; no 8, Sep; no 9, Dec;
1985: no 10, Mar; no 11, Jun; no 12, Sep; no 13, Dec;
1986: no 14, Mar; no 15, Aug;
1987: no 16, Jan; no 17, May; no 18, Sep;
1988: no 19, Mar; no 20, Oct; no 21, Dec;
1989: no 22, Jun
1990: no 23, Apr; no 24, Oct;
1992: no 25, Sep;
1993: no 26, Apr; no 27, Oct;
1994: no 28, Apr
Auctions: {Large} complete numbered 1-52
1979: no 1, 6 Jun; no 2, 28 Nov (+43 CJ6237.E6);
1980: no 3, 18 Jun; no 4, 27 Oct;
1981: no 5, 20 May; no 6, 14 Oct;
1982: no 7, 8 Jun; no 8, 4 Nov;
1983: no 9, 21 Apr; 19 Apr (with BULLOWA); no 10, 22 Jun;
no 11, 27 Oct;
1984: no 12, 9 May; no 13, 9 May; no 14, 7 Nov; no 15, 8 Nov;
1985: no 16, 16 Apr; no 17, 16 Oct;
1986: no 18, 18 Feb; no 19, 15 Apr; no 20, 6 Oct;
no 21, 15 Oct (with FRANCESCHI);
1987: no 22, 17 Mar; no 23, 17 Jun; no 24, 15 Oct;
1988: no 25, 1 Feb; no 26, 25 Apr; no 27, 1 Jun; no 28, 24 Oct;
no 29, 24 Oct;
1989: no 30, 13 Apr; no 31, 20 Jun; no 32, 23 Oct
1990: no 33, 2 Apr; no 34, 19 Jun; no 35, 22 Oct;
1991: no 36, 16 Apr; no 37, 16 Sep; no 38, 23 Oct; no 39, 23 Oct;
1992: no 40, 29 Apr; no 41, 30 Apr; no 42, 21 Oct; no 43, 21 Oct;
no 44, 22 Oct;
1993: no 45, 1 Apr; no 46, 2 Apr; no 47, 9 Jun [+PG];
no 48, 27 Oct; no 49, 27 Oct;
1994: no 50, 12 Apr;
no 52-I, 26 Oct (with NUMISMATICA ARS CLASSICA);
\{\{have reference to 16 Nov with NUMISMATICA ARS CLASSICA}}
SPOHR, H., Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Lists: {Large general}
1973: no 7;
1975: no 2; no 3;
1976: no 1; no 2;
1985: no 29;
1988: no 40;
SPRING, J., London
Lists (lit.): {Large general}
1992: Autumn;
1994: Jan;
1997: Spring
Auction: {Large general}
2003: no 7, 18 May
ST. JAMES’S AUCTIONS, London have 1-41
Auctions: {Large general}
2004: no 1, 13 Oct;
2005: no 2, 11 May; no 3, 3 Oct;
2006: no 4, 8 May; no 5, 27 Sep;
2007: no 6, 8 Jun;
2008: no 7, 8 Feb; no 8, 18 Jun; no 9, 18 Jun;
no 10, 6 Nov;
no 10, 6 Nov (Russian gold)(with BALDWINS);
2009: no 11, 8 May; no 12, 5 Nov;
(+ no 12 reprint of lots 926-1422, Poll coll., with additional
notes and prices realised);
2010: no 13, 6 May; no 14, 30 Sep; no 15, 30 Sep;
no 16, 7 Dec;
2011: no 17, 24 May; no 18, 27 Sep; no 19, 3 Oct;
no 20, 18 Nov;
2012: no 21, 19 Apr; no 22, 1 Oct;
2013: no 23, 4 Feb; no 24, 23 Sep;
2014: no 25, 5 Mar; no 26, 5 Mar; no 27, 6 Mar; no 28, 24 Jun;
no 29, 1 Aug (Lissner, with CLASSICAL NUMISMATIC
GROUP, + flier);
no 30, 29 Sep; no 31, 16 Dec;
2015: no 32, 19 May; no 33, 20 May; no 34, 21 Sep;
2016: no 35, 9 Feb; no 36, 19 Apr; no 37, 27 Jun;
no 38, 29 Sep; no 39, 30 Sep; no 40, 5 Oct;
no 41, 30 Nov;
ST. LOUIS STAMP & COIN CO. (B. G. Johnson), St. Louis, MO
Lists: \{Small general}
n.d.: no 24; no 25; no27.1; no 27.2; no 29; no 31.2; no 32; no 33; no 34
STAACK, M., Berlin
Lists: {Small general}
1977: no 1;
1979: no 4;
1984: no 5
Auctions: have 1-2, 4, 16, 18, 20-26, 28-29, 31-36
numbered in a single series:
\{Large general};
1974: no 1, 2 Nov (B);
1975: no 2, 3 May (B); no 4, 21 Nov (B);
1976: no 16, 4 Apr (L); no 18, 25 Sep (L); no 20, 12 Dec (L);
1977: no 21, 6 Mar (L); no 22, 6 May (B);
no 23, 5 Jun (L); no 24, 30 Sep (B);
no 25, 22 Oct (L); no 26, 9 Dec (B);
1978: no 27, 26 Feb (prices realized only) (L);
no 28, 21 Apr (B); no 29, 22 Sep (B);
no 30, 15 Oct (prices realized only) (L);
no 31, 1 Dec (B);
1979: no 32, 30 Mar (L); no 33, 2 Mar (B);
no 34, 18 May (B); no 35, 4 Nov (L);
1980: no 36, 16 Mar (L)
Leipzig, and numbered in individual series, see respectively
List: {Small general}
undated: Gold-Medaillen 1957-1961 (missing 1 May 2008)
STACEY’S, Rochford
Auction: {Small general}
2009: 17 Mar
STACK’S, New York, NY
-- see also AUCTION 1979, etc.; COIN GALLERIES
Lists: {Large}
1941: no 11, Jul/Aug;
1942: no 14, Jan; no 24
1943: no 30, May;
1944: no 33, Jan; no 34, Fall/Winter;
1945/46: no 35;
undated: Commemorative half dollars; Treasure of 1715;
1947: no 37, Jan; no 38, Summer;
1948: no 40, Spring; no 41, Summer; no 42, Sep; no 43, Fall;
1950: no 47; no 48, Spring; no 49;
1952: no 51;
undated: no 54; United States Coins (with list 54); no 56;
1955: no 57;
1956: no 58;
1957: no 61;
1958: no 62;
1959: no 63;
1960: no 64; no 65, Spring-Summer;
1961: no 66; no 66-A;
1962: no 68;
1963: no 69; no 70;
1964: no 71, Fall;
1965: no 72;
1966: Gold, Spring;
1967: no 73;
1968: no 74, Summer;
1969: no 75;
1970: no 76; 76 Supplement;
1980: The Yale University Brasher Doubloon;
undated: Excessively Rare 1855 Kellogg & Co Fifty Dollar;
Roman Imperial (with COIN GALLERIES);
1986: Ancient Greek (with COIN GALLERIES);
Colonial Coins;
Early U.S. Gold Coins;
French coins (with COIN GALLERIES);
1989: Coins and Currency of Early America;
United States Paper Money;
1990: Colonial coins & medals;
Gold coins;
1991: Jul (with COIN GALLERIES); Fall (with COIN GALLERIES);
American historical medals;
United States coins;
1992: Fall;
1993: Summer;
1994: Spring; United States Gold Coins;
1995: Summer;
1997: Spring; Summer;
2002/3: lit.;
2004: Spring/Summer, lit.;
2006: Spring/Summer, lit.; Summer;
undated: Emperor Collection, Annam;
The First United States Coins
The Rarest Set of Gold Coins in the World
Lists published in The Celator (with COIN GALLERIES):
1992: vol 6 no 5, May; no 8, Aug; no 9, Sep;
1993: vol 7 no 1, Jan; no 5, May; no 8, Aug; no 9, Sep
The Numismatic Sun (shelved under Periodicals)
2006: no 12, Fall/Winter; [+]
2007: no 13, Winter/Spring [*]
2009: no 15, Fall
Paper Money Review
2006: no 3, Fall/Winter; [+]
2007: no 4, Winter/Spring [*]
[+], [*] issued together in a single cover
Auctions: {Large}
-- seriation of the catalogues is taken from Gengerke,
American Numismatic Auctions (1990), and Moulton, United
States Numismatic Auction Catalogues 1990-2000 (revised
have ...180 (1961)-524 (2000); ...
1935: no [ 1], 18 Oct;
1936: no [ 3], 18 Apr;
1937: no [ 10], 25 Jun;
1938: no [ 15], 20 Jan {Folio}
1939: no [ 25], 27 Jan; no [ 37], 16 Dec;
1940: no [ 41], 4 Jun; no [ 44], 27 Aug; no [ 48], 12 Dec
1942: no [ 61], 25 Jul;
1944: no [ 70], 23 Mar; no [ 74], 7 Dec [TVB];
1945: no [ 77], 22 Oct;
1946: no [ 79], 9 Nov;
1947: no [ 84], 2 Oct [TVB]; no [ 85], 6 Nov [TVB];
no [ 86], 11 Dec
1948: no [ 90], 29 May; no [ 91], 30 Oct; no [ 92], 18 Dec;
1949: no [ 93], 5 Feb; no [ 94], 26 Mar; no [ 95], 21 May;
no [ 96], 25 Jun; no [ 97], 15 Oct; no [ 98], 19 Nov;
1950: no [ 99], 1 Apr; no [100], 27 May; no [101], 29 Jun;
no [102], 22 Sep; no [103], 21 Oct; no [105], 15 Dec;
1951: no [107], 24 Feb; no [108], 7 Apr; no [111], 27 Sep;
no [112], 13 Oct; no [113], 18 Oct;
1952: no [115], 23 Feb; no [117], 12 Apr; no [118], 24 May;
no [119], 20 Jun; no [120], 27 Jun; no [121], 28 Jun;
no [122], 23 Jul; no [123], 4 Oct; no [124], 11 Oct;
no [125], 20 Dec;
1953: no [126], 22 Jan; no [127], 26 Feb; no [128], 27 Mar;
no [129], 18 Apr; no [131], 20 May; no [132], 3 Oct;
1954: no [133], 27 Feb; no [134], 8 Apr; no [135], 7 May;
no [136], 24 Sep; [wanting no [137], 9 Oct; no [138], 11 Nov;
1955: no [139], 26 Feb; no [140], 2 Apr; no [141], 23 Apr;
no [142], 6 May; no [143], 24 Sep; no [144], 8 Oct;
no [145], 11 Nov;
1956: no [146], 4 May; no [147], 25 May; no [148], 6 Oct;
no [149], 24 Oct; no [150], 23 Nov; no [151], 19 Dec;
1957: no [152], 1 Feb; no [153], 19 Apr; no [154], 25 May;
no [155], 15 Jun; no [157], 12 Nov;
1958: no [158], 30 Jan; no [159], 21 Mar; no [160], 2 May;
no [161], 26 Jun; no [162], 24 Oct; no [163], 6 Dec;
1959: no [164], 6 Mar; no [165], 1 May; no [166], 19 Jun;
no [167], 19 Sep; no [168], 16 Oct; no [170], 12 Dec;
1960: no [171], 27 Feb; no [172], 25 Mar; no [173], 4 May;
no [174], 17 Jun; no [175], 5 Oct; no [176], 10 Dec;
1961: no [177], 24 Mar; no [178], 5 May; no [180], 23 Sep;
no [181], 2 Dec;
1962: no [182], 2 Mar; no [183], 26 Apr; no [184], 19 Jun;
no [185], 12 Oct (Wolfson, pt I); no [186], 14 Dec;
1963: no [187], 2 Mar; no [188], 3 May (Wolfson, pt II);
no [189], 20 Jun; no [190], 2 Oct; no [191], 14 Dec;
1964: no [192], 14 Feb; no [193], 30 Apr; no [194], 27 Jun;
no [195], 11 Sep; no [196], 30 Oct; no [197], 11 Dec;
1965: no [198], 4 Feb; no [199], 27 Mar; no [200], 6 May;
no [201], 17 Sep; no [202], 22 Oct; no [203], 22 Nov;
no [204], 10 Dec;
1966: no [205], 4 Feb; no [206], 25 Mar; no [207], 21 Apr;
no [208], 10 Jun; no [209], 30 Sep; no [210], 27 Oct;
no [211], 2 Dec;
1967: no [212], 27 Jan; no [213], 24 Feb; no [214], 24 Mar;
no [215], 27 Apr; no [216], 2 Jun; no [217], 29 Sep;
no [218], 27 Oct; no [219], 20 Nov; no [220], 7 Dec;
1968: no [221], 2 Feb; no [222], 16 Mar; no [223], 2 May;
no [224], 20 Jun; no [225], 13 Sep; no [226], 25 Oct;
no [227], 15 Nov; no [228], 6 Dec;
1969: no [229], 31 Jan; no [230], 7 Mar; no [231], 10 Apr;
no [232], 16 May; no [233], 19 Jun; no [234], 19 Sep;
no [235], 24 Oct; no [236], 5 Dec;
1970: no [237], 29 Jan; no [238], 27 Feb; no [239], 2 Apr;
no [240], 14 May; no [241], 10 Jun; no [242], 12 Jun;
no [243], 18 Sep; no [244], 23 Oct; no [245], 19 Nov;
no [246], 11 Dec;
1971: no [247], 5 Feb; no [248], 5 Mar; no [249], 2 Apr;
no [250], 6 May; no [251], 14 Jun; no [252], 10 Aug;
no [253], 17 Sep; no [254], 22 Oct; no [255], 3 Dec;
1972: no [256], 4 Feb; no [257], 24 Mar; no [258], 4 May;
no [259], 15 Jun; no [260], 15 Sep; no [261], 19 Oct;
no [262], 17 Nov; no [263], 13 Dec;
1973: no [264], 2 Feb; no [265], 2 Mar; no [266], 29 Mar;
no [267], 23 May; no [268], 20 Jun; no [269], 28 Aug;
no [270], 6 Sep; no [271], 24 Oct; no [272], 6 Dec;
1974: no [273], 31 Jan; no [274], 8 Mar; no [275], 25 Apr;
no [276], 23 May; no [277], 27 Jun; no [278], 13 Sep;
no [279], 11 Nov; no [280], 12 Nov; no [281], 9 Dec;
1975: no [282], 6 Feb; no [283], 13 Mar; no [284], 15 Mar;
no [285], 3 Apr; no [286], 29 Apr; no [287], 30 May;
no [288], 27 Jun; no [289], 10 Sep; no [290], 25 Oct;
no [291], 5 Dec;
1976: no [292], 4 Feb; no [293], 12 Mar; no [294], 2 Apr;
no [295], 26 May; no [296], 24 Aug; no [297], 9 Oct;
no [298], 18 Nov; no [299], 4 Dec;
1977: no [300], 4 Feb; no [301], 11 Mar; no [302], 21 Apr;
no [303], 3 Jun; no [304], 8 Sep; no [305], 21 Oct;
no [306], 2 Dec;
1978: no [307], 2 Feb; no [308], 17 Mar; no [309], 11 Apr;
no [310], 3 May; no [311], 5 May; no [312], 16 Jun;
no [313], 8 Sep; no [314], 20 Oct; no [315], 1 Dec;
1979: no [316], 2 Feb; no [317], 15 Mar; no [318], 17 Mar;
no [319], 4 May; no [320], 21 Jun;
no [321], 26 Jul = AUCTION '79, q.v.; no [322], 7 Sep;
no [323], 19 Oct; no [324], 7 Dec;
1980: no [325], 1 Feb; no [326], 13 Mar; no [327], 1 May;
no [328], 19 Jun; no [329], 14 Aug = AUCTION '80 q.v.;
no [330], 17 Sep; no [331], 23 Oct; no [332], 11 Dec;
1981: no [333], 27 Jan; no [334], 10 Mar; no [335], 1 May;
no [336], 18 Jun; no [337], 24 Jul = AUCTION '81 q.v.;
no [338], 10 Sep; no [339], 22 Oct; no [340], 10 Dec;
no [341], 12 Dec;
1982: no [342], 10 Feb; no [343], 10 Mar; no [344], 13 May;
no [345], 17 Jun; no [346], 14 Aug = AUCTION '82 q.v.;
no [347], 15 Sep; no [348], 20 Oct; no [349], 2 Dec;
1983: no [350], 2 Feb; no [351], 16 Mar; no [352], 27 Apr;
no [353], 15 Jun; no [354], 29 Jul = AUCTION '83 q.v.;
no [355], 14 Sep (Morgan); no [356], 14 Sep;
no [357], 27 Oct; no [358], 8 Dec;
1984: no [359], 18 Jan; no [360], 20 Mar; no [361], 21 Mar;
no [362], 3 May; no [363], 5 May; no [364], 13 Jun;
no [365], 15 Jun; no [366], 25 Jul = AUCTION '84 q.v.;
no [367], 12 Sep; no [368], 24 Oct (Picker);
no [369], 24 Oct (Bartle); no [370], 4 Dec;
1985: no [371], 15 Jan; no [372], 20 Mar; no [373], 2 May;
no [374], 20 Jun; no [375], 27 Jul = AUCTION '85 q.v.;
no [376], 12 Sep; no [377], 22 Oct (Hayes);
no [378], 22 Oct (Bartle); no [379], 24 Oct;
no [380], 4 Dec;
1986: no [381], 15 Jan; no [382], 18 Mar; no [383], 30 Apr;
no [384], 2 May; no [385], 18 Jun;
no [386], 26 Jul = AUCTION '86 q.v.; no [387], 17 Sep;
no [388], 22 Oct; no [389], 8 Dec;
no [390], 10 Dec;
1987: no [391], 14 Jan; no [392], 17 Mar; no [393], 29 Apr;
no [394], 16 Jun; no [395], 31 Jul = AUCTION '87 q.v.;
no [396], 9 Sep; no [397], 20 Oct; no [398], 4 Dec;
no [399], 10 Dec;
1988: no 400, 13 Jan; no [401], 4 Mar; no [402], 16 Mar;
no [403], 27 Apr; no [404], 21 Jun;
no [405], 17 Jul = AUCTION '88 q.v.; no [406], 8 Sep;
no [407], 5 Oct; no [408], 18 Oct (Steinberg);
no [409], 18 Oct (Museum);
no [410], 30 Nov (with SUPERIOR);
no [411], 8 Dec;
1989: no [412], 18 Jan (French, silver dollars)
no [413], 18 Jan (Simon);
no [414], 14 Mar; no [415], 8 Apr;
no [416], 3 May (Halpern); no [417], 3 May (Foreman);
no [418], 13 Jun; no [419], 7 Jul = AUCTION '89 q.v.;
no [420], 7 Sep; no [421], 17 Oct; no [422], 18 Oct;
no [423], 29 Nov; no [424], 7 Dec;
1990: no [425], 16 Jan; no [426], 13 Mar; no [427], 15 Mar;
no [428], 2 May; no [429], 7 Jun;
no [430], 10 Aug = AUCTION '90 q.v.;
no [431], 5 Sep; no [432], 16 Oct;
no [433], 17 Oct; no [434], 29 Nov (general);
no [435], 29 Nov (Rome);
1991: no [436], 16 Jan; no [437], 12 Mar; no [438], 1 May;
no [439], 19 Jun; no [440], 4 Sep; no [441], 15 Oct;
no [442], 16 Oct; no [443], 9 Dec;
1992: no [444], 14 Jan; no [445], 17 Mar;
no [446], 6 May (medals); no [447], 6 May;
no [448], 7 May; no [449], 23 Jun;
no [450], 10 Sep; no [451], 20 Oct;
no [452], 2 Dec (pt 1);
no [453], 2 Dec (pt 2); no [454], 9 Dec;
1993: no [455], 13 Jan; no [456], 17 Mar;
no [457], 18 Mar; no [458], 5 May
no [459], 14 Jun; no [460], 15 Jun; no [461], 8 Sep;
no [462], 13 Oct; no [463], 17 Nov; no [464], 1 Dec;
no [465], 8 Dec;
1994: no [466], 19 Jan; no [467], 22 Mar; no [468], 3 May;
no [469], 8 Jun; no [470], 21 Sep;
no [471], 19 Oct; no [472], 30 Nov; no [473], 7 Dec;
1995: no [474], 11 Jan; no [475], 15 Mar; no [476], 2 May;
no [477], 4 May; no [478], 14 Jun; no [479], 6 Sep;
no [480], 10 Oct
no [481], 29 Nov (so-called `APOSTROPHE II' with AKERS and
no [482], 6 Dec;
1996: no [483], 17 Jan; no [484], 6 Mar; no [485], 30 Apr;
no [486], 10 Jun; no [487], 10 Sep;
no [488], 16 Oct; no [489], 3 Dec; no [490], 3/4 Dec;
no [491], 5 Dec;
1997: no [492], 15 Jan; no [493], 12 Mar; no [494], 6 May;
no [495], 10 Jun; no [496], 11 Jun; no [497], 16 Sep;
no [498], 14 Oct; no [499], 2 Dec (ancient);
no [499a], 2 Dec (Islamic); no [500], 4 Dec;
1998: no [501], 14 Jan; no [502], 11 Mar; no [503], 5 May;
no [504], 9 Jun; no [505], 9 Sep; no [506], 20 Oct;
no [507], 2 Dec;
1999: no [508], 12 Jan; no [509], 9 Mar;
no [510], 4 May (Walter); no [511], 4 May (Halpern);
no [512], 8 Jun; no [513], 9 Jun; no [514], 8 Sep;
no [515], 20 Oct; no [516], 1 Dec;
2000: no [517], 12 Jan; no [518], 15 Mar; no [519], 10 May;
no [520], 13 Jun; no [521], 12 Sep; no [522], 17 Oct;
no [523], 5 Dec; no [524], 6 Dec;
2001: 16 Jan; 20 Mar; 9 May (Globus); 9 May (Taichert);
19 Jun; 11 Sep; 16 Oct (banknotes); 16 Oct (coins);
29 Oct (with SOTHEBY'S New York, boxed there);
4 Dec;
2002: 15 Jan (Hain); 15 Jan (Hain II); 7 Mar; 7 May; 12 Jun;
30 Jul (1933 $20, with SOTHEBY'S New York, boxed there);
10 Sep; 15 Oct; 17 Oct;
24 Oct (with HESS/DIVO 293, boxed there); 4 Dec;
2003: 15 Jan; 21 Jan; 11 Mar; 13 May; 14 May; 10 Jun; 9 Sep;
NB: Stack's' archives of their auction catalogues,
stretching from this point to the present day, include sales held
in the name of AMERICAN NUMISMATIC RARITIES, or in some cases
held jointly in the names of both firms. For the period 2003-
2007 see also AMERICAN NUMISMATIC RARITIES, above; but be aware that the distinction attempted here between two series may be
# from this point to 29 June 2010 this symbol indicates
auction catalogues included in Stacks' archives, but
not yet represented in this library, including
* the *Ford sales I-XXIV and lit. I-II, below,
are boxed separately:
14 Oct (*Ford I); 15 Oct; 16 Oct; 2 Dec;
2004: 13 Jan; 20 Jan; 21 Jan; 16 Mar; 11 May (*Ford II);
11 May (*Ford III); 12 May (Gomez I);
1 Jun (*Ford Ref. Library I, catalogued by KOLBE);
23 Jun (*Ford IV);
21 Sep; 12 Oct (*Ford V); 12 Oct (*Ford VI); 13 Oct;
17 Nov;
2005: 18 Jan (Ford VII); 18 Jan (Ford VIII); 19 Jan;
15 Mar (Buffalo); 15 Mar (Morrison); 10 May;
10 May (*Ford IX); 26 May (*Ford X)
4 Jun (*Ford Ref. Library II, catalogued by KOLBE);
13 Jun (*Ford XI); 13 Jun; 7 Sep;
18 Oct (*Ford XII); 18 Oct; 19 Oct; 30 Nov;
2006: 16 Jan (*Ford XIII); 16 Jan (Americana);
7 Mar (Ancient and World); 7 Mar (Crimson);
7 Mar (Globus); 8 Mar; 23 May (*Ford XIV); 23 May;
25 May; 25 May (Phoenix); 27 Jun; 2 Aug; 19 Sep;
4 Oct (*Ford XV);
17 Oct (*Ford XVI); 18 Oct; 7 Nov;
2007: 2 Jan; 11 Jan; 15 Jan; 16 Jan; 20 Mar;
21 Mar (*Ford XVII); 17 Apr; 22 May (*Ford XVIII);
22 May (Leon); 11 Jun; 20 Jun; 5 Aug; 18 Sep;
11 Oct (*Ford XIX); 11 Oct; 16 Oct (*Ford XX):
16 Oct (*Ford XXI); 16 Oct; 13 Nov;
# 14 May; 9 Jul; 13 Aug; 10 Sep; 8 Oct; 22 Oct; 19 Nov;
17 Dec
2008: 7 Jan; 14 Jan; 14 Jan (Kroisos);
brochure to the Kroisos sale; 15 Jan (Stack);
15 Jan (Americana); 15 Feb; 26 Feb; 26 Mar;
24 Apr (Belzberg); 24 Apr (Tallent); 21 May;
25 Jun (Bergstrom); 25 Jun (Husky); 10 Jul; 28 Jul;
27 Jul (Berngard); 21 Aug; 24 Sep; 22 Oct; 18 Nov;
# 21 Jan; 20 Feb; 24 Mar; 21 Apr; 19 May; 23 Jun;
22 Jul; 27 Jul (other); 28 Jul; 12 Aug; 25 Aug; 29 Sep;
27 Oct; 7 Nov; 24 Nov; 22 Dec
2009: 5 Jan; 12 Jan (Americana); 12 Jan (Byzantine);
12 Jan (Golden Horn); 23 Mar; 22 Apr; 14 May (Eldorado);
25 Jun (Schaumburg); 30 Jul (S.S. New York); 9 Nov
# (largely gold sales): 13 Feb; 16 Feb; 12 Mar; 19 Mar;
26 Mar; 30 Mar; 2 Apr; 9 Apr; 16 Apr; 20 Apr;
24 Apr; 30 Apr; 7 May; 14 May Golden; 21 May;
28 May; 4 Jun; 11 Jun; 18 Jun; 22 Jun;
25 Jun Golden; 9 Jul; 16 Jul; 31 Jul; 6 Aug;
13 Aug; 18 Aug; 20 Aug; 27 Aug; 3 Sep; 7 Sep;
10 Sep; 17 Sep; 23 Sep; 1 Oct; 8 Oct; 15 Oct;
22 Oct; 5 Nov; 19 Nov; 3 Dec; 17 Dec
2010: 11 Jan; 26 Jan (Americana); 2 Mar; 21 May; 15 Jun; 8 Aug;
30 Sep pt 1; 30 Sep pt 2; 2 Nov
# 28 Jan; 29 June
2011: 10 Jan; 26 Jan (Americana); 17 Jun
as STACK’S, BOWERS [and PONTERIO in some auctions]
(the serial numbers continue PONTERIO's series)
no 159, 28 March; no 165 [sic!], 1 Apr (Hong Kong);
no 166 [sic!], 3 Apr (Hong Kong);
no 160, 17 Jun; no 161, 12 Aug
13 Aug; 17 Aug (6001-10957);
17 Aug (paper); 17 Aug (Bass pt 5);
18 Aug (ANA Rarities Night);
no 162, 22 Aug (Hong Kong); 16 Nov (early American)
2012: no 168, 8 Aug; no 172, 13 Nov; 14 Nov;
15 Nov
2013: no 174, 11 Jan (Evert); 22 Jan (Cardinal – brochure);
24 Jan (Cardinal); no 176, 13 Aug (Law);
no 178, 13 Aug (paper);
14 Aug (*Ford XXIII); 15 Aug (*Ford XXII);
19 Sep (*Ford XXIV); 6 Nov
2014: no 182, 10 Jan; no 184, 31 Mar (Hong Kong);
6 Aug; 6 Aug (Ferendelli); 18 Aug (Hong Kong);
20 Aug (Hong Kong); 30 Oct
2015: 9 Jan; 13 Jan; 19 May (Pogue I); 20 May (with SOTHEBY’S);
12 Aug;
2016: 9 Feb (Pogue III, with SOTHEBY’S); 5 Apr (Hong Kong);
4 Nov (Colonial)
STADT, Russell E., Kentwood, MI
Lists: {Large general}
n.d.: no 4; no 8
List: {Small general}
undated: Der Bonner Dukaten [missing 19 Dec 2004]
STADTSPARKASSE LUDWIGSHAFEN, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany
-- see also MÖLLER
Lists: {Large general}
1975: no 2;
1976: no 1; no 2
1981: no 2, 10 Sep; 28 Nov;
1986: Mar; Jun;
1987: no 2, Mar
Auctions: {Large general} have 1-5
1981: no 1, 19 May;
1983: no 2, 11 Apr;
1984: no 3, 9 Feb;
1985: no 4, 21 Feb;
1988: no 5, 11 Mar = MöLLER no 1 (boxed there)
STAROZITNOSTI, Brno, Czech Republic
Auctions: {Small general}
1987: no 1, 10 Oct;
1988: no 2, 11 Jun
Auction: {Large general}
1981: 23 Jan; 30 Oct
Auctions: {Large general}
numbers in brackets, [173], were purely philatelic and are
not included in the library
have 170-171, 173-195...
1996: no 170, 28 Aug; no 171, 23 Oct;
1997: no [173], xxx; no 174, 8 Apr; no 175, 18 Jun;
no [176], xxx; no 177, 28 Oct;
1998: no 178, 20 Jan; no 179, 24 Mar; no 180, 23 Jun;
no 181, 22 Sep; no 182, 2 Dec
1999: no 183, 10 Feb; no [184], xxx; no 185, 23 Jun;
no 186, 19 Aug; no 187, 13 Oct;
2000: no 188, 19 Jan; no 189, 15 Mar; no 190, 10 May;
no 191, 5 Jul; no 192, 6 Sep; no 193, 25 Oct;
no [194], xxx;
2001: no 195, 21 Feb; no 197, 7 Jun; no 200, 29 Nov;
2002: no 202, 22 Mar; no 206, 19 Oct;
2004: no 217, 15 Apr; no 221, 28 Oct;
2005: no 225, 9 Jun; no 228; 3 Nov;
2006: no 232, 26 May; no 235, 27 Oct;
2008: no 246, 16 May;
2009: no 256 pt 3, 16 May;
2010: no 266, 28 May; no 271, 22 Oct;
2011: no [275]
List: {Small general}
1886: no 5, Apr
Auctions: {Small general}
1881: no 2, 28 Jun; no 3, 22 Dec
List: {Small general}
1969: Fall (with GALERIE DES MONNAIES, Lausanne)
STEINBERG’S, Ft, Lauderdale, Boca Raton, FL; Cary, NC
Lists: {Large general}
1973: Fall
1978/9: Winter/Spring;
1981: Summer;
1991: Sep;
1997: Spring;
2002: Summer;
2002/3: Fall/Winter;
2003: Spring/Summer;
2009: Summer; Fall;
2010: Winter; Spring; Summer; Fall;
2011: Fall
2012: Winter;
2013: Winter
2014: Winter
STENZEL, A.M., Koeln, Germany
Lists: {Small general}
1971: Jul; Sep; nov;
1972: Jan-Mar; Feb; Apr/May; Jun-Aug; Sep-Dec
STEPHENS, Karl, Temple City, CA
Lists: {Small general} {* Large general}
1977: no 4, Feb/Mar; no 5, Jun/Jul;
1978: no 7, Apr/May;
1979: no 10, Mar; no 11, Sep/Oct;
1980: no 12, Apr/May;
1981: no 14, Apr/May;
1985: no 34, Apr; no 36, Jun/Jul; no 37, Jul/Aug;
no 38, Oct/Nov; no 39, Nov/Dec;
1986: no 41, Feb/Mar;
1987: no 48, Feb; no 50, May; no 51, Sep;
undated: no 73, Jul/Aug {}; book list {}; 84A {*}
STERA, Kib?k, Denmark
{{ 2001: no 9, 22 Apr; no 10, 14 Oct 2001 }}
List: {Small general}
1966: Apr, Helsinki Mint
STERN, Max, Melbourne, Australia
-- see also SPINK, Australia
Auctions: {Large general}
1976: 17 Nov;
1977: 25 Oct
STERNBERG, Frank, Zürich, Switzerland
Lists [coins]: {Small} have 1-12
1983: no [ 1], May;
1987: no [ 2], Jul;
1991: no 3, Jul;
1992: no 4, Jul/Aug;
1993: no 5, Sep;
1994: no 6, Jul;
1995: no 7, Aug;
1996: no 8, Aug;
1997: no 9, Aug;
1998: no 10, Jun;
1999: no 11, Jun; no 12, Sep
Lists (lit.): {Small}
1975: May
– thereafter numbered: have numbered 1-5
1983: no [1], May;
1989: no [2], Jul;
1990: no [3], Jun;
1991: no 4, Jul;
1992: no 5, Jul/Aug
Auctions: {Large} have 1-35
1973: no [1], 30 Nov;
1974: no [2], 30 Apr (with SCHWEIZERISCHER BANKVEREIN);
no [3], 29 Nov;
1975: no [4], 16 Oct; no [5], 28 Nov;
1976: no [6], 25 Nov;
1977: no 7 , 24 Nov;
1978: no 8, 16 Nov;
1979: no [9], 15 Nov (with HÖFLICH);
1980: no 10, 25 Nov;
1981: no 11, 20 Nov;
1982: no 12, 18 Nov;
1983: no 13, 17 Nov;
1984: no 14, 24 May;
1985: no 15, 11 Apr; no 16, 15 Nov;
1986: no 17, 9 May; no 18, 20 Nov;
1987: no 19, 18 Nov;
1988: no 20, 20 Apr;
1988: no 21, 14 Nov;
1989: no 22, 20 Nov; no 23, 20 Nov (with WOLFE, L.A);
1990: no 24, 19 Nov;
1991: no 25, 25 Nov;
1992: no 26, 16 Nov;
1994: no 27, 7 Nov;
1995: no 28, 30 Oct (with FREEMAN & SEAR);
no 29, 30 Oct (with FREEMAN & SEAR);
\{no 30, 9 Nov, non-numismatic, "Gold of Asia" }
1996: no 31, 27 Oct; no 32, 28 Oct;
1997: no 33, 18 Sep;
1998: no 34, 22 Oct;
2000: no 35, 28 Oct
Mail Bid Sale:
1999: no 1, 18 Dec
STETTNER, K., Munich, Germany
Lists: {Small general}
1938: no 1;
1939: no 2
STEVENSON, W., Norwich
Auction: {Small general}
undated: (Nathaniel Roe)
STEWART, Lesley, Sandy, Beds.
– loose, undated inserts from The Badger. See also that
periodical for lists or auctions bound in.
Auctions: {Large general}
undated : (x 10)
STIAWALT, Marlin, Ft. Dodge, IO
Lists: {Large general}
n.d.: no 5, Winter; no 6, Summer; no 8, Summer/Fall
STIVIN, Paris; Melun, France
Lists: {Large general}
as LES MONNAIES DU LOUVRE (M. et Mme J. Stivin)
1986: Apr
1986: Nov;
1987: no 7, Nov;
1989: no 10, Dec
undated: Initiation a la Numismatique
1991: no 12, Apr
1991: no 13, Dec;
1992: no 14, Apr; no 15, Dec;
undated: no 16;
1994: no 18, Apr; no 20;
1995: no 21, Feb; no 22, Oct;
1996: no 23, Apr
– 1981-1993, a total of 48 auctions acc. to M. E. Mortensen
Auctions: {Small}
1986: no 14, 24 Oct; no 15, 20 Nov;
1987: no 2, 9 Apr; no 3, 4 Sep; no 4, 21 Nov; no 5, 9 Dec;
1988: no 2, 30 Apr; no 3, 12 Sep; no 5, 26 Nov;
1989: no 1, 27 Feb; no 2, 22 Apr;
1990: no 3, 24 Nov;
1991: no 1, 22 Mar; no 2, 30 Sep
– series ends with 22 Oct 1993
the van Stockum sales characteristically include a great
variety of paintings, furnishings, etc., as well as coins
Auctions: {Small}
1864: 14 Nov;
1877: 1 Oct;
1885: 16 Feb;
1890: 27 Jan;
1891: 16 Feb;
1892: 4 Apr;
1913: 19 Jun;
1915: 21 Jun;
1916: 29 Mar; 13 Dec;
1917: 12 Jun;
1919: 18 Mar;
1920: 23 Mar;
1922: 29 Jun;
1924: 3 Jun;
1926: 21 Apr;
1931: 8 Dec; 10 Dec;
1941: 25 > 28 Mar;
1943: 23 Feb;
1944: 30 Mar;
1946: 28 May; 16 Dec;
1947: 3 Jun;
1948: 14 Jul;
1949: 3 Aug;
1950: 11 May; 14 Jun;
1951: 8 Jun;
1952: 21 Jun; 26 Sep;
1953: 9 Jun; 27 Oct;
1954: 18 Feb; 14 Sep;
1955: 25 Jan; 5 Apr; 21 Jun; 22 Nov;
1956: 10 Apr; 30 Oct;
1957: 19 Nov;
1958: 4 Nov
\{Small} \{* Large general}
1959: 14 Jul;
1960: 15 Mar; 8 Nov;
1961: 18 Apr; 8 Nov; 28 Nov;
1962: 10 May;
1963: 2 Jul;
1965: 16 Mar;
1972: 8 Nov;
1973: 2 May;
1974: 5 Mar;
1975: 16 Apr (*);
1976: 13 Apr;
1977: 15 Nov;
1978: 25 Apr;
1979: 27 Nov;
1980: 16 Dec;
1981: 14 Oct (*);
1982: 15 Oct;
1984: 11 Dec;
1986: 20 Nov;
1987: 27 Nov;
1988: 9 Nov;
1989: 15 Nov;
1990: 16 Oct;
1991: 19 Nov;
1992: 18 Nov;
1993: 10 Nov;
1994: 11 Oct;
1995: 12 Dec;
1997: 2 Mar; 10 Dec;
1998: 9 Dec;
1999: 15 Dec;
2001: 14 Dec;
2002: 13 Dec;
2003: 12 Dec
STOLBERG, Roger B., San Diego, CA
List: {Small general}
1986: no M, Nov
STONE, S.L., Boston, MA
Lists: {Small general}
undated: no 7; no 8
Auction: {periodical}
1997: 5 Jan (in Przeglad Numizmatyczny 4/15/96)
STRAND COINS, Sydney NSW, Australia – see –
Lists: {Large general}
undated: lot 1 Dukat C.XIII; lot 1 20 kronors 1873;
1976: no [9]; no 10;
1976/7: no 11;
1977: no 12; no 13; no 14;
1978: lilla broschyr, list of ancient and modern rarities
1979: no 16;
1981: no 17;
1981/82: no 18;
1984: no 20;
1987: no 23;
1990: no 24;
undated: no 25
STRAUSS, Pierre, Paris
Lists: {Large general}
1954: no 17, Dec;
1955: no 18, Apr
STRIBHEI, John & Barbara, St. Petersburg, FL
Lists: {Small general}
1972: no 11; no 12; no 13;
1973: no 15; no 16; no 17; no 18;
1986: no 74, Winter
STRIDE & SON, Chichester
Auction: {Small general}
2009: 6 Feb
STROBRIDGE, William H., New York, NY
Auction: {Small general}
1876: no [26], 12 Jun
STROTHOTTE, B., Gütersloh, Germany
Lists: {Small}
1979: no 20, May;
1982: no 25, Nov;
undated: no 28; no 30;
1986: no 31, Jun; no 32, Nov;
1992: no 39, Nov;
1994: no 40, Aug;
1995: no 41, Jul;
1996: no 42, Nov;
1997: no 43, Nov;
1998: no 44, Nov;
2000: no 45, Nov; Verlagsprospekt (lit.), Nov;
2002: no 46, Jul;
2004: no 47, Dec
Lists: {Large general} {* Folio}
2000: Nov (lit.);
2006: no 48, Sep {*};
2008: no 49, Feb;
2009: no 50, Mar {*};
2010: no 51, May {*};
2011: no 52, Jun {*};
2013: no 53, Jan {*};
2015: no 60 {*}
STROTZKA, M., Vienna
List: {Large general}
1995: Summer
STUCKY-FRUCHT, Liselotte, Eichenau, Germany
-- continued from EITZEN
List: [Seals] {Small general}
STUDIO COINS (Stephen & Janet Mitchell), Winchester
Lists: {Large general} have…89-131
nd: no 79; no 80; no 81; no 82 (partial text); no 83; no 84;
no 85; no 86 (partial text); no 87;
2008: no 92; no 93; no 94; no 95;
Lists: {Small general}
undated: no 1; lot 1 Calabrien
-- continued as ATHENA, Munich, Germany
STUKER, H., Zürich, Switzerland
Lists: {Small}
1969: nov;
1970: May; nov;
1971: nov;
1972: Sep;
1973: Oct (clipped);
1974: Oct;
1975: May; Dec;
1976: Oct;
1977: Oct;
1978: Apr; Jul; Oct;
1979: Feb; Sep;
1980: Jul; Oct;
1981: Mar; Oct;
1982: Sep;
1983: Apr;
1984: Feb;
1985: Mar;
1986: Apr;
1987: Mar [missing 19 Dec 2004]; May;
1989: Apr;
1991: Apr
Auction: {Large general}
1996: 22 Jan (with DIETRICH)
STUMM, Gert, Düsseldorf
Lists: {Small}
1980: no 6, May/Jun;
1983: no 17, Oct/Nov;
1996: no 51, Feb/Mar; no 52, May/Jun; no 53, Oct/Nov;
1997: no 54, Mar/Apr; no 55, Oct/Nov;
1998: no 56, May/Jun;
2001: no 61, May/Jun
STURIES, Wolfgang, Frankfurt am Main; Neu-Isenburg, Germany
List: {Large general}
undated: no 1; lot 1 Anhalt J.30
SUAREZ, Rasiel, Asheville, NC
List, “Dirty Old Coins”: {Large general}
Auctions: {Small}
have …64-110, 114-116…168-206, 210-224, 232-260
1968: no 46, 15 Sep;
1970: no 56, 6 Jun; no 58, 6 Sep;
1971: no 64, 12 Jun; no 66, 18 Sep; no 68, 20 Nov;
1972: no 70, 8 Apr; no 72, 17 Jun; no 74, 23 Sep;
no 76, 18 Nov;
1973: no 78, 17 Mar; no 80, 16 < 23 Jun;
no 82, 15 Sep; no 84, 24 Nov;
1974: no 86, 16 Mar; no 88, 15 Jun; no 90, 14 Sep;
no 92, 16 Nov;
1975: no 94, 15 Mar; no 96, 31 May; no 98, 13 Sep;
no 100, 15 Nov;
1976: no 102, 13 Mar; no 104. 29 May; no 106, 18 Sep;
no 108, 20 Nov;
1977: no 110, 12 Mar; no 114, 1 Oct; no 116, 19 Nov;
1981: no 148, 5 Dec;
1982: no 152, 26 Jun;
1983: no 158, 26 Mar;
1984: no 168, 30 Jun; no 170, 29 Sep; no 172, 1 Dec;
1985: no 174, 23 Mar; no 176, 15 Jun; no 178, 14 Sep;
no 180, 23 Nov;
1986: no 182, 15 Mar; no 184, 14 Jun; no 186, 20 Sep;
1987: no 188, 7 Mar; no 190, 31 May; no 192, 24 Oct;
1988: no 194, 9 Apr; no 196, 17 Sep; no 198, 4 Dec;
1989: no 200, 1 Apr; no 202, 25 Jun; no 204, 26 Nov;
1990: no 206; 8 Apr;
1991: no 210, 25 May;
1992: no 212, 25 Jan; no 214, 27 Jun; no 216; 28 Nov;
1993: no 218, 15 May; no 220, 27 Nov;
1994: no 222, 28 May; no 224, 26 Nov;
1996: no 232, 7 Dec;
1997: no 234, 5 Jul;
1998: no 236, 31 Jan; no 238, 4 Jul; no 240, xx Dec;
1999: no 242, 3 Jul; no 244, 11 Dec;
2000: no 246, 1 Jul; no 248, 16 Dec;
2001: no 250, 23 Jun;
2002: no 252, 9 Feb; no 254, 5 Oct;
2003: no 256, 22 Mar; no 258: 18 Oct;
2004: no 260, 3 Apr
– see the Periodical which regularly includes unillustrated
lists and the occasional auction, of Finnish dealers.
Auction: {Small general}
1993: 27 Mar
Auctions: {Small general}
1975: 16 Nov;
1976: (no 2) 11 Apr; (no 6) 21 Nov;
1977: (no 2) 22 Mar; (no 3) 14 Apr; 20 Nov
of, the Tiedotuslehti/Informationsblad of the Society
have 1981-1984.1, 1984.3-1989.1 complete
1978: [no 1] 9 Apr; (no 2) 7 Dec;
1979: (no 1) 17 Apr; (no 2) 11 Nov;
1980: (no 1) 17 Apr; (no 2) 9 Dec;
1981: (no 1) 7 Feb; (no 2) 12 Apr; (no 3) 26 May;
(no 4) 19 Sep; (no 5) 15 Nov;
1982: (no 1) 6 Feb; (no 2) 28 Mar; (no 3) 11 May;
(no 4) 25 Sep; (no 5) 7 Dec;
1983: (no 1) 5 Feb; (no 2) 10 Apr; (no 3) 24 May;
(no 4) 22 Sep; (no 5) 13 Nov;
1984: (no 1) 4 Feb; (no 3) 22 May; (no 4) 25 Sep
1985: (no 1) 2 Feb; (no 2) 14 Apr; (no 3) 21 May;
(no 4) 17 Sep; (no 5) 10 Nov
1986: (no 1) 4 Feb; (no 2) 20 Apr; (no 3) 22 May;
(no 4) 24 Sep; (no 5) 9 Nov
1987: (no 1) 15 Jan; (no 2) 1 Mar; (no 3) 21 May;
(no 4) 29 Sep; (no 5) 14 Nov;
1988: (no 1) 28 Jan; (no 2) 19 Mar; (no 3) 17 May;
(no 4) 21 Sep; (no 5) 21 Nov;
1989: (no 1) 2 Feb; (no 2) 15 Apr (prices realized only);
(no 3) 23 May; (no 4) 21 Sep; (no 5) 11 Nov
subsequently bound in the periodical Numismaattinen
Aikakauslehti = Finsk Numismatisk Tidskrift –
except for no 300 and 398 which were issued separately
have 1990-1995, 1997, 1999-2006 complete
have numbered 300-363, 365-367, 369-372,
374-375, 377-391, 393, 396-398
(320, 327 wanting text)
\{shelved as periodical}, except for \{* Large general}
1990: (no 1) 1 Feb; (no 2) 7 Apr; (no 3) 22 May;
(no 4) 20 Sep; (no 5) 10 Nov;
1991: (no 1) 7 Feb; (no 2) 13 Apr; (no 3) 21 May;
(no 4) 26 Sep; (no 5) 16 Nov
– thereafter numbered:
1992: no 300, 18 Jan {* Large general};
(no 1) no 301, 7 Mar; (no 2) no 302, 19 May;
(no 3) no 303, 24 Sep; (no 4) no 304, 21 Nov;
1993: (no 1) no 305, 25 Feb; (no 2) no 306, 17 Apr;
(no 3) no 307, 28 Sep; (no 4) no 308, 20 Nov;
1994: (no 1) no 309, 23 Feb; (no 2) no 310, 16 Apr;
(no 3) no 311, 27 Sep; (no 4) no 312, 19 Nov;
1995: (no 1) no 313, 21 Feb; (no 2) no 314, 1 Apr;
(no 3) no 315, 26 Sep; (no 4) no 316, 11 Nov;
1996: (no 1) no 317, 20 Feb; (no 2) no 318, 13 Apr;
(no 3) no 319, 24 Sep;
(no 4) no 320, 9 Nov (plates only);
1997: (no 1) no 321, 18 Feb; (no 2) no 322, 26 Apr;
(no 3) no 323, 16 Sep; (no 4) no 324, 18 Nov;
1998: (no 1) no 325, 18 Feb; (no 2) no 326, 25 Apr;
(no 3) no 327, 16 Sep (plates only);
(no 4) no 328, 14 Nov;
1999: (no 1) no 329, 17 Feb; (no 2) no 330, 24 Apr;
(no 3) no 331, 8 Sep; (no 4) no 332, 13 Nov;
2000: (no 1) no 333, 16 Feb; (no 2) no 334, 16 Apr;
(no 3) no 335, 6 Sep; (no 4) no 336, 18 Nov;
2001: (no 1) no 337, 21 Feb; (no 2) no 338, 28 Apr;
(no 3) no 339, 5 Sep; (no 4) no 340, 17 Nov;
2002: (no 1) no 341, 20 Feb; (no 2) no 342, 27 Apr;
(no 3) no 343, 4 Sep; (no 4) no 344, 16 Nov;
2003: (no 1) no 345, 12 Feb; (no 2) no 346, 26 Apr;
(no 3) no 347, 3 Sep; (no 4) no 348, 22 Nov;
2004: (no 1) no 349, 14 Feb; (no 2) no 350, 24 Apr;
(no 3) no 351, 11 Sep; (no 4) no 352, 20 Nov;
[no 5, Dec issue, without auction]
2005: (no 1) no 353, 12 Feb; (no 2) no 354, 23 Apr;
(no 3) no 355, 10 Sep; (no 4) no 356, 19 Nov;
2006: (no 1) no 357, 11 Feb; (no 2) no 358, 22 Apr;
(no 3) no 359, 9 Sep; (no 4) no 360, 18 Nov;
2007: (no 1) no 361, 10 Feb; (no 2) no 362, 21 Apr;
(no 3) no 363, 8 Sep; (no 4) no 364, 17 Nov;
2008: (no 1) no 365, 16 Feb; (no 2) no 366, 26 Apr;
(no 3) no 367, 6 Sep; (no 4) no 368, 22 Nov;
2009: (no 1) no 369, 7 Feb; (no 2) no 370, 18 Apr;
(no 3) no 371, 5 Sep; (no 4) no 372, 14 Nov;
2010: (no 1) no 373, 13 Feb; (no 2) no 374, 24 Apr;
(no 3) no 375, 4 Sep;
2011: (no 1) no 377, 5 Feb; (no 2) no 378, 9 Apr;
(no 3) no 379, 10 Sep; (no 4) no 380, 3 Dec;
2012: (no 1) no 381, 11 Feb; (no 2) no 382, 21 Apr;
(no 3) no 383, 1 Sep; (no 4) no 384, 24 Nov;
2013: (no 1) no 385, 9 Feb; (no 2) no 386, 27 Apr;
(no 3) no 387, 7 Sep; (no 4), no 388, 23 Nov;
2014: (no 1) no 389, 8 Feb; (no 2) no 390, 26 Apr;
(no 3) no 391, 6 Sep;
2015: (no 1) no 393, 7 Feb; (no 4) no 396, 21 Nov;
2016: (no 1) no 397, 13 Feb; no 398, 23 Apr {* Large general}
SUPERIOR STAMP & COIN CO, Los Angeles; Beverly Hills, CA
-- see also AUCTION 1979, etc.; RARE COIN COMPANY OF
Lists: {Large}
undated: Ancient Judaean;
Ancients, Crowns and Gold Coins;
Classical Coins, lot 3 Celtic;
Classical Coins, lot 3 Lesbos
Classical Coins, lot 4 Philip;
Classical Coins, lot 4 Syracuse; Scythian gold;
1980: Fall;
1981: Summer;
1982: Winter;
– in numerical sequence with Money Talks:
1988: vol 21 no 2, Summer;
1988/9: vol 24 no 5, Winter
Lists published in The Celator:
1990: vol 4 no 3, Mar;
1991: vol 5 no 3, Mar
1993: vol 7 no 2, Feb; no 4, Apr; no 5, May; no 6, Jun;
no 7, Jul; no 8, Aug;
1996: vol 10 no 3, Mar; no 6, Jun; no 11, Nov;
1997: vol 11 no 4, Apr; no 10, Oct; no 11, Nov
Money Talks {Large}
1975: vol 5 no 7, Jul/Aug;
1979: vol 9 no 1, Jan; no 3, Mar; no 4, Summer; no 6, Dec;
1980: vol 10 no 1, Jan; no 3, Jun; no 5, Dec;
1982: vol 12 no 3, Aug;
1983: vol 14 no 1, Feb; no 2, May; no 3, Jul; no 4, Aug; no 5, Nov;
1984: vol 15 no 1, Feb; no 2, Mar; no 3, Jul; no 4, Aug;
no 5, Sep;
1985: vol 16 {no 2, Spring, philatelic}; no 3, Summer;
no 4, Fall;
1986/86: vol 17 no 2, Dec/Jan;
1987: vol 18 no 1, Summer;
vol 19 no 2, Dec;
1988: vol 20 no 1, Feb;
vol 22 no 3, Summer;
1989: vol 24 no 4, Winter;
1991: vol 25 no 1, Mar/Apr;
no 1.1, Dec;
1992: no 1.2, Mar; no 1.3, 30 Jun = Mail Bid Sale; no 1.4, Oct;
no 1.5, Dec;
1993: no 2.1, Mar;
vol 23 [sic] no 2, Summer; no 3, Winter;
1996: July;
1999: July
Superior Collector
1994: vol 1 no 1, Feb/Mar
Auctions: {Large}
-- seriation of the catalogues is taken from Gengerke,
American Numismatic Auctions (1990), and Moulton, United
States Numismatic Auction Catalogues 1990-2000 (2001)
NB: this library does not attempt to acquire catalogues of sales consisting entirely of US cents and half-cents
have 1-153... (1970-1999 complete)
1970: no [ 1], 24 Sep;
1971: no [ 2], 30 Mar; no [ 3], 14 Oct;
no [ 4], 2 Nov;
1972: no [ 5], 15 Jun; no [ 6], 7 Dec;
1973: no [ 7], 19 Feb; no [ 8], 21 May; no [ 9], 11 Jun;
no [10], 1 Oct;
1974: no [11], 11 Feb; no [12], 17 Jun; no [13], 15 Oct [TVB];
1975: no [14], 10 Feb; no [15], 9 Jun; no [16], 19 Aug;
no [16a], 23 Aug, supplement to no 16;
1976: no [17], 16 Feb; no [18], 15 Jun; no [19], 15 Nov;
1977: no [20], 21 Feb; no [21], 13 Jun; no [22], 3 Oct;
1978: no [23], 6 Feb; no [24], 12 Jun (Muñoz 1); no [25], 3 Oct;
1979: no [26], 29 Jan; no [27], 4 Jun (Muñoz 2);
no [28], 26 Jul = AUCTION '79 q.v.; no [29], 22 Oct;
1980: no [30], 28 Jan
1980: no [31], 22 Apr;
no [32], 30 May (with RARCOA, boxed there);
no [33], 14 Aug = AUCTION '80 q.v.; no [34], 27 Sep;
1981: no [35], 2 Feb; no [36], 1 Jun, no [37], 8 Jun (Muñoz 3);
no [38], 23 Jul = AUCTION '81 q.v.; no [39], 29 Sep;
1982: no [40], 1 Feb; no [41], 7 Jun (Muñoz 4);
no [42], 13 Aug = AUCTION '82 q.v.; no [43], 29 Sep;
1983: no [44], 31 Jan; no [45], 29 Jul = AUCTION ‘83 q.v.;
no [46], 8 Aug; no [47], 21 Nov;
1984: no [48], 30 Jan; no [49], 4 Jun;
no [50], 25 Jul = AUCTION '84 q.v.; no [51], 1 Oct;
1985: no [52], 28 Jan; no [53], 3 Jun;
no [54], 26 Jul = AUCTION '85 q.v.; no [55], 30 Sep;
1986: no [56], 27 Jan; no [57], 2 Jun; no [58], 11 Jun;
no [59], 25 Jul = AUCTION '86 q.v.; no [60], 29 Sep;
no [61], 30 Sep;
1987: no [62], 8 Feb; no [63], 31 May; no [64], 7 Jun;
no [65], 31 Jul = AUCTION '87 q.v.; no [66], 20 Sep;
no [67], 22 Sep; no [68], 12 Dec;
1988: no [69], 30 Jan; no [70], 31 May; no [71], 5 Jun;
no [72], 16 Jul = AUCTION '88 q.v.; no [73], 25 Sep;
no [74], 30 Nov (with STACKS, boxed there);
no [75], 10 Dec;
1989: no [76], 29 Jan (Moreira 3); no [77], 29 Jan (Robinson);
no [78], 31 Jan; no [79], 28 May; no [80], 30 May;
no [81], 31 May; no [82], 7 Jul = AUCTION '89 q.v.;
no [83], 1 Oct; no [83A], 9 Dec;
1990: no [84], 28 Jan; no [85], 27 May; no [86], 30 May;
no [86a], 30 May (mail bid sale);
no [87], 10 Aug = AUCTION '90 q.v.; 21 Sep;
no [88], 7 Oct; no [89], 1 Dec;
1991: no [90], 3 Feb; no [91], 11 Feb; no [92], 27 May;
no [93], 29 May; no [94], 3 Jun (Goodman); no [95], 11 Aug;
no [96], 6 Oct; no [97], 5 Dec; no [98], 6 Dec;
1992: no [99], 2 Feb (Cohen); no [100], 2 Feb (Century);
no [101], 25 Feb; no [102], 31 May; no [103], 2 Jun;
30 Jun (in Money Talks 1.2); no [104], 10 Aug; no [xxx], 11 Oct;
no [106], 10 Dec; no [107], 11 Dec (Karon);
no [108], 11 Dec (Adams);
1993: no [109], 31 Jan; 16 Apr (in Money Talks 2.1);
no [110], 30 May;
no [111], 26 Jul; no [112], 26 Sep + Addendum;
no [113], 29 Oct; no [114], 8 Dec; no [115], 10 Dec;
1994: no [116], 31 Jan; 12 Mar (antiquities incl. coins);
no [117], 25 Mar; no [118], 30 May; no [119], 22 Aug
1994: no [120], 9 Dec;
1995: no [121], 30 Jan; no [122], 28 May (Goodman);
no [123], 29 May; no [124], 30 May; no [125], 13 Aug;
no [126], 3 Oct + Addendum;
no [127], 8 Dec;
1996: no [128], 27 Jan; no [129], 29 Jan; no [130], 30 Jan;
no [131], 27 May; no [132], 2 Jun; no [133], 16 Sep;
no [134], 6 Dec;
1997: no [135], 17 Feb + Addendum; no [136], 2 Jun;
no [137], 3 Jun; no [138], 7 Sep; no [139], 5 Dec;
1998: no [140], 8 Feb; no [141], 1 Jun; no [142], 2 Jun;
no [143], 21 Sep; no [144], 4 Dec;
1999: no [145], 8 Feb (Suros); no [146], 8 Feb (general);
no [147], 31 May; no [148], 19 Sep; no [149], 3 Dec
2000: no [150], 7 Feb; no [151], 2 Mar
2000: no [152], 5 Jun; no [153], 1 Oct;
2001: 17 Feb; 18 Feb; 8 Mar; 27 May; 1 Oct;
2002: 9 Jan; 18 Feb + inserted Addendum; 2 Jun; 3 Jun;
1 Aug; 23 Sep;
2003: 6 Jan; 24 Feb; 4 Apr; 25 May (complete);
27 Jul (Arconti); 27 Jul (general); 14 Sep; 21 Nov;
2004: 6 Jan; 25 Jan; 2 Apr; 30 May; 16 Aug;
5 Sep (lots 1-1170); 5 Sep (lots 1501-3866); 18 Nov;
2005: 11 Jan; 29 Jan; 20 Feb; 31 Mar; 29 May; 22 Jul; 19 Sep;
17 Nov;
2006: 2 Jan; 5 Feb; 30 Mar; 28 May; 12 Aug; 10 Sep; 16 Nov;
2007: 2 Jan; 11 Feb; 19 Apr; 3 Aug; 23 Sep; 1 Nov;
2008: 5 Jan; 26 May; 26 Jul; 15 Sep; 13 Nov;
2009: 3 Feb
* series ends with 2009: 2 April
SVEA, Stockholm
-- see also HIRSCH, Stockholm
Lists: {Large general}
1977: Mar;
1979: no 3 (lot 1 Gripenhjelms dukat)
undated: no 4; no 31;
undated: no 34
Auctions: {Large general} have 1-12
1977: no 1, 22 Oct;
1978: no 2, 18 Feb; no 3, 9 May; no 4, 2 Dec;
1979: no 5, 10 Feb; no 6, 10 Nov (prices realized in list 3);
1980: no 7, 26 Apr; no 8, 29 Nov;
1981: no 9, 24 Apr; no 10, 16 May; no 11, 14 Oct; no 12, 28 Nov
List: {Small general}
auctions 1935-2003 printed in Svensk Numismatisk Tidskrift no. 7
(Nov) 2004
have numbered ...114-131, 133-135, 137-153, 158, 169
(137 is missing)
Auctions: {Large}
1962: 9 May;
1963: 28 Feb;
1966: no [ 59], 8 Dec;
1968: no [ 62], 25 Mar; no [ 64], 11 Nov;
1969: no [ 65], 28 Apr;
1970: no [ 68], 9 Mar; no [ 69], 14 Sep;
1971: no [ 72], 1 Apr; no [ 73], 26 May; no [ 74], 10 Nov;
1974: no [ 81], 16 Mar; no [ 83], 30 Oct;
1975: no [ 85], 15 Mar; no [ 87], 14 Oct;
1976: no [ 89], 17 Feb; no [ 90], 8 Jun;
1977: no [ 93], 15 Mar; no [ 94], 25 Oct;
1978: no [ 95], 4 Apr; no [ 96], 24 Nov;
1979: no [ 97], 11 May; no [ 98], 26 Oct;
1980: no [ 99], 28 Mar; no [100], 6 Nov;
1981: no [102], 11 Nov
bound in Myntkontakt (number of issue) {periodicals}
1982: (no 3), no [104], 28 Apr; (no 8), no [106], 25 Nov;
1983: (no 3), no [108], 21 Apr; (no 8), no [109], 26 Nov;
1984: (no 3), no [111], 7 May; (no 8), no [112], 26 Nov;
1985: (no 4/5), no [114], 20 May; (no 8), no [115], 2 Dec;
bound in Svensk Numismatisk Tidskrift (number of issue)
{periodicals}, or occasionally a loose insert boxed as {* Small}
1986: (no 3), no [116], 21 Apr; (no 8), no [117], 1 Dec;
1987: (no 3), no [118], 27 Apr; (no 8), no [119], 30 Nov;
1988: (no 3), no [120], 25 Apr; (no 8), no [121], 23 Nov;
1989: (no 3), no [122], 25 Apr; (no 8), no [123], 29 Nov;
1990: (no 3), no [124], 24 Apr; (no 8), no [125] 20 Nov;
1991: (no 3), no [126], 23 Apr; (no 7), no [127], 29 Oct;
1992: (no 3), no [128], 5 May;
1993: (no 3), no [129], 21 Apr;
1994: (no 3), no [130], 21 Apr;
1995: (no 3), no [131], 27 Apr;
1996: (no 4), no [133], 30 May
– thereafter overtly numbered:
1996: (no 7), no 134, 28 Nov;
1997: (no 3), no 135, 15 May;
no 136, 1 Dec (prices realized only, in no. 137) \{*};
1998: (no 4), no 137, 20 Apr (lit.);
jubileumsauktion no [138], 5 Dec \{*};
1999; (no 7), no 139, 27 Nov;
2000: (no 6), no 140, 25 Nov;
2001: (no 6), no 141, 1 Dec;
2002: no 142, 5 Jun {*}; (no 7), no [143], 30 Nov;
2003: (no 2), no 144, 12 Apr; (no 7) no [145], 30 Nov;
2004: no 146, 25 Apr {}; no 147, 20 Nov {};
2005 (no 8, 2004), no 148, 19 Feb; no 149, 9 Apr {*};
no 150, 26 Nov \{*};
2006: no 151, 8 Apr {}; no 152, 25 Nov {};
2007: no 153, 5 May {*};
2009: no 158, 21 Nov;
2012: no 161, 5 May;
2013: no 163, 4 May;
2016: no 169, 7 May
SWAN, John, London, auctioneers – see – AINSLIE
SWAN, R., London
Lists: {Small general}
1981: no 1; no 2 (clipped); no 3;
1982: no 4;
n.d.: no 5; no 6; no 7
* nos 5-7 to be dated to 1982
1983: \{\{coin flyer no. 1}}
1984: \{\{no 8}} –
all this acc. to the Demetriadi library
Auction: {Small general}
1976: 30 Aug (lit.)
SWARAT, A., Bremen, Germany
Lists: {Small general} have …84-85, 88-96
1960: no 16, Nov;
1973: no 84, Spring/Summer;
1973/74: no 85, Autumn/Winter;
1975: no 88, Spring/Summer;
1975/76: no 89, Autumn/Winter;
1976/77: no 90, Autumn/Winter;
1977/78: no 91, Autumn/Winter;
1978/79: no 92, Autumn/Winter;
1979/80: no 93, Autumn/Winter;
1980/81: no 94, Autumn/Winter;
1981/82: no 95, Autumn/Winter;
1983: no 96, Spring
SWEENEY, Fred, Kansas City, MO
Lists: {Large general}
1972: no 51, Apr; no 56, Sep/Oct; no 57, Nov;
1975: no 81, Mar; no 82, Apr; no 83, May; no 84, Jun;
no 85, Jul; no 86, Aug; no 87, Sep; no 88, Oct;
no 89, Nov
SWORDERS, Stansted Mountfitchet
Auctions: {Large general}
2004: 20 Jul (lots 603-628)
2012: 12 Mar; 22 Oct;
2013: 20 May
SYMONDS, T.E., Histon
List: {Small general}
undated: lot 1 crowns, 1677/6
SZEGO, Alfred, Jackson Heights, NY
Lists: {Small general}
undated: “We are pleased”;
1960/61: + supplements for 1960, no 1; no 5;
+ supplements for 1961, no 2; no 3; no 4; no 5; no 6;
no 7; no 8; no 9;
1962: supplements no 1; no 2
1979: no 2; no 3; no 4; no 5
SZÖNYI, Katalin, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
List: {Small general}
1985: end August